diff --git a/public/language/zh_TW/category.json b/public/language/zh_TW/category.json
index a0ea528925..f1e867bb47 100644
--- a/public/language/zh_TW/category.json
+++ b/public/language/zh_TW/category.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"new_topic_button": "新主題",
- "no_topics": "這個版面還沒有任何內容。
+ "no_topics": "這個版面還沒有任何內容。
"browsing": "正在瀏覽",
- "no_replies": "還沒有回復",
+ "no_replies": "還沒有回覆",
"share_this_category": "分享這類別"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/zh_TW/error.json b/public/language/zh_TW/error.json
index 659b74b30b..7bba251a02 100644
--- a/public/language/zh_TW/error.json
+++ b/public/language/zh_TW/error.json
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
- "invalid-data": "Invalid Data",
- "not-logged-in": "You don't seem to be logged in.",
- "account-locked": "Your account has been locked temporarily",
- "invalid-cid": "Invalid Category ID",
- "invalid-tid": "Invalid Topic ID",
- "invalid-pid": "Invalid Post ID",
- "invalid-uid": "Invalid User ID",
- "invalid-username": "Invalid Username",
- "invalid-email": "Invalid Email",
- "invalid-title": "Invalid title",
- "invalid-user-data": "Invalid User Data",
- "invalid-password": "Invalid Password",
- "invalid-pagination-value": "Invalid pagination value",
- "username-taken": "Username taken",
- "email-taken": "Email taken",
- "user-banned": "User banned",
- "no-category": "Category doesn't exist",
- "no-topic": "Topic doesn't exist",
- "no-post": "Post doesn't exist",
- "no-group": "Group doesn't exist",
- "no-user": "User doesn't exist",
- "no-teaser": "Teaser doesn't exist",
- "no-privileges": "You don't have enough privileges for this action.",
- "category-disabled": "Category disabled",
- "topic-locked": "Topic Locked",
- "still-uploading": "Please wait for uploads to complete.",
- "content-too-short": "Please enter a longer post. At least %1 characters.",
- "title-too-short": "Please enter a longer title. At least %1 characters.",
- "title-too-long": "Please enter a shorter title. Titles can't be longer than %1 characters.",
- "too-many-posts": "You can only post every %1 seconds.",
- "file-too-big": "Maximum allowed file size is %1 kbs",
- "cant-vote-self-post": "You cannot vote for your own post",
- "already-favourited": "You already favourited this post",
- "already-unfavourited": "You alread unfavourited this post",
- "cant-ban-other-admins": "You can't ban other admins!",
- "invalid-image-type": "Invalid image type",
- "group-name-too-short": "Group name too short",
- "group-already-exists": "Group already exists",
- "group-name-change-not-allowed": "Group name change not allowed",
- "post-already-deleted": "Post already deleted",
- "post-already-restored": "Post already restored",
- "topic-already-deleted": "Topic already deleted",
- "topic-already-restored": "Topic already restored",
- "topic-thumbnails-are-disabled": "Topic thumbnails are disabled.",
- "invalid-file": "Invalid File",
- "uploads-are-disabled": "Uploads are disabled",
- "signature-too-long": "Signature can't be longer than %1 characters!",
- "cant-chat-with-yourself": "You can't chat with yourself!"
+ "invalid-data": "無效的資料",
+ "not-logged-in": "您似乎還沒有登入喔!",
+ "account-locked": "您的帳戶暫時被鎖定!",
+ "invalid-cid": "無效的類別 ID",
+ "invalid-tid": "無效的主題 ID",
+ "invalid-pid": "無效的文章 ID",
+ "invalid-uid": "無效的使用者 ID",
+ "invalid-username": "無效的使用者名稱",
+ "invalid-email": "無效的 Email 位址",
+ "invalid-title": "無效的標題",
+ "invalid-user-data": "無效的使用者資料",
+ "invalid-password": "無效的密碼",
+ "invalid-pagination-value": "無效的分頁數值",
+ "username-taken": "該使用者名稱已被使用",
+ "email-taken": "該信箱已被使用",
+ "user-banned": "該使用者已被停用",
+ "no-category": "類別並不存在",
+ "no-topic": "主題並不存在",
+ "no-post": "文章並不存在",
+ "no-group": "群組並不存在",
+ "no-user": "使用者並不存在",
+ "no-teaser": "Teaser 並不存在",
+ "no-privileges": "您似乎沒有執行這個行為的權限!",
+ "category-disabled": "該類別已被關閉",
+ "topic-locked": "該主題已被鎖定",
+ "still-uploading": "請等待上傳完成。",
+ "content-too-short": "請輸入一個較長的文章。 至少有 %1 個字元。",
+ "title-too-short": "請輸入一個較長的主題名稱。 至少有 %1 個字元。",
+ "title-too-long": "請輸入一個較短的主題名稱。 標題不能超過 %1 個字元。",
+ "too-many-posts": "你必須間隔 %1 秒後才能發表文章",
+ "file-too-big": "允許的最大檔案大小是 %1 kbs",
+ "cant-vote-self-post": "你不能對自己的文章說讚!",
+ "already-favourited": "你已經收藏了這篇文章",
+ "already-unfavourited": "你已放棄收藏這篇文章",
+ "cant-ban-other-admins": "你不能禁用其他管理員!",
+ "invalid-image-type": "無效的圖像類型",
+ "group-name-too-short": "群組名稱太短了",
+ "group-already-exists": "群組名稱已存在",
+ "group-name-change-not-allowed": "變更群組名稱不被允許",
+ "post-already-deleted": "文章已經被刪除",
+ "post-already-restored": "被刪除文章已還原",
+ "topic-already-deleted": "主題已經被刪除",
+ "topic-already-restored": "被刪除主題已還原",
+ "topic-thumbnails-are-disabled": "禁用主題縮圖",
+ "invalid-file": "無效的檔案",
+ "uploads-are-disabled": "上傳功能被停用",
+ "signature-too-long": "簽名檔長度不能超過 %1 字元!",
+ "cant-chat-with-yourself": "你不能與自己聊天!"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/zh_TW/footer.json b/public/language/zh_TW/footer.json
index 342041ccae..cbccec6c32 100644
--- a/public/language/zh_TW/footer.json
+++ b/public/language/zh_TW/footer.json
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
"stats.online": "在線",
"stats.users": "用戶",
"stats.topics": "主題",
- "stats.posts": "帖子",
+ "stats.posts": "文章",
"success": "成功"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/zh_TW/global.json b/public/language/zh_TW/global.json
index 759ad4a67b..887e1a5fef 100644
--- a/public/language/zh_TW/global.json
+++ b/public/language/zh_TW/global.json
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- "home": "主頁",
- "search": "搜索",
+ "home": "首頁",
+ "search": "搜尋",
"buttons.close": "關閉",
- "403.title": "禁止訪問",
- "403.message": "你沒有該頁面的訪問權限,可能是因為你尚未登錄。",
+ "403.title": "禁止存取",
+ "403.message": "你沒有該頁面的存取權限,可能是因為你尚未登錄。",
"404.title": "無法找到該頁",
"404.message": "你所查找的頁面並不存在,返回主頁。",
"500.title": "內部錯誤",
"500.message": "不好!看來是哪裡出錯了!",
"register": "注冊",
"login": "登錄",
- "please_log_in": "Please Log In",
+ "please_log_in": "請登入",
"logout": "退出",
- "posting_restriction_info": "Posting is currently restricted to registered members only, click here to log in.",
- "welcome_back": "Welcome Back ",
- "you_have_successfully_logged_in": "You have successfully logged in",
+ "posting_restriction_info": "發表文章目前僅限於註冊的會員,點擊此處進行登錄。",
+ "welcome_back": "歡迎回來 ~",
+ "you_have_successfully_logged_in": "您已經成功登錄!",
"save_changes": "保存修改",
"close": "關閉",
"pagination": "分頁",
@@ -29,40 +29,40 @@
"header.search": "搜索",
"header.profile": "設置",
"notifications.loading": "消息載入中",
- "chats.loading": "聊天載入中",
- "motd.welcome": "Welcome to NodeBB, the discussion platform of the future.",
+ "chats.loading": "聊天載入中···",
+ "motd.welcome": "歡迎來到 NodeBB,一個未來的討論平台。",
"previouspage": "上一頁",
"nextpage": "下一頁",
"alert.success": "成功",
"alert.error": "錯誤",
"alert.banned": "封鎖",
- "alert.banned.message": "You have just been banned, you will now be logged out.",
+ "alert.banned.message": "你已被封鎖並將登出!",
"alert.unfollow": "你已不再關注 %1!",
"alert.follow": "你正在關注 %1!",
"online": "在線",
"users": "使用者",
"topics": "主題",
- "posts": "Posts",
+ "posts": "文章",
"views": "Views",
- "reputation": "Reputation",
- "read_more": "read more",
+ "reputation": "聲譽",
+ "read_more": "閱讀更多...",
"posted_ago_by_guest": "posted %1 by Guest",
"posted_ago_by": "posted %1 by %2",
"posted_ago": "posted %1",
"posted_in_ago_by_guest": "posted in %1 %2 by Guest",
"posted_in_ago_by": "posted in %1 %2 by %3",
- "posted_in_ago": "posted in %1 %2",
- "replied_ago": "replied %1",
+ "posted_in_ago": "posted in %1",
+ "replied_ago": "回覆 %1",
"user_posted_ago": "%1 posted %2",
"guest_posted_ago": "Guest posted %1",
- "last_edited_by_ago": "last edited by %1 %2",
- "norecentposts": "最近沒新帖子",
+ "last_edited_by_ago": "最後由 %1 %2 所編輯",
+ "norecentposts": "最近沒新文章",
"norecenttopics": "最近沒新主題",
- "recentposts": "最近的帖子",
- "recentips": "Recently Logged In IPs",
+ "recentposts": "最近的文章",
+ "recentips": "最近登錄的 IP 來源位址",
"away": "離開",
"dnd": "勿擾",
- "invisible": "隱形",
+ "invisible": "隱藏",
"offline": "離線",
"email": "Email",
"language": "語言",
diff --git a/public/language/zh_TW/modules.json b/public/language/zh_TW/modules.json
index 574d8ecac7..ccaaae4470 100644
--- a/public/language/zh_TW/modules.json
+++ b/public/language/zh_TW/modules.json
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"chat.chatting_with": "和聊天中",
- "chat.placeholder": "在這裡輸入消息,按Enter發送",
+ "chat.placeholder": "在這裡輸入訊息,按 Enter 發送",
"chat.send": "發送",
"chat.no_active": "暫無聊天",
- "chat.user_typing": "%1 is typing ...",
- "chat.user_has_messaged_you": "%1 has messaged you."
+ "chat.user_typing": "%1 正在輸入中...",
+ "chat.user_has_messaged_you": "%1 已傳送訊息給你了"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/zh_TW/notifications.json b/public/language/zh_TW/notifications.json
index 5280fdae2d..e757b989d7 100644
--- a/public/language/zh_TW/notifications.json
+++ b/public/language/zh_TW/notifications.json
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
"outgoing_link_message": "你正在離開本站。",
"continue_to": "繼續前往",
"return_to": "返回",
- "new_notification": "New Notification",
- "you_have_unread_notifications": "You have unread notifications.",
- "user_made_post": "%1 made a new post",
- "new_message_from": "New message from %1",
+ "new_notification": "新訊息通知",
+ "you_have_unread_notifications": "您有未讀的訊息!",
+ "user_made_post": "%1 發表了一篇新文章",
+ "new_message_from": "來自 %1 的新訊息",
"upvoted_your_post": "%1 has upvoted your post.",
"favourited_your_post": "%1 has favourited your post.",
"user_flagged_post": "%1 flagged a post.",
diff --git a/public/language/zh_TW/pages.json b/public/language/zh_TW/pages.json
index 4624ca716b..c96d8d357e 100644
--- a/public/language/zh_TW/pages.json
+++ b/public/language/zh_TW/pages.json
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
- "home": "Home",
- "unread": "Unread Topics",
- "popular": "Popular Topics",
- "recent": "Recent Topics",
- "users": "Registered Users",
- "notifications": "Notifications",
- "user.edit": "Editing \"%1\"",
+ "home": "首頁",
+ "unread": "未讀的主題",
+ "popular": "受歡迎的主題",
+ "recent": "近期的主題",
+ "users": "已註冊的使用者",
+ "notifications": "新訊息通知",
+ "user.edit": "編輯中 \"%1\"",
"user.following": "People %1 Follows",
"user.followers": "People who Follow %1",
- "user.posts": "Posts made by %1",
- "user.topics": "Topics created by %1",
- "user.favourites": "%1's Favourite Posts",
- "user.settings": "User Settings"
+ "user.posts": "文章由 %1 所張貼",
+ "user.topics": "主題由 %1 所創建",
+ "user.favourites": "%1's 最喜愛的文章",
+ "user.settings": "使用者設定"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/zh_TW/reset_password.json b/public/language/zh_TW/reset_password.json
index 906cc25037..b4c454d4da 100644
--- a/public/language/zh_TW/reset_password.json
+++ b/public/language/zh_TW/reset_password.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
- "reset_password": "重置密碼",
- "update_password": "更新密碼",
+ "reset_password": "重設密碼",
+ "update_password": "更改密碼",
"password_changed.title": "密碼已更改",
- "password_changed.message": "
密碼重置成功,請重新登錄。", + "password_changed.message": "
密碼重設成功,請重新登錄。", "wrong_reset_code.title": "驗証碼不正確", "wrong_reset_code.message": "您輸入的驗証碼有誤,請重新輸入,或申請新的驗証碼。", - "new_password": "新的密碼", - "repeat_password": "確認密碼", - "enter_email": "請輸入您的Email地址,我們會發送郵件告訴您如何重置密碼。", + "new_password": "輸入新的密碼", + "repeat_password": "再次確認新密碼", + "enter_email": "請輸入您的Email地址,我們會發送郵件告訴您如何重設密碼。", "enter_email_address": "輸入郵箱地址", - "password_reset_sent": "密碼重置郵件已發送。", + "password_reset_sent": "密碼重設郵件已發送。", "invalid_email": "非法的郵箱地址/郵箱不存在!" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/language/zh_TW/success.json b/public/language/zh_TW/success.json index fde8a77044..7d3170435b 100644 --- a/public/language/zh_TW/success.json +++ b/public/language/zh_TW/success.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { - "success": "Success", - "topic-post": "You have successfully posted.", - "authentication-successful": "Authentication Successful", - "settings-saved": "Settings saved!" + "success": "成功", + "topic-post": "您的文章已張貼成功", + "authentication-successful": "驗證成功", + "settings-saved": "設定已儲存" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/language/zh_TW/topic.json b/public/language/zh_TW/topic.json index 53f63d1716..6e46b32b15 100644 --- a/public/language/zh_TW/topic.json +++ b/public/language/zh_TW/topic.json @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ "topic_id": "主題 ID", "topic_id_placeholder": "輸入主題 ID", "no_topics_found": "沒有找到主題!", - "no_posts_found": "找不到帖子!", - "post_is_deleted": "帖子已被刪除!", + "no_posts_found": "找不到文章!", + "post_is_deleted": "文章已被刪除!", "profile": "資料", - "posted_by": "由 %1 發布", - "posted_by_guest": "Posted by Guest", + "posted_by": "由 %1 張貼", + "posted_by_guest": "由訪客張貼", "chat": "聊天", "notify_me": "該主題有新回覆時通知我", "quote": "引用", @@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ "banned": "封禁", "link": "鏈接", "share": "分享", - "tools": "Tools", + "tools": "工具", "flag": "檢舉", - "bookmark_instructions": "Click here to return to your last position or close to discard.", - "flag_title": "檢舉這篇帖子, 交給仲裁者來審閱.", - "flag_confirm": "你確定要檢舉這帖子嗎?", - "flag_success": "這帖子已經被檢舉要求仲裁.", + "bookmark_instructions": "點擊這裡返回到您的最後的位置或離開放棄", + "flag_title": "檢舉這篇文章, 交給仲裁者來審閱.", + "flag_confirm": "你確定要檢舉這文章嗎?", + "flag_success": "這文章已經被檢舉要求仲裁.", "deleted_message": "已被刪除, 擁有管理權限的使用者才可觀看.", "following_topic.message": "有人貼文回覆主題時, 你將會收到新通知.", "not_following_topic.message": "有人貼文回覆主題時, 你將不會收到通知.", @@ -33,46 +33,46 @@ "markAsUnreadForAll.success": "將全部的主題設為未讀.", "watch": "關注", "watch.title": "當主題有新回覆時將收到通知", - 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