@ -1,253 +1,172 @@
'use strict';
var async = require('async');
var posts = require('../../posts');
var topics = require('../../topics');
var events = require('../../events');
var websockets = require('../index');
var socketTopics = require('../topics');
var privileges = require('../../privileges');
var plugins = require('../../plugins');
var social = require('../../social');
var user = require('../../user');
const posts = require('../../posts');
const topics = require('../../topics');
const events = require('../../events');
const websockets = require('../index');
const socketTopics = require('../topics');
const privileges = require('../../privileges');
const plugins = require('../../plugins');
const social = require('../../social');
const user = require('../../user');
const utils = require('../../utils');
module.exports = function (SocketPosts) {
SocketPosts.loadPostTools = function (socket, data, callback) {
SocketPosts.loadPostTools = async function (socket, data) {
if (!data || !data.pid || !data.cid) {
return callback(new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]'));
throw new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]');
function (next) {
posts: function (next) {
posts.getPostFields(data.pid, ['deleted', 'bookmarks', 'uid', 'ip'], next);
isAdmin: function (next) {
user.isAdministrator(socket.uid, next);
isGlobalMod: function (next) {
user.isGlobalModerator(socket.uid, next);
isModerator: function (next) {
user.isModerator(socket.uid, data.cid, next);
canEdit: function (next) {
privileges.posts.canEdit(data.pid, socket.uid, next);
canDelete: function (next) {
privileges.posts.canDelete(data.pid, socket.uid, next);
canPurge: function (next) {
privileges.posts.canPurge(data.pid, socket.uid, next);
canFlag: function (next) {
privileges.posts.canFlag(data.pid, socket.uid, next);
bookmarked: function (next) {
posts.hasBookmarked(data.pid, socket.uid, next);
tools: function (next) {
plugins.fireHook('filter:post.tools', { pid: data.pid, uid: socket.uid, tools: [] }, next);
postSharing: function (next) {
history: async.apply(posts.diffs.exists, data.pid),
}, next);
function (results, next) {
var posts = results.posts;
posts.tools = results.tools.tools;
posts.bookmarked = results.bookmarked;
posts.selfPost = socket.uid && socket.uid === posts.uid;
posts.display_edit_tools = results.canEdit.flag;
posts.display_delete_tools = results.canDelete.flag;
posts.display_purge_tools = results.canPurge;
posts.display_flag_tools = socket.uid && !posts.selfPost && results.canFlag.flag;
posts.display_moderator_tools = posts.display_edit_tools || posts.display_delete_tools;
posts.display_move_tools = results.isAdmin || results.isModerator;
posts.display_change_owner_tools = results.isAdmin || results.isModerator;
posts.display_ip_ban = (results.isAdmin || results.isGlobalMod) && !posts.selfPost;
posts.display_history = results.history;
posts.toolsVisible = posts.tools.length || posts.display_moderator_tools;
const results = await utils.promiseParallel({
posts: posts.getPostFields(data.pid, ['deleted', 'bookmarks', 'uid', 'ip']),
isAdmin: user.isAdministrator(socket.uid),
isGlobalMod: user.isGlobalModerator(socket.uid),
isModerator: user.isModerator(socket.uid, data.cid),
canEdit: privileges.posts.canEdit(data.pid, socket.uid),
canDelete: privileges.posts.canDelete(data.pid, socket.uid),
canPurge: privileges.posts.canPurge(data.pid, socket.uid),
canFlag: privileges.posts.canFlag(data.pid, socket.uid),
bookmarked: posts.hasBookmarked(data.pid, socket.uid),
tools: plugins.fireHook('filter:post.tools', { pid: data.pid, uid: socket.uid, tools: [] }),
postSharing: social.getActivePostSharing(),
history: posts.diffs.exists(data.pid),
const postData = results.posts;
postData.tools = results.tools.tools;
postData.bookmarked = results.bookmarked;
postData.selfPost = socket.uid && socket.uid === postData.uid;
postData.display_edit_tools = results.canEdit.flag;
postData.display_delete_tools = results.canDelete.flag;
postData.display_purge_tools = results.canPurge;
postData.display_flag_tools = socket.uid && !postData.selfPost && results.canFlag.flag;
postData.display_moderator_tools = postData.display_edit_tools || postData.display_delete_tools;
postData.display_move_tools = results.isAdmin || results.isModerator;
postData.display_change_owner_tools = results.isAdmin || results.isModerator;
postData.display_ip_ban = (results.isAdmin || results.isGlobalMod) && !postData.selfPost;
postData.display_history = results.history;
postData.toolsVisible = postData.tools.length || postData.display_moderator_tools;
if (!results.isAdmin && !results.isGlobalMod && !results.isModerator) {
posts.ip = undefined;
postData.ip = undefined;
next(null, results);
], callback);
return results;
SocketPosts.delete = function (socket, data, callback) {
SocketPosts.delete = async function (socket, data) {
if (!data || !data.pid) {
return callback(new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]'));
throw new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]');
var postData;
function (next) {
posts.tools.delete(socket.uid, data.pid, next);
function (_postData, next) {
postData = _postData;
isMainAndLastPost(data.pid, next);
function (results, next) {
const postData = await posts.tools.delete(socket.uid, data.pid);
const results = await isMainAndLastPost(data.pid);
if (results.isMain && results.isLast) {
deleteOrRestoreTopicOf('delete', data.pid, socket, next);
} else {
await deleteOrRestoreTopicOf('delete', data.pid, socket);
function (next) {
websockets.in('topic_' + data.tid).emit('event:post_deleted', postData);
await events.log({
type: 'post-delete',
uid: socket.uid,
pid: data.pid,
tid: postData.tid,
ip: socket.ip,
], callback);
SocketPosts.restore = function (socket, data, callback) {
SocketPosts.restore = async function (socket, data) {
if (!data || !data.pid) {
return callback(new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]'));
throw new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]');
var postData;
function (next) {
posts.tools.restore(socket.uid, data.pid, next);
function (_postData, next) {
postData = _postData;
isMainAndLastPost(data.pid, next);
function (results, next) {
const postData = await posts.tools.restore(socket.uid, data.pid);
const results = await isMainAndLastPost(data.pid);
if (results.isMain && results.isLast) {
deleteOrRestoreTopicOf('restore', data.pid, socket, next);
} else {
await deleteOrRestoreTopicOf('restore', data.pid, socket);
function (next) {
websockets.in('topic_' + data.tid).emit('event:post_restored', postData);
await events.log({
type: 'post-restore',
uid: socket.uid,
pid: data.pid,
tid: postData.tid,
ip: socket.ip,
], callback);
SocketPosts.deletePosts = function (socket, data, callback) {
SocketPosts.deletePosts = async function (socket, data) {
if (!data || !Array.isArray(data.pids)) {
return callback(new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]'));
throw new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]');
for (const pid of data.pids) {
/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
await SocketPosts.delete(socket, { pid: pid, tid: data.tid });
async.eachSeries(data.pids, function (pid, next) {
SocketPosts.delete(socket, { pid: pid, tid: data.tid }, next);
}, callback);
SocketPosts.purgePosts = function (socket, data, callback) {
SocketPosts.purgePosts = async function (socket, data) {
if (!data || !Array.isArray(data.pids)) {
return callback(new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]'));
throw new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]');
for (const pid of data.pids) {
/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
await SocketPosts.purge(socket, { pid: pid, tid: data.tid });
async.eachSeries(data.pids, function (pid, next) {
SocketPosts.purge(socket, { pid: pid, tid: data.tid }, next);
}, callback);
SocketPosts.purge = function (socket, data, callback) {
SocketPosts.purge = async function (socket, data) {
if (!data || !parseInt(data.pid, 10)) {
return callback(new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]'));
throw new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]');
var postData;
var topicData;
var isMainAndLast = false;
function (next) {
isMainAndLastPost(data.pid, next);
function (results, next) {
const results = await isMainAndLastPost(data.pid);
if (results.isMain && !results.isLast) {
return next(new Error('[[error:cant-purge-main-post]]'));
throw new Error('[[error:cant-purge-main-post]]');
isMainAndLast = results.isMain && results.isLast;
posts.getPostFields(data.pid, ['toPid', 'tid'], next);
function (_postData, next) {
postData = _postData;
const isMainAndLast = results.isMain && results.isLast;
const postData = await posts.getPostFields(data.pid, ['toPid', 'tid']);
postData.pid = data.pid;
posts.tools.purge(socket.uid, data.pid, next);
function (next) {
await posts.tools.purge(socket.uid, data.pid);
websockets.in('topic_' + data.tid).emit('event:post_purged', postData);
topics.getTopicFields(data.tid, ['title', 'cid'], next);
function (_topicData, next) {
topicData = _topicData;
const topicData = await topics.getTopicFields(data.tid, ['title', 'cid']);
await events.log({
type: 'post-purge',
uid: socket.uid,
pid: data.pid,
ip: socket.ip,
tid: postData.tid,
title: String(topicData.title),
}, next);
function (next) {
if (isMainAndLast) {
socketTopics.doTopicAction('purge', 'event:topic_purged', socket, { tids: [postData.tid], cid: topicData.cid }, next);
} else {
await socketTopics.doTopicAction('purge', 'event:topic_purged', socket, { tids: [postData.tid], cid: topicData.cid });
], callback);
function deleteOrRestoreTopicOf(command, pid, socket, callback) {
function (next) {
posts.getTopicFields(pid, ['tid', 'cid', 'deleted'], next);
function (topic, next) {
async function deleteOrRestoreTopicOf(command, pid, socket) {
const topic = await posts.getTopicFields(pid, ['tid', 'cid', 'deleted']);
if (command === 'delete' && !topic.deleted) {
socketTopics.doTopicAction('delete', 'event:topic_deleted', socket, { tids: [topic.tid], cid: topic.cid }, next);
await socketTopics.doTopicAction('delete', 'event:topic_deleted', socket, { tids: [topic.tid], cid: topic.cid });
} else if (command === 'restore' && topic.deleted) {
socketTopics.doTopicAction('restore', 'event:topic_restored', socket, { tids: [topic.tid], cid: topic.cid }, next);
} else {
await socketTopics.doTopicAction('restore', 'event:topic_restored', socket, { tids: [topic.tid], cid: topic.cid });
], callback);
function isMainAndLastPost(pid, callback) {
isMain: function (next) {
posts.isMain(pid, next);
isLast: function (next) {
posts.getTopicFields(pid, ['postcount'], function (err, topic) {
next(err, topic ? topic.postcount === 1 : false);
}, callback);
async function isMainAndLastPost(pid) {
const [isMain, topicData] = await Promise.all([
posts.getTopicFields(pid, ['postcount']),
return {
isMain: isMain,
isLast: topicData && topicData.postcount === 1,
SocketPosts.changeOwner = async function (socket, data) {