Latest translations and fallbacks

NodeBB Misty 9 years ago
parent a919d40e51
commit a1d2fbefe7

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"invalid-data": "無效的資料",
"not-logged-in": "您似乎還沒有登入喔!",
"account-locked": "您的帳戶暫時被鎖定!",
"search-requires-login": "Searching requires an account - please login or register.",
"search-requires-login": "進行搜尋需要有帳號 - 請先註冊或登入",
"invalid-cid": "無效的類別 ID",
"invalid-tid": "無效的主題 ID",
"invalid-pid": "無效的文章 ID",
@ -14,17 +14,17 @@
"invalid-password": "無效的密碼",
"invalid-username-or-password": "請指定用戶名和密碼",
"invalid-search-term": "無效的搜索字詞",
"invalid-pagination-value": "Invalid pagination value, must be at least %1 and at most %2",
"invalid-pagination-value": "無效的分頁數值, 必需是至少 %1 與最多 %2",
"username-taken": "該使用者名稱已被使用",
"email-taken": "該信箱已被使用",
"email-not-confirmed": "您的電郵尚未得到確認,請點擊此處確認您的電子郵件。",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"no-email-to-confirm": "This forum requires email confirmation, please click here to enter an email",
"email-confirm-failed": "We could not confirm your email, please try again later.",
"email-confirm-failed": "我們無法確認你的Email請之後再重試。",
"confirm-email-already-sent": "Confirmation email already sent, please wait %1 minute(s) to send another one.",
"username-too-short": "使用者名稱太簡短",
"username-too-long": "使用者名稱太長",
"password-too-long": "Password too long",
"username-too-short": "帳號太短",
"username-too-long": "帳號太長",
"password-too-long": "密碼太長",
"user-banned": "該使用者已被停用",
"user-too-new": "抱歉,發表您第一篇文章須要等待 %1 秒",
"blacklisted-ip": "Sorry, your IP address has been banned from this community. If you feel this is in error, please contact an administrator.",
@ -50,9 +50,9 @@
"too-many-tags": "Too many tags. Topics can't have more than %1 tag(s)",
"still-uploading": "請等待上傳完成。",
"file-too-big": "Maximum allowed file size is %1 kB - please upload a smaller file",
"guest-upload-disabled": "Guest uploading has been disabled",
"already-favourited": "You have already bookmarked this post",
"already-unfavourited": "You have already unbookmarked this post",
"guest-upload-disabled": "訪客上傳是被禁止的",
"already-favourited": "你已經將這篇張貼加入書籤",
"already-unfavourited": "你已經將這篇張貼移除書籤",
"cant-ban-other-admins": "您無法禁止其他的管理員!",
"cant-remove-last-admin": "You are the only administrator. Add another user as an administrator before removing yourself as admin",
"invalid-image-type": "無效的圖像類型。允許的類型:%1",
@ -61,11 +61,11 @@
"group-name-too-short": "群組名稱太短了",
"group-already-exists": "群組名稱已存在",
"group-name-change-not-allowed": "變更群組名稱不被允許",
"group-already-member": "Already part of this group",
"group-not-member": "Not a member of this group",
"group-needs-owner": "This group requires at least one owner",
"group-already-invited": "This user has already been invited",
"group-already-requested": "Your membership request has already been submitted",
"group-already-member": "已經加入這個群組",
"group-not-member": "不是這個群組的一員",
"group-needs-owner": "這個群組需要至少一個擁有者",
"group-already-invited": "這個使用者已經被邀請",
"group-already-requested": "你的會員申請已經被提交",
"post-already-deleted": "此文章已經被刪除",
"post-already-restored": "此文章已還原",
"topic-already-deleted": "此主題已經被刪除",
@ -78,27 +78,27 @@
"about-me-too-long": "Sorry, your about me cannot be longer than %1 character(s).",
"cant-chat-with-yourself": "你不能與自己聊天!",
"chat-restricted": "此用戶已限制了他的聊天功能。你要在他關注你之後,才能跟他聊天",
"chat-disabled": "Chat system disabled",
"chat-disabled": "聊天系統被禁止",
"too-many-messages": "You have sent too many messages, please wait awhile.",
"invalid-chat-message": "Invalid chat message",
"chat-message-too-long": "Chat message is too long",
"cant-edit-chat-message": "You are not allowed to edit this message",
"cant-remove-last-user": "You can't remove the last user",
"cant-delete-chat-message": "You are not allowed to delete this message",
"already-voting-for-this-post": "You have already voted for this post.",
"invalid-chat-message": "無效的聊天訊息",
"chat-message-too-long": "聊天訊息太長",
"cant-edit-chat-message": "你不被允許編輯這條訊息",
"cant-remove-last-user": "你不能移除最後的使用者",
"cant-delete-chat-message": "你不被允許刪除這條訊息",
"already-voting-for-this-post": "你已經對這個張貼投過票了",
"reputation-system-disabled": "信譽系統已停用。",
"downvoting-disabled": "Downvoting已停用",
"not-enough-reputation-to-downvote": "你沒有足夠的信譽downvote這個帖子",
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag": "你沒有足夠的信譽來舉報這個帖子",
"already-flagged": "You have already flagged this post",
"already-flagged": "你已經對這個張貼標記過了",
"reload-failed": "NodeBB重載\"%1\"時遇到了問題。 NodeBB將繼續提供現有的客戶端資源但請你撤消重載前的動作。",
"registration-error": "註冊錯誤",
"parse-error": "Something went wrong while parsing server response",
"parse-error": "當剖析伺服器回應時發生了某個錯誤",
"wrong-login-type-email": "請使用您的電子郵件進行登錄",
"wrong-login-type-username": "請使用您的使用者名稱進行登錄",
"invite-maximum-met": "You have invited the maximum amount of people (%1 out of %2).",
"no-session-found": "No login session found!",
"not-in-room": "User not in room",
"no-users-in-room": "No users in this room",
"cant-kick-self": "You can't kick yourself from the group"
"no-session-found": "沒有找到登入的連線階段!",
"not-in-room": "使用者沒有在聊天室中",
"no-users-in-room": "沒有使用者在聊天室中",
"cant-kick-self": "你不能把自己從群組中踢出"

@ -6,25 +6,25 @@
"no_groups_found": "這裡看不到任何群組",
"pending.accept": "接受",
"pending.reject": "拒絕",
"pending.accept_all": "Accept All",
"pending.reject_all": "Reject All",
"pending.none": "There are no pending members at this time",
"invited.none": "There are no invited members at this time",
"invited.uninvite": "Rescind Invitation",
"": "Search for a user to invite to this group",
"invited.notification_title": "You have been invited to join <strong>%1</strong>",
"request.notification_title": "Group Membership Request from <strong>%1</strong>",
"request.notification_text": "<strong>%1</strong> has requested to become a member of <strong>%2</strong>",
"pending.accept_all": "同意所有",
"pending.reject_all": "拒絕所有",
"pending.none": "目前沒有等待中的會員",
"invited.none": "目前沒有邀請的會員",
"invited.uninvite": "撤銷邀請",
"": "搜尋要邀請加入這個群組的用戶",
"invited.notification_title": "你已被邀請加入<strong>%1</strong>",
"request.notification_title": "群組會員要求,來自<strong>%1</strong>",
"request.notification_text": "<strong>%1</strong>已經要求成為<strong>%2</strong>群組的會員",
"cover-save": "儲存",
"cover-saving": "儲存中",
"details.title": "群組詳細信息",
"details.members": "成員列表",
"details.pending": "待審成員",
"details.invited": "Invited Members",
"details.invited": "邀請會員",
"details.has_no_posts": "這個群組的成員還未發出任何帖子。",
"details.latest_posts": "最新文章",
"details.private": "私人",
"details.disableJoinRequests": "Disable join requests",
"details.disableJoinRequests": "禁止加入要求",
"details.grant": "准許/撤銷 所有權",
"details.kick": "剔除",
"details.owner_options": "群組管理員",
@ -37,18 +37,18 @@
"details.change_colour": "變更顏色",
"details.badge_text": "徽章字串",
"details.userTitleEnabled": "顯示徽章",
"details.private_help": "If enabled, joining of groups requires approval from a group owner",
"details.private_help": "如果開啟,加入群組需要經過群組擁有者批準",
"details.hidden": "隱藏",
"details.hidden_help": "If enabled, this group will not be found in the groups listing, and users will have to be invited manually",
"details.delete_group": "Delete Group",
"details.private_system_help": "Private groups is disabled at system level, this option does not do anything",
"details.hidden_help": "如果開啟的話,群組將不會在群組列表中被看到,而且用戶將需要手動邀請",
"details.delete_group": "刪除群組",
"details.private_system_help": "私有群組在系統層級被禁用,這個選項沒有任何作用",
"event.updated": "群組詳細訊息已被更新",
"event.deleted": "此 \"%1\" 群組已被刪除了",
"membership.accept-invitation": "Accept Invitation",
"membership.invitation-pending": "Invitation Pending",
"membership.join-group": "Join Group",
"membership.leave-group": "Leave Group",
"membership.reject": "Reject",
"new-group.group_name": "Group Name:",
"upload-group-cover": "Upload group cover"
"membership.accept-invitation": "同意邀請",
"membership.invitation-pending": "邀請等待中",
"membership.join-group": "加入群組",
"membership.leave-group": "離開群組",
"membership.reject": "拒絕",
"new-group.group_name": "群組名稱:",
"upload-group-cover": "上傳群組封面圖"

@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
"chat.no_active": "暫無聊天",
"chat.user_typing": "%1 正在輸入中...",
"chat.user_has_messaged_you": "%1 已傳送訊息給你了",
"chat.see_all": "See all chats",
"chat.mark_all_read": "Mark all chats read",
"chat.see_all": "顯示全部聊天",
"chat.mark_all_read": "所有訊息標為已讀",
"": "請選擇收件人來查看聊天記錄",
"": "No users in this room",
"": "沒有用戶在聊天室中",
"chat.recent-chats": "最近的聊天記錄",
"chat.contacts": "通訊錄",
"chat.message-history": "消息記錄",
@ -17,22 +17,22 @@
"chat.seven_days": "7日",
"chat.thirty_days": "30日",
"chat.three_months": "3個月",
"chat.delete_message_confirm": "Are you sure you wish to delete this message?",
"chat.roomname": "Chat Room %1",
"chat.add-users-to-room": "Add users to room",
"composer.compose": "Compose",
"composer.show_preview": "Show Preview",
"composer.hide_preview": "Hide Preview",
"chat.delete_message_confirm": "你確定要刪除這個訊息?",
"chat.roomname": "聊天室 %1",
"chat.add-users-to-room": "將用戶加入聊天室中",
"composer.compose": "撰寫",
"composer.show_preview": "顯示預覽",
"composer.hide_preview": "隱藏預覽",
"composer.user_said_in": "%1在%2裡說",
"composer.user_said": "%1說",
"composer.discard": "你確定要放棄這帖子嗎?",
"composer.submit_and_lock": "Submit and Lock",
"composer.toggle_dropdown": "Toggle Dropdown",
"composer.uploading": "Uploading %1",
"bootbox.ok": "OK",
"bootbox.cancel": "Cancel",
"bootbox.confirm": "Confirm",
"cover.dragging_title": "Cover Photo Positioning",
"cover.dragging_message": "Drag the cover photo to the desired position and click \"Save\"",
"cover.saved": "Cover photo image and position saved"
"composer.submit_and_lock": "提交然後鎖定",
"composer.toggle_dropdown": "切換下拉選單",
"composer.uploading": "上傳中 %1",
"bootbox.ok": "",
"bootbox.cancel": "取消",
"bootbox.confirm": "確認",
"cover.dragging_title": "封面照片位置",
"cover.dragging_message": "拖拉封面照片到想要的位置,然後按下\"儲存\"",
"cover.saved": "封面照片與位置已儲存"

@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
"home": "首頁",
"unread": "未讀的主題",
"popular-day": "Popular topics today",
"popular-week": "Popular topics this week",
"popular-month": "Popular topics this month",
"popular-alltime": "All time popular topics",
"popular-day": "今天受歡迎的主題",
"popular-week": "本週受歡迎的主題",
"popular-month": "本月受歡迎的主題",
"popular-alltime": "所有時間受歡迎的主題",
"recent": "近期的主題",
"flagged-posts": "Flagged Posts",
"users/online": "Online Users",
"users/latest": "Latest Users",
"flagged-posts": "標記的張貼",
"users/online": "線上用戶",
"users/latest": "最近用戶",
"users/sort-posts": "Users with the most posts",
"users/sort-reputation": "Users with the most reputation",
"users/banned": "Banned Users",
"users/search": "User Search",
"users/banned": "已封鎖用戶",
"users/search": "用戶搜尋",
"notifications": "新訊息通知",
"tags": "標籤",
"tag": "Topics tagged under \"%1\"",
"register": "Register an account",
"login": "Login to your account",
"register": "註冊帳號",
"login": "登入帳號",
"reset": "Reset your account password",
"categories": "Categories",
"groups": "Groups",
"group": "%1 group",
"chats": "Chats",
"chat": "Chatting with %1",
"account/edit": "Editing \"%1\"",
"categories": "類別",
"groups": "群組",
"group": "%1 群組",
"chats": "聊天",
"chat": "與 %1 聊天",
"account/edit": "編輯 \"%1\"",
"account/edit/password": "Editing password of \"%1\"",
"account/edit/username": "Editing username of \"%1\"",
"account/edit/email": "Editing email of \"%1\"",
@ -32,14 +32,14 @@
"account/followers": "People who follow %1",
"account/posts": "Posts made by %1",
"account/topics": "Topics created by %1",
"account/groups": "%1's Groups",
"account/groups": "%1 的群組",
"account/favourites": "%1's Bookmarked Posts",
"account/settings": "User Settings",
"account/settings": "用戶設定",
"account/watched": "Topics watched by %1",
"account/upvoted": "Posts upvoted by %1",
"account/downvoted": "Posts downvoted by %1",
"account/best": "Best posts made by %1",
"confirm": "Email Confirmed",
"confirm": "已確認電子郵件",
"maintenance.text": "目前 %1 正在進行維修。請稍後再來。",
"maintenance.messageIntro": "此外,管理員有以下訊息:",
"throttled.text": "%1 is currently unavailable due to excessive load. Please come back another time."

@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
"alltime": "所有時間",
"no_recent_topics": "最近沒有新的主題。",
"no_popular_topics": "最近沒有受歡迎的主題。",
"there-is-a-new-topic": "There is a new topic.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-a-new-post": "There is a new topic and a new post.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-new-posts": "There is a new topic and %1 new posts.",
"there-are-new-topics": "There are %1 new topics.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-a-new-post": "There are %1 new topics and a new post.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-new-posts": "There are %1 new topics and %2 new posts.",
"there-is-a-new-post": "There is a new post.",
"there-are-new-posts": "There are %1 new posts.",
"there-is-a-new-topic": "有一篇新主題",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-a-new-post": "有一篇新主題與一篇新張貼",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-new-posts": "有一篇新主題與 %1 篇新張貼",
"there-are-new-topics": "有 %1 篇新主題",
"there-are-new-topics-and-a-new-post": "有 %1 篇新主題與一篇新張貼",
"there-are-new-topics-and-new-posts": "有 %1 篇新主題與 %2 篇新張貼",
"there-is-a-new-post": "有一篇新張貼",
"there-are-new-posts": "有 %1 篇新張貼",
"click-here-to-reload": "點擊這裡進行重整。"

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"enter_email_address": "輸入電子郵件地址",
"password_reset_sent": "密碼重設郵件已發送。",
"invalid_email": "無效的電子郵件 / 電子郵件不存在!",
"password_too_short": "The password entered is too short, please pick a different password.",
"passwords_do_not_match": "The two passwords you've entered do not match.",
"password_expired": "Your password has expired, please choose a new password"
"password_too_short": "輸入的密碼太短,請使用另一個不同的密碼",
"passwords_do_not_match": "你已經輸入的兩個密碼不一樣",
"password_expired": "你的密碼已過期,請選擇一組新密碼"

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"results_matching": "有%1個跟\"%2\"相符的結果(%3秒",
"no-matches": "沒有找到相符的主題",
"advanced-search": "Advanced Search",
"advanced-search": "進階搜尋",
"in": "在",
"titles": "標題",
"titles-posts": "標題與發布",

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"notify_me": "該主題有新回覆時通知我",
"quote": "引用",
"reply": "回覆",
"reply-as-topic": "Reply as topic",
"reply-as-topic": "回復為另一個新主題",
"guest-login-reply": "登入以回覆",
"edit": "編輯",
"delete": "刪除",
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"tools": "工具",
"flag": "檢舉",
"locked": "已鎖定",
"bookmark_instructions": "Click here to return to the last read post in this thread.",
"bookmark_instructions": "點擊這裡返回到這個討論串的最後一篇張貼文",
"flag_title": "檢舉這篇文章, 交給仲裁者來審閱.",
"flag_success": "這文章已經被檢舉要求仲裁.",
"deleted_message": "此主題已被刪除。只有具有主題管理權限的用戶才能看到它。",
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
"not_following_topic.message": "有人貼文回覆主題時, 你將不會收到通知.",
"login_to_subscribe": "請先註冊或登錄, 才可訂閱此主題.",
"markAsUnreadForAll.success": "將全部的主題設為未讀.",
"mark_unread": "Mark unread",
"mark_unread.success": "Topic marked as unread.",
"mark_unread": "標為未讀",
"mark_unread.success": "標記主題為未讀",
"watch": "關注",
"unwatch": "取消關注",
"watch.title": "當主題有新回覆時將收到通知",
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
"thread_tools.move_all": "移動全部",
"thread_tools.fork": "Fork 主題",
"thread_tools.delete": "刪除主題",
"thread_tools.delete-posts": "Delete Posts",
"thread_tools.delete-posts": "刪除張貼",
"thread_tools.delete_confirm": "你確定要刪除這個主題?",
"thread_tools.restore": "還原刪除的主題",
"thread_tools.restore_confirm": "你確定你要恢復這個主題嗎?",
@ -65,9 +65,9 @@
"disabled_categories_note": "停用的版面為灰色",
"confirm_move": "移動",
"confirm_fork": "作為主題",
"favourite": "Bookmark",
"favourites": "Bookmarks",
"favourites.has_no_favourites": "You haven't bookmarked any posts yet.",
"favourite": "書籤",
"favourites": "書籤",
"favourites.has_no_favourites": "你尚未將任何張貼加入書籤",
"loading_more_posts": "載入更多文章",
"move_topic": "移動主題",
"move_topics": "移動主題",
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
"fork_topic_instruction": "點擊要作為主題的文章",
"fork_no_pids": "尚未選擇文章!",
"fork_success": "成功分叉成新的主題!點擊這裡進入新的主題。",
"delete_posts_instruction": "Click the posts you want to delete/purge",
"delete_posts_instruction": "點擊你想要刪除/清除的張貼",
"composer.title_placeholder": "輸入標題...",
"composer.handle_placeholder": "名字",
"composer.discard": "放棄",
@ -101,12 +101,12 @@
"newest_to_oldest": "從新到舊",
"most_votes": "得票最多",
"most_posts": "最多post",
"stale.title": "Create new topic instead?",
"stale.warning": "The topic you are replying to is quite old. Would you like to create a new topic instead, and reference this one in your reply?",
"stale.create": "Create a new topic",
"stale.reply_anyway": "Reply to this topic anyway",
"link_back": "Re: [%1](%2)",
"spam": "Spam",
"offensive": "Offensive",
"custom-flag-reason": "Enter a flagging reason"
"stale.title": "改為建立新的主題?",
"stale.warning": "你正回覆的主題是非常舊的一篇。你想要改為建立一個新主題,然後參考到這篇你回覆的?",
"stale.create": "建立新主題",
"stale.reply_anyway": "無論如何都回覆這個主題",
"link_back": "回覆: [%1](%2)",
"spam": "灌水",
"offensive": "攻擊",
"custom-flag-reason": "輸入標記的理由"

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
"mark_as_read": "標記成已讀",
"selected": "已選擇",
"all": "全部",
"all_categories": "All categories",
"all_categories": "所有類別",
"topics_marked_as_read.success": "標記主題成已讀!",
"all-topics": "All Topics",
"new-topics": "New Topics",
"watched-topics": "Watched Topics"
"all-topics": "所有主題",
"new-topics": "新主題",
"watched-topics": "已觀看主題"

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"uploading-file": "Uploading the file...",
"select-file-to-upload": "Select a file to upload!",
"upload-success": "File uploaded successfully!",
"maximum-file-size": "Maximum %1 kb"
"uploading-file": "檔案上傳中...",
"select-file-to-upload": "選擇要上傳的檔案!",
"upload-success": "檔案已成功上傳!",
"maximum-file-size": "最大大小 %1 kb"

@ -6,15 +6,15 @@
"enter_username": "輸入想找的使用者帳號",
"load_more": "載入更多",
"users-found-search-took": "發現 %1 用戶!搜尋只用 %2 秒。",
"filter-by": "Filter By",
"filter-by": "過濾依照",
"online-only": "線上僅有",
"invite": "Invite",
"invitation-email-sent": "An invitation email has been sent to %1",
"user_list": "User List",
"recent_topics": "Recent Topics",
"popular_topics": "Popular Topics",
"unread_topics": "Unread Topics",
"categories": "Categories",
"tags": "Tags",
"no-users-found": "No users found!"
"invite": "邀請",
"invitation-email-sent": "所有邀請Email已經被寄送到 %1",
"user_list": "用戶列表",
"recent_topics": "最新的主題",
"popular_topics": "受歡迎的主題",
"unread_topics": "未讀的主題",
"categories": "類別",
"tags": "標籤",
"no-users-found": "沒有找到用戶!"