If you experience difficulties setting up a NodeBB instance, perhaps one of the following may help.
Is it possible to install NodeBB via FTP?
It is possible to transfer the files to your remote server using FTP, but you do require shell access to the server in order to actually "start" NodeBB. Here is `a handy guide for installing NodeBB on DigitalOcean <http://burnaftercompiling.com/nodebb/setting-up-a-nodebb-forum-for-dummies/>`_
I'm getting an "npm ERR!" error
For the most part, errors involving ``npm`` are due to Node.js being outdated. If you see an error similar to this one while running ``npm install``:
..code:: bash
npm ERR! Unsupported
npm ERR! Not compatible with your version of node/npm: connect@2.7.11
You'll need to update your Node.js version to 0.8 or higher.
To do this on Ubuntu:
..code:: bash
# add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
# apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y
# apt-cache policy nodejs // should show a version higher than 0.8
I upgraded NodeBB and now X isn't working properly!
Before reporting bugs, please ensure that the issue has not already been filed on our `tracker <https://github.com/designcreateplay/NodeBB/issues?state=closed>`_, or has already been resolved on our `support forum <http://community.nodebb.org/category/6/bug-reports>`_. If it has not been filed, feel free to create an account on GitHub and `create a new issue <https://github.com/designcreateplay/NodeBB/issues>`_.
Having trouble installing NodeBB? Or did something break? Don't hesitate to `join our forum <community.nodebb.org/register>`_ and ask for help. Hopefully one day you'll be able to help others too :)