Merge branch 'master' into develop
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"uploading-file": "Nahrávání souboru...",
"uploading-file": "Nahrávání souboru…",
"select-file-to-upload": "Vyberte soubor pro nahrání!",
"select-file-to-upload": "Vyberte soubor pro nahrání!",
"upload-success": "Soubor byl úspěšně nahrán!",
"upload-success": "Soubor byl úspěšně nahrán!",
"maximum-file-size": "Maximum %1 kb"
"maximum-file-size": "Maximum %1 kb"
@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
"x-b": "%1 b",
"x-b": "%1 b",
"x-mb": "%1 mb",
"x-mb": "%1 mb",
"uptime-seconds": "Uptime in Seconds",
"uptime-seconds": "Laufzeit in Sekunden",
"uptime-days": "Uptime in Days",
"uptime-days": "Laufzeit in Tagen",
"mongo": "Mongo",
"mongo": "Mongo",
"mongo.version": "MongoDB Version",
"mongo.version": "MongoDB Version",
"": "Storage Engine",
"": "Speicherengine",
"mongo.collections": "Collections",
"mongo.collections": "Collections",
"mongo.objects": "Objects",
"mongo.objects": "Objekte",
"mongo.avg-object-size": "Avg. Object Size",
"mongo.avg-object-size": "Durchschnittliche Objektgröße",
"": "Data Size",
"": "Datengröße",
"": "Storage Size",
"": "Speichergröße",
"mongo.index-size": "Index Size",
"mongo.index-size": "Indexgröße",
"mongo.file-size": "File Size",
"mongo.file-size": "Dateigröße",
"mongo.resident-memory": "Resident Memory",
"mongo.resident-memory": "Resident Memory",
"mongo.virtual-memory": "Virtual Memory",
"mongo.virtual-memory": "virtueller Speicher",
"mongo.mapped-memory": "Mapped Memory",
"mongo.mapped-memory": "Mapped Memory",
"mongo.raw-info": "MongoDB Raw Info",
"mongo.raw-info": "MongoDB Rohinfo",
"redis": "Redis",
"redis": "Redis",
"redis.version": "Redis Version",
"redis.version": "Redis Version",
"redis.connected-clients": "Connected Clients",
"redis.connected-clients": "Verbundene Clients",
"redis.connected-slaves": "Connected Slaves",
"redis.connected-slaves": "Verbundene Slaves",
"redis.blocked-clients": "Blocked Clients",
"redis.blocked-clients": "Blockierte Clients",
"redis.used-memory": "Used Memory",
"redis.used-memory": "Speicherverbrauch",
"redis.memory-frag-ratio": "Memory Fragmentation Ratio",
"redis.memory-frag-ratio": "Speicherfragmentierungsgrad",
"": "Total Connections Received",
"": "Insgesamt Verbindungen empfangen",
"": "Total Commands Processed",
"": "Insgesamt Kommandos ausgeführt",
"redis.iops": "Instantaneous Ops. Per Second",
"redis.iops": "Durchschnittliche Anzahl von Ein-/Ausgaben pro Sekunde",
"redis.keyspace-hits": "Keyspace Hits",
"redis.keyspace-hits": "Keyspace Hits",
"redis.keyspace-misses": "Keyspace Misses",
"redis.keyspace-misses": "Keyspace Misses",
"redis.raw-info": "Redis Raw Info"
"redis.raw-info": "Redis Rohinfo"
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
"figure-x": "Figure %1",
"figure-x": "Abbildung %1",
"error-events-per-day": "<code>%1</code> events per day",
"error-events-per-day": "<code>%1</code> Ereignisse pro Tag",
"error.404": "404 Not Found",
"error.404": "404 Not Found",
"error.503": "503 Service Unavailable",
"error.503": "503 Service Unavailable",
"manage-error-log": "Manage Error Log",
"manage-error-log": "Aktionen Fehlerprotokoll",
"export-error-log": "Export Error Log (CSV)",
"export-error-log": "Exportiere das Fehlerprotokoll (CSV)",
"clear-error-log": "Clear Error Log",
"clear-error-log": "Lösche Fehlerprotokoll",
"route": "Route",
"route": "Zielroute",
"count": "Count",
"count": "Anzahl",
"no-routes-not-found": "Hooray! There are no routes that were not found.",
"no-routes-not-found": "Hurra! Es gibt keine Zielrouten, die nicht gefunden wurden.",
"clear404-confirm": "Are you sure you wish to clear the 404 error logs?",
"clear404-confirm": "Bist du dir sicher, dass du das 404 Fehlerprotokoll löschen möchtest?",
"clear404-success": "\"404 Not Found\" errors cleared"
"clear404-success": "\"404 Not Found\" Fehler gelöscht"
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"custom-css": "Custom CSS",
"custom-css": "Benutzerdefiniertes CSS",
"custom-css.description": "Enter your own CSS declarations here, which will be applied after all other styles.",
"custom-css.description": "Füge hier deine eigenen CSS-Eigenschaften ein, sie werden als letztes angewendet.",
"custom-css.enable": "Enable Custom CSS",
"custom-css.enable": "Aktiviere benutzerdefiniertes CSS",
"custom-header": "Custom Header",
"custom-header": "Benutzerdefinierter Kopfbereich",
"custom-header.description": "Enter custom HTML here (ex. JavaScript, Meta Tags, etc.), which will be appended to the <code><head></code> section of your forum's markup.",
"custom-header.description": "Füge hier dein benutzerdefiniertes HTML (z.B. Javascript, Meta Tags, usw.) ein, welches vor dem <code><head></code> Tag eingefügt wird.",
"custom-header.enable": "Enable Custom Header"
"custom-header.enable": "Aktiviere benutzerdefinierten Kopfbereich"
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"loading": "Loading Skins...",
"loading": "Lade Aussehen...",
"homepage": "Homepage",
"homepage": "Homepage",
"select-skin": "Select Skin",
"select-skin": "Wähle Aussehen",
"current-skin": "Current Skin",
"current-skin": "Aktuelles Aussehen",
"skin-updated": "Skin Updated",
"skin-updated": "Aussehen aktualisiert",
"applied-success": "%1 skin was succesfully applied",
"applied-success": "%1 Aussehen wurde erfolgreich angewendet",
"revert-success": "Skin reverted to base colours"
"revert-success": "Aussehen wieder auf Basisfarben zurückgestellt."
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"checking-for-installed": "Checking for installed themes...",
"checking-for-installed": "Prüfe auf installierte Designs...",
"homepage": "Homepage",
"homepage": "Homepage",
"select-theme": "Select Theme",
"select-theme": "Wähle Design",
"current-theme": "Current Theme",
"current-theme": "Aktuelles Design",
"no-themes": "No installed themes found",
"no-themes": "Keine installierten Designs gefunden.",
"revert-confirm": "Are you sure you wish to restore the default NodeBB theme?",
"revert-confirm": "Bist du dir sicher, dass du das standard NodeBB Design wieder herstellen willst?",
"theme-changed": "Theme Changed",
"theme-changed": "Design geändert",
"revert-success": "You have successfully reverted your NodeBB back to it's default theme.",
"revert-success": "Du hast erfolgreich dein NodeBB wieder auf das Standarddesign gewechselt.",
"restart-to-activate": "Please restart your NodeBB to fully activate this theme"
"restart-to-activate": "Bitte starte dein NodeBB neu um das Design voll zu aktivieren."
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"events": "Wydarzenia",
"events": "Wydarzenia",
"no-events": "There are no events",
"no-events": "Brak zdarzeń",
"control-panel": "Events Control Panel",
"control-panel": "Panel zdarzeń",
"delete-events": "Delete Events"
"delete-events": "Usuń zdarzenia"
@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
"forum-traffic": "Ruch Forum",
"forum-traffic": "Ruch na forum",
"page-views": "Page Views",
"page-views": "Wyświetlenia strony",
"unique-visitors": "Unique Visitors",
"unique-visitors": "Unikalni goście",
"page-views-last-month": "Page views Last Month",
"page-views-last-month": "Wyświetlenia strony w ostatnim miesiącu",
"page-views-this-month": "Page views This Month",
"page-views-this-month": "Wyświetlenia strony w tym miesiącu",
"page-views-last-day": "Page views in last 24 hours",
"page-views-last-day": "Wyświetlenia strony z ostatnich 24 godzin",
"": "Day",
"": "Dzień",
"stats.week": "Week",
"stats.week": "Tydzień",
"stats.month": "Month",
"stats.month": "Miesiąc",
"stats.all": "All Time",
"stats.all": "Cały czas",
"updates": "Updates",
"updates": "Aktualizacje",
"running-version": "You are running <strong>NodeBB v<span id=\"version\">%1</span></strong>.",
"running-version": "Forum działa dzięki <strong>NodeBB v<span id=\"version\">%1</span></strong>",
"keep-updated": "Always make sure that your NodeBB is up to date for the latest security patches and bug fixes.",
"keep-updated": "Always make sure that your NodeBB is up to date for the latest security patches and bug fixes.",
"up-to-date": "<p>You are <strong>up-to-date</strong> <i class=\"fa fa-check\"></i></p>",
"up-to-date": "<p>NodeBB <strong>jest aktualny</strong> <i class=\"fa fa-check\"></i></p>",
"upgrade-available": "<p>A new version (v%1) has been released. Consider <a href=\"\">upgrading your NodeBB</a>.</p>",
"upgrade-available": "<p>Dostępna jest nowa wersja NodeBB (v%1). Proszę o <a href=\"\">rozważenie aktualizacji</a></p>",
"prerelease-upgrade-available": "<p>This is an outdated pre-release version of NodeBB. A new version (v%1) has been released. Consider <a href=\"\">upgrading your NodeBB</a>.</p>",
"prerelease-upgrade-available": "<p>This is an outdated pre-release version of NodeBB. A new version (v%1) has been released. Consider <a href=\"\">upgrading your NodeBB</a>.</p>",
"prerelease-warning": "<p>This is a <strong>pre-release</strong> version of NodeBB. Unintended bugs may occur. <i class=\"fa fa-exclamation-triangle\"></i></p>",
"prerelease-warning": "<p>This is a <strong>pre-release</strong> version of NodeBB. Unintended bugs may occur. <i class=\"fa fa-exclamation-triangle\"></i></p>",
"notices": "Notices",
"notices": "Powiadomienia",
"control-panel": "System Control",
"control-panel": "Zarządzanie systemem",
"reload": "Reload",
"reload": "Odśwież",
"restart": "Restart",
"restart": "Restart",
"restart-warning": "Reloading or Restarting your NodeBB will drop all existing connections for a few seconds.",
"restart-warning": "Przeładowanie lub Restart NodeBB spowoduje przerwanie wszystkich istniejących połączeń na kilka sekund.",
"maintenance-mode": "Maintenance Mode",
"maintenance-mode": "Tryb Konserwacji",
"maintenance-mode-title": "Click here to set up maintenance mode for NodeBB",
"maintenance-mode-title": "Kliknij tutaj aby skonfigurować Tryb Konserwacji NodeBB",
"realtime-chart-updates": "Realtime Chart Updates",
"realtime-chart-updates": "Wykresy aktualizowane na żywo",
"active-users": "Active Users",
"active-users": "Aktywni użytkownicy",
"active-users.users": "Users",
"active-users.users": "Użytkownicy",
"active-users.guests": "Guests",
"active-users.guests": "Goście",
"": "Total",
"": "Łącznie",
"active-users.connections": "Connections",
"active-users.connections": "Połączenia",
"anonymous-registered-users": "Anonymous vs Registered Users",
"anonymous-registered-users": "Anonimowi vs Zarejestrowani użytkownicy",
"anonymous": "Anonymous",
"anonymous": "Anonimowi",
"registered": "Registered",
"registered": "Zarejestrowani",
"user-presence": "User Presence",
"user-presence": "User Presence",
"on-categories": "On categories list",
"on-categories": "On categories list",
"reading-posts": "Reading posts",
"reading-posts": "Reading posts",
"browsing-topics": "Browsing topics",
"browsing-topics": "Browsing topics",
"recent": "Recent",
"recent": "Recent",
"unread": "Unread",
"unread": "Nieprzeczytane",
"high-presence-topics": "High Presence Topics",
"high-presence-topics": "High Presence Topics",
"": "Page Views",
"": "Wyświetlenia strony",
"graphs.unique-visitors": "Unique Visitors",
"graphs.unique-visitors": "Unikalni Użytkownicy",
"graphs.registered-users": "Registered Users",
"graphs.registered-users": "Zarejestrowani Użytkownicy",
"graphs.anonymous-users": "Anonymous Users"
"graphs.anonymous-users": "Anonimowi Użytkownicy"
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"alert.confirm-reload": "Вы уверены, что хотите перезагрузить NodeBB?",
"alert.confirm-reload": "Вы уверены, что хотите перезагрузить NodeBB?",
"alert.confirm-restart": "Are you sure you wish to restart NodeBB?",
"alert.confirm-restart": "Вы уверены, что хотите перезапустить NodeBB?",
"acp-title": "%1 | NodeBB Admin Control Panel",
"acp-title": "%1 | Панель администратора NodeBB",
"settings-header-contents": "Contents"
"settings-header-contents": "Содержание"
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"notifications": "Уведомления",
"notifications": "Уведомления",
"chat-messages": "Chat Messages",
"chat-messages": "Сообщения",
"play-sound": "Play",
"play-sound": "Воспроизвести",
"incoming-message": "Incoming Message",
"incoming-message": "Входящие сообщения",
"outgoing-message": "Outgoing Message",
"outgoing-message": "Исходящие сообщения",
"upload-new-sound": "Upload New Sound",
"upload-new-sound": "Загрузить новую мелодию",
"saved": "Settings Saved"
"saved": "Настройки сохранены"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"notifications": "Bildiriler",
"notifications": "Bildiriler",
"welcome-notification": "Welcome Notification",
"welcome-notification": "Hoşgeldin Bildirimi",
"welcome-notification-link": "Welcome Notification Link"
"welcome-notification-link": "Welcome Notification Link"
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
"lead": "在此配置IP黑名单",
"lead": "在此配置 IP 黑名单",
"description": "Occasionally, a user account ban is not enough of a deterrant. Other times, restricting access to the forum to a specific IP or a range of IPs is the best way to protect a forum. In these scenarios, you can add troublesome IP addresses or entire CIDR blocks to this blacklist, and they will be prevented from logging in to or registering a new account.",
"description": "有时,一份账号封禁并不足以作为威慑。更多的时候,限制有权浏览论坛的具体 IP 或者一个 IP 范围这一行为可以更好地保护论坛。在以上情况下,您可以添加一些令人厌恶者的 IP 地址或者 CIDR 地址块到此黑名单,此后他们(被加入黑名单者)将被阻止进行登录或者注册新账号的行为。",
"active-rules": "生效规则",
"active-rules": "生效规则",
"validate": "验证黑名单",
"validate": "验证黑名单",
"apply": "Apply Blacklist",
"apply": "应用黑名单",
"hints": "Syntax Hints",
"hints": "格式建议",
"hint-1": "Define a single IP addresses per line. You can add IP blocks as long as they follow the CIDR format (e.g. <code></code>).",
"hint-1": "每行定义一个独立 IP 地址。您可以添加 IP 块,只要它们满足 CIDR 格式(e.g. <code></code>)。",
"hint-2": "You can add in comments by starting lines with the <code>#</code> symbol.",
"hint-2": "您可以通过以<code>#</code>标志开头的行来添加注释。",
"validate.x-valid": "<strong>%1</strong> out of <strong>%2</strong> rule(s) valid.",
"validate.x-valid": "<strong>%1</strong> / <strong>%2</strong>的规则有效。",
"validate.x-invalid": "The following <strong>%1</strong> rules are invalid:",
"validate.x-invalid": "下列 <strong>%0</strong> 个规则无效:",
"alerts.applied-success": "Blacklist Applied"
"alerts.applied-success": "黑名单生效"
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"reputation": "声望设置",
"reputation": "声望设置",
"disable": "禁用声望系统",
"disable": "禁用声望系统",
"disable-down-voting": "Disable Down Voting",
"disable-down-voting": "禁用 踩",
"thresholds": "Activity Thresholds",
"thresholds": "活动阈值",
"min-rep-downvote": "Minimum reputation to downvote posts",
"min-rep-downvote": "能够投踩票的帖子所需要的最小声望",
"min-rep-flag": "Minimum reputation to flag posts"
"min-rep-flag": "举报帖子所需要的最小声望"
Reference in New Issue