"headers.permissions-policy-help":"Allows setting permissions policy header, for example \"geolocation=*, camera=()\", see <a href=\"https://github.com/w3c/webappsec-permissions-policy/blob/main/permissions-policy-explainer.md\">this</a> for more info.",
"traffic.help":"NodeBB uses a module that automatically denies requests in high-traffic situations. You can tune these settings here, although the defaults are a good starting point.",
"analytics.max-cache-help":"On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)",
"compression.settings":"Compression Settings",
"compression.enable":"Enable Compression",
"compression.help":"This setting enables gzip compression. For a high-traffic website in production, the best way to put compression in place is to implement it at a reverse proxy level. You can enable it here for testing purposes."