You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

175 lines
14 KiB

"invalid-data": "Virheellinen data",
"invalid-json": "Invalid JSON",
"not-logged-in": "Et taida olla kirjautuneena sisään.",
"account-locked": "Käyttäjätilisi on lukittu väliaikaisesti",
"search-requires-login": "Haku vaatii tunnukset. Kirjaudu sisään tai luo tunnus.",
"goback": "Paina \"Takaisin\"-nappia palataksesi takaisin edelliselle sivulle.",
"invalid-cid": "Virheellinen kategorian ID",
"invalid-tid": "Virheellinen aiheen ID",
"invalid-pid": "Virheellinen viestin ID",
"invalid-uid": "Virheellinen käyttäjän ID",
"invalid-date": "A valid date must be provided",
"invalid-username": "Virheellinen käyttäjänimi",
"invalid-email": "Virheellinen sähköpostiosoite",
"invalid-fullname": "Kokonimi on virheellinen",
"invalid-location": "Virheellinen sijainti",
"invalid-birthday": "Virheellinen syntymäpäivä",
"invalid-title": "Virheellinen otsikko",
"invalid-user-data": "Virheellinen käyttäjätieto",
"invalid-password": "Virheellinen salasana",
"invalid-login-credentials": "Virheelliset kirjautumistiedot",
"invalid-username-or-password": "Ole hyvä ja anna sekä käyttäjänimi että salasana",
"invalid-search-term": "Virheellinen hakutermi",
"invalid-url": "Virheellinen URL-osoite",
"local-login-disabled": "Local login system has been disabled for non-privileged accounts.",
"csrf-invalid": "We were unable to log you in, likely due to an expired session. Please try again",
"invalid-pagination-value": "Invalid pagination value, must be at least %1 and at most %2",
"username-taken": "Käyttäjänimi varattu",
"email-taken": "Sähköpostiosoite varattu",
"email-invited": "Email was already invited",
"email-not-confirmed": "You are unable to post until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "Et voi keskustella ennen kuin sähköpostiosoitteesi on vahvistettu, ole hyvä ja paina tästä vahvistaaksesi sen.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent": "Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You won't be able to post or chat until your email is confirmed.",
10 years ago
"no-email-to-confirm": "This forum requires email confirmation, please click here to enter an email",
"email-confirm-failed": "We could not confirm your email, please try again later.",
"confirm-email-already-sent": "Confirmation email already sent, please wait %1 minute(s) to send another one.",
"sendmail-not-found": "The sendmail executable could not be found, please ensure it is installed and executable by the user running NodeBB.",
"digest-not-enabled": "This user does not have digests enabled, or the system default is not configured to send digests",
"username-too-short": "Käyttäjänimi on liian lyhyt",
"username-too-long": "Käyttäjänimi on liian pitkä",
"password-too-long": "Salasana on liian pitkä",
"reset-rate-limited": "Liian monta salasanan nollaus pyyntöä (määrärajoitus)",
"user-banned": "Käyttäjä on estetty",
"user-banned-reason": "Sorry, this account has been banned (Reason: %1)",
"user-banned-reason-until": "Sorry, this account has been banned until %1 (Reason: %2)",
"user-too-new": "Anteeksi, mutta sinun täytyy odottaa %1 sekunti(a) ennen sinun ensimmäisen viestin lähettämistä",
"blacklisted-ip": "Sorry, your IP address has been banned from this community. If you feel this is in error, please contact an administrator.",
"ban-expiry-missing": "Please provide an end date for this ban",
"no-category": "Kategoriaa ei ole olemassa",
"no-topic": "Aihetta ei ole olemassa",
"no-post": "Viestiä ei ole olemassa",
"no-group": "Ryhmää ei ole olemassa",
"no-user": "Käyttäjää ei ole olemassa",
11 years ago
"no-teaser": "Teaser does not exist",
"no-privileges": "Oikeutesi eivät riitä toiminnon suorittamiseen.",
"category-disabled": "Kategoria ei ole käytössä",
"topic-locked": "Aihe lukittu",
"post-edit-duration-expired": "You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 second(s) after posting",
"post-edit-duration-expired-minutes": "You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 minute(s) after posting",
"post-edit-duration-expired-minutes-seconds": "You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 minute(s) %2 second(s) after posting",
"post-edit-duration-expired-hours": "You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 hour(s) after posting",
"post-edit-duration-expired-hours-minutes": "You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 hour(s) %2 minute(s) after posting",
"post-edit-duration-expired-days": "You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 day(s) after posting",
"post-edit-duration-expired-days-hours": "You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 day(s) %2 hour(s) after posting",
"post-delete-duration-expired": "You are only allowed to delete posts for %1 second(s) after posting",
"post-delete-duration-expired-minutes": "You are only allowed to delete posts for %1 minute(s) after posting",
"post-delete-duration-expired-minutes-seconds": "You are only allowed to delete posts for %1 minute(s) %2 second(s) after posting",
"post-delete-duration-expired-hours": "You are only allowed to delete posts for %1 hour(s) after posting",
"post-delete-duration-expired-hours-minutes": "You are only allowed to delete posts for %1 hour(s) %2 minute(s) after posting",
"post-delete-duration-expired-days": "You are only allowed to delete posts for %1 day(s) after posting",
"post-delete-duration-expired-days-hours": "You are only allowed to delete posts for %1 day(s) %2 hour(s) after posting",
"cant-delete-topic-has-reply": "You can't delete your topic after it has a reply",
"cant-delete-topic-has-replies": "You can't delete your topic after it has %1 replies",
"content-too-short": "Ole hyvä ja syötä pidempi viesti. Sen pitäisi sisältää ainakin %1 merkki(ä).",
"content-too-long": "Ole hyvä ja syötä lyhyempi viesti. Sen voi sisältää vain %1 merkki(ä).",
"title-too-short": "Ole hyä ja syötä pidempi otsikko. Sen pitäisi sisältää anakin %1 merkki(ä).",
"title-too-long": "Ole hyvä ja syötä lyhyempi otsikko. Se voi sisältää vain %1 merkki(ä).",
"category-not-selected": "Category not selected.",
"too-many-posts": "You can only post once every %1 second(s) - please wait before posting again",
"too-many-posts-newbie": "As a new user, you can only post once every %1 second(s) until you have earned %2 reputation - please wait before posting again",
"tag-too-short": "Please enter a longer tag. Tags should contain at least %1 character(s)",
"tag-too-long": "Please enter a shorter tag. Tags can't be longer than %1 character(s)",
"not-enough-tags": "Not enough tags. Topics must have at least %1 tag(s)",
"too-many-tags": "Too many tags. Topics can't have more than %1 tag(s)",
9 years ago
"still-uploading": "Ole hyvä ja odota tiedostojen lähettämisen valmistumista.",
"file-too-big": "Maximum allowed file size is %1 kB - please upload a smaller file",
9 years ago
"guest-upload-disabled": "Guest uploading has been disabled",
"cors-error": "Unable to upload image due to misconfigured CORS",
"already-bookmarked": "You have already bookmarked this post",
"already-unbookmarked": "You have already unbookmarked this post",
"cant-ban-other-admins": "Et voi estää muita ylläpitäjiä!",
10 years ago
"cant-remove-last-admin": "You are the only administrator. Add another user as an administrator before removing yourself as admin",
"cant-delete-admin": "Remove administrator privileges from this account before attempting to delete it.",
"invalid-image": "Invalid image",
"invalid-image-type": "Invalid image type. Allowed types are: %1",
"invalid-image-extension": "Invalid image extension",
10 years ago
"invalid-file-type": "Invalid file type. Allowed types are: %1",
"invalid-image-dimensions": "Image dimensions are too big",
"group-name-too-short": "Ryhmän nimi on liian lyhyt",
"group-name-too-long": "Group name too long",
"group-already-exists": "Ryhmä on jo olemassa",
"group-name-change-not-allowed": "Et voi vaihtaa ryhmän nimeä",
"group-already-member": "Already part of this group",
"group-not-member": "Not a member of this group",
"group-needs-owner": "This group requires at least one owner",
10 years ago
"group-already-invited": "This user has already been invited",
"group-already-requested": "Your membership request has already been submitted",
"group-join-disabled": "You are not able to join this group at this time",
"group-leave-disabled": "You are not able to leave this group at this time",
"post-already-deleted": "Tämä viesti on jo poistettu",
"post-already-restored": "Tämä viesti on jo palautettu",
"topic-already-deleted": "Tämä aihe on jo poistettu",
"topic-already-restored": "Tämä aihe on jo palautettu",
"cant-purge-main-post": "You can't purge the main post, please delete the topic instead",
"topic-thumbnails-are-disabled": "Aiheiden kuvakkeet eivät ole käytössä",
"invalid-file": "Virheellinen tiedosto",
"uploads-are-disabled": "Et voi lähettää tiedostoa",
"signature-too-long": "Sorry, your signature cannot be longer than %1 character(s).",
"about-me-too-long": "Sorry, your about me cannot be longer than %1 character(s).",
"cant-chat-with-yourself": "Et voi keskustella itsesi kanssa!",
"chat-restricted": "This user has restricted their chat messages. They must follow you before you can chat with them",
"chat-disabled": "Keskustelujärjestelmä on pois käytöstä",
"too-many-messages": "You have sent too many messages, please wait awhile.",
"invalid-chat-message": "Virheellinen keskusteluviesti",
"chat-message-too-long": "Chat messages can not be longer than %1 characters.",
"cant-edit-chat-message": "You are not allowed to edit this message",
"cant-remove-last-user": "You can't remove the last user",
"cant-delete-chat-message": "You are not allowed to delete this message",
"chat-edit-duration-expired": "You are only allowed to edit chat messages for %1 second(s) after posting",
"chat-delete-duration-expired": "You are only allowed to delete chat messages for %1 second(s) after posting",
"chat-deleted-already": "This chat message has already been deleted.",
"chat-restored-already": "This chat message has already been restored.",
"already-voting-for-this-post": "You have already voted for this post.",
"reputation-system-disabled": "Reputation system is disabled.",
"downvoting-disabled": "Downvoting is disabled",
"not-enough-reputation-to-downvote": "You do not have enough reputation to downvote this post",
11 years ago
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag": "You do not have enough reputation to flag this post",
"not-enough-reputation-min-rep-website": "You do not have enough reputation to add a website",
"not-enough-reputation-min-rep-aboutme": "You do not have enough reputation to add an about me",
"not-enough-reputation-min-rep-signature": "You do not have enough reputation to add a signature",
"not-enough-reputation-min-rep-profile-picture": "You do not have enough reputation to add a profile picture",
"not-enough-reputation-min-rep-cover-picture": "You do not have enough reputation to add a cover picture",
"post-already-flagged": "You have already flagged this post",
"user-already-flagged": "You have already flagged this user",
"post-flagged-too-many-times": "This post has been flagged by others already",
"user-flagged-too-many-times": "This user has been flagged by others already",
"self-vote": "You cannot vote on your own post",
"too-many-downvotes-today": "You can only downvote %1 times a day",
"too-many-downvotes-today-user": "You can only downvote a user %1 times a day",
11 years ago
"reload-failed": "NodeBB encountered a problem while reloading: \"%1\". NodeBB will continue to serve the existing client-side assets, although you should undo what you did just prior to reloading.",
"registration-error": "Virhe rekisteröinnissä",
10 years ago
"parse-error": "Something went wrong while parsing server response",
"wrong-login-type-email": "Käytä sähköpostiosoitettasi kirjautuaksesi sisään",
"wrong-login-type-username": "Käytä tunnusta kirjautuaksesi sisään",
"sso-registration-disabled": "Registration has been disabled for %1 accounts, please register with an email address first",
"sso-multiple-association": "You cannot associate multiple accounts from this service to your NodeBB account. Please dissociate your existing account and try again.",
"invite-maximum-met": "You have invited the maximum amount of people (%1 out of %2).",
"no-session-found": "No login session found!",
"not-in-room": "Käyttäjä ei ole huoneessa",
"cant-kick-self": "You can't kick yourself from the group",
"no-users-selected": "No user(s) selected",
"invalid-home-page-route": "Invalid home page route",
"invalid-session": "Session Mismatch",
"invalid-session-text": "It looks like your login session is no longer active, or no longer matches with the server. Please refresh this page.",
"no-topics-selected": "Ei aiheita valittuna",
"cant-move-to-same-topic": "Can't move post to same topic!",
"cant-move-topic-to-same-category": "Can't move topic to the same category!",
"cannot-block-self": "You cannot block yourself!",
"cannot-block-privileged": "You cannot block administrators or global moderators",
"cannot-block-guest": "Guest are not able to block other users",
"already-blocked": "This user is already blocked",
"already-unblocked": "This user is already unblocked",
"no-connection": "There seems to be a problem with your internet connection",
"plugin-not-whitelisted": "Unable to install plugin – only plugins whitelisted by the NodeBB Package Manager can be installed via the ACP"