@ -66,23 +66,32 @@ function onUserDisconnect(uid, socketid, socketCount) {
Sockets . init = function ( server ) {
var RedisStore = require ( 'socket.io/lib/stores/redis' ) ,
redis = require ( 'redis' ) ,
pub = redis . createClient ( ) ,
sub = redis . createClient ( ) ,
client = redis . createClient ( ) ;
io = socketioWildcard ( SocketIO ) . listen ( server , {
// Default socket.io config
var config = {
log : false ,
transports : [ 'websocket' , 'xhr-polling' , 'jsonp-polling' , 'flashsocket' ] ,
'browser client minification' : true ,
resource : nconf . get ( 'relative_path' ) + '/socket.io' ,
'store' : new RedisStore ( {
resource : nconf . get ( 'relative_path' ) + '/socket.io'
} ;
// If a redis server is configured, use it as a socket.io store, otherwise, fall back to in-memory store
if ( nconf . get ( 'redis' ) ) {
var RedisStore = require ( 'socket.io/lib/stores/redis' ) ,
database = require ( '../database/redis' ) ,
pub = database . connect ( ) ,
sub = database . connect ( ) ,
client = database . connect ( ) ;
config . store = new RedisStore ( {
redisPub : pub ,
redisSub : sub ,
redisClient : client
} ) ,
} ) ;
} else if ( nconf . get ( 'cluster' ) ) {
winston . warn ( '[socket.io] Clustering detected, you are advised to configure Redis as a websocket store.' )
io = socketioWildcard ( SocketIO ) . listen ( server , config ) ;
Sockets . server = io ;