@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
"invalid-data": "Invalid Data",
"not-logged-in": "You don't seem to be logged in.",
"account-locked": "Your account has been locked temporarily",
"invalid-cid": "Invalid Category ID",
"invalid-tid": "Invalid Topic ID",
"invalid-pid": "Invalid Post ID",
"invalid-uid": "Invalid User ID",
"invalid-username": "Invalid Username",
"invalid-email": "Invalid Email",
"invalid-title": "Invalid title",
"invalid-user-data": "Invalid User Data",
"invalid-password": "Invalid Password",
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"username-taken": "Username taken",
"email-taken": "Email taken",
"user-banned": "User banned",
"no-category": "Category doesn't exist",
"no-topic": "Topic doesn't exist",
"no-post": "Post doesn't exist",
"no-group": "Group doesn't exist",
"no-user": "User doesn't exist",
"no-teaser": "Teaser doesn't exist",
"no-privileges": "You don't have enough privileges for this action.",
"category-disabled": "Category disabled",
"topic-locked": "Topic Locked",
"still-uploading": "Please wait for uploads to complete.",
"content-too-short": "Please enter a longer post. At least %1 characters.",
"title-too-short": "Please enter a longer title. At least %1 characters.",
"title-too-long": "Please enter a shorter title. Titles can't be longer than %1 characters.",
"too-many-posts": "You can only post every %1 seconds.",
"file-too-big": "Maximum allowed file size is %1 kbs",
"cant-vote-self-post": "You cannot vote for your own post",
"already-favourited": "You already favourited this post",
"already-unfavourited": "You alread unfavourited this post",
"cant-ban-other-admins": "You can't ban other admins!",
"invalid-image-type": "Invalid image type",
"group-name-too-short": "Group name too short",
"group-already-exists": "Group already exists",
"group-name-change-not-allowed": "Group name change not allowed",
"post-already-deleted": "Post already deleted",
"post-already-restored": "Post already restored",
"topic-already-deleted": "Topic already deleted",
"topic-already-restored": "Topic already restored",
"topic-thumbnails-are-disabled": "Topic thumbnails are disabled.",
"invalid-file": "Invalid File",
"uploads-are-disabled": "Uploads are disabled",
"signature-too-long": "Signature can't be longer than %1 characters!",
"cant-chat-with-yourself": "You can't chat with yourself!"
"invalid-data": "無效的資料",
"not-logged-in": "您似乎還沒有登入喔!",
"account-locked": "您的帳戶暫時被鎖定!",
"invalid-cid": "無效的類別 ID",
"invalid-tid": "無效的主題 ID",
"invalid-pid": "無效的文章 ID",
"invalid-uid": "無效的使用者 ID",
"invalid-username": "無效的使用者名稱",
"invalid-email": "無效的 Email 位址",
"invalid-title": "無效的標題",
"invalid-user-data": "無效的使用者資料",
"invalid-password": "無效的密碼",
"invalid-pagination-value": "無效的分頁數值",
"username-taken": "該使用者名稱已被使用",
"email-taken": "該信箱已被使用",
"user-banned": "該使用者已被停用",
"no-category": "類別並不存在",
"no-topic": "主題並不存在",
"no-post": "文章並不存在",
"no-group": "群組並不存在",
"no-user": "使用者並不存在",
"no-teaser": "Teaser 並不存在",
"no-privileges": "您似乎沒有執行這個行為的權限!",
"category-disabled": "該類別已被關閉",
"topic-locked": "該主題已被鎖定",
"still-uploading": "請等待上傳完成。",
"content-too-short": "請輸入一個較長的文章。 至少有 %1 個字元。",
"title-too-short": "請輸入一個較長的主題名稱。 至少有 %1 個字元。",
"title-too-long": "請輸入一個較短的主題名稱。 標題不能超過 %1 個字元。",
"too-many-posts": "你必須間隔 %1 秒後才能發表文章",
"file-too-big": "允許的最大檔案大小是 %1 kbs",
"cant-vote-self-post": "你不能對自己的文章說讚!",
"already-favourited": "你已經收藏了這篇文章",
"already-unfavourited": "你已放棄收藏這篇文章",
"cant-ban-other-admins": "你不能禁用其他管理員!",
"invalid-image-type": "無效的圖像類型",
"group-name-too-short": "群組名稱太短了",
"group-already-exists": "群組名稱已存在",
"group-name-change-not-allowed": "變更群組名稱不被允許",
"post-already-deleted": "文章已經被刪除",
"post-already-restored": "被刪除文章已還原",
"topic-already-deleted": "主題已經被刪除",
"topic-already-restored": "被刪除主題已還原",
"topic-thumbnails-are-disabled": "禁用主題縮圖",
"invalid-file": "無效的檔案",
"uploads-are-disabled": "上傳功能被停用",
"signature-too-long": "簽名檔長度不能超過 %1 字元!",
"cant-chat-with-yourself": "你不能與自己聊天!"