diff --git a/loader.js b/loader.js
index df528871e9..592a15c490 100644
--- a/loader.js
+++ b/loader.js
@@ -151,9 +151,25 @@ function getPorts() {
Loader.restart = function () {
+ var pathToConfig = path.join(__dirname, '/config.json');
- nconf.use('file', { file: path.join(__dirname, '/config.json') });
- Loader.start();
+ nconf.use('file', { file: pathToConfig });
+ fs.readFile(pathToConfig, {encoding: 'utf-8'}, function (err, configFile) {
+ if (err) {
+ console.log('Error reading config : ' + err.message);
+ process.exit();
+ }
+ var conf = JSON.parse(configFile);
+ nconf.stores.env.readOnly = false;
+ nconf.set('url', conf.url);
+ nconf.stores.env.readOnly = true;
+ Loader.start();
+ });
Loader.reload = function () {
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index ce4e35e96a..14abe3d6da 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
"morgan": "^1.3.2",
"mousetrap": "^1.5.3",
"nconf": "~0.8.2",
- "nodebb-plugin-composer-default": "4.3.7",
+ "nodebb-plugin-composer-default": "4.3.8",
"nodebb-plugin-dbsearch": "2.0.1",
"nodebb-plugin-emoji-extended": "1.1.1",
"nodebb-plugin-emoji-one": "1.1.5",
diff --git a/public/language/cs/admin/appearance/skins.json b/public/language/cs/admin/appearance/skins.json
index 4db6fbdd8a..64edb7c071 100644
--- a/public/language/cs/admin/appearance/skins.json
+++ b/public/language/cs/admin/appearance/skins.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "loading": "Loading Skins...",
+ "loading": "Načítání motivů…",
"homepage": "Homepage",
"select-skin": "Select Skin",
"current-skin": "Current Skin",
diff --git a/public/language/cs/admin/appearance/themes.json b/public/language/cs/admin/appearance/themes.json
index 3148a01337..4467410631 100644
--- a/public/language/cs/admin/appearance/themes.json
+++ b/public/language/cs/admin/appearance/themes.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "checking-for-installed": "Checking for installed themes...",
+ "checking-for-installed": "Vyhledávání nainstalovaných motivů…",
"homepage": "Homepage",
"select-theme": "Select Theme",
"current-theme": "Current Theme",
diff --git a/public/language/cs/admin/extend/plugins.json b/public/language/cs/admin/extend/plugins.json
index 1661a987b7..699fd335fe 100644
--- a/public/language/cs/admin/extend/plugins.json
+++ b/public/language/cs/admin/extend/plugins.json
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"find-plugins": "Find Plugins",
"plugin-search": "Plugin Search",
- "plugin-search-placeholder": "Search for plugin...",
+ "plugin-search-placeholder": "Hledat rozšíření…",
"reorder-plugins": "Re-order Plugins",
"order-active": "Order Active Plugins",
"dev-interested": "Interested in writing plugins for NodeBB?",
diff --git a/public/language/cs/admin/general/dashboard.json b/public/language/cs/admin/general/dashboard.json
index b82802db1b..4a41012de9 100644
--- a/public/language/cs/admin/general/dashboard.json
+++ b/public/language/cs/admin/general/dashboard.json
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"user-presence": "User Presence",
"on-categories": "On categories list",
"reading-posts": "Reading posts",
- "browsing-topics": "Browsing topics",
+ "browsing-topics": "Prohlížení témat",
"recent": "Recent",
"unread": "Unread",
diff --git a/public/language/cs/admin/manage/categories.json b/public/language/cs/admin/manage/categories.json
index 7e2a5ce12e..beb2feaf70 100644
--- a/public/language/cs/admin/manage/categories.json
+++ b/public/language/cs/admin/manage/categories.json
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
"alert.updated-success": "Category IDs %1 successfully updated.",
"alert.upload-image": "Upload category image",
"alert.find-user": "Find a User",
- "alert.user-search": "Search for a user here...",
+ "alert.user-search": "Najít uživatele…",
"alert.find-group": "Find a Group",
- "alert.group-search": "Search for a group here..."
+ "alert.group-search": "Hledat skupinu…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/cs/admin/manage/tags.json b/public/language/cs/admin/manage/tags.json
index db40e9f098..c65a88f38f 100644
--- a/public/language/cs/admin/manage/tags.json
+++ b/public/language/cs/admin/manage/tags.json
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"create": "Create Tag",
"modify": "Modify Tags",
"delete": "Delete Selected Tags",
- "search": "Search for tags...",
+ "search": "Hledat tagy…",
"settings": "Click here to visit the tag settings page.",
"name": "Tag Name",
diff --git a/public/language/cs/admin/menu.json b/public/language/cs/admin/menu.json
index 6a4995ea6e..68ad626681 100644
--- a/public/language/cs/admin/menu.json
+++ b/public/language/cs/admin/menu.json
@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@
"logout": "Log out",
"view-forum": "View Forum",
- "search.placeholder": "Search...",
- "search.no-results": "No results...",
+ "search.placeholder": "Hledat",
+ "search.no-results": "Žádné výsledky…",
"search.search-forum": "Search the forum for ",
- "search.keep-typing": "Type more to see results...",
- "search.start-typing": "Start typing to see results...",
+ "search.keep-typing": "Pište dále pro zobrazení výsledků…",
+ "search.start-typing": "Začněte psát pro zobrazení výsledků…",
- "connection-lost": "Connection to %1 has been lost, attempting to reconnect..."
+ "connection-lost": "Připojení k %1 bylo ztraceno. Snaha o opětovné připojení…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/cs/email.json b/public/language/cs/email.json
index 9c456dd30e..1070b21754 100644
--- a/public/language/cs/email.json
+++ b/public/language/cs/email.json
@@ -5,18 +5,18 @@
"greeting_no_name": "Dobrý den",
"greeting_with_name": "Dobrý den %1",
"welcome.text1": "Děkujeme vám za registraci na %1!",
- "welcome.text2": "Pro úplnou aktivaci vašeho účtu potřebujeme ověřit vaší emailovou adresu.",
+ "welcome.text2": "Pro úplnou aktivaci vašeho účtu potřebujeme ověřit vaši e-mailovou adresu.",
"welcome.text3": "Administrátor právě potvrdil vaší registraci. Nyní se můžete přihlásit jménem a heslem.",
- "welcome.cta": "Klikněte zde pro potvrzení vaší emailové adresy",
+ "welcome.cta": "Klikněte zde pro potvrzení vaší e-mailové adresy",
"invitation.text1": "%1 Vás pozval abyste se připojil k %2",
"invitation.ctr": "Klikněte zde pro vytvoření vašeho účtu",
- "reset.text1": "Obdrželi jsme požadavek na obnovu hesla, pravděpodobně kvůli tomu, že jste ho zapomněli. Pokud to není tento případ, ignorujte, prosím, tento email.",
+ "reset.text1": "Obdrželi jsme požadavek na obnovu vašeho hesla, pravděpodobně z důvodu jeho zapomenutí. Pokud to není tento případ, ignorujte, prosím, tento e-mail.",
"reset.text2": "Přejete-li si pokračovat v obnově vašeho hesla, klikněte, prosím, na následující odkaz:",
"reset.cta": "Klikněte zde, chcete-li obnovit vaše heslo",
"reset.notify.subject": "Heslo úspěšně změněno",
"reset.notify.text1": "Informujeme Vás, že na %1 vaše heslo bylo úspěšně změněno.",
"reset.notify.text2": "Pokud jste to neschválil, prosíme neprodleně kontaktujte správce.",
- "digest.notifications": "Máte tu nepřečtená oznámení od %1:",
+ "digest.notifications": "Máte tu nepřečtená upozornění od %1:",
"digest.latest_topics": "Nejnovější témata od %1",
"digest.cta": "Kliknutím zde navštívíte %1",
"digest.unsub.info": "Tento výtah vám byl odeslán, protože jste si to nastavili ve vašich odběrech.",
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
"digest.subject": "Výběr pro %1",
"notif.chat.subject": "Nová zpráva z chatu od %1",
"notif.chat.cta": "Chcete-li pokračovat v konverzaci, klikněte zde.",
- "notif.chat.unsub.info": "Toto oznámení z chatu vám bylo zasláno, protože jste si to nastavili ve vašich odběrech.",
+ "notif.chat.unsub.info": "Toto upozornění na chat vám bylo odesláno na základě vašeho nastavení odběru.",
"notif.post.cta": "Klikněte zde pro přečtené celého tématu",
- "notif.post.unsub.info": "Toto oznámení Vám bylo odesláno na základě vašeho nastavení odběru.",
- "test.text1": "Tento testovací email slouží k ověření, že mailer je správně nastaven. NodeBB.",
+ "notif.post.unsub.info": "Toto upozornění na příspěvek vám bylo odesláno na základě vašeho nastavení odběru.",
+ "test.text1": "Tento testovací e-mail slouží k ověření, že je e-mailer správně nastaven pro práci s NodeBB.",
"unsub.cta": "Chcete-li změnit tyto nastavení, klikněte zde.",
"closing": "Díky!"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/cs/error.json b/public/language/cs/error.json
index 2957a310a9..690b3423fb 100644
--- a/public/language/cs/error.json
+++ b/public/language/cs/error.json
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"invalid-pid": "Neplatné ID příspěvku",
"invalid-uid": "Neplatné ID uživatele",
"invalid-username": "Neplatné uživatelské jméno",
- "invalid-email": "Neplatný email",
+ "invalid-email": "Neplatný e-mail",
"invalid-title": "Neplatný titulek!",
"invalid-user-data": "Neplatná uživatelská data",
"invalid-password": "Neplatné heslo",
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
"csrf-invalid": "We were unable to log you in, likely due to an expired session. Please try again",
"invalid-pagination-value": "Invalid pagination value, must be at least %1 and at most %2",
"username-taken": "Uživatelské jméno je již použito",
- "email-taken": "Email je již použit",
- "email-not-confirmed": "Vaše emailová adresa zatím nebyla potvrzena. Kliknutím zde svůj email potvrdíte.",
+ "email-taken": "E-mail je již používán",
+ "email-not-confirmed": "Vaše e-mailová adresa zatím nebyla potvrzena. Klepněte zde pro její potvrzení.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent": "Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email.",
"no-email-to-confirm": "This forum requires email confirmation, please click here to enter an email",
"email-confirm-failed": "We could not confirm your email, please try again later.",
- "confirm-email-already-sent": "Potvrzovací email již byl odeslán. Vyčkejte %1 minut pokud chcete odeslat další.",
+ "confirm-email-already-sent": "Potvrzovací e-mail byl již odeslán. Vyčkejte %1 minut pokud chcete odeslat další.",
"sendmail-not-found": "The sendmail executable could not be found, please ensure it is installed and executable by the user running NodeBB.",
"username-too-short": "Uživatelské jméno je příliš krátké",
"username-too-long": "Uživatelské jméno je příliš dlouhé",
diff --git a/public/language/cs/global.json b/public/language/cs/global.json
index 8987f7ecef..3d6a1fe149 100644
--- a/public/language/cs/global.json
+++ b/public/language/cs/global.json
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
"header.users": "Uživatelé",
"header.groups": "Skupiny",
"header.chats": "Chaty",
- "header.notifications": "Oznámení",
+ "header.notifications": "Upozornění",
"header.search": "Hledat",
"header.profile": "Můj profil",
"header.navigation": "Navigace",
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
"dnd": "Nevyrušovat",
"invisible": "Neviditelný",
"offline": "Offline",
- "email": "Email",
+ "email": "E-mail",
"language": "Jazyk",
"guest": "Host",
"guests": "Hosté",
diff --git a/public/language/cs/login.json b/public/language/cs/login.json
index c949cf14ac..8d189a2d0e 100644
--- a/public/language/cs/login.json
+++ b/public/language/cs/login.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "username-email": "Uživatel / Email",
+ "username-email": "Uživatelské jméno / e-mail",
"username": "Uživatel",
- "email": "Email",
+ "email": "E-mail",
"remember_me": "Zapamatovat si mě?",
"forgot_password": "Zapomněli jste heslo?",
"alternative_logins": "Další způsoby přihlášení",
diff --git a/public/language/cs/modules.json b/public/language/cs/modules.json
index 2a75db71f6..28a90319de 100644
--- a/public/language/cs/modules.json
+++ b/public/language/cs/modules.json
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"chat.placeholder": "Zprávu do chatu napište zde, pro odeslání stiskněte enter",
"chat.send": "Odeslat",
"chat.no_active": "Nemáte žádné aktivní konverzace.",
- "chat.user_typing": "%1 píše ...",
+ "chat.user_typing": "%1 píše…",
"chat.user_has_messaged_you": "%1 Vám napsal.",
"chat.see_all": "Prohlédnout všechny chaty",
"chat.mark_all_read": "Označit vše jako přečtené",
diff --git a/public/language/cs/notifications.json b/public/language/cs/notifications.json
index 631bdfd5e0..04b05c0c0b 100644
--- a/public/language/cs/notifications.json
+++ b/public/language/cs/notifications.json
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
"user_started_following_you_multiple": "%1 and %2 others started following you.",
"new_register": "%1 sent a registration request.",
"new_register_multiple": "There are %1 registration requests awaiting review.",
- "email-confirmed": "Email potvrzen",
- "email-confirmed-message": "Děkujeme za ověření Vaší emailové adresy. Váš účet je nyní aktivován.",
- "email-confirm-error-message": "Nastal problém s ověřením Vaší emailové adresy. Pravděpodobně neplatný nebo expirovaný kód.",
- "email-confirm-sent": "Ověřovací email odeslán."
+ "email-confirmed": "E-mail potvrzen",
+ "email-confirmed-message": "Děkujeme za ověření vaší e-mailové adresy. Váš účet je nyní aktivní.",
+ "email-confirm-error-message": "Nastal problém s ověřením vaší e-mailové adresy. Kód je pravděpodobně neplatný nebo jeho platnost vypršela.",
+ "email-confirm-sent": "Ověřovací e-mail odeslán."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/cs/pages.json b/public/language/cs/pages.json
index 1a735e94d1..64902c40c0 100644
--- a/public/language/cs/pages.json
+++ b/public/language/cs/pages.json
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"users/banned": "Zabanovaní uživatelé",
"users/most-flags": "Most flagged users",
"users/search": "Hledání uživatele",
- "notifications": "Oznámení",
+ "notifications": "Upozornění",
"tags": "Tagy",
"tag": "Téma označeno pod \"%1\"",
"register": "Zaregistrovat účet",
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
"account/upvoted": "Posts upvoted by %1",
"account/downvoted": "Posts downvoted by %1",
"account/best": "Nejlepší příspěvky od %1",
- "confirm": "Email potvrzen",
+ "confirm": "E-mail potvrzen",
"maintenance.text": "%1 is currently undergoing maintenance. Please come back another time.",
"maintenance.messageIntro": "Additionally, the administrator has left this message:",
"throttled.text": "%1 je v současnou chvíli nedostupný pro velkou zátěž. Prosíme zkuste to za chvíli."
diff --git a/public/language/cs/register.json b/public/language/cs/register.json
index 6aa6c9d5b9..fae5335f6a 100644
--- a/public/language/cs/register.json
+++ b/public/language/cs/register.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"register": "Registrace",
"cancel_registration": "Cancel Registration",
- "help.email": "Váš email nebude bez vašeho svolení zveřejněn.",
+ "help.email": "Ve výchozím nastavení bude váš e-mail skrytý.",
"help.username_restrictions": "Jedinečné uživatelské jméno dlouhé %1 až %2 znaků. Ostatní uživatelé Vás mohou zmínit jako @uživatelské-jméno.",
"help.minimum_password_length": "Délka vašeho hesla musí být alespoň %1 znaků.",
- "email_address": "Email",
- "email_address_placeholder": "Zadejte email",
+ "email_address": "E-mailová adresa",
+ "email_address_placeholder": "Zadejte e-mailovou adresu",
"username": "Uživatelské jméno",
"username_placeholder": "Zadejte uživatelské jméno",
"password": "Heslo",
diff --git a/public/language/cs/reset_password.json b/public/language/cs/reset_password.json
index 87e85611d1..288550bd87 100644
--- a/public/language/cs/reset_password.json
+++ b/public/language/cs/reset_password.json
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
"wrong_reset_code.message": "Byl zadán špatný kód. Zadejte ho prosím znovu, nebo si nechte poslat nový.",
"new_password": "Nové heslo",
"repeat_password": "Potvrzení hesla",
- "enter_email": "Zadejte svou emailovou adresu a my Vám pošleme informace, jak můžete obnovit své heslo.",
- "enter_email_address": "Zadejte emailovou adresu",
+ "enter_email": "Zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu a my vám pošleme informace, jak můžete obnovit svůj účet.",
+ "enter_email_address": "Zadejte e-mailovou adresu",
"password_reset_sent": "Obnova hesla odeslána",
- "invalid_email": "Špatný email / Email neexistuje!",
+ "invalid_email": "Neplatný e-mail / E-mail neexistuje!",
"password_too_short": "Zadané heslo je příliš krátké, zvolte si prosím jiné.",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Vámi zadaná hesla se neshodují.",
"password_expired": "Platnost Vašeho hesla vypršela, zvolte si prosím nové."
diff --git a/public/language/cs/tags.json b/public/language/cs/tags.json
index 59b7f40c43..9e7cb73dc8 100644
--- a/public/language/cs/tags.json
+++ b/public/language/cs/tags.json
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
"no_tag_topics": "Není zde žádné téma s tímto tagem.",
"tags": "Tagy",
"enter_tags_here": "Zde vložte tagy, každý o délce %1 až %2 znaků.",
- "enter_tags_here_short": "Vložte tagy ...",
+ "enter_tags_here_short": "Zadejte tagy…",
"no_tags": "Zatím tu není žádný tag."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/cs/topic.json b/public/language/cs/topic.json
index 8642d67c51..cdebbe7c33 100644
--- a/public/language/cs/topic.json
+++ b/public/language/cs/topic.json
@@ -105,13 +105,13 @@
"fork_pid_count": "%1 post(s) selected",
"fork_success": "Successfully forked topic! Click here to go to the forked topic.",
"delete_posts_instruction": "Click the posts you want to delete/purge",
- "composer.title_placeholder": "Zadejte název tématu...",
+ "composer.title_placeholder": "Zadejte název tématu…",
"composer.handle_placeholder": "Jméno",
"composer.discard": "Zrušit",
"composer.submit": "Odeslat",
"composer.replying_to": "Replying to %1",
"composer.new_topic": "Nové téma",
- "composer.uploading": "nahrávání...",
+ "composer.uploading": "nahrávání…",
"composer.thumb_url_label": "Vložit URL náhled tématu",
"composer.thumb_title": "Přidat k tématu náhled",
"composer.thumb_url_placeholder": "http://example.com/thumb.png",
diff --git a/public/language/cs/uploads.json b/public/language/cs/uploads.json
index 0adbf0d9f0..f0b4b0cb80 100644
--- a/public/language/cs/uploads.json
+++ b/public/language/cs/uploads.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "uploading-file": "Nahrávání souboru...",
+ "uploading-file": "Nahrávání souboru…",
"select-file-to-upload": "Vyberte soubor pro nahrání!",
"upload-success": "Soubor byl úspěšně nahrán!",
"maximum-file-size": "Maximum %1 kb"
diff --git a/public/language/cs/user.json b/public/language/cs/user.json
index 2752f09274..4551664422 100644
--- a/public/language/cs/user.json
+++ b/public/language/cs/user.json
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
"username": "Uživatelské jméno",
"joindate": "Datum ragistrace",
"postcount": "Počet příspěvků",
- "email": "Email",
- "confirm_email": "Potvrdit email",
+ "email": "E-mail",
+ "confirm_email": "Potvrdit e-mail",
"account_info": "Account Info",
"ban_account": "Zablokovat účet",
"ban_account_confirm": "Opravdu chcete zablokovat tohoto uživatele?",
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
"profile_update_success": "Profil byl úspěšně aktualizován!",
"change_picture": "Změnit obrázek",
"change_username": "Změnit uživatelské jméno",
- "change_email": "Změnit email",
+ "change_email": "Změnit e-mail",
"edit": "Upravit",
"edit-profile": "Editovat profil",
"default_picture": "Výchozí ikonka",
@@ -58,14 +58,14 @@
"password": "Heslo",
"username_taken_workaround": "Zvolené uživatelské jméno je již zabrané, takže jsme ho trochu upravili. Nyní jste znám jako %1",
"password_same_as_username": "Vaše heslo je stejné jako vaše přihlašovací jméno. Zvolte si prosím jiné heslo.",
- "password_same_as_email": "Vaše heslo je stejné jako email. Vyberte si prosím jiné heslo.",
+ "password_same_as_email": "Vaše heslo je stejné jako váš e-mail. Zvolte si prosím jiné heslo.",
"upload_picture": "Nahrát obrázek",
"upload_a_picture": "Nahrát obrázek",
"remove_uploaded_picture": "Odstranit nahraný obrázek",
"upload_cover_picture": "Náhrát titulní obrázek",
"remove_cover_picture_confirm": "Are you sure you want to remove the cover picture?",
"settings": "Nastavení",
- "show_email": "Zobrazovat můj email v profilu",
+ "show_email": "Zobrazovat můj e-mail v profilu",
"show_fullname": "Zobrazovat celé jméno",
"restrict_chats": "Povolit chatovací zprávy pouze od uživatelů, které sleduji.",
"digest_label": "Odebírat přehled",
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
"has_no_upvoted_posts": "This user hasn't upvoted any posts yet.",
"has_no_downvoted_posts": "This user hasn't downvoted any posts yet.",
"has_no_voted_posts": "This user has no voted posts",
- "email_hidden": "Skrytý email",
+ "email_hidden": "E-mail skryt",
"hidden": "skrytý",
"paginate_description": "Paginate topics and posts instead of using infinite scroll",
"topics_per_page": "Témat na stránce",
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
"outgoing-message-sound": "Outgoing message sound",
"notification-sound": "Notification sound",
"no-sound": "No sound",
- "browsing": "Browsing Settings",
+ "browsing": "Nastavení prohlížení",
"open_links_in_new_tab": "Open outgoing links in new tab",
"enable_topic_searching": "Enable In-Topic Searching",
"topic_search_help": "If enabled, in-topic searching will override the browser's default page search behaviour and allow you to search through the entire topic, instead of what is only shown on screen",
diff --git a/public/language/de/admin/advanced/cache.json b/public/language/de/admin/advanced/cache.json
index ecdd3825b3..75a8f8a48c 100644
--- a/public/language/de/admin/advanced/cache.json
+++ b/public/language/de/admin/advanced/cache.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "post-cache": "Post Cache",
+ "post-cache": "Eintrag Zwischenspeicher",
"posts-in-cache": "Einträge im Zwischenspeicher",
"average-post-size": "Durchschnittliche Forum Eintrags Größe",
"length-to-max": "Länge / Maximum",
diff --git a/public/language/de/admin/advanced/database.json b/public/language/de/admin/advanced/database.json
index f7db6220ee..71c4feb1a1 100644
--- a/public/language/de/admin/advanced/database.json
+++ b/public/language/de/admin/advanced/database.json
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
"x-b": "%1 b",
"x-mb": "%1 mb",
- "uptime-seconds": "Uptime in Seconds",
- "uptime-days": "Uptime in Days",
+ "uptime-seconds": "Laufzeit in Sekunden",
+ "uptime-days": "Laufzeit in Tagen",
"mongo": "Mongo",
"mongo.version": "MongoDB Version",
- "mongo.storage-engine": "Storage Engine",
+ "mongo.storage-engine": "Speicherengine",
"mongo.collections": "Collections",
- "mongo.objects": "Objects",
- "mongo.avg-object-size": "Avg. Object Size",
- "mongo.data-size": "Data Size",
- "mongo.storage-size": "Storage Size",
- "mongo.index-size": "Index Size",
- "mongo.file-size": "File Size",
+ "mongo.objects": "Objekte",
+ "mongo.avg-object-size": "Durchschnittliche Objektgröße",
+ "mongo.data-size": "Datengröße",
+ "mongo.storage-size": "Speichergröße",
+ "mongo.index-size": "Indexgröße",
+ "mongo.file-size": "Dateigröße",
"mongo.resident-memory": "Resident Memory",
- "mongo.virtual-memory": "Virtual Memory",
+ "mongo.virtual-memory": "virtueller Speicher",
"mongo.mapped-memory": "Mapped Memory",
- "mongo.raw-info": "MongoDB Raw Info",
+ "mongo.raw-info": "MongoDB Rohinfo",
"redis": "Redis",
"redis.version": "Redis Version",
- "redis.connected-clients": "Connected Clients",
- "redis.connected-slaves": "Connected Slaves",
- "redis.blocked-clients": "Blocked Clients",
- "redis.used-memory": "Used Memory",
- "redis.memory-frag-ratio": "Memory Fragmentation Ratio",
- "redis.total-connections-recieved": "Total Connections Received",
- "redis.total-commands-processed": "Total Commands Processed",
- "redis.iops": "Instantaneous Ops. Per Second",
+ "redis.connected-clients": "Verbundene Clients",
+ "redis.connected-slaves": "Verbundene Slaves",
+ "redis.blocked-clients": "Blockierte Clients",
+ "redis.used-memory": "Speicherverbrauch",
+ "redis.memory-frag-ratio": "Speicherfragmentierungsgrad",
+ "redis.total-connections-recieved": "Insgesamt Verbindungen empfangen",
+ "redis.total-commands-processed": "Insgesamt Kommandos ausgeführt",
+ "redis.iops": "Durchschnittliche Anzahl von Ein-/Ausgaben pro Sekunde",
"redis.keyspace-hits": "Keyspace Hits",
"redis.keyspace-misses": "Keyspace Misses",
- "redis.raw-info": "Redis Raw Info"
+ "redis.raw-info": "Redis Rohinfo"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/de/admin/advanced/errors.json b/public/language/de/admin/advanced/errors.json
index 963e68b116..837b211595 100644
--- a/public/language/de/admin/advanced/errors.json
+++ b/public/language/de/admin/advanced/errors.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
- "figure-x": "Figure %1",
- "error-events-per-day": "%1
events per day",
+ "figure-x": "Abbildung %1",
+ "error-events-per-day": "%1
Ereignisse pro Tag",
"error.404": "404 Not Found",
"error.503": "503 Service Unavailable",
- "manage-error-log": "Manage Error Log",
- "export-error-log": "Export Error Log (CSV)",
- "clear-error-log": "Clear Error Log",
- "route": "Route",
- "count": "Count",
- "no-routes-not-found": "Hooray! There are no routes that were not found.",
- "clear404-confirm": "Are you sure you wish to clear the 404 error logs?",
- "clear404-success": "\"404 Not Found\" errors cleared"
+ "manage-error-log": "Aktionen Fehlerprotokoll",
+ "export-error-log": "Exportiere das Fehlerprotokoll (CSV)",
+ "clear-error-log": "Lösche Fehlerprotokoll",
+ "route": "Zielroute",
+ "count": "Anzahl",
+ "no-routes-not-found": "Hurra! Es gibt keine Zielrouten, die nicht gefunden wurden.",
+ "clear404-confirm": "Bist du dir sicher, dass du das 404 Fehlerprotokoll löschen möchtest?",
+ "clear404-success": "\"404 Not Found\" Fehler gelöscht"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/de/admin/appearance/customise.json b/public/language/de/admin/appearance/customise.json
index 767d443e29..8d04a48eb8 100644
--- a/public/language/de/admin/appearance/customise.json
+++ b/public/language/de/admin/appearance/customise.json
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- "custom-css": "Custom CSS",
- "custom-css.description": "Enter your own CSS declarations here, which will be applied after all other styles.",
- "custom-css.enable": "Enable Custom CSS",
+ "custom-css": "Benutzerdefiniertes CSS",
+ "custom-css.description": "Füge hier deine eigenen CSS-Eigenschaften ein, sie werden als letztes angewendet.",
+ "custom-css.enable": "Aktiviere benutzerdefiniertes CSS",
- "custom-header": "Custom Header",
- "custom-header.description": "Enter custom HTML here (ex. JavaScript, Meta Tags, etc.), which will be appended to the <head>
section of your forum's markup.",
- "custom-header.enable": "Enable Custom Header"
+ "custom-header": "Benutzerdefinierter Kopfbereich",
+ "custom-header.description": "Füge hier dein benutzerdefiniertes HTML (z.B. Javascript, Meta Tags, usw.) ein, welches vor dem <head>
Tag eingefügt wird.",
+ "custom-header.enable": "Aktiviere benutzerdefinierten Kopfbereich"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/de/admin/appearance/skins.json b/public/language/de/admin/appearance/skins.json
index 4db6fbdd8a..c82e310246 100644
--- a/public/language/de/admin/appearance/skins.json
+++ b/public/language/de/admin/appearance/skins.json
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- "loading": "Loading Skins...",
+ "loading": "Lade Aussehen...",
"homepage": "Homepage",
- "select-skin": "Select Skin",
- "current-skin": "Current Skin",
- "skin-updated": "Skin Updated",
- "applied-success": "%1 skin was succesfully applied",
- "revert-success": "Skin reverted to base colours"
+ "select-skin": "Wähle Aussehen",
+ "current-skin": "Aktuelles Aussehen",
+ "skin-updated": "Aussehen aktualisiert",
+ "applied-success": "%1 Aussehen wurde erfolgreich angewendet",
+ "revert-success": "Aussehen wieder auf Basisfarben zurückgestellt."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/de/admin/appearance/themes.json b/public/language/de/admin/appearance/themes.json
index 3148a01337..adff70212a 100644
--- a/public/language/de/admin/appearance/themes.json
+++ b/public/language/de/admin/appearance/themes.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
- "checking-for-installed": "Checking for installed themes...",
+ "checking-for-installed": "Prüfe auf installierte Designs...",
"homepage": "Homepage",
- "select-theme": "Select Theme",
- "current-theme": "Current Theme",
- "no-themes": "No installed themes found",
- "revert-confirm": "Are you sure you wish to restore the default NodeBB theme?",
- "theme-changed": "Theme Changed",
- "revert-success": "You have successfully reverted your NodeBB back to it's default theme.",
- "restart-to-activate": "Please restart your NodeBB to fully activate this theme"
+ "select-theme": "Wähle Design",
+ "current-theme": "Aktuelles Design",
+ "no-themes": "Keine installierten Designs gefunden.",
+ "revert-confirm": "Bist du dir sicher, dass du das standard NodeBB Design wieder herstellen willst?",
+ "theme-changed": "Design geändert",
+ "revert-success": "Du hast erfolgreich dein NodeBB wieder auf das Standarddesign gewechselt.",
+ "restart-to-activate": "Bitte starte dein NodeBB neu um das Design voll zu aktivieren."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/de/admin/settings/user.json b/public/language/de/admin/settings/user.json
index 7ec6c3f090..3c0124ff89 100644
--- a/public/language/de/admin/settings/user.json
+++ b/public/language/de/admin/settings/user.json
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
"authentication": "Authentifizierung",
"allow-local-login": "Erlaube Lokalen Login",
"require-email-confirmation": "Benötigt E-Mail Bestätigung",
- "email-confirm-interval": "User may not resend a confirmation email until",
- "email-confirm-email2": "Minuten sind verstrichen",
+ "email-confirm-interval": "Der Benutzer kann für ",
+ "email-confirm-email2": " Minuten keine Bestätigungsmail erneut senden.",
"allow-login-with": "Erlaube Login mit",
"allow-login-with.username-email": "Benutzername oder E-Mail",
"allow-login-with.username": "Nur Benutzername",
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
"account-protection": "Kontosicherheit",
"login-attempts": "Login-Versuche pro Stunde",
"login-attempts-help": "If login attempts to a user's account exceeds this threshold, that account will be locked for a pre-configured amount of time",
- "lockout-duration": "Account Lockout Duration (minutes)",
+ "lockout-duration": "Account Aussperrzeitraum (Minuten)",
"login-days": "Days to remember user login sessions",
- "password-expiry-days": "Force password reset after a set number of days",
+ "password-expiry-days": "Erzwinge ein Passwortreset nach x Tagen",
"registration": "Benutzer Registrierung",
"registration-type": "Registrierungart",
"registration-type.normal": "Normal",
@@ -30,30 +30,30 @@
"registration-type.invite-only": "Nur Einladungen",
"registration-type.admin-invite-only": "Nur Admin Einladungen",
"registration-type.disabled": "Keine Registrierung",
- "registration-type.help": "Normal - Users can register from the /register page.
\nAdmin Approval - User registrations are placed in an approval queue for administrators.
\nAdmin Approval for IPs - Normal for new users, Admin Approval for IP addresses that already have an account.
\nInvite Only - Users can invite others from the users page.
\nAdmin Invite Only - Only administrators can invite others from users and admin/manage/users pages.
\nNo registration - No user registration.
+ "registration-type.help": "Normal - Benutzer kann sich über die /register Seite registrieren.
\nFreischaltung durch einen Admin - Benutzerregistrationen werden in der Bestätigungswarteschlange für die Admins plaziert.
\nNur Einladung - Benutzer können andere auf der Benutzer Seite einladen.
\nNur Admineinladung - Nur Administratoren können andere auf der Benutzer und der admin/manage/users Seite einladen.
\nKeine Registrierung- Keine Benutzerregistrierung.
"registration.max-invites": "Maximale Einladungen pro Benutzer",
"max-invites": "Maximale Einladungen pro Benutzer",
- "max-invites-help": "0 for no restriction. Admins get infinite invitations
Only applicable for \"Invite Only\"",
+ "max-invites-help": "0 für keine Beschränkung. Admins haben keine beschränkung.
Nur praktikabel für \"Nur Einladungen\".",
"min-username-length": "Minimale länge des Benutzernamens",
"max-username-length": "Maximale länge des Benutzernamens",
"min-password-length": "Minimale länge des Passwortes",
"max-about-me-length": "Maximale länge von Über Mich",
- "terms-of-use": "Forum Terms of Use (Leave blank to disable)",
+ "terms-of-use": "Forum Nutzungsbedingungen (Leer lassen um es zu deaktivieren)",
"user-search": "Benutzersuche",
- "user-search-results-per-page": "Number of results to display",
- "default-user-settings": "Default User Settings",
- "show-email": "Show email",
- "show-fullname": "Show fullname",
- "restrict-chat": "Only allow chat messages from users I follow",
- "outgoing-new-tab": "Open outgoing links in new tab",
- "topic-search": "Enable In-Topic Searching",
- "digest-freq": "Subscribe to Digest",
- "digest-freq.off": "Off",
- "digest-freq.daily": "Daily",
- "digest-freq.weekly": "Weekly",
- "digest-freq.monthly": "Monthly",
- "email-chat-notifs": "Send an email if a new chat message arrives and I am not online",
- "email-post-notif": "Send an email when replies are made to topics I am subscribed to",
- "follow-created-topics": "Follow topics you create",
- "follow-replied-topics": "Follow topics that you reply to"
+ "user-search-results-per-page": "Anzahl anzuzeigener Ergebnisse",
+ "default-user-settings": "Standard Benutzer Einstellungen",
+ "show-email": "Zeige E-Mail-Adresse",
+ "show-fullname": "Zeige vollen Namen",
+ "restrict-chat": "Erlaube nur Chatnachrichten von Benutzern denen ich folge",
+ "outgoing-new-tab": "Öffne externe Links in einem neuen Tab",
+ "topic-search": "Suchen innerhalb von Themen aktivieren",
+ "digest-freq": "Zusammenfassung abonnieren",
+ "digest-freq.off": "Aus",
+ "digest-freq.daily": "Täglich",
+ "digest-freq.weekly": "Wöchentlich",
+ "digest-freq.monthly": "Monatlich",
+ "email-chat-notifs": "Sende eine E-Mail, wenn eine neue Chat-Nachricht eingeht und ich nicht online bin",
+ "email-post-notif": "Sende eine E-Mail wenn auf Themen die ich abonniert habe geantwortet wird",
+ "follow-created-topics": "Themen folgen, die du erstellst",
+ "follow-replied-topics": "Themen folgen, auf die du antwortest"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/de/global.json b/public/language/de/global.json
index f291f5f366..98a65c6687 100644
--- a/public/language/de/global.json
+++ b/public/language/de/global.json
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@
"unsaved-changes": "Es gibt ungespeicherte Änderungen. Bist du dir sicher, dass du die Seite verlassen willst?",
"reconnecting-message": "Es scheint als hättest du die Verbindung zu %1 verloren, bitte warte während wir versuchen sie wieder aufzubauen.",
"play": "Play",
- "cookies.message": "This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.",
- "cookies.accept": "Got it!",
+ "cookies.message": "Diese Website verwendet Cookies, um sicherzustellen, dass du die besten Erfahrungen auf unserer Website machst.",
+ "cookies.accept": "Verstanden!",
"cookies.learn_more": "Erfahre mehr",
"edited": "Bearbeitet"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/en-GB/admin/settings/uploads.json b/public/language/en-GB/admin/settings/uploads.json
index 8a56c85663..35eaa5a58f 100644
--- a/public/language/en-GB/admin/settings/uploads.json
+++ b/public/language/en-GB/admin/settings/uploads.json
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"allow-topic-thumbnails": "Allow users to upload topic thumbnails",
"topic-thumb-size": "Topic Thumb Size",
"allowed-file-extensions": "Allowed File Extensions",
- "allowed-file-extensions-help": "Enter comma-separated list of file extensions here (e.g. pdf,xls,doc
).\n\t\t\t\t\tAn empty list means all extensions are allowed.",
+ "allowed-file-extensions-help": "Enter comma-separated list of file extensions here (e.g. pdf,xls,doc
). An empty list means all extensions are allowed.",
"profile-avatars": "Profile Avatars",
"allow-profile-image-uploads": "Allow users to upload profile images",
"convert-profile-image-png": "Convert profile image uploads to PNG",
@@ -25,4 +25,4 @@
"profile-covers": "Profile Covers",
"default-covers": "Default Cover Images",
"default-covers-help": "Add comma-separated default cover images for accounts that don't have an uploaded cover image"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/fr/admin/manage/categories.json b/public/language/fr/admin/manage/categories.json
index 7f46cb92e1..4575e3528d 100644
--- a/public/language/fr/admin/manage/categories.json
+++ b/public/language/fr/admin/manage/categories.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "settings": "Paramétres de la catégorie",
+ "settings": "Paramètres de la catégorie",
"privileges": "Privilèges",
"name": "Nom de la catégorie",
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
"privileges.description": "You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.warning": "Note: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
- "privileges.section-viewing": "Viewing Privileges",
+ "privileges.section-viewing": "Afficher les Privilèges",
"privileges.section-posting": "Posting Privileges",
"privileges.section-moderation": "Moderation Privileges",
"privileges.section-user": "User",
diff --git a/public/language/pl/admin/advanced/events.json b/public/language/pl/admin/advanced/events.json
index f5596d976d..1dd4a3e3ee 100644
--- a/public/language/pl/admin/advanced/events.json
+++ b/public/language/pl/admin/advanced/events.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"events": "Wydarzenia",
- "no-events": "There are no events",
- "control-panel": "Events Control Panel",
- "delete-events": "Delete Events"
+ "no-events": "Brak zdarzeń",
+ "control-panel": "Panel zdarzeń",
+ "delete-events": "Usuń zdarzenia"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/pl/admin/appearance/skins.json b/public/language/pl/admin/appearance/skins.json
index 648da881aa..8009b420b6 100644
--- a/public/language/pl/admin/appearance/skins.json
+++ b/public/language/pl/admin/appearance/skins.json
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
"loading": "Ładowania skórki...",
"homepage": "Strona główna",
"select-skin": "Wybierz Skórkę",
- "current-skin": "Current Skin",
- "skin-updated": "Skin Updated",
- "applied-success": "%1 skin was succesfully applied",
- "revert-success": "Skin reverted to base colours"
+ "current-skin": "Obecna skórka",
+ "skin-updated": "Skórka zaktualizowana",
+ "applied-success": "%1 skórki jest zachowana z powodzeniem",
+ "revert-success": "Skórka przywrócowana do pierwotnych kolorów"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/pl/admin/development/info.json b/public/language/pl/admin/development/info.json
index 2e3a792438..d63f50a900 100644
--- a/public/language/pl/admin/development/info.json
+++ b/public/language/pl/admin/development/info.json
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "online",
"git": "git",
- "load": "load",
+ "load": "obciążenie",
"uptime": "uptime",
- "registered": "Registered",
- "sockets": "Sockets",
- "guests": "Guests",
+ "registered": "Zarejestrowane",
+ "sockets": "Sockety",
+ "guests": "Goście",
- "info": "Info"
+ "info": "Informacja"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/pl/admin/general/dashboard.json b/public/language/pl/admin/general/dashboard.json
index ba1da79cd4..00dea84351 100644
--- a/public/language/pl/admin/general/dashboard.json
+++ b/public/language/pl/admin/general/dashboard.json
@@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
- "forum-traffic": "Ruch Forum",
- "page-views": "Page Views",
- "unique-visitors": "Unique Visitors",
- "page-views-last-month": "Page views Last Month",
- "page-views-this-month": "Page views This Month",
- "page-views-last-day": "Page views in last 24 hours",
- "stats.day": "Day",
- "stats.week": "Week",
- "stats.month": "Month",
- "stats.all": "All Time",
+ "forum-traffic": "Ruch na forum",
+ "page-views": "Wyświetlenia strony",
+ "unique-visitors": "Unikalni goście",
+ "page-views-last-month": "Wyświetlenia strony w ostatnim miesiącu",
+ "page-views-this-month": "Wyświetlenia strony w tym miesiącu",
+ "page-views-last-day": "Wyświetlenia strony z ostatnich 24 godzin",
+ "stats.day": "Dzień",
+ "stats.week": "Tydzień",
+ "stats.month": "Miesiąc",
+ "stats.all": "Cały czas",
- "updates": "Updates",
- "running-version": "You are running NodeBB v%1.",
+ "updates": "Aktualizacje",
+ "running-version": "Forum działa dzięki NodeBB v%1",
"keep-updated": "Always make sure that your NodeBB is up to date for the latest security patches and bug fixes.",
- "up-to-date": "
You are up-to-date
", - "upgrade-available": "A new version (v%1) has been released. Consider upgrading your NodeBB.
", + "up-to-date": "NodeBB jest aktualny
", + "upgrade-available": "Dostępna jest nowa wersja NodeBB (v%1). Proszę o rozważenie aktualizacji
", "prerelease-upgrade-available": "This is an outdated pre-release version of NodeBB. A new version (v%1) has been released. Consider upgrading your NodeBB.
", "prerelease-warning": "This is a pre-release version of NodeBB. Unintended bugs may occur.
", - "notices": "Notices", + "notices": "Powiadomienia", - "control-panel": "System Control", - "reload": "Reload", + "control-panel": "Zarządzanie systemem", + "reload": "Odśwież", "restart": "Restart", - "restart-warning": "Reloading or Restarting your NodeBB will drop all existing connections for a few seconds.", - "maintenance-mode": "Maintenance Mode", - "maintenance-mode-title": "Click here to set up maintenance mode for NodeBB", - "realtime-chart-updates": "Realtime Chart Updates", + "restart-warning": "Przeładowanie lub Restart NodeBB spowoduje przerwanie wszystkich istniejących połączeń na kilka sekund.", + "maintenance-mode": "Tryb Konserwacji", + "maintenance-mode-title": "Kliknij tutaj aby skonfigurować Tryb Konserwacji NodeBB", + "realtime-chart-updates": "Wykresy aktualizowane na żywo", - "active-users": "Active Users", - "active-users.users": "Users", - "active-users.guests": "Guests", - "active-users.total": "Total", - "active-users.connections": "Connections", + "active-users": "Aktywni użytkownicy", + "active-users.users": "Użytkownicy", + "active-users.guests": "Goście", + "active-users.total": "Łącznie", + "active-users.connections": "Połączenia", - "anonymous-registered-users": "Anonymous vs Registered Users", - "anonymous": "Anonymous", - "registered": "Registered", + "anonymous-registered-users": "Anonimowi vs Zarejestrowani użytkownicy", + "anonymous": "Anonimowi", + "registered": "Zarejestrowani", "user-presence": "User Presence", "on-categories": "On categories list", "reading-posts": "Reading posts", "browsing-topics": "Browsing topics", "recent": "Recent", - "unread": "Unread", + "unread": "Nieprzeczytane", "high-presence-topics": "High Presence Topics", - "graphs.page-views": "Page Views", - "graphs.unique-visitors": "Unique Visitors", - "graphs.registered-users": "Registered Users", - "graphs.anonymous-users": "Anonymous Users" + "graphs.page-views": "Wyświetlenia strony", + "graphs.unique-visitors": "Unikalni Użytkownicy", + "graphs.registered-users": "Zarejestrowani Użytkownicy", + "graphs.anonymous-users": "Anonimowi Użytkownicy" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/language/ru/admin/admin.json b/public/language/ru/admin/admin.json index fcaee0994e..7fc0dfede7 100644 --- a/public/language/ru/admin/admin.json +++ b/public/language/ru/admin/admin.json @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "alert.confirm-reload": "Вы уверены, что хотите перезагрузить NodeBB?", - "alert.confirm-restart": "Are you sure you wish to restart NodeBB?", + "alert.confirm-restart": "Вы уверены, что хотите перезапустить NodeBB?", - "acp-title": "%1 | NodeBB Admin Control Panel", - "settings-header-contents": "Contents" + "acp-title": "%1 | Панель администратора NodeBB", + "settings-header-contents": "Содержание" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/language/ru/admin/advanced/cache.json b/public/language/ru/admin/advanced/cache.json index 5a954f1232..208775f991 100644 --- a/public/language/ru/admin/advanced/cache.json +++ b/public/language/ru/admin/advanced/cache.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { - "post-cache": "Post Cache", - "posts-in-cache": "Posts in Cache", + "post-cache": "Кэш записи", + "posts-in-cache": "Записей в кэше", "average-post-size": "Average Post Size", "length-to-max": "Length / Max", "percent-full": "%1% Full", diff --git a/public/language/ru/admin/general/dashboard.json b/public/language/ru/admin/general/dashboard.json index b82802db1b..c5c6a3e2f3 100644 --- a/public/language/ru/admin/general/dashboard.json +++ b/public/language/ru/admin/general/dashboard.json @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ { - "forum-traffic": "Forum Traffic", - "page-views": "Page Views", - "unique-visitors": "Unique Visitors", - "page-views-last-month": "Page views Last Month", - "page-views-this-month": "Page views This Month", - "page-views-last-day": "Page views in last 24 hours", - - "stats.day": "Day", - "stats.week": "Week", - "stats.month": "Month", - "stats.all": "All Time", + "forum-traffic": "Трафик ", + "page-views": "Просмотров", + "unique-visitors": "Посетителей", + "page-views-last-month": "Просмотров за прошлый месяц", + "page-views-this-month": "Просмотров за этот месяц", + "page-views-last-day": "Просмотров за 24 часа", + + "stats.day": "День", + "stats.week": "Неделя", + "stats.month": "Месяц", + "stats.all": "Всё время", - "updates": "Updates", + "updates": "Обновления", "running-version": "You are running NodeBB v%1.", "keep-updated": "Always make sure that your NodeBB is up to date for the latest security patches and bug fixes.", "up-to-date": "You are up-to-date
", @@ -19,37 +19,37 @@ "prerelease-upgrade-available": "This is an outdated pre-release version of NodeBB. A new version (v%1) has been released. Consider upgrading your NodeBB.
", "prerelease-warning": "This is a pre-release version of NodeBB. Unintended bugs may occur.
", - "notices": "Notices", - - "control-panel": "System Control", - "reload": "Reload", - "restart": "Restart", - "restart-warning": "Reloading or Restarting your NodeBB will drop all existing connections for a few seconds.", - "maintenance-mode": "Maintenance Mode", - "maintenance-mode-title": "Click here to set up maintenance mode for NodeBB", - "realtime-chart-updates": "Realtime Chart Updates", - - "active-users": "Active Users", - "active-users.users": "Users", - "active-users.guests": "Guests", - "active-users.total": "Total", - "active-users.connections": "Connections", - - "anonymous-registered-users": "Anonymous vs Registered Users", - "anonymous": "Anonymous", - "registered": "Registered", - - "user-presence": "User Presence", - "on-categories": "On categories list", - "reading-posts": "Reading posts", - "browsing-topics": "Browsing topics", - "recent": "Recent", - "unread": "Unread", - - "high-presence-topics": "High Presence Topics", - - "graphs.page-views": "Page Views", - 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"chat-messages": "Chat Messages", - "play-sound": "Play", - "incoming-message": "Incoming Message", - "outgoing-message": "Outgoing Message", - "upload-new-sound": "Upload New Sound", - "saved": "Settings Saved" + "chat-messages": "Сообщения", + "play-sound": "Воспроизвести", + "incoming-message": "Входящие сообщения", + "outgoing-message": "Исходящие сообщения", + "upload-new-sound": "Загрузить новую мелодию", + "saved": "Настройки сохранены" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/language/ru/admin/manage/categories.json b/public/language/ru/admin/manage/categories.json index 7e2a5ce12e..78519ee4f5 100644 --- a/public/language/ru/admin/manage/categories.json +++ b/public/language/ru/admin/manage/categories.json @@ -1,31 +1,31 @@ { - "settings": "Category Settings", - "privileges": "Privileges", + "settings": "Настройки категории", + "privileges": "Привилегии", - "name": "Category Name", - "description": "Category Description", - "bg-color": "Background Colour", - "text-color": "Text Colour", - 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"enable": "Enable", - "disable": "Disable", - "edit": "Edit", + "enable": "Включить", + "disable": "Выключить", + "edit": "Редактировать", - "select-category": "Select Category", - "set-parent-category": "Set Parent Category", + "select-category": "Указать категорию", + "set-parent-category": "Указать родительскую категорию", "privileges.description": "You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.", "privileges.warning": "Note: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.", diff --git a/public/language/ru/admin/menu.json b/public/language/ru/admin/menu.json index 6a4995ea6e..c465ecacce 100644 --- a/public/language/ru/admin/menu.json +++ b/public/language/ru/admin/menu.json @@ -1,72 +1,72 @@ { - "section-general": "General", - "general/dashboard": "Dashboard", - "general/homepage": "Home Page", - "general/navigation": "Navigation", - "general/languages": "Languages", - "general/sounds": "Sounds", - "general/social": "Social", + "section-general": "Общие", + "general/dashboard": "Панель управления", + "general/homepage": "Домашняя страница", + "general/navigation": "Навигация", + "general/languages": "Языки", + "general/sounds": "Звуки", + "general/social": "Шэринг", - "section-manage": "Manage", - "manage/categories": "Categories", - "manage/tags": "Tags", - "manage/users": "Users", - "manage/registration": "Registration Queue", - "manage/groups": "Groups", - "manage/flags": "Flags", - "manage/ip-blacklist": "IP Blacklist", + "section-manage": "Управление", + "manage/categories": "Категории", + "manage/tags": "Теги", + "manage/users": "Пользователи", + "manage/registration": "Очередь на регистрацию", + "manage/groups": "Группы", + "manage/flags": "Жалобы", + "manage/ip-blacklist": "Блокировка IP", - "section-settings": "Settings", - "settings/general": "General", - "settings/reputation": "Reputation", + "section-settings": "Настройки", + "settings/general": "Главные", + "settings/reputation": "Репутация", "settings/email": "Email", - "settings/user": "User", - "settings/group": "Group", - "settings/guest": "Guests", - "settings/uploads": "Uploads", - "settings/post": "Post", - "settings/chat": "Chat", - "settings/pagination": "Pagination", - "settings/tags": "Tags", - "settings/notifications": "Notifications", - "settings/cookies": "Cookies", - "settings/web-crawler": "Web Crawler", + "settings/user": "Пользователь", + "settings/group": "Группа", + "settings/guest": "Гости", + "settings/uploads": "Загрузки", + "settings/post": "Сообщения", + "settings/chat": "Чат", + "settings/pagination": "Пагинация", + "settings/tags": "Теги", + "settings/notifications": "Оповещения", + "settings/cookies": "Куки", + "settings/web-crawler": "Индексация", "settings/sockets": "Sockets", - "settings/advanced": "Advanced", + "settings/advanced": "Продвинутые", - "settings.page-title": "%1 Settings", + "settings.page-title": "%1 Настройки", - "section-appearance": "Appearance", - "appearance/themes": "Themes", - "appearance/skins": "Skins", + "section-appearance": "Вид", + "appearance/themes": "Темы", + "appearance/skins": "Скины", "appearance/customise": "Custom HTML & CSS", - "section-extend": "Extend", - "extend/plugins": "Plugins", - "extend/widgets": "Widgets", - "extend/rewards": "Rewards", + "section-extend": "Расширения", + "extend/plugins": "Плагины", + "extend/widgets": "Виджеты", + "extend/rewards": "Награды", - "section-social-auth": "Social Authentication", + "section-social-auth": "Авторизация", - "section-plugins": "Plugins", - "extend/plugins.install": "Install Plugins", + "section-plugins": "Плагины", + "extend/plugins.install": "Установка плагинов", - "section-advanced": "Advanced", - "advanced/database": "Database", - "advanced/events": "Events", - "advanced/logs": "Logs", - "advanced/errors": "Errors", - "advanced/cache": "Cache", + "section-advanced": "Расширенные", + "advanced/database": "База данных", + "advanced/events": "События", + "advanced/logs": "Логи", + "advanced/errors": "Ошибки", + "advanced/cache": "Кэш", "development/logger": "Logger", "development/info": "Info", "reload-forum": "Reload Forum", "restart-forum": "Restart Forum", - "logout": "Log out", + "logout": "Выйти", "view-forum": "View Forum", - "search.placeholder": "Search...", - "search.no-results": "No results...", + "search.placeholder": "Поиск...", + "search.no-results": "Нет результата...", "search.search-forum": "Search the forum for ", "search.keep-typing": "Type more to see results...", "search.start-typing": "Start typing to see results...", diff --git a/public/language/ru/category.json b/public/language/ru/category.json index 1b9b8cb7c8..cee642a44c 100644 --- a/public/language/ru/category.json +++ b/public/language/ru/category.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { - "category": "Сообщество", - "subcategories": "Рубрики", + "category": "Категория", + "subcategories": "Подкатегории", "new_topic_button": "Создать тему", "guest-login-post": "Войдите под своей учётной записью, чтобы написать ответ", "no_topics": "В этой категории еще нет тем.There was a problem creating your group. Please try again later!
", "alerts.confirm-delete": "Are you sure you wish to delete this group?", diff --git a/public/language/tr/admin/manage/tags.json b/public/language/tr/admin/manage/tags.json index 1018b8a1ac..b04348f80d 100644 --- a/public/language/tr/admin/manage/tags.json +++ b/public/language/tr/admin/manage/tags.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "text-color": "Yazı Rengi", "create-modify": "Create & Modify Tags", "description": "Select tags via clicking and/or dragging, use shift to select multiple.", - "create": "Create Tag", - "modify": "Modify Tags", + "create": "Etiket Oluştur", + "modify": "Etiketleri Düzenle", "delete": "Delete Selected Tags", "search": "Search for tags...", "settings": "Click here to visit the tag settings page.", diff --git a/public/language/tr/admin/menu.json b/public/language/tr/admin/menu.json index 75fd1c6607..d61ad44718 100644 --- a/public/language/tr/admin/menu.json +++ b/public/language/tr/admin/menu.json @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ { "section-general": "Genel", "general/dashboard": "Pano", - "general/homepage": "Home Page", + "general/homepage": "Ana Sayfa", "general/navigation": "Navigation", "general/languages": "Diller", - "general/sounds": "Sounds", - "general/social": "Social", + "general/sounds": "Sesler", + "general/social": "Sosyal", - "section-manage": "Manage", + "section-manage": "Yönet", "manage/categories": "Categories", - "manage/tags": "Tags", - "manage/users": "Users", + "manage/tags": "Etiketler", + "manage/users": "Kullanıcılar", "manage/registration": "Registration Queue", "manage/groups": "Groups", "manage/flags": "Flags", @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ "settings/user": "User", "settings/group": "Group", "settings/guest": "Guests", - "settings/uploads": "Uploads", + "settings/uploads": "Yüklemeler", "settings/post": "Post", "settings/chat": "Chat", "settings/pagination": "Pagination", diff --git a/public/language/tr/admin/settings/cookies.json b/public/language/tr/admin/settings/cookies.json index 98eb784244..eb7b8ec1b2 100644 --- a/public/language/tr/admin/settings/cookies.json +++ b/public/language/tr/admin/settings/cookies.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ "consent.acceptance": "Acceptance message", "consent.link-text": "Policy Link Text", "consent.blank-localised-default": "Leave blank to use NodeBB localised defaults", - "settings": "Settings", + "settings": "Ayarlar", "cookie-domain": "Session cookie domain", "blank-default": "Leave blank for default" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/language/tr/admin/settings/email.json b/public/language/tr/admin/settings/email.json index 5ecd8342e9..1248b4e21d 100644 --- a/public/language/tr/admin/settings/email.json +++ b/public/language/tr/admin/settings/email.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "email-settings": "Mail Ayarları", - "address": "Email Address", + "address": "Email Adresi", "address-help": "The following email address refers to the email that the recipient will see in the \"From\" and \"Reply To\" fields.", "from": "From Name", "from-help": "The from name to display in the email.", @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ "gmail-routing-help1": "There have been reports of Gmail Routing not working on accounts with heightened security. In those scenarios, you will have to configure your GMail account to allow less secure apps.", "gmail-routing-help2": "For more information about this workaround, please consult this NodeMailer article on the issue. An alternative would be to utilise a third-party emailer plugin such as SendGrid, Mailgun, etc. Browse available plugins here.", "gmail-transport": "Route emails through a Gmail/Google Apps account", - "gmail-transport.username": "Username", + "gmail-transport.username": "Kullanıcı Adı", "gmail-transport.username-help": "Enter the full email address here, especially if you are using a Google Apps managed domain.", "gmail-transport.password": "Password", "template": "Edit Email Template", diff --git a/public/language/tr/admin/settings/general.json b/public/language/tr/admin/settings/general.json index 598e3c4a0e..6673a5ec31 100644 --- a/public/language/tr/admin/settings/general.json +++ b/public/language/tr/admin/settings/general.json @@ -8,22 +8,22 @@ "title-layout": "Title Layout", "title-layout-help": "Define how the browser title will be structured ie. {pageTitle} | {browserTitle}", "description.placeholder": "A short description about your community", - "description": "Site Description", + "description": "Site Açıklaması", "keywords": "Site Keywords", "keywords-placeholder": "Keywords describing your community, comma-separated", "logo": "Site Logo", "logo.image": "Image", "logo.image-placeholder": "Path to a logo to display on forum header", - "logo.upload": "Upload", + "logo.upload": "Yükle", "logo.url": "URL", "logo.url-placeholder": "The URL of the site logo", "logo.url-help": "When the logo is clicked, send users to this address. If left blank, user will be sent to the forum index.", "logo.alt-text": "Alt Text", "log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternative text for accessibility", "favicon": "Favicon", - "favicon.upload": "Upload", + "favicon.upload": "Yükle", "touch-icon": "Homescreen/Touch Icon", - "touch-icon.upload": "Upload", + "touch-icon.upload": "Yükle", "touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 192x192, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.", "outgoing-links": "Outgoing Links", "outgoing-links.warning-page": "Use Outgoing Links Warning Page" diff --git a/public/language/tr/admin/settings/notifications.json b/public/language/tr/admin/settings/notifications.json index 55bd1e74f1..99048142ce 100644 --- a/public/language/tr/admin/settings/notifications.json +++ b/public/language/tr/admin/settings/notifications.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { "notifications": "Bildiriler", - "welcome-notification": "Welcome Notification", + "welcome-notification": "Hoşgeldin Bildirimi", "welcome-notification-link": "Welcome Notification Link" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/language/tr/admin/settings/pagination.json b/public/language/tr/admin/settings/pagination.json index 27d71b4de5..b881cde62e 100644 --- a/public/language/tr/admin/settings/pagination.json +++ b/public/language/tr/admin/settings/pagination.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "pagination": "Pagination Settings", + "pagination": "Sayfalama Ayarları", "enable": "Paginate topics and posts instead of using infinite scroll.", "topics": "Topic Pagination", "posts-per-page": "Posts per Page", diff --git a/public/language/tr/admin/settings/post.json b/public/language/tr/admin/settings/post.json index f293e554d9..c9d54a507d 100644 --- a/public/language/tr/admin/settings/post.json +++ b/public/language/tr/admin/settings/post.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "sorting": "Post Sorting", - "sorting.post-default": "Default Post Sorting", + "sorting.post-default": "Varsayılan İleti Sıralama", "sorting.oldest-to-newest": "Oldest to Newest", "sorting.newest-to-oldest": "Newest to Oldest", "sorting.most-votes": "Most Votes", diff --git a/public/language/tr/admin/settings/reputation.json b/public/language/tr/admin/settings/reputation.json index 11d6184721..5ac7fa24b3 100644 --- a/public/language/tr/admin/settings/reputation.json +++ b/public/language/tr/admin/settings/reputation.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "reputation": "Reputation Settings", + "reputation": "Oylama Ayarları", "disable": "Disable Reputation System", "disable-down-voting": "Disable Down Voting", "thresholds": "Activity Thresholds", diff --git a/public/language/tr/admin/settings/tags.json b/public/language/tr/admin/settings/tags.json index f02508d6c3..ae75c4ff29 100644 --- a/public/language/tr/admin/settings/tags.json +++ b/public/language/tr/admin/settings/tags.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ "min-length": "Minimum Tag Length", "max-length": "Maximum Tag Length", "goto-manage": "Click here to visit the tag management page.", - "privacy": "Privacy", + "privacy": "Gizlilik", "list-private": "Make the tags list private", "related-topics": "Related Topics", "max-related-topics": "Maximum related topics to display (if supported by theme)" diff --git a/public/language/tr/admin/settings/uploads.json b/public/language/tr/admin/settings/uploads.json index 8a56c85663..5ed061d198 100644 --- a/public/language/tr/admin/settings/uploads.json +++ b/public/language/tr/admin/settings/uploads.json @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ "private": "Make uploaded files private", "max-image-width": "Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)", "max-image-width-help": "(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)", - "max-file-size": "Maximum File Size (in KiB)", + "max-file-size": "Maksimum Dosya Boyutu (KiB)", "max-file-size-help": "(in kilobytes, default: 2048 KiB)", "allow-topic-thumbnails": "Allow users to upload topic thumbnails", "topic-thumb-size": "Topic Thumb Size", @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "allow-profile-image-uploads": "Allow users to upload profile images", "convert-profile-image-png": "Convert profile image uploads to PNG", "default-avatar": "Custom Default Avatar", - "upload": "Upload", + "upload": "Yükle", "profile-image-dimension": "Profile Image Dimension", "profile-image-dimension-help": "(in pixels, default: 128 pixels)", "max-profile-image-size": "Maximum Profile Image File Size", diff --git a/public/language/tr/admin/settings/user.json b/public/language/tr/admin/settings/user.json index 9ba81c5f17..258f7f4121 100644 --- a/public/language/tr/admin/settings/user.json +++ b/public/language/tr/admin/settings/user.json @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ { - "authentication": "Authentication", + "authentication": "Kimlik Doğrulama", "allow-local-login": "Allow local login", "require-email-confirmation": "Require Email Confirmation", "email-confirm-interval": "User may not resend a confirmation email until", "email-confirm-email2": "minutes have elapsed", "allow-login-with": "Allow login with", - "allow-login-with.username-email": "Username or Email", + "allow-login-with.username-email": "Kullanıcı adı veya Email", "allow-login-with.username": "Sadece kullanıcı adı", "allow-login-with.email": "Email Only", - "account-settings": "Account Settings", + "account-settings": "Hesap Ayarları", "disable-username-changes": "Disable username changes", "disable-email-changes": "Disable email changes", "disable-password-changes": "Disable password changes", diff --git a/public/language/tr/global.json b/public/language/tr/global.json index 1c05b193c3..b1b6a2f06e 100644 --- a/public/language/tr/global.json +++ b/public/language/tr/global.json @@ -103,5 +103,5 @@ "cookies.message": "Bu web sitesi en iyi deneyimi elde etmeniz amacıyla çerezlerden yararlanır.", "cookies.accept": "Anladım!", "cookies.learn_more": "Daha Fazla", - "edited": "Edited" + "edited": "Düzenlendi" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/language/tr/groups.json b/public/language/tr/groups.json index 823a8079a4..687f22c071 100644 --- a/public/language/tr/groups.json +++ b/public/language/tr/groups.json @@ -53,5 +53,5 @@ "upload-group-cover": "Grup kapağı yükle", "bulk-invite-instructions": "Bu gruba davet etmek için virgülle ayrılmış adlarının bir listesini girin", "bulk-invite": "Toplu Davet", - "remove_group_cover_confirm": "Are you sure you want to remove the cover picture?" + "remove_group_cover_confirm": "Kapak görselini silmek istediğinden emin misin?" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/language/tr/modules.json b/public/language/tr/modules.json index 6428ac460a..e0b251b7bc 100644 --- a/public/language/tr/modules.json +++ b/public/language/tr/modules.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "chat.contacts": "Kontaklar", "chat.message-history": "Mesaj Geçmişi", "chat.pop-out": "Sohbeti Pencereye Çevir", - "chat.minimize": "Minimize", + "chat.minimize": "Küçült", "chat.maximize": "Büyüt", "chat.seven_days": "7 Gün", "chat.thirty_days": "30 Gün", diff --git a/public/language/tr/user.json b/public/language/tr/user.json index 2fba8ad776..2b808ba266 100644 --- a/public/language/tr/user.json +++ b/public/language/tr/user.json @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ "upload_a_picture": "Bir Resim Yükle", "remove_uploaded_picture": "Yüklenmiş fotoğrafı kaldır", "upload_cover_picture": "Kapak fotoğrafı yükle", - "remove_cover_picture_confirm": "Are you sure you want to remove the cover picture?", + "remove_cover_picture_confirm": "Kapak görselini silmek istediğinden emin misin?", "settings": "Ayarlar", "show_email": "E-postamı göster", "show_fullname": "Tam ismimi göster", diff --git a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/manage/groups.json b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/manage/groups.json index a9661bf9dd..d79caba212 100644 --- a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/manage/groups.json +++ b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/manage/groups.json @@ -17,18 +17,18 @@ "edit.icon": "小组标志", "edit.label-color": "群组标签颜色", "edit.show-badge": "显示徽章", - "edit.private-details": "If enabled, joining of groups requires approval from a group owner.", - "edit.private-override": "Warning: Private groups is disabled at system level, which overrides this option.", - "edit.disable-requests": "Disable join requests", + "edit.private-details": "启用此选项后,加入小组的请求将需要组长审批。", + "edit.private-override": "警告:系统禁用了私有群组,优先于该选项。", + "edit.disable-requests": "禁止加入请求", "edit.hidden": "隐藏", - "edit.hidden-details": "If enabled, this group will not be found in the groups listing, and users will have to be invited manually", + "edit.hidden-details": "启用此选项后,此小组将不在小组列表展现,并且用户只能被手动邀请加入", "edit.add-user": "向此小组添加成员", "edit.add-user-search": "搜索用户", "edit.members": "成员列表", "control-panel": "小组控制面板", - "revert": "Revert", + "revert": "重置", "edit.no-users-found": "没有找到用户", - "edit.confirm-remove-user": "Are you sure you want to remove this user?", + "edit.confirm-remove-user": "确认删除此用户吗?", "edit.save-success": "设置已保存!" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/manage/ip-blacklist.json b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/manage/ip-blacklist.json index 4166d07672..b4938f974b 100644 --- a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/manage/ip-blacklist.json +++ b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/manage/ip-blacklist.json @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ { - "lead": "在此配置IP黑名单", - "description": "Occasionally, a user account ban is not enough of a deterrant. Other times, restricting access to the forum to a specific IP or a range of IPs is the best way to protect a forum. In these scenarios, you can add troublesome IP addresses or entire CIDR blocks to this blacklist, and they will be prevented from logging in to or registering a new account.", + "lead": "在此配置 IP 黑名单", + "description": "有时,一份账号封禁并不足以作为威慑。更多的时候,限制有权浏览论坛的具体 IP 或者一个 IP 范围这一行为可以更好地保护论坛。在以上情况下,您可以添加一些令人厌恶者的 IP 地址或者 CIDR 地址块到此黑名单,此后他们(被加入黑名单者)将被阻止进行登录或者注册新账号的行为。", "active-rules": "生效规则", "validate": "验证黑名单", - "apply": "Apply Blacklist", - "hints": "Syntax Hints", - "hint-1": "Define a single IP addresses per line. You can add IP blocks as long as they follow the CIDR format (e.g.
- "hint-2": "You can add in comments by starting lines with the #
+ "apply": "应用黑名单",
+ "hints": "格式建议",
+ "hint-1": "每行定义一个独立 IP 地址。您可以添加 IP 块,只要它们满足 CIDR 格式(e.g.
+ "hint-2": "您可以通过以#
- "validate.x-valid": "%1 out of %2 rule(s) valid.",
- "validate.x-invalid": "The following %1 rules are invalid:",
+ "validate.x-valid": "%1 / %2的规则有效。",
+ "validate.x-invalid": "下列 %0 个规则无效:",
- "alerts.applied-success": "Blacklist Applied"
+ "alerts.applied-success": "黑名单生效"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/manage/registration.json b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/manage/registration.json
index 170ef7bae8..72af6e869a 100644
--- a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/manage/registration.json
+++ b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/manage/registration.json
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
"list.name": "姓名",
"list.email": "邮件",
"list.ip": "IP",
- "list.time": "Time",
- "list.username-spam": "Frequency: %1 Appears: %2 Confidence: %3",
- "list.email-spam": "Frequency: %1 Appears: %2",
- "list.ip-spam": "Frequency: %1 Appears: %2",
+ "list.time": "时间",
+ "list.username-spam": "频率: %1 显示:%2 信心:%3",
+ "list.email-spam": "频率:%1 显示: %2",
+ "list.ip-spam": "频率:%1 显示: %2",
- "invitations": "Invitations",
- "invitations.description": "Below is a complete list of invitations sent. Use ctrl-f to search through the list by email or username. null
+ "headers.acao-help": "要拒绝所有网站?在这留空 或者 设置成 null
"headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
- "traffic-management": "Traffic Management",
- "traffic.help": "NodeBB deploys equipped with a module that automatically denies requests in high-traffic situations. You can tune these settings here, although the defaults are a good starting point.",
- "traffic.enable": "Enable Traffic Management",
- "traffic.event-lag": "Event Loop Lag Threshold (in milliseconds)",
- "traffic.event-lag-help": "Lowering this value decreases wait times for page loads, but will also show the \"excessive load\" message to more users. (Restart required)",
- "traffic.lag-check-interval": "Check Interval (in milliseconds)",
- "traffic.lag-check-interval-help": "Lowering this value causes NodeBB to become more sensitive to spikes in load, but may also cause the check to become too sensitive. (Restart required)"
+ "traffic-management": "交通管理",
+ "traffic.help": "NodeBB拥有在高流量情况下自动拒绝请求的模块。 您可以在这里调整这些设置,虽然默认值就很棒。",
+ "traffic.enable": "启用交通管理",
+ "traffic.event-lag": "事件循环滞后阈值(毫秒)",
+ "traffic.event-lag-help": "降低此值会减少页面加载的等待时间,但也会向更多用户显示“过载”消息。(需要重新启动)",
+ "traffic.lag-check-interval": "检查间隔(毫秒)",
+ "traffic.lag-check-interval-help": "降低此值会造成NodeBB的负载峰值变得更加敏感,但也可能导致检查变得过于敏感(需要重新启动)"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/chat.json b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/chat.json
index 6ece755171..de0b292748 100644
--- a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/chat.json
+++ b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/chat.json
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"disable": "禁用聊天",
"disable-editing": "禁止编辑/删除聊天消息",
"disable-editing-help": "管理员和超级管理员不受此限制",
- "max-length": "Maximum length of chat messages",
- "max-room-size": "Maximum number of users in chat rooms",
- "delay": "Time between chat messages in milliseconds"
+ "max-length": "聊天信息的最大长度",
+ "max-room-size": "聊天室的最多用户数",
+ "delay": "聊天信息间的毫秒数"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/cookies.json b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/cookies.json
index a7d0423f16..4c41dad3b0 100644
--- a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/cookies.json
+++ b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/cookies.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
- "eu-consent": "EU Consent",
- "consent.enabled": "已启用",
+ "eu-consent": "EU 准许(Consent)",
+ "consent.enabled": "启用选项",
"consent.message": "通知消息",
- "consent.acceptance": "Acceptance message",
- "consent.link-text": "Policy Link Text",
- "consent.blank-localised-default": "Leave blank to use NodeBB localised defaults",
+ "consent.acceptance": "赞成消息",
+ "consent.link-text": "政策链接文本",
+ "consent.blank-localised-default": "使用NodeBB局部的默认值,则保持空白。",
"settings": "设置",
- "cookie-domain": "Session cookie domain",
- "blank-default": "Leave blank for default"
+ "cookie-domain": "Session cookie 域名",
+ "blank-default": "留空以保持默认"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/group.json b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/group.json
index c9e26410db..05414924d8 100644
--- a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/group.json
+++ b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/group.json
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
"general": "通用",
"private-groups": "私有组",
"private-groups.help": "启用此选项后,加入小组需要组长审批(默认启用)。",
- "private-groups.warning": "Beware! If this option is disabled and you have private groups, they automatically become public.",
- "allow-creation": "Allow Group Creation",
- "allow-creation-help": "If enabled, users can create groups (Default: disabled)",
- "max-name-length": "Maximum Group Name Length",
- "cover-image": "Group Cover Image",
- "default-cover": "Default Cover Images",
- "default-cover-help": "Add comma-separated default cover images for groups that don't have an uploaded cover image"
+ "private-groups.warning": "注意!如果这个选项未启用并且你有私有用户组,那么你的用户组将变为公共的。",
+ "allow-creation": "允许创建用户组",
+ "allow-creation-help": "如果启用,用户就可以创建用户组(默认:不启用)",
+ "max-name-length": "用户组名字的最大长度",
+ "cover-image": "用户组封面图片",
+ "default-cover": "默认封面图片",
+ "default-cover-help": "为没有上传封面图片的群组添加以逗号分隔的默认封面图片"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/pagination.json b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/pagination.json
index e3cf0bc713..ec44dd3661 100644
--- a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/pagination.json
+++ b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/pagination.json
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"enable": "在主题和帖子使用分页替代无限滚动浏览。",
"topics": "话题分页",
"posts-per-page": "每页帖子数",
- "categories": "Category Pagination",
- "topics-per-page": "Topics per Page",
- "initial-num-load": "Initial Number of Topics to Load on Unread, Recent, and Popular"
+ "categories": "板块分页",
+ "topics-per-page": "每页主题数",
+ "initial-num-load": "最初加载未读,最新,热门的话题"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/reputation.json b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/reputation.json
index d10e10f8b6..2647a9b2b5 100644
--- a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/reputation.json
+++ b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/reputation.json
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"reputation": "声望设置",
"disable": "禁用声望系统",
- "disable-down-voting": "Disable Down Voting",
- "thresholds": "Activity Thresholds",
- "min-rep-downvote": "Minimum reputation to downvote posts",
- "min-rep-flag": "Minimum reputation to flag posts"
+ "disable-down-voting": "禁用 踩",
+ "thresholds": "活动阈值",
+ "min-rep-downvote": "能够投踩票的帖子所需要的最小声望",
+ "min-rep-flag": "举报帖子所需要的最小声望"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/tags.json b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/tags.json
index af711a8807..68ee8e10e1 100644
--- a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/tags.json
+++ b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/tags.json
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
"min-per-topic": "每个主题的最少标签数",
"max-per-topic": "每话题的最大标签数",
"min-length": "最短标签长度",
- "max-length": "Maximum Tag Length",
- "goto-manage": "Click here to visit the tag management page.",
- "privacy": "Privacy",
- "list-private": "Make the tags list private",
- "related-topics": "Related Topics",
- "max-related-topics": "Maximum related topics to display (if supported by theme)"
+ "max-length": "最长标签长度",
+ "goto-manage": "点击这里访问标签管理页面。",
+ "privacy": "隐私",
+ "list-private": "使标签列表私有化",
+ "related-topics": "相关主题",
+ "max-related-topics": "最大相关主题显示量(如果主题支持)"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/uploads.json b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/uploads.json
index 59ed792ac4..e90a8e1594 100644
--- a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/uploads.json
+++ b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/uploads.json
@@ -8,21 +8,21 @@
"max-file-size-help": "(KiB单位,默认2048KiB)",
"allow-topic-thumbnails": "允许用户上传主题缩略图",
"topic-thumb-size": "主题缩略图大小",
- "allowed-file-extensions": "Allowed File Extensions",
- "allowed-file-extensions-help": "Enter comma-separated list of file extensions here (e.g. pdf,xls,doc
).\n\t\t\t\t\tAn empty list means all extensions are allowed.",
- "profile-avatars": "Profile Avatars",
- "allow-profile-image-uploads": "Allow users to upload profile images",
- "convert-profile-image-png": "Convert profile image uploads to PNG",
- "default-avatar": "Custom Default Avatar",
+ "allowed-file-extensions": "允许的文件扩展名",
+ "allowed-file-extensions-help": "在这里输入以逗号分隔的文件扩展名(例如:pdf,xls,doc
+ "profile-avatars": "个人头像",
+ "allow-profile-image-uploads": "允许用户上传个人资料照片",
+ "convert-profile-image-png": "转换个人资料照片为PNG再上传",
+ "default-avatar": "访客默认头像",
"upload": "上传",
- "profile-image-dimension": "Profile Image Dimension",
- "profile-image-dimension-help": "(in pixels, default: 128 pixels)",
- "max-profile-image-size": "Maximum Profile Image File Size",
+ "profile-image-dimension": "个人资料相片尺寸",
+ "profile-image-dimension-help": "(使用px作为单位,默认:128px)",
+ "max-profile-image-size": "个人资料相片最大大小",
"max-profile-image-size-help": "(KiB单位,默认256KiB)",
"max-cover-image-size": "最大封面图片文件大小",
- "max-cover-image-size-help": "(in kilobytes, default: 2,048 KiB)",
- "keep-all-user-images": "Keep old versions of avatars and profile covers on the server",
+ "max-cover-image-size-help": "(单位:kb,默认:2,048,KiB)",
+ "keep-all-user-images": "在服务器上保留旧头像和旧的资料封面",
"profile-covers": "资料封面",
"default-covers": "默认封面图片",
- "default-covers-help": "Add comma-separated default cover images for accounts that don't have an uploaded cover image"
+ "default-covers-help": "为没有上传封面图片的帐户添加以逗号分隔的默认封面图片"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/user.json b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/user.json
index e5d0f04ff2..d216b2df24 100644
--- a/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/user.json
+++ b/public/language/zh-CN/admin/settings/user.json
@@ -3,57 +3,57 @@
"allow-local-login": "允许本地登录",
"require-email-confirmation": "需要邮件确认",
"email-confirm-interval": "用户无法重新发送确认直到",
- "email-confirm-email2": "minutes have elapsed",
- "allow-login-with": "Allow login with",
+ "email-confirm-email2": "分钟已经过",
+ "allow-login-with": "允许使用何种登录名",
"allow-login-with.username-email": "用户名或者邮箱",
"allow-login-with.username": "仅限用户名",
"allow-login-with.email": "仅限邮箱",
"account-settings": "用户设置",
- "disable-username-changes": "Disable username changes",
- "disable-email-changes": "Disable email changes",
- "disable-password-changes": "Disable password changes",
- "allow-account-deletion": "Allow account deletion",
- "user-info-private": "Make user info private",
+ "disable-username-changes": "禁用修改用户名",
+ "disable-email-changes": "禁用修改邮箱",
+ "disable-password-changes": "禁用修改密码",
+ "allow-account-deletion": "允许消除帐号",
+ "user-info-private": "使用户信息私有化",
"themes": "主题",
- "disable-user-skins": "Prevent users from choosing a custom skin",
- "account-protection": "Account Protection",
- "login-attempts": "Login attempts per hour",
- "login-attempts-help": "If login attempts to a user's account exceeds this threshold, that account will be locked for a pre-configured amount of time",
- "lockout-duration": "Account Lockout Duration (minutes)",
- "login-days": "Days to remember user login sessions",
- "password-expiry-days": "Force password reset after a set number of days",
- "registration": "User Registration",
+ "disable-user-skins": "阻止用户选择自定义皮肤",
+ "account-protection": "帐号保护",
+ "login-attempts": "每小时尝试登录次数",
+ "login-attempts-help": "如果 user's 尝试登录次数超过此界限,该帐号将会被被锁定预设的时间。",
+ "lockout-duration": "帐户锁定时间(分钟)",
+ "login-days": "记录用户会话天数",
+ "password-expiry-days": "强制重置密码天数",
+ "registration": "用户注册",
"registration-type": "注册方式",
- "registration-type.normal": "Normal",
- "registration-type.admin-approval": "Admin Approval",
- "registration-type.admin-approval-ip": "Admin Approval for IPs",
+ "registration-type.normal": "通常",
+ "registration-type.admin-approval": "管理员批准",
+ "registration-type.admin-approval-ip": "管理员批准 IP地址",
"registration-type.invite-only": "仅限邀请",
"registration-type.admin-invite-only": "仅限管理员邀请",
"registration-type.disabled": "禁止注册",
- "registration-type.help": "Normal - Users can register from the /register page.