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96 lines
4.3 KiB

"topic": "主題",
"topic_id": "主題 ID",
"topic_id_placeholder": "輸入主題 ID",
"no_topics_found": "沒有找到主題!",
"no_posts_found": "找不到文章!",
"post_is_deleted": "文章已被刪除!",
"profile": "資料",
"posted_by": "由 %1 張貼",
"posted_by_guest": "由訪客張貼",
"chat": "聊天",
11 years ago
"notify_me": "該主題有新回覆時通知我",
"quote": "引用",
11 years ago
"reply": "回覆",
"edit": "編輯",
"delete": "刪除",
"purge": "Purge",
11 years ago
"restore": "復原",
"move": "移動",
"fork": "作為主題",
"link": "鏈接",
11 years ago
"share": "分享",
"tools": "工具",
11 years ago
"flag": "檢舉",
"locked": "Locked",
"bookmark_instructions": "點擊這裡返回到您的最後的位置或離開放棄",
"flag_title": "檢舉這篇文章, 交給仲裁者來審閱.",
"flag_confirm": "你確定要檢舉這文章嗎?",
"flag_success": "這文章已經被檢舉要求仲裁.",
"deleted_message": "This topic has been deleted. Only users with topic management privileges can see it.",
11 years ago
"following_topic.message": "有人貼文回覆主題時, 你將會收到新通知.",
"not_following_topic.message": "有人貼文回覆主題時, 你將不會收到通知.",
"login_to_subscribe": "請先註冊或登錄, 才可訂閱此主題.",
"markAsUnreadForAll.success": "將全部的主題設為未讀.",
"watch": "關注",
"unwatch": "Unwatch",
"watch.title": "當主題有新回覆時將收到通知",
"unwatch.title": "Stop watching this topic",
"share_this_post": "分享這篇文章",
"thread_tools.title": "Topic Tools",
11 years ago
"thread_tools.markAsUnreadForAll": "設為未讀",
"": "釘選主題",
"thread_tools.unpin": "取消釘選主題",
"thread_tools.lock": "鎖定主題",
"thread_tools.unlock": "解除主題鎖定",
"thread_tools.move": "移動主題",
"thread_tools.move_all": "移動全部",
"thread_tools.fork": "Fork 主題",
"thread_tools.delete": "刪除主題",
"thread_tools.delete_confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this topic?",
"thread_tools.restore": "還原刪除的主題",
"thread_tools.restore_confirm": "Are you sure you want to restore this topic?",
"thread_tools.purge": "Purge Topic",
"thread_tools.purge_confirm": "Are you sure you want to purge this topic?",
"topic_move_success": "主題已成功移至 %1",
"post_delete_confirm": "你確定要刪除這文章嗎?",
"post_restore_confirm": "你確定要還原這文章嗎?",
"post_purge_confirm": "Are you sure you want to purge this post?",
"load_categories": "版面載入中",
"disabled_categories_note": "停用的版面為灰色",
"confirm_move": "移動",
"confirm_fork": "作為主題",
"favourite": "收藏",
"favourites": "收藏",
"favourites.has_no_favourites": "你還沒有任何收藏,收藏的文章將會出現在這裡!",
"loading_more_posts": "載入更多文章",
"move_topic": "移動主題",
"move_topics": "Move Topics",
"move_post": "移動文章",
"post_moved": "文章已移動!",
"fork_topic": "作為主題",
"topic_will_be_moved_to": "這個主題將會被移動到",
"fork_topic_instruction": "點擊要作為主題的文章",
"fork_no_pids": "尚未選擇文章!",
11 years ago
"fork_success": "Successfully forked topic! Click here to go to the forked topic.",
11 years ago
"composer.title_placeholder": "輸入標題...",
"composer.discard": "放棄",
"composer.submit": "發表",
"composer.replying_to": "回覆給 %1",
11 years ago
"composer.new_topic": "新主題",
"composer.uploading": "上傳中...",
"composer.thumb_url_label": "Paste a topic thumbnail URL",
"composer.thumb_title": "Add a thumbnail to this topic",
"composer.thumb_url_placeholder": "",
"composer.thumb_file_label": "或上傳檔案",
"composer.thumb_remove": "Clear fields",
11 years ago
"composer.drag_and_drop_images": "拖曳影像到此",
"more_users_and_guests": "%1 more user(s) and %2 guest(s)",
"more_users": "%1 more user(s)",
"more_guests": "%1 more guest(s)",
"users_and_others": "%1 and %2 others",
"sort_by": "Sort by",
"oldest_to_newest": "Oldest to Newest",
"newest_to_oldest": "Newest to Oldest",
"most_votes": "Most votes"