"privileges.copy-from-category":"Copy from Category",
"privileges.copy-privileges-to-all-categories":"Copy to All Categories",
"privileges.copy-group-privileges-to-children":"Copy this group's privileges to the children of this category.",
"privileges.copy-group-privileges-to-all-categories":"Copy this group's privileges to all categories.",
"privileges.copy-group-privileges-from":"Copy this group's privileges from another category.",
"privileges.inherit":"If the <code>registered-users</code> group is granted a specific privilege, all other groups receive an <strong>implicit privilege</strong>, even if they are not explicitly defined/checked. This implicit privilege is shown to you because all users are part of the <code>registered-users</code> user group, and so, privileges for additional groups need not be explicitly granted.",
"privileges.copy-success":"Privileges copied!",
"analytics.back":"Back to Categories List",
"analytics.title":"Analytics for \"%1\" category",
"invitation.text1":"%1 has invited you to join %2",
"invitation.text2":"Your invitation will expire in %1 days.",
"invitation.ctr":"Click here to create your account.",
"invitation.cta":"Click here to create your account.",
"reset.text1":"We received a request to reset your password, possibly because you have forgotten it. If this is not the case, please ignore this email.",
"reset.text2":"To continue with the password reset, please click on the following link:",
@ -37,14 +37,13 @@
"digest.subject":"Digest for %1",
"digest.title":"Your Daily Digest",
"notif.chat.subject":"New chat message received from %1",
"notif.chat.cta":"Click here to continue the conversation",
"notif.chat.unsub.info":"This chat notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"notif.post.cta":"Click here to read the full topic",
"notif.post.unsub.info":"This post notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"notif.cta":"Click here to go to forum",
"notif.cta":"To the forum",
"notif.cta-new-reply":"View Post",
"notif.cta-new-chat":"View Chat",
"notif.test.short":"Testing Notifications",
"notif.test.long":"This is a test of the notifications email. Send help!",
"test.text1":"This is a test email to verify that the emailer is set up correctly for your NodeBB.",
"mongo.unauthorized":"NodeBB was unable to query the MongoDB database for relevant statistics. Please ensure that the user in use by NodeBB contains the "clusterMonitor" role for the "admin" database.",
"mongo.unauthorized":"NodeBB не смог создать запрос к базе данных MongoDB соответствующей статистики. Пожалуйста убедитесь, что пользователь, используемый NodeBB имеет "clusterMonitor" привилегию для "admin" базы данных. ",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for portions of the site in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.description":"В этой секции вы можете настроить права на управление доступом. Права могут быть предоставлены как на пользователя, так и на группу. Выберите применяемый домен с помощью формы поиска ниже.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Замечание</strong>: Настройки прав применяются немедленно. Нет необходимости сохранять категорию после изменения настроек.",
"privileges.section-viewing":"Права на просмотр",
"privileges.section-posting":"Права на создание поста",
<span style="color:#ffffff;" class="button-link">[[email:notif.cta<!-- IF notification.cta-type -->-{notification.cta-type}<!-- END -->]] →</span>