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8 years ago
"maintenance-mode": "維護模式",
"": "當論壇處在維護模式時,所有請求將被重導向到一個靜態頁面。管理員不受重導向限制,並可正常訪問網站。",
"maintenance-mode.status": "維護模式狀態碼",
"maintenance-mode.message": "維護訊息",
"maintenance-mode.groups-exempt-from-maintenance-mode": "Select groups that should be exempt from maintenance mode",
"headers": "標題",
"headers.allow-from": "設定 ALLOW-FROM 來放置 NodeBB 於 iFrame 中",
"headers.csp-frame-ancestors": "Set Content-Security-Policy frame-ancestors header to Place NodeBB in an iFrame",
"headers.csp-frame-ancestors-help": "'none', 'self'(default) or list of URIs to allow.",
"headers.powered-by": "自訂由 NodeBB 發送的 \"Powered By\" 標頭 ",
8 years ago
"headers.acao": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin",
"headers.acao-regex": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin 正規表示法",
"headers.acao-help": "要拒絕所有網站,請留空",
"headers.acao-regex-help": "輸入正規表示法以匹配動態來源。要拒絕所有網站,請留空",
"headers.acac": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
8 years ago
"headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
"headers.coep": "Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy",
"headers.coep-help": "When enabled (default), will set the header to <code>require-corp</code>",
"": "Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy",
"headers.corp": "Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy",
"hsts": "嚴格安全傳輸",
"hsts.enabled": "啟用HSTS推薦",
"hsts.maxAge": "HSTS Max Age",
"hsts.subdomains": "HSTS標頭訊息包含的域名",
"hsts.preload": "允許在HSTS標頭中預加載",
"": "如果啟用此項網站將會向瀏覽器發送HSTS標頭訊息。您可以設定是否為子域名開啟HSTS以及HSTS標頭訊息中是否包含預加載標誌。如果您不瞭解HSTS可以忽略此項設定。<a href=\"%1\">瞭解詳情 <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"traffic-management": "流量管理",
"": "NodeBB uses a module that automatically denies requests in high-traffic situations. You can tune these settings here, although the defaults are a good starting point.",
"traffic.enable": "啟用流量管理",
"traffic.event-lag": "事件循環滯後門檻值(毫秒)",
"traffic.event-lag-help": "降低此值會減少頁面加載的等待時間,但也會向更多使用者顯示“過載”訊息。(需要重新啟動)",
"traffic.lag-check-interval": "檢查間隔(毫秒)",
"traffic.lag-check-interval-help": "降低此值會造成 NodeBB 的負載峰值變得更加敏感,但也可能導致檢查變得過於敏感(需要重新啟動)",
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket 設定",
"sockets.max-attempts": "最大重連次數",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "預設: %1",
"sockets.delay": "重新連線延遲時間",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)",
"compression.settings": "Compression Settings",
"compression.enable": "Enable Compression",
"": "This setting enables gzip compression. For a high-traffic website in production, the best way to put compression in place is to implement it at a reverse proxy level. You can enable it here for testing purposes."
8 years ago