@ -1,22 +1,540 @@
"use strict";
/* global define, socket, app */
define(function () {
var Settings,
onReady = [],
waitingJobs = 0,
settings.js 2.0, because version 1:
- saved everything in "config" hash
- was hand-rolled (mm, salmon hand roll)
- Relied on app.config (!!)
This module should:
- Allow you to save to any specified hash
- Rely on jQuery
- Use sockets
- Be more awesome
* Attributes of HTML-tags that get used by default plugins:
* + data-key: the key to save/load the value within configuration-object
* + data-type: highest priority type-definition to determine what kind of element it is or which plugin to hook
* + type: normal priority type-definition
* + data-empty: if 'false' or '0' then values that are assumed as empty turn into null. data-empty of arrays affect
* their child-elements
* + data-trim: if not 'false' or '0' then values will get trimmed as defined by the elements type
* + data-split: if set and the element doesn't belong to any plugin, it's value will get split and joined by its
* value into the input-field
* array-elements:
* + data-split: separator (HTML allowed) between the elements, defaults to ', '
* + data-new: value to insert into new created elements
* + data-attributes: an object to set the attributes of the child HTML-elements. tagName as special key will set
* the tag-name of the child HTML-elements
* key-fields:
* + data-trim: if 'false' or '0' then the value will get saved as string else as object providing following
* properties: ctrl, alt, shift, meta, code, char
* + data-split: separator between different modifiers and the key-code of the value that gets saved
* (only takes effect if trimming)
* + data-short: if not 'false' or '0' then modifier-keys get saved as first uppercase character
* (only takes effect if trimming)
* select:
* + data-options: an array of {"text":"Displayed Text","value":"some_value"}-like objects
* The name of the HTML-tag is lowest priority type-definition
* Examples-HTML:
<input type="checkbox" data-key="cfg1"></input><br>
<input type="checkbox" data-key="cfg2"></input><br>
An array of checkboxes that are selected by default:
<div data-key="cfg3" data-attributes='{"data-type":"checkbox"}' data-new='true'></div><br>
A simple input-field of any common type:
<input type="password" data-key="cfg4"></input><br>
A simple textarea:
<textarea data-key="cfg5"></textarea><br>
Array of textareas:
<div data-key="cfg6" data-attributes='{"data-type":"textarea"}' data-new='Hello Kitty, ahem... World!'></div><br>
2D-Array of numbers that persist even when empty (but not empty rows):
<div data-key="cfg7" data-split="<br>" data-attributes='{"data-type":"array","data-attributes":{"type":"number"}}' data-new='[42,21]'></div><br>
Same with persisting empty rows, but not empty numbers, if no row is given null will get saved:
<div data-key="cfg8" data-split="<br>" data-empty="false" data-attributes='{"data-type":"array","data-empty":true,"data-attributes":{"type":"number","data-empty":false}}' data-new='[42,21]'></div><br>
Array of Key-shortcuts (new: Ctrl+Shift+7):
<div data-key="cfg9" data-attributes='{"data-type":"key"}' data-new='Ctrl+Shift+#55'></div><br>
Array of numbers (new: 42, step: 21):
<div data-key="cfg10" data-attributes='{"data-type":"number","step":21}' data-new='42'></div><br>
Select with dynamic options:
<select data-key="cfg11" data-options='[{"value":"2","text":"2"},{"value":"3","text":"3"}]'></select><br>
Select that loads faster:
<select data-key="cfg12"><br>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
* Matching configuration:
cfg1: false,
cfg2: true,
cfg3: [false, false, true],
cfg4: 'hello world',
cfg5: 'some\nlong\ntext',
cfg6: ['some\nlong\ntexts', 'and another one'],
cfg7: [[]],
cfg8: [[]],
cfg9: [],
cfg10: [],
cfg11: 3,
cfg12: 2
define(function() {
var Settings = {};
Returns the hook of given name that matches the given type or element.
@param type The type of the element to get the matching hook for, or the element itself.
@param name The name of the hook.
function getHook(type, name) {
var hook, plugin;
if (typeof type !== 'string') {
type = $(type);
type = type.data('type') || type.attr('type') || type.prop('tagName');
plugin = Settings.plugins[type.toLowerCase()];
if (plugin == null) {
return void 0;
hook = plugin[name];
if (typeof hook === 'function') {
return hook;
} else {
return null;
helper = {
@returns Object A deep clone of the given object.
deepClone: function (obj) {
if (typeof obj === 'object') {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
} else {
return obj;
Creates a new Element with given data.
@param tagName The tag-name of the element to create.
@param data The attributes to set.
@param text The text to add into the element.
@returns HTMLElement The created element.
createElement: function (tagName, data, text) {
var element = document.createElement(tagName);
for (var k in data) {
element.setAttribute(k, data[k]);
if (text) {
return element;
Calls the init-hook of the given element.
@param element The element to initialize.
initElement: function (element) {
var hook = getHook(element, 'init');
if (hook != null) {
hook.call(Settings, $(element));
Calls the destruct-hook of the given element.
@param element The element to destruct.
destructElement: function (element) {
var hook = getHook(element, 'destruct');
if (hook != null) {
hook.call(Settings, $(element));
Creates and initializes a new element.
@param type The type of the new element.
@param tagName The tag-name of the new element.
@param data The data to forward to create-hook or use as attributes.
@returns JQuery The created element.
createElementOfType: function (type, tagName, data) {
var element, hook = getHook(type, 'create');
if (hook != null) {
element = $(hook.call(Settings, type, tagName, data));
} else {
if (data == null) {
data = {};
if (type != null) {
data.type = type;
element = $(helper.createElement(tagName || 'input', data))
element.data('type', type);
return element;
Creates a new Array that contains values of given Array depending on trim and empty.
@param array The array to clean.
@param trim Whether to trim each value if it has a trim-function.
@param empty Whether empty values should get added.
@returns Array The filtered and/or modified Array.
cleanArray: function (array, trim, empty) {
var cleaned = [];
if (!trim && empty) {
return array;
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
var value = array[i];
if (trim) {
value = value === true ? 1 : value === false ? 0 : typeof value.trim === 'function' ? value.trim() : value;
if (empty || (value != null ? value.length : void 0)) {
return cleaned;
isTrue: function (value) {
return value === 'true' || +value === 1;
isFalse: function (value) {
return value === 'false' || +value === 0;
Calls the get-hook of the given element and returns its result.
If no hook is specified it gets treated as input-field.
@param element The element of that the value should get read.
@returns Object The value of the element.
readValue: function (element) {
var empty = !helper.isFalse(element.data('empty')),
trim = !helper.isFalse(element.data('trim')),
split = element.data('split'),
hook = getHook(element, 'get'),
if (hook != null) {
return hook.call(Settings, element, trim, empty);
if (split != null) {
empty = helper.isTrue(element.data('empty')); // default empty-value is false for arrays
value = element.val();
var array = (value != null ? value.split(split || ',') : void 0) || [];
return helper.cleanArray(array, trim, empty);
} else {
value = element.val();
if (trim && value != null && typeof value.trim === 'function') {
value = value.trim();
if (empty || value !== void 0 && (value == null || value.length !== 0)) {
return value;
} else {
return void 0;
Calls the set-hook of the given element.
If no hook is specified it gets treated as input-field.
@param element The JQuery-Object of the element to fill.
@param value The value to set.
fillField: function (element, value) {
var hook = getHook(element, 'set'),
trim = element.data('trim');
trim = trim !== 'false' && +trim !== 0;
if (hook != null) {
return hook.call(Settings, element, value, trim);
if (value instanceof Array) {
value = value.join(element.data('split') || (trim ? ', ' : ','));
if (trim && value && typeof value.trim === 'function') {
value = value.trim();
if (typeof value.toString === 'function') {
value = value.toString();
} else if (value != null) {
if (typeof value.toString === 'function') {
value = value.toString();
if (trim) {
value = value.trim();
} else {
value = '';
if (value !== void 0) {
Calls the init-hook and {@link helper.fillField} on each field within wrapper-object.
@param wrapper The wrapper-element to set settings within.
initFields: function (wrapper) {
$('[data-key]', wrapper).each(function (ignored, field) {
field = $(field);
var hook = getHook(field, 'init'),
keyParts = field.data('key').split('.'),
value = Settings.get();
if (hook != null) {
hook.call(Settings, field);
for (var i = 0; i < keyParts.length; i++) {
var part = keyParts[i];
if (part && value != null) {
value = value[part];
helper.fillField(field, value);
Increases the amount of jobs before settings are ready by given amount.
@param amount The amount of jobs to register.
registerReadyJobs: function (amount) {
return waitingJobs += amount;
Decreases the amount of jobs before settings are ready by given amount or 1.
If the amount is less or equal 0 all callbacks registered by {@link helper.whenReady} get called.
@param amount The amount of jobs that finished.
beforeReadyJobsDecreased: function (amount) {
if (amount == null) {
amount = 1;
if (waitingJobs > 0) {
waitingJobs -= amount;
if (waitingJobs <= 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < onReady.length; i++) {
onReady = [];
Calls the given callback when the settings are ready.
@param callback The callback.
whenReady: function (callback) {
if (waitingJobs <= 0) {
} else {
Persists the given settings with given hash.
@param hash The hash to use as settings-id.
@param settings The settings-object to persist.
@param notify Whether to send notification when settings got saved.
@param callback The callback to call when done.
persistSettings: function (hash, settings, notify, callback) {
if (settings != null && settings._settings != null && typeof settings._settings !== 'string') {
settings = helper.deepClone(settings);
settings._settings = JSON.stringify(settings._settings);
socket.emit('admin.settings.set', {
hash: hash,
values: settings
}, function (err) {
if (notify) {
if (err) {
title: 'Settings Not Saved',
type: 'danger',
message: "NodeBB failed to save the settings.",
timeout: 5000
console.log('[settings] Unable to set settings for hash: ', hash);
} else {
title: 'Settings Saved',
type: 'success',
timeout: 2500
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
Sets the settings to use to given settings.
@param settings The settings to use.
use: function (settings) {
try {
settings._settings = JSON.parse(settings._settings);
} catch (_error) {}
Settings.cfg = settings;
Settings.load = function(hash, formEl, callback) {
Settings = {
helper: helper,
plugins: {},
cfg: {},
Returns the saved settings.
@returns Object The settings.
get: function () {
if (Settings.cfg != null && Settings.cfg._settings !== void 0) {
return Settings.cfg._settings;
return Settings.cfg;
Registers a new plugin and calls its use-hook.
A plugin is an object containing a types-property to define its default bindings.
A plugin may also provide the following properties of type function with [return-value] (parameters):
use [void] - gets called when the Settings initializes the plugin.
init [void] (element) - gets called on page-load and every time after the create-hook.
; element: The element to initialize.
create [JQuery-Object] (type, tagName, data) - gets called when a new HTML-instance needs to get created.
; type: A string that identifies the plugin itself within this Settings-instance if set as data-type.
; tagName: The tag-name that gets requested.
; data: Additional data, plugin-dependent meaning.
destruct [void] (element) - gets called after a HTML-instance got removed from DOM
; element: The element that got removed.
set [void] (element, value, trim) - gets called when the value of the element should be set to the given value.
; element: The element to set its value.
; value: The value to set.
; trim: Whether the value is considered as trimmed.
get [value] (element, trim, empty) - gets called when the value of the given instance is needed.
; element: The element to get its value.
; trim: Whether the result should be trimmed.
; empty: Whether considered as empty values should get saved too.
All passed elements are JQuery-Objects.
@param service The plugin to register.
@param types The types to bind the plugin to.
registerPlugin: function (service, types) {
if (types == null) {
types = service.types;
} else {
service.types = types;
if (typeof service.use === 'function') {
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
var type = types[i].toLowerCase();
if (Settings.plugins[type] == null) {
Settings.plugins[type] = service;
Sets the settings to given ones, resets the fields within given wrapper and saves the settings server-side.
@param hash The hash to use as settings-id.
@param settings The settings to set.
@param wrapper The wrapper-element to find settings within.
@param callback The callback to call when done.
@param notify Whether to send notification when settings got saved.
set: function (hash, settings, wrapper, callback, notify) {
if (notify == null) {
notify = true;
helper.whenReady(function () {
helper.initFields(wrapper || 'form');
helper.persistSettings(hash, settings, notify, callback);
Fetches the settings from server and calls {@link Settings.helper.initFields} once the settings are ready.
@param hash The hash to use as settings-id.
@param wrapper The wrapper-element to set settings within.
@param callback The callback to call when done.
sync: function (hash, wrapper, callback) {
socket.emit('admin.settings.get', {
hash: hash
}, function (err, values) {
if (err) {
console.log('[settings] Unable to load settings for hash: ', hash);
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
} else {
helper.whenReady(function () {
helper.initFields(wrapper || 'form');
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
Reads the settings from fields and saves them server-side.
@param hash The hash to use as settings-id.
@param wrapper The wrapper-element to find settings within.
@param callback The callback to call when done.
@param notify Whether to send notification when settings got saved.
persist: function (hash, wrapper, callback, notify) {
var notSaved = [],
fields = $('[data-key]', wrapper || 'form').toArray();
if (notify == null) {
notify = true;
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
var field = $(fields[i]),
value = helper.readValue(field),
parentCfg = Settings.get(),
keyParts = field.data('key').split('.'),
lastKey = keyParts[keyParts.length - 1];
if (keyParts.length > 1) {
for (var j = 0; j < keyParts.length - 1; j++) {
var part = keyParts[j];
if (part && parentCfg != null) {
parentCfg = parentCfg[part];
if (parentCfg != null) {
if (value != null) {
parentCfg[lastKey] = value;
} else {
delete parentCfg[lastKey];
} else {
if (notSaved.length) {
title: 'Attributes Not Saved',
message: "'" + (notSaved.join(', ')) + "' could not be saved. Please contact the plugin-author!",
type: 'danger',
timeout: 5000
helper.persistSettings(hash, Settings.cfg, notify, callback);
load: function(hash, formEl, callback) {
socket.emit('admin.settings.get', {
hash: hash
}, function(err, values) {
@ -29,14 +547,11 @@ define(function() {
console.log('[settings] Unable to load settings for hash: ', hash);
Settings.save = function(hash, formEl, callback) {
save: function(hash, formEl, callback) {
formEl = $(formEl);
if (formEl.length) {
var values = formEl.serializeObject();
// "Fix" checkbox values, so that unchecked options are not omitted
formEl.find('input[type="checkbox"]').each(function(idx, inputEl) {
inputEl = $(inputEl);
@ -44,7 +559,6 @@ define(function() {
values[inputEl.attr('id')] = 'off';
socket.emit('admin.settings.set', {
hash: hash,
values: values
@ -54,7 +568,6 @@ define(function() {
type: 'success',
timeout: 2500
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
@ -62,7 +575,18 @@ define(function() {
} else {
console.log('[settings] Form not found.');
require(DEFAULT_PLUGINS, function () {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
return Settings;