Need Help? ========== Frequently Asked Questions -------------------------- If you experience difficulties setting up a NodeBB instance, perhaps one of the following may help. Is it possible to install NodeBB via FTP? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is possible to transfer the files to your remote server using FTP, but you do require shell access to the server in order to actually "start" NodeBB. Here is `a handy guide for installing NodeBB on DigitalOcean `_ I'm getting an "npm ERR!" error ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For the most part, errors involving ``npm`` are due to Node.js being outdated. If you see an error similar to this one while running ``npm install``: .. code:: bash npm ERR! Unsupported npm ERR! Not compatible with your version of node/npm: connect@2.7.11 You'll need to update your Node.js version to 0.8 or higher. To do this on Ubuntu: .. code:: bash # add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js # apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y # apt-cache policy nodejs // should show a version higher than 0.8 I upgraded NodeBB and now X isn't working properly! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Please consult [[Upgrading NodeBB]] Submit Bugs on our Issue Tracker -------------------------------- Before reporting bugs, please ensure that the issue has not already been filed on our `tracker `_, or has already been resolved on our `support forum `_. If it has not been filed, feel free to create an account on GitHub and `create a new issue `_. Ask the NodeBB Community ------------------------ Having trouble installing NodeBB? Or did something break? Don't hesitate to `join our forum `_ and ask for help. Hopefully one day you'll be able to help others too :)