"reload-failed":"المنتدى واجه مشكلة أثناء إعادة التحميل: \"%1\". سيواصل المنتدى خدمة العملاء السابقين لكن يجب عليك إلغاء أي تغيير قمت به قبل إعادة التحميل.",
"registration-error":"حدث خطأ أثناء التسجيل",
"parse-error":"Something went wrong while parsing server response"
"parse-error":"Something went wrong while parsing server response",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login"
"email-not-confirmed":"আপনার ইমেইল এড্রেস নিশ্চিত করা হয় নি, নিশ্চিত করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন।",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"no-email-to-confirm":"This forum requires email confirmation, please click here to enter an email",
"email-confirm-failed":"We could not confirm your email, please try again later.",
"username-too-short":"খুব ছোট ইউজারনেম",
"username-too-long":"ইউজারনেম বড় হয়ে গিয়েছে",
"user-banned":"ব্যবহারকারী নিষিদ্ধ",
@ -33,6 +35,7 @@
"no-emailers-configured":"কোন ইমেল প্লাগইন লোড করা নেই, কাজেই টেস্ট মেইল পাঠানো সম্ভব হচ্ছে না",
"category-disabled":"বিভাগটি নিষ্ক্রিয়",
"topic-locked":"টপিক বন্ধ",
"post-edit-duration-expired":"You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 seconds after posting",
"still-uploading":"আপলোড সম্পূর্ণ জন্য অনুগ্রহ করে অপেক্ষা করুন",
"content-too-short":"অনুগ্রহকরে অপেক্ষকৃত বড় পোষ্ট করুন। একটি পোষ্টে নূন্যতম %1 অক্ষর থাকতে হবে।",
"content-too-long":"Please enter a shorter post. Posts can't be longer than %1 characters.",
@ -40,6 +43,8 @@
"title-too-long":"অনুগ্রহ করে সংক্ষিপ্ত শিরোনাম লিখুন। শিরোনাম %1 অক্ষরের বেশি হতে পারবে না।",
"too-many-posts":"আপনি প্রতি %1 সেকেন্ডে একবার পোষ্ট করতে পারবেন। পরবর্তী পোষ্ট করার জন্য অপেক্ষা করুন। ",
"too-many-posts-newbie":"নতুন সদস্য হিসাবে %2 সন্মানণা পাওয়া পর্যন্ত আপনি প্রতি %1 সেকেন্ডে একবার পোষ্ট করতে পারবেন। পরবর্তী পোষ্ট করার জন্য অপেক্ষা করুন। ",
"tag-too-short":"Please enter a longer tag. Tags should contain at least %1 characters",
"tag-too-long":"Please enter a shorter tag. Tags can't be longer than %1 characters",
"file-too-big":"সর্বোচ্চ গৃহীত ফাইলসাইজ হচ্ছে %1 kb - অনুগ্রহপূর্বক ছোট ফাইল আপলোড করুন",
"cant-vote-self-post":"আপনি নিজের পোস্টে ভোট দিতে পারবেন না।",
"already-favourited":"আপনি ইতিমধ্যে এই পোষ্টটি পছন্দের তালিকায় যোগ করেছেন",
@ -47,6 +52,7 @@
"cant-ban-other-admins":"আপনি অন্য এ্যাডমিনদের নিষিদ্ধ করতে পারেন না!",
"email-not-confirmed":"Vaše emailová adresa zatím nebyla potvrzena. Kliknutím zde svůj email potvrdíte.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"no-email-to-confirm":"This forum requires email confirmation, please click here to enter an email",
"email-confirm-failed":"We could not confirm your email, please try again later.",
"username-too-short":"Uživatelské jméno je příliš krátké",
"username-too-long":"Uživatelské jméno je příliš dlouhé",
"user-banned":"Uživatel byl zakázán",
@ -33,6 +35,7 @@
"no-emailers-configured":"Protože není zaveden žádný emailový plugin, není možné odeslat testovací email.",
"category-disabled":"Kategorie zakázána",
"topic-locked":"Téma uzamčeno",
"post-edit-duration-expired":"You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 seconds after posting",
"still-uploading":"Vyčkejte, prosím, nežli se vše kompletně nahraje.",
"content-too-short":"Vložte, prosím, delší příspěvek. Příspěvky by měly obsahovat nejméně %1 znaků.",
"content-too-long":"Please enter a shorter post. Posts can't be longer than %1 characters.",
@ -40,6 +43,8 @@
"title-too-long":"Vložte, prosím, kratší titulek. Titulky by neměly být delší, než-li %1 znaků.",
"too-many-posts":"Své příspěvky můžete odesílat po %1 sekundách - vyčkejte, prosím, před dalším odesláním",
"too-many-posts-newbie":"Jako nový uživatel můžete své příspěvky odesílat po %1 sekundách, dokud nedosáhnete %2 reputace - vyčkejte, prosím, před dalším odesláním",
"tag-too-short":"Please enter a longer tag. Tags should contain at least %1 characters",
"tag-too-long":"Please enter a shorter tag. Tags can't be longer than %1 characters",
"file-too-big":"Maximální povolená velikost souboru je %1 kbs - nahrávejte, prosím, menší soubory",
"cant-vote-self-post":"Nemůžete hlasovat pro svůj vlastní příspěvek",
"already-favourited":"You have already favourited this post",
@ -47,6 +52,7 @@
"cant-ban-other-admins":"Nemůžete zakazovat ostatní administrátory!",
"group-name-too-short":"Název skupiny je příliš krátký",
"group-already-exists":"Skupina už exstuje",
"group-name-change-not-allowed":"Změna názvu skupiny není povolena",
@ -59,7 +65,6 @@
"topic-thumbnails-are-disabled":"Topic thumbnails are disabled.",
"invalid-file":"Neplatný soubor",
"uploads-are-disabled":"Nahrávání je zakázáno",
"upload-error":"Chyba při nahrávání : %1",
"signature-too-long":"Pardon, ale váš podpis nemůže být delší, než-li %1 znaků.",
"cant-chat-with-yourself":"Nemůžete chatovat sami se sebou!",
"chat-restricted":"This user has restricted their chat messages. They must follow you before you can chat with them",
@ -70,5 +75,7 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag":"You do not have enough reputation to flag this post",
"reload-failed":"NodeBB encountered a problem while reloading: \"%1\". NodeBB will continue to serve the existing client-side assets, although you should undo what you did just prior to reloading.",
"registration-error":"Chyba při registraci",
"parse-error":"Something went wrong while parsing server response"
"parse-error":"Something went wrong while parsing server response",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login"
"email-taken":"Die E-Mail-Adresse ist bereits vergeben",
"email-not-confirmed":"Deine E-Mail wurde noch nicht bestätigt. Bitte klicke hier, um deine E-Mail zu bestätigen.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"Der Chat ist deaktiviert bis Du deine E-Mail bestätigt hast",
"no-email-to-confirm":"This forum requires email confirmation, please click here to enter an email",
"email-confirm-failed":"We could not confirm your email, please try again later.",
"username-too-short":"Benutzername ist zu kurz",
"username-too-long":"Der Benutzername ist zu lang",
"user-banned":"Der Benutzer ist gesperrt",
@ -33,6 +35,7 @@
"no-emailers-configured":"Es wurde keine E-Mail-Plugins geladen, weshalb eine Test-E-Mail nicht gesendet werden konnte.",
"category-disabled":"Kategorie ist deaktiviert",
"topic-locked":"Thema ist gesperrt",
"post-edit-duration-expired":"You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 seconds after posting",
"still-uploading":"Bitte warte bis der Vorgang abgeschlossen ist.",
"content-too-short":"Bitte gib einen längeren Beitrag ein. Beiträge sollten mindestens %1 Zeichen enthalten.",
"content-too-long":"Bitte schreibe einen kürzeren Beitrag. Beiträge können nicht mehr als %1 Zeichen enthalten.",
@ -40,6 +43,8 @@
"title-too-long":"Der Titel darf maximal %1 Zeichen enthalten.",
"too-many-posts":"Du kannst maximal alle %1 Sekunden einen Beitrag erstellen - bitte warte, bevor du einen neuen Beitrag erstellst",
"too-many-posts-newbie":"Als neuer Benutzer kannst du nur alle %1 Sekunden einen Beitrag verfassen, bis du %2 Reputationspunkte hast - Bitte warte etwas, bevor du erneut einen Beitrag verfasst",
"tag-too-short":"Please enter a longer tag. Tags should contain at least %1 characters",
"tag-too-long":"Please enter a shorter tag. Tags can't be longer than %1 characters",
"file-too-big":"Die maximale Dateigröße beträgt %1 kbs - bitte lade eine kleinere Datei hoch",
"cant-vote-self-post":"Du kannst deinen eigenen Beitrag nicht bewerten.",
"already-favourited":"Dieser Beitrag ist bereits in deinen Favoriten enthalten",
@ -47,6 +52,7 @@
"cant-ban-other-admins":"Du kannst andere Administratoren nicht sperren!",
"invalid-image-type":"Falsche Bildart. Erlaubte Arten sind: %1",
"cant-chat-with-yourself":"Du kannst nicht mit dir selber chatten!",
"chat-restricted":"Dieser Benutzer hat seine Chatfunktion eingeschränkt. Du kannst nur mit diesem Benutzer chatten, wenn er dir folgt.",
@ -70,5 +75,7 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag":"Deine Reputation ist nicht gut genug, um diesen Beitrag zu melden",
"reload-failed":"Es ist ein Problem während des Reloads von NodeBB aufgetreten: \"%1\". NodeBB wird weiterhin clientseitige Assets bereitstellen, allerdings solltest du das, was du vor dem Reload gemacht hast, rückgängig machen.",
"parse-error":"Ein Fehler ist beim Parsen der Server-Antwort aufgetreten"
"parse-error":"Ein Fehler ist beim Parsen der Server-Antwort aufgetreten",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login"
"email-not-confirmed":"Your email has not been confirmed yet, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"no-email-to-confirm":"This forum requires email confirmation, please click here to enter an email",
"email-confirm-failed":"We could not confirm your email, please try again later.",
"username-too-short":"Το όνομα χρήστη είναι πολύ μικρό",
"username-too-long":"Το όνομα χρήστη είναι πολύ μεγάλο",
"user-banned":"Ο Χρήστης είναι αποκλεισμένος/η",
@ -33,6 +35,7 @@
"no-emailers-configured":"Δεν έχουν φορτωθεί email plugins, οποτε το δοκιμαστικό email δεν μπορεί να σταλθεί",
"category-disabled":"Η κατηγορία έχει απενεργοποιηθεί",
"topic-locked":"Το θέμα έχει κλειδωθεί",
"post-edit-duration-expired":"You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 seconds after posting",
"still-uploading":"Παρακαλώ περίμενε να τελειώσει το ανέβασμα των αρχείων.",
"content-too-short":"Please enter a longer post. Posts should contain at least %1 characters.",
"content-too-long":"Please enter a shorter post. Posts can't be longer than %1 characters.",
@ -40,6 +43,8 @@
"title-too-long":"Παρακαλώ γράψε έναν μικρότερο τίτλο. Δεν μπορεί να είναι μεγαλύτερος από %1 χαρακτήρες.",
"too-many-posts":"You can only post once every %1 seconds - please wait before posting again",
"too-many-posts-newbie":"As a new user, you can only post once every %1 seconds until you have earned %2 reputation - please wait before posting again",
"tag-too-short":"Please enter a longer tag. Tags should contain at least %1 characters",
"tag-too-long":"Please enter a shorter tag. Tags can't be longer than %1 characters",
"file-too-big":"Maximum allowed file size is %1 kbs - please upload a smaller file",
"cant-vote-self-post":"Δεν μπορείς να ψηφίσεις την δημοσίευσή σου",
"already-favourited":"You have already favourited this post",
@ -47,6 +52,7 @@
"cant-ban-other-admins":"Δεν μπορείς να αποκλείσεις άλλους διαχειριστές!",
"group-name-too-short":"Το όνομα της ομάδας είναι πολύ μικρό",
"group-already-exists":"Το όνομα της ομάδας υπάρχει ήδη",
"group-name-change-not-allowed":"Αλλαγή του ονόματος της ομάδας δεν επιτρέπεται",
@ -59,7 +65,6 @@
"topic-thumbnails-are-disabled":"Οι εικόνες θεμάτων είναι απενεργοποιημένες",
"invalid-file":"Άκυρο Αρχείο",
"uploads-are-disabled":"Το ανέβασμα αρχείων έχει απενεργοποιηθεί",
"upload-error":"Λάθος ανεβάσματος αρχείου: %1",
"signature-too-long":"Sorry, your signature cannot be longer than %1 characters.",
"cant-chat-with-yourself":"Δεν μπορείς να συνομιλήσεις με τον εαυτό σου!",
"chat-restricted":"This user has restricted their chat messages. They must follow you before you can chat with them",
@ -70,5 +75,7 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag":"You do not have enough reputation to flag this post",
"reload-failed":"Το NodeBB συνάντησε ένα πρόβλημα καθώς γινόταν η ανανέωση: \"%1\". Το NodeBB θα συνεχίσει να προσφέρει τα στοιχεία του χρήστη, αν και θα ήταν καλή ιδέα να επαναφέρεις ότι έκανες πριν την ανανέωση.",
"registration-error":"Registration Error",
"parse-error":"Something went wrong while parsing server response"
"parse-error":"Something went wrong while parsing server response",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login"
"email-not-confirmed":"Your email has not been confirmed yet, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"no-email-to-confirm":"This forum requires email confirmation, please click here to enter an email",
"email-confirm-failed":"We could not confirm your email, please try again later.",
"username-too-short":"Username too short",
"username-too-long":"Username too long",
"user-banned":"User banned",
@ -33,6 +35,7 @@
"no-emailers-configured":"No email plugins were loaded, so a test email could not be sent",
"category-disabled":"Category disabled",
"topic-locked":"Topic Locked",
"post-edit-duration-expired":"You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 seconds after posting",
"still-uploading":"Please wait for uploads to complete.",
"content-too-short":"Please enter a longer post. Posts should contain at least %1 characters.",
"content-too-long":"Please enter a shorter post. Posts can't be longer than %1 characters.",
@ -40,6 +43,8 @@
"title-too-long":"Please enter a shorter title. Titles can't be longer than %1 characters.",
"too-many-posts":"You can only post once every %1 seconds - please wait before posting again",
"too-many-posts-newbie":"As a new user, you can only post once every %1 seconds until you have earned %2 reputation - please wait before posting again",
"tag-too-short":"Please enter a longer tag. Tags should contain at least %1 characters",
"tag-too-long":"Please enter a shorter tag. Tags can't be longer than %1 characters",
"file-too-big":"Maximum allowed file size is %1 kbs - please upload a smaller file",
"cant-vote-self-post":"You cannot vote for your own post",
"already-favourited":"You have already favourited this post",
@ -47,6 +52,7 @@
"cant-ban-other-admins":"You can't ban other admins!",
"group-name-change-not-allowed":"Group name change not allowed",
@ -59,7 +65,6 @@
"topic-thumbnails-are-disabled":"Topic thumbnails are disabled.",
"invalid-file":"Invalid File",
"uploads-are-disabled":"Uploads are disabled",
"upload-error":"Upload Error : %1",
"signature-too-long":"Sorry, your signature cannot be longer than %1 characters.",
"cant-chat-with-yourself":"You can't chat with yourself!",
"chat-restricted":"This user has restricted their chat messages. They must follow you before you can chat with them",
@ -70,5 +75,7 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag":"You do not have enough reputation to flag this post",
"reload-failed":"NodeBB encountered a problem while reloading: \"%1\". NodeBB will continue to serve the existing client-side assets, although you should undo what you did just prior to reloading.",
"registration-error":"Registration Error",
"parse-error":"Something went wrong while parsing server response"
"parse-error":"Something went wrong while parsing server response",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login"
"email-not-confirmed":"Your email has not been confirmed yet, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"no-email-to-confirm":"This forum requires email confirmation, please click here to enter an email",
"email-confirm-failed":"We could not confirm your email, please try again later.",
"username-too-short":"Username too short",
"username-too-long":"Username too long",
"user-banned":"User banned",
@ -33,6 +35,7 @@
"no-emailers-configured":"No email plugins were loaded, so a test email could not be sent",
"category-disabled":"Category disabled",
"topic-locked":"Topic Locked",
"post-edit-duration-expired":"You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 seconds after posting",
"still-uploading":"Please wait for uploads to complete.",
"content-too-short":"Please enter a longer post. Posts should contain at least %1 characters.",
"content-too-long":"Please enter a shorter post. Posts can't be longer than %1 characters.",
@ -40,6 +43,8 @@
"title-too-long":"Please enter a shorter title. Titles can't be longer than %1 characters.",
"too-many-posts":"You can only post once every %1 seconds - please wait before posting again",
"too-many-posts-newbie":"As a new user, you can only post once every %1 seconds until you have earned %2 reputation - please wait before posting again",
"tag-too-short":"Please enter a longer tag. Tags should contain at least %1 characters",
"tag-too-long":"Please enter a shorter tag. Tags can't be longer than %1 characters",
"file-too-big":"Maximum allowed file size is %1 kbs - please upload a smaller file",
"cant-vote-self-post":"You cannot vote for your own post",
"already-favourited":"You have already favourited this post",
@ -47,6 +52,7 @@
"cant-ban-other-admins":"You can't ban other admins!",
"group-name-change-not-allowed":"Group name change not allowed",
@ -59,7 +65,6 @@
"topic-thumbnails-are-disabled":"Topic thumbnails are disabled.",
"invalid-file":"Invalid File",
"uploads-are-disabled":"Uploads are disabled",
"upload-error":"Upload Error : %1",
"signature-too-long":"Sorry, your signature cannot be longer than %1 characters.",
"cant-chat-with-yourself":"You can't chat with yourself!",
"chat-restricted":"This user has restricted their chat messages. They must follow you before you can chat with them",
@ -70,5 +75,7 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag":"You do not have enough reputation to flag this post",
"reload-failed":"NodeBB encountered a problem while reloading: \"%1\". NodeBB will continue to serve the existing client-side assets, although you should undo what you did just prior to reloading.",
"registration-error":"Registration Error",
"parse-error":"Something went wrong while parsing server response"
"parse-error":"Something went wrong while parsing server response",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login"
"email-not-confirmed":"Su cuenta de correo electrónico no ha sido confirmada aún, por favor haga click aquí para confirmarla.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"No puedes hacer uso del chat hasta que confirmes tu email",
"no-email-to-confirm":"This forum requires email confirmation, please click here to enter an email",
"email-confirm-failed":"We could not confirm your email, please try again later.",
"username-too-short":"Nombre de usuario es demasiado corto",
"username-too-long":"Nombre de usuario demasiado largo",
"user-banned":"Usuario baneado",
@ -33,6 +35,7 @@
"no-emailers-configured":"No se ha cargado ningún plugin de email, así que no se pudo enviar el email de prueba.",
"category-disabled":"Categoría deshabilitada",
"topic-locked":"Tema bloqueado",
"post-edit-duration-expired":"You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 seconds after posting",
"still-uploading":"Por favor, espera a que terminen las subidas.",
"content-too-short":"Por favor introduzca una publicación más larga. Las publicaciones deben contener al menos %1 caracteres.",
"content-too-long":"Por favor introduzca un mensaje más corto. Los mensajes no pueden exceder los %1 caracteres.",
@ -40,6 +43,8 @@
"title-too-long":"Por favor, introduce un título más corto, que no sobrepase los %1 caracteres.",
"too-many-posts":"Solo puedes publicar una vez cada %1 segundos - por favor espere antes de volver a publicar",
"too-many-posts-newbie":"Como nuevo usuario, solo puedes publicar una vez cada %1 segundos hasta hayas ganado una reputación de %2 - por favor espere antes de volver a publicar",
"tag-too-short":"Please enter a longer tag. Tags should contain at least %1 characters",
"tag-too-long":"Please enter a shorter tag. Tags can't be longer than %1 characters",
"file-too-big":"El tamaño de fichero máximo es de %1 kbs - por favor, suba un fichero más pequeño",
"cant-vote-self-post":"No puedes votar tus propios posts",
"already-favourited":"Ya ha marcado esta publicación como favorita",
@ -47,6 +52,7 @@
"cant-ban-other-admins":"¡No puedes expulsar a otros administradores!",
"invalid-image-type":"Tipo de imagen inválido. Los tipos permitidos son: %1",
"invalid-image-extension":"Extensión de imagen inválida",
"chat-restricted":"Este usuario tiene restringidos los mensajes de chat. Los usuarios deben seguirte antes de que pueda charlar con ellos",
@ -70,5 +75,7 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag":"No tiene suficiente reputación para poner reportar esta publicación",
"reload-failed":"NodeBB encontró un problema al refrescar: \"%1\". NodeBB intentará cargar el resto de contenido, aunque deberías deshacer lo que hiciste justo antes.",
"registration-error":"Error de registro",
"parse-error":"Algo ha ido mal mientras se parseaba la respuesta del servidor"
"parse-error":"Algo ha ido mal mientras se parseaba la respuesta del servidor",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login"
"email-not-confirmed":"Your email has not been confirmed yet, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"no-email-to-confirm":"This forum requires email confirmation, please click here to enter an email",
"email-confirm-failed":"We could not confirm your email, please try again later.",
"username-too-short":"Kasutajanimi on liiga lühike",
"username-too-long":"Username too long",
"user-banned":"Kasutaja bannitud",
@ -33,6 +35,7 @@
"no-emailers-configured":"No email plugins were loaded, so a test email could not be sent",
"category-disabled":"Kategooria keelatud",
"topic-locked":"Teema lukustatud",
"post-edit-duration-expired":"You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 seconds after posting",
"still-uploading":"Palun oota, kuni üleslaadimised on laetud.",
"content-too-short":"Please enter a longer post. Posts should contain at least %1 characters.",
"content-too-long":"Please enter a shorter post. Posts can't be longer than %1 characters.",
@ -40,6 +43,8 @@
"title-too-long":"Palun sisesta lühem pealkiri. Pealkirjad ei saa olla pikemad kui %1 tähemärki.",
"too-many-posts":"You can only post once every %1 seconds - please wait before posting again",
"too-many-posts-newbie":"As a new user, you can only post once every %1 seconds until you have earned %2 reputation - please wait before posting again",
"tag-too-short":"Please enter a longer tag. Tags should contain at least %1 characters",
"tag-too-long":"Please enter a shorter tag. Tags can't be longer than %1 characters",
"file-too-big":"Maximum allowed file size is %1 kbs - please upload a smaller file",
"cant-vote-self-post":"Sa ei saa hääletada enda postituse poolt",
"already-favourited":"You have already favourited this post",
@ -47,6 +52,7 @@
"cant-ban-other-admins":"Sa ei saa bannida teisi administraatoreid!",
"group-name-change-not-allowed":"Grupi nimevahetus ei ole lubatud",
@ -59,7 +65,6 @@
"topic-thumbnails-are-disabled":"Teema thumbnailid on keelatud.",
"invalid-file":"Vigane fail",
"uploads-are-disabled":"Üleslaadimised on keelatud",
"upload-error":"Üleslaadimise viga: %1",
"signature-too-long":"Sorry, your signature cannot be longer than %1 characters.",
"cant-chat-with-yourself":"Sa ei saa endaga vestelda!",
"chat-restricted":"This user has restricted their chat messages. They must follow you before you can chat with them",
@ -70,5 +75,7 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag":"You do not have enough reputation to flag this post",
"reload-failed":"NodeBB encountered a problem while reloading: \"%1\". NodeBB will continue to serve the existing client-side assets, although you should undo what you did just prior to reloading.",
"registration-error":"Registration Error",
"parse-error":"Something went wrong while parsing server response"
"parse-error":"Something went wrong while parsing server response",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login"
"no-emailers-configured":"No email plugins were loaded, so a test email could not be sent",
"category-disabled":"دسته غیرفعال شد.",
"topic-locked":"جستار بسته شد.",
"post-edit-duration-expired":"You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 seconds after posting",
"still-uploading":"خواهشمندیم تا پایان بارگذاریها شکیبا باشید.",
"content-too-short":"Please enter a longer post. Posts should contain at least %1 characters.",
"content-too-long":"Please enter a shorter post. Posts can't be longer than %1 characters.",
@ -40,6 +43,8 @@
"title-too-long":"خواهشمندیم عنوان کوتاهتری بنویسید. عنوانها نمیتوانند بیشتر از %1 نویسه داشته باشند.",
"too-many-posts":"You can only post once every %1 seconds - please wait before posting again",
"too-many-posts-newbie":"As a new user, you can only post once every %1 seconds until you have earned %2 reputation - please wait before posting again",
"tag-too-short":"Please enter a longer tag. Tags should contain at least %1 characters",
"tag-too-long":"Please enter a shorter tag. Tags can't be longer than %1 characters",
"file-too-big":"Maximum allowed file size is %1 kbs - please upload a smaller file",
"cant-vote-self-post":"شما نمیتوانید به دیدگاه خود رای بدهید.",
"already-favourited":"You have already favourited this post",
@ -47,6 +52,7 @@
"cant-ban-other-admins":"شما نمیتوانید دیگر مدیران را محروم کنید!",
"group-name-too-short":"نام گروه خیلی کوتاه است.",
"group-already-exists":"این گروه از پیش وجود دارد.",
"group-name-change-not-allowed":"تغیر نام گروه نیاز به دسترسی دارد.",
@ -59,7 +65,6 @@
"topic-thumbnails-are-disabled":"چهرکهای جستار غیرفعال شده است.",
"invalid-file":"فایل نامعتبر است.",
"uploads-are-disabled":"امکان بارگذاری غیرفعال شده است.",
"upload-error":"خطای بارگذاری: %1",
"signature-too-long":"Sorry, your signature cannot be longer than %1 characters.",
"cant-chat-with-yourself":"شما نمیتوانید با خودتان گفتگو کنید!",
"chat-restricted":"This user has restricted their chat messages. They must follow you before you can chat with them",
@ -70,5 +75,7 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag":"You do not have enough reputation to flag this post",
"reload-failed":"NodeBB encountered a problem while reloading: \"%1\". NodeBB will continue to serve the existing client-side assets, although you should undo what you did just prior to reloading.",
"registration-error":"Registration Error",
"parse-error":"Something went wrong while parsing server response"
"parse-error":"Something went wrong while parsing server response",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login"
"email-not-confirmed":"Sähköpostiasi ei ole vielä vahvistettu, ole hyvä ja napsauta tätä vahvistaaksesi sen.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"Et voi käyttää chattia ennen kuin sähköpostisi on vahvistettu",
"no-email-to-confirm":"This forum requires email confirmation, please click here to enter an email",
"email-confirm-failed":"We could not confirm your email, please try again later.",
"username-too-short":"Käyttäjänimi on liian lyhyt",
"username-too-long":"Käyttäjänimi on liian pitkä",
"user-banned":"Käyttäjä on estetty",
@ -33,6 +35,7 @@
"no-emailers-configured":"No email plugins were loaded, so a test email could not be sent",
"category-disabled":"Kategoria ei ole käytössä",
"topic-locked":"Aihe lukittu",
"post-edit-duration-expired":"You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 seconds after posting",
"still-uploading":"Ole hyvä ja odota tiedostojen lähettämisen valmistumista.",
"content-too-short":"Please enter a longer post. Posts should contain at least %1 characters.",
"content-too-long":"Please enter a shorter post. Posts can't be longer than %1 characters.",
@ -40,6 +43,8 @@
"title-too-long":"Otsikkosi on liian pitkä. Otsikoiden pituuden tulee olla enintään %1 merkkiä.",
"too-many-posts":"You can only post once every %1 seconds - please wait before posting again",
"too-many-posts-newbie":"As a new user, you can only post once every %1 seconds until you have earned %2 reputation - please wait before posting again",
"tag-too-short":"Please enter a longer tag. Tags should contain at least %1 characters",
"tag-too-long":"Please enter a shorter tag. Tags can't be longer than %1 characters",
"file-too-big":"Suurin sallittu tiedostokoko on %1 kbs - ole hyvä ja lataa pienempi tiedosto",
"cant-vote-self-post":"Et voi antaa ääntä omalle viestillesi",
"already-favourited":"Tämä viesti on jo suosikeissasi",
@ -47,6 +52,7 @@
"cant-ban-other-admins":"Et voi estää muita ylläpitäjiä!",
"group-name-too-short":"Ryhmän nimi on liian lyhyt",
"group-already-exists":"Ryhmä on jo olemassa",
"group-name-change-not-allowed":"Et voi vaihtaa ryhmän nimeä",
@ -59,7 +65,6 @@
"topic-thumbnails-are-disabled":"Aiheiden kuvakkeet eivät ole käytössä",
"invalid-file":"Virheellinen tiedosto",
"uploads-are-disabled":"Et voi lähettää tiedostoa",
"upload-error":"Lähetysvirhe: %1",
"signature-too-long":"Sorry, your signature cannot be longer than %1 characters.",
"cant-chat-with-yourself":"Et voi keskustella itsesi kanssa!",
"chat-restricted":"This user has restricted their chat messages. They must follow you before you can chat with them",
@ -70,5 +75,7 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag":"You do not have enough reputation to flag this post",
"reload-failed":"NodeBB encountered a problem while reloading: \"%1\". NodeBB will continue to serve the existing client-side assets, although you should undo what you did just prior to reloading.",
"registration-error":"Registration Error",
"parse-error":"Something went wrong while parsing server response"
"parse-error":"Something went wrong while parsing server response",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login"
"no-emailers-configured":"Un email de test n'a pas pu être envoyé car aucun plugin de gestion des emails n'était chargé",
"category-disabled":"Catégorie désactivée",
"topic-locked":"Sujet verrouillé",
"post-edit-duration-expired":"You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 seconds after posting",
"still-uploading":"Veuillez patienter pendant le téléchargement.",
"content-too-short":"Veuillez entrer un message plus long. %1 caractères minimum.",
"content-too-long":"Veuillez poster un message plus cours. Les messages ne peuvent être plus long que %1 caractères.",
@ -40,6 +43,8 @@
"title-too-long":"Veuillez entrer un titre plus court. Les titres ne peuvent excéder %1 caractères.",
"too-many-posts":"Vous ne pouvez poster que toutes les %1 secondes.",
"too-many-posts-newbie":"En tant que nouvel utilisateur, vous ne pouvez poster que toutes les %1 secondes jusqu'à ce que vous obteniez une réputation de %2 - patientez avant de publier de nouveau. ",
"tag-too-short":"Please enter a longer tag. Tags should contain at least %1 characters",
"tag-too-long":"Please enter a shorter tag. Tags can't be longer than %1 characters",
"file-too-big":"La taille maximum des fichiers est de %1 kbs.",
"cant-vote-self-post":"Vous ne pouvez pas voter pour vos propres messages",
"already-favourited":"Vous avez déjà mis ce message en favoris",
@ -47,6 +52,7 @@
"cant-ban-other-admins":"Vous ne pouvez pas bannir les autres administrateurs !",
"invalid-image-type":"Type d'image invalide. Les types autorisés sont: %1",
"group-name-too-short":"Nom de groupe trop court",
"group-already-exists":"Ce groupe existe déjà",
"group-name-change-not-allowed":"Modification du nom de groupe non permise",
@ -59,7 +65,6 @@
"topic-thumbnails-are-disabled":"Les miniatures de sujet sont désactivés",
"invalid-file":"Fichier invalide",
"uploads-are-disabled":"Les envois sont désactivés",
"upload-error":"Erreur d'envoi : %1",
"signature-too-long":"La signature ne peut dépasser %1 caractères !",
"cant-chat-with-yourself":"Vous ne pouvez chatter avec vous même !",
"chat-restricted":"Cet utilisateur a restreint les ses messages de chat. Il doit d'abord vous suivre avant de pouvoir discuter avec lui.",
@ -70,5 +75,7 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag":"Vous n'avez pas une réputation assez élevée pour signaler ce message",
"reload-failed":"NodeBB a rencontré un problème lors du rechargement : \"% 1\" . NodeBB continuera de fonctionner côté client, même si vous devez annuler ce que vous avez fait juste avant de recharger .",
"registration-error":"Erreur d'enregistrement",
"parse-error":"Une erreur est survenue en analysant la réponse du serveur"
"parse-error":"Une erreur est survenue en analysant la réponse du serveur",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login"
"group-name-change-not-allowed":"לא ניתן לשנות את שם הקבוצה",
@ -59,7 +65,6 @@
"topic-thumbnails-are-disabled":"תמונות ממוזערות לנושא אינן מאופשרות.",
"invalid-file":"קובץ לא תקין",
"uploads-are-disabled":"העלאת קבצים אינה מאופשרת",
"upload-error":"שגיאה בהעלאה : %1",
"signature-too-long":"מצטערים, אורך החתימה המקסימלי הוא %1 תווים.",
"cant-chat-with-yourself":"לא ניתן לעשות צ'אט עם עצמך!",
"chat-restricted":"משתמש זה חסם את הודעות הצ'אט שלו ממשתמשים זרים. המשתמש חייב לעקוב אחריך לפני שתוכל לשוחח איתו בצ'אט",
@ -70,5 +75,7 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag":"אין לך מוניטין מספק על מנת לסמן את הפוסט הזה",
"reload-failed":"אירעה תקלה ב NodeBB בזמן הטעינה של: \"%1\". המערכת תמשיך להגיש דפים קיימים, אבל כדאי שתשחזר את הפעולות שלך מהפעם האחרונה שהמערכת עבדה כראוי.",
"registration-error":"שגיאה בהרשמה",
"parse-error":"אירעה שגיאה בעת בעת ניתוח תגובת השרת"
"parse-error":"אירעה שגיאה בעת בעת ניתוח תגובת השרת",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login"
"email-not-confirmed":"Az e-mail címed még nem lett ellenőrizve, kérlek kattints ide az e-mail címed ellenőrzéséhez!",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"no-email-to-confirm":"This forum requires email confirmation, please click here to enter an email",
"email-confirm-failed":"We could not confirm your email, please try again later.",
"username-too-short":"Túl rövid felhasználónév",
"username-too-long":"Túl hosszú felhasználónév",
"user-banned":"Kitiltott felhasználó",
@ -33,6 +35,7 @@
"no-emailers-configured":"No email plugins were loaded, so a test email could not be sent",
"category-disabled":"Kategória kikapcsolva",
"topic-locked":"Téma lezárva",
"post-edit-duration-expired":"You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 seconds after posting",
"still-uploading":"Please wait for uploads to complete.",
"content-too-short":"Please enter a longer post. Posts should contain at least %1 characters.",
"content-too-long":"Please enter a shorter post. Posts can't be longer than %1 characters.",
@ -40,6 +43,8 @@
"title-too-long":"Please enter a shorter title. Titles can't be longer than %1 characters.",
"too-many-posts":"You can only post once every %1 seconds - please wait before posting again",
"too-many-posts-newbie":"As a new user, you can only post once every %1 seconds until you have earned %2 reputation - please wait before posting again",
"tag-too-short":"Please enter a longer tag. Tags should contain at least %1 characters",
"tag-too-long":"Please enter a shorter tag. Tags can't be longer than %1 characters",
"file-too-big":"Maximum allowed file size is %1 kbs - please upload a smaller file",
"cant-vote-self-post":"You cannot vote for your own post",
"already-favourited":"You have already favourited this post",
@ -47,6 +52,7 @@
"cant-ban-other-admins":"You can't ban other admins!",
"uploads-are-disabled":"A feltöltés nem engedélyezett",
"upload-error":"Feltöltés hiba: %1",
"signature-too-long":"Sajnáljuk, az aláírás nem lehet hosszabb %1 karakternél.",
"cant-chat-with-yourself":"You can't chat with yourself!",
"chat-restricted":"This user has restricted their chat messages. They must follow you before you can chat with them",
@ -70,5 +75,7 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag":"You do not have enough reputation to flag this post",
"reload-failed":"NodeBB encountered a problem while reloading: \"%1\". NodeBB will continue to serve the existing client-side assets, although you should undo what you did just prior to reloading.",
"registration-error":"Regisztrációs hiba",
"parse-error":"Something went wrong while parsing server response"
"parse-error":"Something went wrong while parsing server response",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login"
"email-not-confirmed":"Email kamu belum dikonfirmasi, klik disini untuk mengkonfirmasi email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"no-email-to-confirm":"This forum requires email confirmation, please click here to enter an email",
"email-confirm-failed":"We could not confirm your email, please try again later.",
"username-too-short":"Username terlalu pendek",
"username-too-long":"Username terlalu panjang",
"user-banned":"Pengguna dibanned",
@ -33,6 +35,7 @@
"no-emailers-configured":"Tidak ada plugin email, jadi test email tidak dapat dikirim",
"category-disabled":"Kategori ditiadakan",
"topic-locked":"Topik dikunci",
"post-edit-duration-expired":"You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 seconds after posting",
"still-uploading":"Tunggu proses upload sampai selesai",
"content-too-short":"Mohon masukkan posting yang lebih panjang. Posting harus memuat setidaknya %1 karakter.",
"content-too-long":"Please enter a shorter post. Posts can't be longer than %1 characters.",
@ -40,6 +43,8 @@
"title-too-long":"Mohon masukkan judul yang lebih pendek. Judul tidak dapat melebihi %1 karakter.",
"too-many-posts":"Kamu hanya dapat melakukan posting satu kali setiap %1 detik - mohon tunggu beberapa saat sebelum melakukan posting kembali",
"too-many-posts-newbie":"Sebagai pengguna baru, kamu hanya diijinkan membuat posting satu kali setiap %1 detik sampai kamu mendapatkan %2 reputasi - mohon tunggu beberapa saat sebelum melakukan posting kembali",
"tag-too-short":"Please enter a longer tag. Tags should contain at least %1 characters",
"tag-too-long":"Please enter a shorter tag. Tags can't be longer than %1 characters",
"file-too-big":"Ukuran file yang boleh diupload %1 kbs - mohon upload file dengan ukuran lebih kecil",
"cant-vote-self-post":"Kamu tidak dapat vote postingan sendiri",
"already-favourited":"Post ini sudah kamu favorit",
@ -47,6 +52,7 @@
"cant-ban-other-admins":"Kamu tidak dapat ban admin lainnya!",
"group-name-too-short":"Nama grup terlalu pendek",
"group-already-exists":"Grup sudah ada",
"group-name-change-not-allowed":"Perubahan nama grup tidak dibolehkan",
@ -59,7 +65,6 @@
"topic-thumbnails-are-disabled":"Thumbnail di topik ditiadakan",
"invalid-file":"File Salah",
"uploads-are-disabled":"Upload ditiadakan",
"upload-error":"Upload Error: %1",
"signature-too-long":"Maaf, tanda pengenalmu tidak dapat melebihi %1 karakter.",
"cant-chat-with-yourself":"Kamu tidak dapat chat dengan akun sendiri",
"chat-restricted":"Pengguna ini telah membatasi percakapa mereka. Mereka harus mengikutimu sebelum kamu dapat melakukan percakapan dengan mereka ",
@ -70,5 +75,7 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag":"Tidak cukup reputation untuk flag post ini",
"reload-failed":"NodeBB mengalami masalah saat memuat \"%1\". NodeBB akan melanjutkan pemuatan, kamu harus membatalkan tindakanmu sebelum pemuatan kembali dilakukan.",
"registration-error":"Registrasti Error",
"parse-error":"Something went wrong while parsing server response"
"parse-error":"Something went wrong while parsing server response",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login"