"chat.chatting_with":"الدردشة مع <span id=\"chat-with-name\"></span>",
"chat.chatting_with":"Chat with",
"chat.placeholder":"أكتب رسالة دردشة هنا، اضغط ENTER للإرسال",
"chat.placeholder":"أكتب رسالة دردشة هنا، اضغط ENTER للإرسال",
"chat.no_active":"لا يوجد لديك دردشات نشطة.",
"chat.no_active":"لا يوجد لديك دردشات نشطة.",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"chat.recent-chats":"آخر الدردشات",
"chat.recent-chats":"آخر الدردشات",
"chat.message-history":"تاريخ الرسائل",
"chat.message-history":"تاريخ الرسائل",
"chat.options":"Chat options",
"chat.pop-out":"افتح الدردشة في نافذة خاصة",
"chat.pop-out":"افتح الدردشة في نافذة خاصة",
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@
"chat.three_months":"3 أشهر",
"chat.three_months":"3 أشهر",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد حذف هذه الرسالة؟",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد حذف هذه الرسالة؟",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Add users to room",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Add users to room",
"chat.retrieving-users":"Retrieving users...",
"chat.manage-room":"Manage Chat Room",
"chat.add-user-help":"Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.rename-room":"Rename room",
"chat.rename-placeholder":"Enter your room name here",
"chat.rename-help":"The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.",
"chat.leave":"Leave Chat",
"chat.leave-prompt":"Are you sure you wish to leave this chat?",
"chat.leave-help":"Leaving this chat will remove you from future correspondence in this chat. If you are re-added in the future, you will not see any chat history from prior to your re-joining.",
"chat.chatting_with":"Разговор с <span id=\"chat-with-name\"></span>",
"chat.chatting_with":"Разговор с",
"chat.placeholder":"Въведете съобщението тук и натиснете Ентер за изпращане",
"chat.placeholder":"Въведете съобщението тук и натиснете Ентер за изпращане",
"chat.no_active":"Нямате текущи разговори.",
"chat.no_active":"Нямате текущи разговори.",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"chat.recent-chats":"Скорошни разговори",
"chat.recent-chats":"Скорошни разговори",
"chat.message-history":"История на съобщенията",
"chat.message-history":"История на съобщенията",
"chat.options":"Настройки на разговора",
"chat.pop-out":"Отделяне на разговора в прозорец",
"chat.pop-out":"Отделяне на разговора в прозорец",
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@
"chat.three_months":"3 месеца",
"chat.three_months":"3 месеца",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Наистина ли искате да изтриете това съобщение?",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Наистина ли искате да изтриете това съобщение?",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Добавяне на потребители към стаята",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Добавяне на потребители към стаята",
"chat.retrieving-users":"Получаване на потребителите…",
"chat.manage-room":"Управление на стаята за разговори",
"chat.add-user-help":"Тук можете да потърсите потребители. Когато някой потребител бъде избран, той ще бъде добавен в разговора. Новият потребител няма да може да вижда съобщенията, написани преди включването му в разговора.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"Този потребител е в състояние „не ме безпокойте“. Наистина ли искате да разговаряте с него?",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"Този потребител е в състояние „не ме безпокойте“. Наистина ли искате да разговаряте с него?",
"chat.rename-room":"Преименуване на стаята",
"chat.rename-placeholder":"Въведете името на стаята си тук",
"chat.rename-help":"Зададеното тук име на стаята ще се вижда от всички участници в нея.",
"chat.leave":"Напускане на разговора",
"chat.leave-prompt":"Наистина ли искате да напуснете този разговор?",
"chat.leave-help":"Ако напуснете този разговор, няма да виждате следващите съобщения в него. Ако бъдете добавен(а) отново, няма да виждате историята на разговора отпреди добавянето Ви.",
"bookmark_instructions":"Щракнете тук, за да се върнете към последно прочетената публикация в тази тема.",
"bookmark_instructions":"Щракнете тук, за да се върнете към последно прочетената публикация в тази тема.",
"flag_title":"Докладване на тази публикация до модератор",
"flag_title":"Докладване на тази публикация до модератор",
"merged_message":"Тази тема беше слята в <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a>",
"merged_message":"Тази тема беше слята в <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a>",
@ -121,5 +122,8 @@
"stale.warning":"Темата, в която отговаряте, е доста стара. Искате ли вместо това да създадете нова и да направите препратка към тази в отговора си?",
"stale.warning":"Темата, в която отговаряте, е доста стара. Искате ли вместо това да създадете нова и да направите препратка към тази в отговора си?",
"stale.create":"Създаване на нова тема",
"stale.create":"Създаване на нова тема",
"stale.reply_anyway":"Отговаряне в тази тема въпреки това",
"stale.reply_anyway":"Отговаряне в тази тема въпреки това",
"link_back":"Отговор: [%1](%2)"
"link_back":"Отговор: [%1](%2)",
"diffs.title":"История на редакциите",
"diffs.description":"Тази публикация има <strong>%1</strong> варианта. Щракнете върху някоя от версиите по-долу, за да видите съдържанието ѝ в съответния момент.",
"diffs.no-revisions-description":"Тази публикация има <strong>%1</strong> варианта."
"chat.chatting_with":"<span id=\"chat-with-name\"></span> এর সাথে কথোপকথন",
"chat.chatting_with":"Chat with",
"chat.placeholder":"এখানে আপনার বার্তা লিখুন। পাঠানোর জন্য Enter চাপুন",
"chat.placeholder":"এখানে আপনার বার্তা লিখুন। পাঠানোর জন্য Enter চাপুন",
"chat.send":"প্রেরন করুন",
"chat.send":"প্রেরন করুন",
"chat.no_active":"আপনার কোন সচল কথোপকথন নেই",
"chat.no_active":"আপনার কোন সচল কথোপকথন নেই",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"chat.recent-chats":"সাম্প্রতিক চ্যাটসমূহ",
"chat.recent-chats":"সাম্প্রতিক চ্যাটসমূহ",
"chat.message-history":"মেসেজ হিস্টোরী",
"chat.message-history":"মেসেজ হিস্টোরী",
"chat.options":"Chat options",
"chat.pop-out":"চ্যাট উইন্ডো আলাদা করুন",
"chat.pop-out":"চ্যাট উইন্ডো আলাদা করুন",
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@
"chat.three_months":"৩ মাস",
"chat.three_months":"৩ মাস",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Are you sure you wish to delete this message?",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Are you sure you wish to delete this message?",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Add users to room",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Add users to room",
"chat.retrieving-users":"Retrieving users...",
"chat.manage-room":"Manage Chat Room",
"chat.add-user-help":"Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.rename-room":"Rename room",
"chat.rename-placeholder":"Enter your room name here",
"chat.rename-help":"The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.",
"chat.leave":"Leave Chat",
"chat.leave-prompt":"Are you sure you wish to leave this chat?",
"chat.leave-help":"Leaving this chat will remove you from future correspondence in this chat. If you are re-added in the future, you will not see any chat history from prior to your re-joining.",
"chat.chatting_with":"Chat s <span id=\"chat-with-name\"></span>",
"chat.chatting_with":"Chat with",
"chat.placeholder":"Zprávu do chatu napište zde, pro odeslání stiskněte enter",
"chat.placeholder":"Zprávu do chatu napište zde, pro odeslání stiskněte enter",
"chat.no_active":"Nemáte žádné aktivní konverzace.",
"chat.no_active":"Nemáte žádné aktivní konverzace.",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"chat.recent-chats":"Aktuální chaty",
"chat.recent-chats":"Aktuální chaty",
"chat.message-history":"Historie zpráv",
"chat.message-history":"Historie zpráv",
"chat.options":"Chat options",
"chat.pop-out":"Skrýt chat",
"chat.pop-out":"Skrýt chat",
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@
"chat.three_months":"3 měsíce",
"chat.three_months":"3 měsíce",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Jste si jist/a, že chcete odstranit tuto zprávu?",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Jste si jist/a, že chcete odstranit tuto zprávu?",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Přidat uživatele do místnosti",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Přidat uživatele do místnosti",
"chat.retrieving-users":"Retrieving users...",
"chat.manage-room":"Manage Chat Room",
"chat.add-user-help":"Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"Tento uživatel nastavil svůj stav na NERUŠIT. Opravdu chcete začít s ním konverzaci.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"Tento uživatel nastavil svůj stav na NERUŠIT. Opravdu chcete začít s ním konverzaci.",
"chat.rename-room":"Rename room",
"chat.rename-placeholder":"Enter your room name here",
"chat.rename-help":"The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.",
"chat.leave":"Leave Chat",
"chat.leave-prompt":"Are you sure you wish to leave this chat?",
"chat.leave-help":"Leaving this chat will remove you from future correspondence in this chat. If you are re-added in the future, you will not see any chat history from prior to your re-joining.",
"chat.chatting_with":"Chat med <span id=\"chat-with-name\"></span>",
"chat.chatting_with":"Chat with",
"chat.placeholder":"Skriv din chatbesked her, tryk enter for at sende",
"chat.placeholder":"Skriv din chatbesked her, tryk enter for at sende",
"chat.no_active":"Du har ingen aktive chats.",
"chat.no_active":"Du har ingen aktive chats.",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"chat.recent-chats":"Seneste chats",
"chat.recent-chats":"Seneste chats",
"chat.options":"Chat options",
"chat.pop-out":"Pop ud chatten",
"chat.pop-out":"Pop ud chatten",
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@
"chat.three_months":"3 måneder",
"chat.three_months":"3 måneder",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne besked?",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne besked?",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Tilføj brugere til chatrum",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Tilføj brugere til chatrum",
"chat.retrieving-users":"Retrieving users...",
"chat.manage-room":"Manage Chat Room",
"chat.add-user-help":"Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.rename-room":"Rename room",
"chat.rename-placeholder":"Enter your room name here",
"chat.rename-help":"The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.",
"chat.leave":"Leave Chat",
"chat.leave-prompt":"Are you sure you wish to leave this chat?",
"chat.leave-help":"Leaving this chat will remove you from future correspondence in this chat. If you are re-added in the future, you will not see any chat history from prior to your re-joining.",
"chat.placeholder":"Schreibe hier etwas, und drücke Enter zum Absenden.",
"chat.placeholder":"Schreibe hier etwas, und drücke Enter zum Absenden.",
"chat.no_active":"Du hast keine aktiven Chats.",
"chat.no_active":"Du hast keine aktiven Chats.",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"chat.recent-chats":"Aktuelle Chats",
"chat.recent-chats":"Aktuelle Chats",
"chat.options":"Chat options",
"chat.pop-out":"Chat als Pop-out anzeigen",
"chat.pop-out":"Chat als Pop-out anzeigen",
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@
"chat.three_months":"3 Monate",
"chat.three_months":"3 Monate",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Bist du sicher, dass du diese Nachricht löschen möchtest?",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Bist du sicher, dass du diese Nachricht löschen möchtest?",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Benutzer zum Raum hinzufügen",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Benutzer zum Raum hinzufügen",
"chat.retrieving-users":"Retrieving users...",
"chat.manage-room":"Manage Chat Room",
"chat.add-user-help":"Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"Dieser Benutzer hat seinen Status auf DnD (Bitte nicht stören) gesetzt. Möchtest du dennoch mit ihm chatten?",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"Dieser Benutzer hat seinen Status auf DnD (Bitte nicht stören) gesetzt. Möchtest du dennoch mit ihm chatten?",
"chat.rename-room":"Rename room",
"chat.rename-placeholder":"Enter your room name here",
"chat.rename-help":"The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.",
"chat.leave":"Leave Chat",
"chat.leave-prompt":"Are you sure you wish to leave this chat?",
"chat.leave-help":"Leaving this chat will remove you from future correspondence in this chat. If you are re-added in the future, you will not see any chat history from prior to your re-joining.",
"bookmark_instructions":"Klicke hier, um zum letzten gelesenen Beitrag des Themas zurückzukehren.",
"bookmark_instructions":"Klicke hier, um zum letzten gelesenen Beitrag des Themas zurückzukehren.",
"flag_title":"Diesen Beitrag zur Moderation markieren",
"flag_title":"Diesen Beitrag zur Moderation markieren",
"merged_message":"Dieses Thema wurde mit <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a> zusammengeführt",
"merged_message":"Dieses Thema wurde mit <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a> zusammengeführt",
@ -121,5 +122,8 @@
"stale.warning":"Das Thema auf das du antworten willst ist ziemlich alt. Möchtest du stattdessen ein neues Thema erstellen und auf dieses in deiner Antwort hinweisen?",
"stale.warning":"Das Thema auf das du antworten willst ist ziemlich alt. Möchtest du stattdessen ein neues Thema erstellen und auf dieses in deiner Antwort hinweisen?",
"stale.create":"Ein neues Thema erstellen",
"stale.create":"Ein neues Thema erstellen",
"stale.reply_anyway":"Auf dieses Thema trotzdem antworten",
"stale.reply_anyway":"Auf dieses Thema trotzdem antworten",
"link_back":"Re: [%1](%2)"
"link_back":"Re: [%1](%2)",
"diffs.title":"Post Edit History",
"diffs.description":"This post has <strong>%1</strong> revisions. Click one of the revisions below to see the post content at that point in time.",
"diffs.no-revisions-description":"This post has <strong>%1</strong> revisions."
"chat.chatting_with":"Chat with <span id=\"chat-with-name\"></span>",
"chat.chatting_with":"Chat with",
"chat.placeholder":"Type chat message here, press enter to send",
"chat.placeholder":"Type chat message here, press enter to send",
"chat.no_active":"You have no active chats.",
"chat.no_active":"You have no active chats.",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"chat.recent-chats":"Recent Chats",
"chat.recent-chats":"Recent Chats",
"chat.message-history":"Message History",
"chat.message-history":"Message History",
"chat.options":"Chat options",
"chat.pop-out":"Pop out chat",
"chat.pop-out":"Pop out chat",
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@
"chat.three_months":"3 Months",
"chat.three_months":"3 Months",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Are you sure you wish to delete this message?",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Are you sure you wish to delete this message?",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Add users to room",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Add users to room",
"chat.retrieving-users":"Retrieving users...",
"chat.manage-room":"Manage Chat Room",
"chat.add-user-help":"Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.rename-room":"Rename room",
"chat.rename-placeholder":"Enter your room name here",
"chat.rename-help":"The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.",
"chat.leave":"Leave Chat",
"chat.leave-prompt":"Are you sure you wish to leave this chat?",
"chat.leave-help":"Leaving this chat will remove you from future correspondence in this chat. If you are re-added in the future, you will not see any chat history from prior to your re-joining.",
"chat.chatting_with":"Chat with <span id=\"chat-with-name\"></span>",
"chat.chatting_with":"Chat with",
"chat.placeholder":"Type chat message here, press enter to send",
"chat.placeholder":"Type chat message here, press enter to send",
"chat.no_active":"You have no active chats.",
"chat.no_active":"You have no active chats.",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"chat.recent-chats":"Recent Chats",
"chat.recent-chats":"Recent Chats",
"chat.message-history":"Message History",
"chat.message-history":"Message History",
"chat.options":"Chat options",
"chat.pop-out":"Pop out chat",
"chat.pop-out":"Pop out chat",
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@
"chat.three_months":"3 Months",
"chat.three_months":"3 Months",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Are you sure you wish to delete this message?",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Are you sure you wish to delete this message?",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Add users to room",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Add users to room",
"chat.retrieving-users":"Retrieving users...",
"chat.manage-room":"Manage Chat Room",
"chat.add-user-help":"Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.rename-room":"Rename room",
"chat.rename-placeholder":"Enter your room name here",
"chat.rename-help":"The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.",
"chat.leave":"Leave Chat",
"chat.leave-prompt":"Are you sure you wish to leave this chat?",
"chat.leave-help":"Leaving this chat will remove you from future correspondence in this chat. If you are re-added in the future, you will not see any chat history from prior to your re-joining.",
"chat.chatting_with":"Letters from <span id=\"chat-with-name\"></span>",
"chat.chatting_with":"Chat with",
"chat.placeholder":"Type chat message here, press enter to send",
"chat.placeholder":"Type chat message here, press enter to send",
"chat.send":"Send Parrot",
"chat.send":"Send Parrot",
"chat.no_active":"Ye be a lonely sailor.",
"chat.no_active":"Ye be a lonely sailor.",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"chat.recent-chats":"Recent Chats",
"chat.recent-chats":"Recent Chats",
"chat.message-history":"Message History",
"chat.message-history":"Message History",
"chat.options":"Chat options",
"chat.pop-out":"Pop out chat",
"chat.pop-out":"Pop out chat",
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@
"chat.three_months":"3 Months",
"chat.three_months":"3 Months",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Are you sure you wish to delete this message?",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Are you sure you wish to delete this message?",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Add users to room",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Add users to room",
"chat.retrieving-users":"Retrieving users...",
"chat.manage-room":"Manage Chat Room",
"chat.add-user-help":"Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.rename-room":"Rename room",
"chat.rename-placeholder":"Enter your room name here",
"chat.rename-help":"The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.",
"chat.leave":"Leave Chat",
"chat.leave-prompt":"Are you sure you wish to leave this chat?",
"chat.leave-help":"Leaving this chat will remove you from future correspondence in this chat. If you are re-added in the future, you will not see any chat history from prior to your re-joining.",
"chat.placeholder":"Introduce tu mensaje aquí, pulsa intro para enviar",
"chat.placeholder":"Introduce tu mensaje aquí, pulsa intro para enviar",
"chat.no_active":"No tiene conversaciones activas.",
"chat.no_active":"No tiene conversaciones activas.",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"chat.recent-chats":"Chats recientes",
"chat.recent-chats":"Chats recientes",
"chat.message-history":"Historial de mensajes",
"chat.message-history":"Historial de mensajes",
"chat.options":"Chat options",
"chat.pop-out":"Mostrar en ventana independiente",
"chat.pop-out":"Mostrar en ventana independiente",
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@
"chat.three_months":"3 meses",
"chat.three_months":"3 meses",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"¿Estás seguro de que deseas eliminar este mensaje?",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"¿Estás seguro de que deseas eliminar este mensaje?",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Añadir usuarios a la sala",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Añadir usuarios a la sala",
"chat.retrieving-users":"Retrieving users...",
"chat.manage-room":"Manage Chat Room",
"chat.add-user-help":"Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"Este usuario está en modo No molestar. ¿ Estás seguro de que quieres chatear con él ?",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"Este usuario está en modo No molestar. ¿ Estás seguro de que quieres chatear con él ?",
"chat.rename-room":"Rename room",
"chat.rename-placeholder":"Enter your room name here",
"chat.rename-help":"The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.",
"chat.leave":"Leave Chat",
"chat.leave-prompt":"Are you sure you wish to leave this chat?",
"chat.leave-help":"Leaving this chat will remove you from future correspondence in this chat. If you are re-added in the future, you will not see any chat history from prior to your re-joining.",
"bookmark_instructions":"Haz click aquí para volver a tu último mensaje leído en este tema",
"bookmark_instructions":"Haz click aquí para volver a tu último mensaje leído en este tema",
"flag_title":"Reportar este mensaje",
"flag_title":"Reportar este mensaje",
"merged_message":"This topic has been merged into <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a>",
"merged_message":"This topic has been merged into <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a>",
@ -121,5 +122,8 @@
"stale.warning":"El hilo al que estás respondiendo es muy antiguo. ¿Quieres crear un nuevo hilo en su lugar y añadir una referencia a este en tu mensaje?",
"stale.warning":"El hilo al que estás respondiendo es muy antiguo. ¿Quieres crear un nuevo hilo en su lugar y añadir una referencia a este en tu mensaje?",
"stale.create":"Crear un nuevo hilo",
"stale.create":"Crear un nuevo hilo",
"stale.reply_anyway":"Publicar este hilo de todos modos.",
"stale.reply_anyway":"Publicar este hilo de todos modos.",
"link_back":"Re: [%1](%2)"
"link_back":"Re: [%1](%2)",
"diffs.title":"Post Edit History",
"diffs.description":"This post has <strong>%1</strong> revisions. Click one of the revisions below to see the post content at that point in time.",
"diffs.no-revisions-description":"This post has <strong>%1</strong> revisions."
"chat.placeholder":"Kirjuta sõnum siia ning vajuta enterit sõnumi saatmiseks",
"chat.placeholder":"Kirjuta sõnum siia ning vajuta enterit sõnumi saatmiseks",
"chat.no_active":"Sul ei ole hetkel aktiivseid vestlusi.",
"chat.no_active":"Sul ei ole hetkel aktiivseid vestlusi.",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"chat.recent-chats":"Hiljutised vestlused",
"chat.recent-chats":"Hiljutised vestlused",
"chat.message-history":"Sõnumite ajalugu",
"chat.message-history":"Sõnumite ajalugu",
"chat.options":"Chat options",
"chat.pop-out":"Pop-out vestlus",
"chat.pop-out":"Pop-out vestlus",
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@
"chat.three_months":"3 Kuud",
"chat.three_months":"3 Kuud",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Oled kindel, et soovid selle sõnumi kustutada?",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Oled kindel, et soovid selle sõnumi kustutada?",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Lisa kasutajaid ruumi",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Lisa kasutajaid ruumi",
"chat.retrieving-users":"Retrieving users...",
"chat.manage-room":"Manage Chat Room",
"chat.add-user-help":"Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.rename-room":"Rename room",
"chat.rename-placeholder":"Enter your room name here",
"chat.rename-help":"The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.",
"chat.leave":"Leave Chat",
"chat.leave-prompt":"Are you sure you wish to leave this chat?",
"chat.leave-help":"Leaving this chat will remove you from future correspondence in this chat. If you are re-added in the future, you will not see any chat history from prior to your re-joining.",
"chat.chatting_with":"گفتگو با <span id=\"chat-with-name\"></span>",
"chat.chatting_with":"Chat with",
"chat.placeholder":"پیام گفتگو را اینجا بنویسید، دکمه Enter را بزنید تا فرستاده شود.",
"chat.placeholder":"پیام گفتگو را اینجا بنویسید، دکمه Enter را بزنید تا فرستاده شود.",
"chat.no_active":"شما هیچ گفتگوی فعالی ندارید.",
"chat.no_active":"شما هیچ گفتگوی فعالی ندارید.",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"chat.recent-chats":"گفتگو های اخیر",
"chat.recent-chats":"گفتگو های اخیر",
"chat.message-history":"تاریخچه پیامها",
"chat.message-history":"تاریخچه پیامها",
"chat.options":"Chat options",
"chat.pop-out":"پاپ آپ گفتگو",
"chat.pop-out":"پاپ آپ گفتگو",
"chat.minimize":"کوچک کردن",
"chat.minimize":"کوچک کردن",
"chat.maximize":"تمام صفحه",
"chat.maximize":"تمام صفحه",
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@
"chat.three_months":"3 ماه",
"chat.three_months":"3 ماه",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این پیام را حذف کنید؟",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این پیام را حذف کنید؟",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"اضافه کردن کاربر به این گفتگو",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"اضافه کردن کاربر به این گفتگو",
"chat.retrieving-users":"Retrieving users...",
"chat.manage-room":"Manage Chat Room",
"chat.add-user-help":"Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"این کاربر وضعیت خود را روی حالت مزاحم نشوید قرار داده است. آیا همچنان می خواهید با او چت کنید؟",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"این کاربر وضعیت خود را روی حالت مزاحم نشوید قرار داده است. آیا همچنان می خواهید با او چت کنید؟",
"chat.rename-room":"Rename room",
"chat.rename-placeholder":"Enter your room name here",
"chat.rename-help":"The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.",
"chat.leave":"Leave Chat",
"chat.leave-prompt":"Are you sure you wish to leave this chat?",
"chat.leave-help":"Leaving this chat will remove you from future correspondence in this chat. If you are re-added in the future, you will not see any chat history from prior to your re-joining.",
"bookmark_instructions":"برای بازگشت به آخرین پست در این موضوع اینجا را کلیک کنید.",
"bookmark_instructions":"برای بازگشت به آخرین پست در این موضوع اینجا را کلیک کنید.",
"flag_title":"پرچمگذاری این موضوع برای بررسی ناظران",
"flag_title":"پرچمگذاری این موضوع برای بررسی ناظران",
"merged_message":"This topic has been merged into <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a>",
"merged_message":"This topic has been merged into <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a>",
@ -121,5 +122,8 @@
"stale.warning":"موضوعی که شما در حال پاسخگویی به آن هستید قدیمی می باشد. آیا میلید به جای آن یک موضوع جدید ایجاد کنید و در آن به این موضوع ارجاع دهید؟",
"stale.warning":"موضوعی که شما در حال پاسخگویی به آن هستید قدیمی می باشد. آیا میلید به جای آن یک موضوع جدید ایجاد کنید و در آن به این موضوع ارجاع دهید؟",
"stale.create":"ایجاد یک موضوع جدید",
"stale.create":"ایجاد یک موضوع جدید",
"stale.reply_anyway":"در هر صورت می خواهم به این موضوع پاسخ دهم",
"stale.reply_anyway":"در هر صورت می خواهم به این موضوع پاسخ دهم",
"link_back":"پاسخ: [%1](%2)"
"link_back":"پاسخ: [%1](%2)",
"diffs.title":"تاریخچه ویرایش پست",
"diffs.description":"This post has <strong>%1</strong> revisions. Click one of the revisions below to see the post content at that point in time.",
"diffs.no-revisions-description":"This post has <strong>%1</strong> revisions."
"chat.chatting_with":"Keskustele käyttäjän <span id=\"chat-with-name\"></span> kanssa",
"chat.chatting_with":"Chat with",
"chat.placeholder":"Kirjoita viestisi tähän ja paina enter lähettääksesi",
"chat.placeholder":"Kirjoita viestisi tähän ja paina enter lähettääksesi",
"chat.no_active":"Sinulla ei ole aktiivisia keskusteluita.",
"chat.no_active":"Sinulla ei ole aktiivisia keskusteluita.",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"chat.recent-chats":"Viimeisimmät keskustelut",
"chat.recent-chats":"Viimeisimmät keskustelut",
"chat.options":"Chat options",
"chat.pop-out":"Pop out chat",
"chat.pop-out":"Pop out chat",
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@
"chat.three_months":"3 kuukautta",
"chat.three_months":"3 kuukautta",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Are you sure you wish to delete this message?",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Are you sure you wish to delete this message?",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Add users to room",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Add users to room",
"chat.retrieving-users":"Retrieving users...",
"chat.manage-room":"Manage Chat Room",
"chat.add-user-help":"Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.rename-room":"Rename room",
"chat.rename-placeholder":"Enter your room name here",
"chat.rename-help":"The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.",
"chat.leave":"Leave Chat",
"chat.leave-prompt":"Are you sure you wish to leave this chat?",
"chat.leave-help":"Leaving this chat will remove you from future correspondence in this chat. If you are re-added in the future, you will not see any chat history from prior to your re-joining.",
"chat.chatting_with":"Discuter avec <span id=\"chat-with-name\"></span>",
"chat.chatting_with":"Chat with",
"chat.placeholder":"Tapez votre message ici, appuyez sur Entrée pour envoyer",
"chat.placeholder":"Tapez votre message ici, appuyez sur Entrée pour envoyer",
"chat.no_active":"Vous n'avez aucune discussion en cours.",
"chat.no_active":"Vous n'avez aucune discussion en cours.",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"chat.recent-chats":"Discussions récentes",
"chat.recent-chats":"Discussions récentes",
"chat.message-history":"Historique des messages",
"chat.message-history":"Historique des messages",
"chat.options":"Chat options",
"chat.pop-out":"Afficher la discussion",
"chat.pop-out":"Afficher la discussion",
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@
"chat.three_months":"3 Mois",
"chat.three_months":"3 Mois",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce message ?",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce message ?",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Ajouter des participants",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Ajouter des participants",
"chat.retrieving-users":"Retrieving users...",
"chat.manage-room":"Manage Chat Room",
"chat.add-user-help":"Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"Cet utilisateur a son statut en mode \"Ne pas déranger\". Voulez-vous quand même discuter avec lui ?",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"Cet utilisateur a son statut en mode \"Ne pas déranger\". Voulez-vous quand même discuter avec lui ?",
"chat.rename-room":"Rename room",
"chat.rename-placeholder":"Enter your room name here",
"chat.rename-help":"The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.",
"chat.leave":"Leave Chat",
"chat.leave-prompt":"Are you sure you wish to leave this chat?",
"chat.leave-help":"Leaving this chat will remove you from future correspondence in this chat. If you are re-added in the future, you will not see any chat history from prior to your re-joining.",
"bookmark_instructions":"Cliquez ici pour retourner au dernier message lu de ce fil.",
"bookmark_instructions":"Cliquez ici pour retourner au dernier message lu de ce fil.",
"flag_title":"Signaler ce message à la modération",
"flag_title":"Signaler ce message à la modération",
"merged_message":"This topic has been merged into <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a>",
"merged_message":"This topic has been merged into <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a>",
@ -121,5 +122,8 @@
"stale.warning":"Le sujet auquel vous répondez est assez ancien. Ne voudriez-vous pas créer un nouveau sujet à la place et placer une référence vers celui-ci dans votre réponse ?",
"stale.warning":"Le sujet auquel vous répondez est assez ancien. Ne voudriez-vous pas créer un nouveau sujet à la place et placer une référence vers celui-ci dans votre réponse ?",
"stale.create":"Créer un nouveau sujet",
"stale.create":"Créer un nouveau sujet",
"stale.reply_anyway":"Répondre à ce sujet quand même",
"stale.reply_anyway":"Répondre à ce sujet quand même",
"link_back":"Re : [%1](%2)"
"link_back":"Re : [%1](%2)",
"diffs.title":"Post Edit History",
"diffs.description":"This post has <strong>%1</strong> revisions. Click one of the revisions below to see the post content at that point in time.",
"diffs.no-revisions-description":"This post has <strong>%1</strong> revisions."
"chat.chatting_with":"Charla con <span id=\"chat-with-name\"></span>",
"chat.chatting_with":"Chat with",
"chat.placeholder":"Escribe aquí a mensaxe, pulsa intro para enviar",
"chat.placeholder":"Escribe aquí a mensaxe, pulsa intro para enviar",
"chat.no_active":"Non tes charlas activas.",
"chat.no_active":"Non tes charlas activas.",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"chat.recent-chats":"Charlas Recentes",
"chat.recent-chats":"Charlas Recentes",
"chat.message-history":"Historial de mensaxes",
"chat.message-history":"Historial de mensaxes",
"chat.options":"Chat options",
"chat.pop-out":"Marchar do chat",
"chat.pop-out":"Marchar do chat",
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@
"chat.three_months":"3 Meses",
"chat.three_months":"3 Meses",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Estás seguro de que desexas eliminar esta mensaxe?",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Estás seguro de que desexas eliminar esta mensaxe?",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Engadir usuarios á sala",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Engadir usuarios á sala",
"chat.retrieving-users":"Retrieving users...",
"chat.manage-room":"Manage Chat Room",
"chat.add-user-help":"Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.rename-room":"Rename room",
"chat.rename-placeholder":"Enter your room name here",
"chat.rename-help":"The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.",
"chat.leave":"Leave Chat",
"chat.leave-prompt":"Are you sure you wish to leave this chat?",
"chat.leave-help":"Leaving this chat will remove you from future correspondence in this chat. If you are re-added in the future, you will not see any chat history from prior to your re-joining.",
"bookmark_instructions":"Pica aquí para volver á última mensaxe lida neste tema ",
"bookmark_instructions":"Pica aquí para volver á última mensaxe lida neste tema ",
"flag_title":"Reportar esta mensaxe",
"flag_title":"Reportar esta mensaxe",
"merged_message":"This topic has been merged into <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a>",
"merged_message":"This topic has been merged into <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a>",
@ -121,5 +122,8 @@
"stale.warning":"O tema no que queres publicar é bastante vello. Queres crear un novo tema no seu lugar e incluir unha referencia a este na túa mensaxe?",
"stale.warning":"O tema no que queres publicar é bastante vello. Queres crear un novo tema no seu lugar e incluir unha referencia a este na túa mensaxe?",
"stale.create":"Crear un novo tema",
"stale.create":"Crear un novo tema",
"stale.reply_anyway":"Publicar neste tema de tódolos xeitos",
"stale.reply_anyway":"Publicar neste tema de tódolos xeitos",
"link_back":"Re: [%1](%2)"
"link_back":"Re: [%1](%2)",
"diffs.title":"Post Edit History",
"diffs.description":"This post has <strong>%1</strong> revisions. Click one of the revisions below to see the post content at that point in time.",
"diffs.no-revisions-description":"This post has <strong>%1</strong> revisions."
"chat.chatting_with":"שוחח עם <span id=\"chat-with-name\"></span>",
"chat.chatting_with":"Chat with",
"chat.placeholder":"הקלד את הודעת הצ'אט כאן, לחץ אנטר לשליחה",
"chat.placeholder":"הקלד את הודעת הצ'אט כאן, לחץ אנטר לשליחה",
"chat.no_active":"אין לך צ'אטים פעילים",
"chat.no_active":"אין לך צ'אטים פעילים",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"chat.recent-chats":"צ'אטים אחרונים",
"chat.recent-chats":"צ'אטים אחרונים",
"chat.contacts":"אנשי קשר",
"chat.contacts":"אנשי קשר",
"chat.message-history":"היסטוריית הודעות",
"chat.message-history":"היסטוריית הודעות",
"chat.options":"Chat options",
"chat.pop-out":"הוצא את חלון הצ'אט",
"chat.pop-out":"הוצא את חלון הצ'אט",
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@
"chat.three_months":"3 חודשים",
"chat.three_months":"3 חודשים",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"האם אתה בטוח שברצונך למחוק הודעה זו?",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"האם אתה בטוח שברצונך למחוק הודעה זו?",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"הוסף משתמשים לצ'אט",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"הוסף משתמשים לצ'אט",
"chat.retrieving-users":"Retrieving users...",
"chat.manage-room":"Manage Chat Room",
"chat.add-user-help":"Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"משתמש זה שינה את הסטטוס שלו ל 'לא להפריע'. אתה עדיין מעוניין לשוחח איתו?",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"משתמש זה שינה את הסטטוס שלו ל 'לא להפריע'. אתה עדיין מעוניין לשוחח איתו?",
"chat.rename-room":"Rename room",
"chat.rename-placeholder":"Enter your room name here",
"chat.rename-help":"The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.",
"chat.leave":"Leave Chat",
"chat.leave-prompt":"Are you sure you wish to leave this chat?",
"chat.leave-help":"Leaving this chat will remove you from future correspondence in this chat. If you are re-added in the future, you will not see any chat history from prior to your re-joining.",
"chat.chatting_with":"Razgovaraj sa <span id=\\\"chat-with-name\\\"></span>",
"chat.chatting_with":"Chat with",
"chat.placeholder":"Upišite poruku ovdje, ENTER za slanje",
"chat.placeholder":"Upišite poruku ovdje, ENTER za slanje",
"chat.no_active":"Nemate aktivnih razgovora.",
"chat.no_active":"Nemate aktivnih razgovora.",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"chat.recent-chats":"Nedavni razgovori",
"chat.recent-chats":"Nedavni razgovori",
"chat.message-history":"Povijest razgovora",
"chat.message-history":"Povijest razgovora",
"chat.options":"Chat options",
"chat.pop-out":"Pop out razgovor",
"chat.pop-out":"Pop out razgovor",
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@
"chat.three_months":"3 Mjeseca",
"chat.three_months":"3 Mjeseca",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Sigurni ste da želite izbrisati ovu poruku?",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Sigurni ste da želite izbrisati ovu poruku?",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Dodaj korisnike u sobu",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Dodaj korisnike u sobu",
"chat.retrieving-users":"Retrieving users...",
"chat.manage-room":"Manage Chat Room",
"chat.add-user-help":"Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"Korisnik ne želi biti ometan. Jeste li sigurno da mu želite poslati poruku?",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"Korisnik ne želi biti ometan. Jeste li sigurno da mu želite poslati poruku?",
"chat.rename-room":"Rename room",
"chat.rename-placeholder":"Enter your room name here",
"chat.rename-help":"The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.",
"chat.leave":"Leave Chat",
"chat.leave-prompt":"Are you sure you wish to leave this chat?",
"chat.leave-help":"Leaving this chat will remove you from future correspondence in this chat. If you are re-added in the future, you will not see any chat history from prior to your re-joining.",
"chat.placeholder":"Ide írd be az üzenetet, majd küldéshez Enter gomb",
"chat.placeholder":"Ide írd be az üzenetet, majd küldéshez Enter gomb",
"chat.no_active":"Nincs aktív csevegésed.",
"chat.no_active":"Nincs aktív csevegésed.",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"chat.recent-chats":"Legutóbbi csevegések",
"chat.recent-chats":"Legutóbbi csevegések",
"chat.message-history":"Üzenet előzmények",
"chat.message-history":"Üzenet előzmények",
"chat.options":"Chat options",
"chat.pop-out":"Felugró csevegés",
"chat.pop-out":"Felugró csevegés",
"chat.minimize":"Kis méret",
"chat.minimize":"Kis méret",
"chat.maximize":"Teljes méret",
"chat.maximize":"Teljes méret",
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@
"chat.three_months":"3 hónap",
"chat.three_months":"3 hónap",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Biztos törölni akarod az üzenetet?",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Biztos törölni akarod az üzenetet?",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Felhasználó adása a szobához",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Felhasználó adása a szobához",
"chat.retrieving-users":"Retrieving users...",
"chat.manage-room":"Manage Chat Room",
"chat.add-user-help":"Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"A felhasználó \"ne zavarj\"-ra állította az állapotukat. Még így is csevegni akarsz velük?",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"A felhasználó \"ne zavarj\"-ra állította az állapotukat. Még így is csevegni akarsz velük?",
"chat.rename-room":"Rename room",
"chat.rename-placeholder":"Enter your room name here",
"chat.rename-help":"The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.",
"chat.leave":"Leave Chat",
"chat.leave-prompt":"Are you sure you wish to leave this chat?",
"chat.leave-help":"Leaving this chat will remove you from future correspondence in this chat. If you are re-added in the future, you will not see any chat history from prior to your re-joining.",
"chat.chatting_with":"Gunakan <span id=\"chat-with-name\"></span> untuk melakukan percakapan",
"chat.chatting_with":"Chat with",
"chat.placeholder":"Tulis pesan percakapan di sini, tekan enter untuk mengirim",
"chat.placeholder":"Tulis pesan percakapan di sini, tekan enter untuk mengirim",
"chat.no_active":"Kamu tidak memiliki percakapan yang aktif.",
"chat.no_active":"Kamu tidak memiliki percakapan yang aktif.",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"chat.recent-chats":"Percakapan terbaru",
"chat.recent-chats":"Percakapan terbaru",
"chat.message-history":"Riwayat Pesan",
"chat.message-history":"Riwayat Pesan",
"chat.options":"Chat options",
"chat.pop-out":"Munculkan pesan",
"chat.pop-out":"Munculkan pesan",
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@
"chat.three_months":"3 Bulan",
"chat.three_months":"3 Bulan",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Are you sure you wish to delete this message?",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Are you sure you wish to delete this message?",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Add users to room",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Add users to room",
"chat.retrieving-users":"Retrieving users...",
"chat.manage-room":"Manage Chat Room",
"chat.add-user-help":"Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.rename-room":"Rename room",
"chat.rename-placeholder":"Enter your room name here",
"chat.rename-help":"The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.",
"chat.leave":"Leave Chat",
"chat.leave-prompt":"Are you sure you wish to leave this chat?",
"chat.leave-help":"Leaving this chat will remove you from future correspondence in this chat. If you are re-added in the future, you will not see any chat history from prior to your re-joining.",
"chat.placeholder":"Inserisci qui il messaggio, premi invio per mandarlo",
"chat.placeholder":"Inserisci qui il messaggio, premi invio per mandarlo",
"chat.no_active":"Non hai chat attive.",
"chat.no_active":"Non hai chat attive.",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"chat.recent-chats":"Chat Recenti",
"chat.recent-chats":"Chat Recenti",
"chat.message-history":"Cronologia Messaggi",
"chat.message-history":"Cronologia Messaggi",
"chat.options":"Chat options",
"chat.pop-out":"Chat in finestra",
"chat.pop-out":"Chat in finestra",
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@
"chat.three_months":"3 Mesi",
"chat.three_months":"3 Mesi",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo messaggio?",
"chat.delete_message_confirm":"Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo messaggio?",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Aggiungi utenti alla stanza",
"chat.add-users-to-room":"Aggiungi utenti alla stanza",
"chat.retrieving-users":"Retrieving users...",
"chat.manage-room":"Manage Chat Room",
"chat.add-user-help":"Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"Questo utente ha impostato il suo stato su Non Disturbare. Sei sicuro di voler iniziare una conversazione?",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user":"Questo utente ha impostato il suo stato su Non Disturbare. Sei sicuro di voler iniziare una conversazione?",
"chat.rename-room":"Rename room",
"chat.rename-placeholder":"Enter your room name here",
"chat.rename-help":"The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.",
"chat.leave":"Leave Chat",
"chat.leave-prompt":"Are you sure you wish to leave this chat?",
"chat.leave-help":"Leaving this chat will remove you from future correspondence in this chat. If you are re-added in the future, you will not see any chat history from prior to your re-joining.",
"bookmark_instructions":"Clicca qui per tornare all'ultimo post letto in questa discussione.",
"bookmark_instructions":"Clicca qui per tornare all'ultimo post letto in questa discussione.",
"flag_title":"Segnala questo post per la moderazione",
"flag_title":"Segnala questo post per la moderazione",
"merged_message":"This topic has been merged into <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a>",
"merged_message":"This topic has been merged into <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a>",
@ -121,5 +122,8 @@
"stale.warning":"Il topic al quale stai rispondendo è abbastanza vecchio. Vorresti piuttosto creare un nuovo topic in riferimento a questo nella tua risposta?",
"stale.warning":"Il topic al quale stai rispondendo è abbastanza vecchio. Vorresti piuttosto creare un nuovo topic in riferimento a questo nella tua risposta?",
"stale.create":"Crea una nuova discussione",
"stale.create":"Crea una nuova discussione",
"stale.reply_anyway":"Rispondi comunque a questa discussione",
"stale.reply_anyway":"Rispondi comunque a questa discussione",
"link_back":"Re: [%1](%2)"
"link_back":"Re: [%1](%2)",
"diffs.title":"Post Edit History",
"diffs.description":"This post has <strong>%1</strong> revisions. Click one of the revisions below to see the post content at that point in time.",
"diffs.no-revisions-description":"This post has <strong>%1</strong> revisions."
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff
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