"description":"By enabling the check boxes, you will receive logs to your terminal. If you specify a path, logs will then be saved to a file instead. HTTP logging is useful for collecting statistics about who, when, and what people access on your forum. In addition to logging HTTP requests, we can also log socket.io events. Socket.io logging, in combination with redis-cli monitor, can be very helpful for learning NodeBB's internals.",
"description":"By enabling the check boxes, you will receive logs to your terminal. If you specify a path, logs will then be saved to a file instead. HTTP logging is useful for collecting statistics about who, when, and what people access on your forum. In addition to logging HTTP requests, we can also log socket.io events. Socket.io logging, in combination with redis-cli monitor, can be very helpful for learning NodeBB's internals.",
"explanation":"Simply check/uncheck the logging settings to enable or disable logging on the fly. No restart needed.",
"explanation":"Simply check/uncheck the logging settings to enable or disable logging on the fly. No restart needed.",
"enable-http":"Enable HTTP logging",
"enable-http":"Включить HTTP логирование",
"enable-socket":"Enable socket.io event logging",
"enable-socket":"Enable socket.io event logging",
"file-path":"Path to log file",
"file-path":"Путь до файла логов",
"file-path-placeholder":"/path/to/log/file.log ::: leave blank to log to your terminal",
"file-path-placeholder":"/path/to/log/file.log ::: leave blank to log to your terminal",
"plugin-search-placeholder":"Search for plugin...",
"plugin-search-placeholder":"Искать плагин...",
"reorder-plugins":"Re-order Plugins",
"reorder-plugins":"Изменить порядок плагинов",
"order-active":"Order Active Plugins",
"order-active":"Упорядочить активные плагины",
"dev-interested":"Interested in writing plugins for NodeBB?",
"dev-interested":"Заинтересованы в написании плагинов для NodeBB?",
"docs-info":"Full documentation regarding plugin authoring can be found in the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://docs.nodebb.org/en/latest/plugins/create.html\">NodeBB Docs Portal</a>.",
"docs-info":"Полную документацию по разработки плагинов можно найти на <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://docs.nodebb.org/en/latest/plugins/create.html\">NodeBB Docs Portal</a>",
"order.description":"Certain plugins work ideally when they are initialised before/after other plugins.",
"order.description":"Certain plugins work ideally when they are initialised before/after other plugins.",
"order.explanation":"Plugins load in the order specified here, from top to bottom",
"order.explanation":"Plugins load in the order specified here, from top to bottom",
"plugin-item.more-info":"For more information:",
"plugin-item.more-info":"For more information:",
"plugin-item.unknown-explanation":"The state of this plugin could not be determined, possibly due to a misconfiguration error.",
"plugin-item.unknown-explanation":"The state of this plugin could not be determined, possibly due to a misconfiguration error.",
"alert.enabled":"Plugin Enabled",
"alert.enabled":"Плагин включен",
"alert.disabled":"Plugin Disabled",
"alert.disabled":"Плагин выключен",
"alert.upgraded":"Plugin Upgraded",
"alert.upgraded":"Плагин обновлен",
"alert.installed":"Plugin Installed",
"alert.installed":"Плагин установлен",
"alert.uninstalled":"Plugin Uninstalled",
"alert.uninstalled":"Плагин удален",
"alert.activate-success":"Please restart your NodeBB to fully activate this plugin",
"alert.activate-success":"Please restart your NodeBB to fully activate this plugin",
"alert.deactivate-success":"Плагин успешно отключен",
"alert.upgrade-success":"Please reload your NodeBB to fully upgrade this plugin",
"alert.upgrade-success":"Пожалуйста перезапустите ваш NodeBB, чтобы полностью обновить этот плагин",
"alert.install-success":"Plugin successfully installed, please activate the plugin.",
"alert.install-success":"Плагин успешно установлен, пожалуйста активируйте этот плагин.",
"alert.uninstall-success":"The plugin has been successfully deactivated and uninstalled.",
"alert.uninstall-success":"Плагин успешно отключен и удален.",
"alert.suggest-error":"<p>NodeBB could not reach the package manager, proceed with installation of latest version?</p><div class=\"alert alert-danger\"><strong>Server returned (%1)</strong>: %2</div>",
"alert.suggest-error":"<p>NodeBB could not reach the package manager, proceed with installation of latest version?</p><div class=\"alert alert-danger\"><strong>Server returned (%1)</strong>: %2</div>",
"alert.package-manager-unreachable":"<p>NodeBB could not reach the package manager, an upgrade is not suggested at this time.</p>",
"alert.package-manager-unreachable":"<p>NodeBB could not reach the package manager, an upgrade is not suggested at this time.</p>",
"alert.incompatible":"<p>Your version of NodeBB (v%1) is only cleared to upgrade to v%2 of this plugin. Please update your NodeBB if you wish to install a newer version of this plugin.</p>",
"alert.incompatible":"<p>Your version of NodeBB (v%1) is only cleared to upgrade to v%2 of this plugin. Please update your NodeBB if you wish to install a newer version of this plugin.</p>",