"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You may not be able to post in some categories or chat until your email is confirmed.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery, and may be necessary for chatting and posting in some categories. Please click here to enter an email.",
"too-many-posts-newbie":"Kao novi korisnik, možete objavljivati svakih %1 sekundi dok ne steknete reputaciju %2 - molimo pričekajte prije ponovne objave",
"tag-too-short":"Unesite dužu oznaku. Oznake moraju sadržavati najmanje %1 znak(ova)",
"tag-too-long":"Unesite kraću oznaku. Oznake me mogu imati više od %1 znak(ova)",
"sso-multiple-association":"You cannot associate multiple accounts from this service to your NodeBB account. Please dissociate your existing account and try again.",