"details.member-post-cids":"Categories to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Note</strong>: Selecting no categories will assume all categories are included. Use <code>ctrl</code> and <code>shift</code> to select multiple options.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"no-connection":"Изглежда има проблем с връзката Ви с Интернет",
"socket-reconnect-failed":"В момента сървърът е недостъпен. Натиснете тук, за да опитате отново, или опитайте пак по-късно.",
"plugin-not-whitelisted":"Добавката не може да бъде инсталирана – само добавки, одобрени от пакетния мениджър на NodeBB могат да бъдат инсталирани чрез ACP",
"topic-event-unrecognized":"Събитието „%1“ на темата е неизвестно"
"topic-event-unrecognized":"Събитието „%1“ на темата е неизвестно",
"cant-set-child-as-parent":"Can't set child as parent category",
"cant-set-self-as-parent":"Can't set self as parent category"
"details.member-post-cids":"Категории, от които да се показват публикации",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Забележка</strong>: Ако не изберете нито една категория, ще се смята, че са включени всички категории. Използвайте <code>CTRL</code> и <code>SHIFT</code>, за да изберете няколко възможности.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"details.badge_preview":"Преглед на емблемата",
"details.change_icon":"Промяна на иконката",
"details.change_label_colour":"Промяна на цвета на етикета",
"details.member-post-cids":"Categories to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Note</strong>: Selecting no categories will assume all categories are included. Use <code>ctrl</code> and <code>shift</code> to select multiple options.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids":"Categories to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Note</strong>: Selecting no categories will assume all categories are included. Use <code>ctrl</code> and <code>shift</code> to select multiple options.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids":"Categories to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Note</strong>: Selecting no categories will assume all categories are included. Use <code>ctrl</code> and <code>shift</code> to select multiple options.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids":"Categories to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Note</strong>: Selecting no categories will assume all categories are included. Use <code>ctrl</code> and <code>shift</code> to select multiple options.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids":"Categories to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Note</strong>: Selecting no categories will assume all categories are included. Use <code>ctrl</code> and <code>shift</code> to select multiple options.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids":"Categories to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Note</strong>: Selecting no categories will assume all categories are included. Use <code>ctrl</code> and <code>shift</code> to select multiple options.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids":"Categories to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Note</strong>: Selecting no categories will assume all categories are included. Use <code>ctrl</code> and <code>shift</code> to select multiple options.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids":"Categories to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Note</strong>: Selecting no categories will assume all categories are included. Use <code>ctrl</code> and <code>shift</code> to select multiple options.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"details.badge_preview":"Previsualización de Insignia",
"details.member-post-cids":"Categories to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Note</strong>: Selecting no categories will assume all categories are included. Use <code>ctrl</code> and <code>shift</code> to select multiple options.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids":"Categories to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Note</strong>: Selecting no categories will assume all categories are included. Use <code>ctrl</code> and <code>shift</code> to select multiple options.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids":"Categories to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Note</strong>: Selecting no categories will assume all categories are included. Use <code>ctrl</code> and <code>shift</code> to select multiple options.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"no-connection":"Il semble y avoir un problème avec votre connexion Internet",
"socket-reconnect-failed":"Serveur inaccessible pour le moment. Cliquez ici pour réessayer ou réessayez plus tard",
"plugin-not-whitelisted":"Impossible d'installer le plug-in – seuls les plugins mis en liste blanche dans le gestionnaire de packages NodeBB peuvent être installés via l'ACP",
"topic-event-unrecognized":"Événement du sujet '%1' non reconnu"
"topic-event-unrecognized":"Événement du sujet '%1' non reconnu",
"cant-set-child-as-parent":"Can't set child as parent category",
"cant-set-self-as-parent":"Can't set self as parent category"
"details.member-post-cids":"Catégories ou seront affichés les articles",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Note</strong>: si aucune catégorie n'est sélectionnée, toutes les catégories sont incluses. Utilisez <code>ctrl</code> et <code>shift</code> pour sélectionner plusieurs options.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"details.badge_preview":"Aperçu du badge",
"details.change_icon":"Modifier l'icône",
"details.change_label_colour":"Changer la couleur de l'étiquette",
"details.member-post-cids":"Categories to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Note</strong>: Selecting no categories will assume all categories are included. Use <code>ctrl</code> and <code>shift</code> to select multiple options.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"details.badge_preview":"Vista Previa da Insignia",
"details.member-post-cids":"קטגוריות מהם יוצגו פוסטים",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>הערה</strong>: אי בחירת קטגוריה תכלול את כל הקטגוריות. השתמש ב-<code>ctrl</code> ו-<code>shift</code> כדי לבחור אפשרויות מרובות.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids":"Categories to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Note</strong>: Selecting no categories will assume all categories are included. Use <code>ctrl</code> and <code>shift</code> to select multiple options.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids":"Categories to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Note</strong>: Selecting no categories will assume all categories are included. Use <code>ctrl</code> and <code>shift</code> to select multiple options.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids":"Categories to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Note</strong>: Selecting no categories will assume all categories are included. Use <code>ctrl</code> and <code>shift</code> to select multiple options.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"Quando un post o un utente viene segnalato più volte, ogni segnalazione aggiuntiva è considerata una "report" e aggiunto alla segnalazione originale. Imposta questa opzione su un numero diverso da zero per limitare il numero di rapporti che un elemento può ricevere.",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Risolvi automaticamente tutti i ticket di un utente quando vengono bannati"
"no-connection":"Sembra ci sia un problema con la tua connessione internet",
"socket-reconnect-failed":"Impossibile raggiungere il server al momento. Clicca qui per riprovare o riprova in un secondo momento",
"plugin-not-whitelisted":"Impossibile installare il plug-in & solo i plugin nella whitelist del Gestione Pacchetti di NodeBB possono essere installati tramite ACP",
"details.member-post-cids":"Categorie da cui visualizzare i post",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Nota</strong>: Se non si seleziona alcuna categoria, tutte le categorie saranno incluse. Utilizza <code>ctrl</code> e <code>shift</code> per selezionare più opzioni.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"gdpr_agree_data":"Acconsento alla raccolta e al trattamento dei miei dati personali su questo sito web.",
"gdpr_agree_email":"Acconsento a ricevere email di riepilogo e notifiche da questo sito web.",
"gdpr_consent_denied":"È necessario dare il consenso a questo sito per raccogliere/elaborare i tuoi dati e per inviarti email.",
"invite.error-admin-only":"Direct user registration has been disabled. Please contact an administrator for more details.",
"invite.error-invite-only":"Direct user registration has been disabled. You must be invited by an existing user in order to access this forum.",
"invite.error-invalid-data":"The registration data received does not correspond to our records. Please contact an administrator for more details"
"invite.error-admin-only":"La registrazione diretta degli utenti è stata disabilitata. Si prega di contattare un amministratore per maggiori dettagli.",
"invite.error-invite-only":"La registrazione diretta degli utenti è stata disabilitata. Devi essere invitato da un utente esistente per accedere a questo forum.",
"invite.error-invalid-data":"I dati di registrazione ricevuti non corrispondono ai nostri registri. Si prega di contattare un amministratore per maggiori dettagli"
"bookmark_instructions":"Clicca qui per tornare all'ultimo post letto in questa discussione.",
"flag-post":"Segnala questo post",
"flag-user":"Segnala questo utente",
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
"thread_tools.title":"Strumenti per la Discussione",
"thread_tools.markAsUnreadForAll":"Marca come Non Letta per tutti",
"thread_tools.pin":"Fissa Discussione",
"thread_tools.unpin":"Sblocca Discussione",
"thread_tools.unpin":"Libera Discussione",
"thread_tools.lock":"Blocca Discussione",
"thread_tools.unlock":"Sblocca Discussione",
"thread_tools.move":"Sposta Discussione",
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
"post_restore_confirm":"Sei sicuro di voler ripristinare questo post?",
"post_purge_confirm":"Sei sicuro di voler eliminare definitivamente questo post?",
"pin-modal-expiry":"Data di scadenza",
"pin-modal-help":"Facoltativamente, è possibile impostare una data di scadenza per le discussioni appuntate qui. In alternativa, è possibile lasciare vuoto questo campo per mantenere la discussione bloccata fino a quando non viene sbloccata manualmente.",
"pin-modal-help":"Facoltativamente, è possibile impostare una data di scadenza per le discussioni fissate qui. In alternativa, è possibile lasciare vuoto questo campo per mantenere la discussione fissata fino a quando non viene liberata manualmente.",
"load_categories":"Caricamento Categorie",
@ -158,10 +158,10 @@
"diffs.current-revision":"revisione corrente",
"diffs.original-revision":"revisione originale",
"diffs.restore":"Ripristina questa revisione",
"diffs.restore-description":"A new revision will be appended to this post's edit history after restoring.",
"diffs.restore-description":"Una nuova revisione sarà aggiunta alla cronologia delle modifiche di questo post dopo il ripristino.",
"diffs.post-restored":"Post ripristinato con successo alla revisione precedente",
"details.member-post-cids":"Categories to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Note</strong>: Selecting no categories will assume all categories are included. Use <code>ctrl</code> and <code>shift</code> to select multiple options.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids":"Categories to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Note</strong>: Selecting no categories will assume all categories are included. Use <code>ctrl</code> and <code>shift</code> to select multiple options.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids":"Categories to display posts from",
"details.member-post-cids-help":"<strong>Note</strong>: Selecting no categories will assume all categories are included. Use <code>ctrl</code> and <code>shift</code> to select multiple options.",
"details.member-post-cids":"Category IDs to display posts from",