@ -119,7 +119,13 @@ helpers.getUserDataByUserSlug = function (userslug, callerUID, callback) {
userData['reputation:disabled'] = parseInt(meta.config['reputation:disabled'], 10) === 1;
userData['downvote:disabled'] = parseInt(meta.config['downvote:disabled'], 10) === 1;
userData['email:confirmed'] = !!parseInt(userData['email:confirmed'], 10);
userData.profile_links = filterLinks(results.profile_links.concat(results.profile_menu.links), isSelf);
userData.profile_links = filterLinks(results.profile_links.concat(results.profile_menu.links), {
self: isSelf,
other: !isSelf,
moderator: isModerator,
globalMod: isGlobalModerator,
admin: isAdmin
userData.sso = results.sso.associations;
userData.status = user.getStatus(userData);
@ -154,9 +160,30 @@ helpers.getBaseUser = function (userslug, callerUID, callback) {
helpers.getUserDataByUserSlug(userslug, callerUID, callback);
function filterLinks(links, self) {
return links.filter(function (link) {
return link && (link.public || self);
function filterLinks(links, states) {
return links.filter(function (link, index) {
// "public" is the old property, if visibility is defined, discard `public`
if (link.hasOwnProperty('public') && !link.hasOwnProperty('visibility')) {
winston.warn('[account/profileMenu (' + link.id + ')] Use of the `.public` property is deprecated, use `visibility` now');
return link && (link.public || states.self);
// Default visibility
link.visibility = Object.assign({
self: true,
other: true,
moderator: true,
globalMod: true,
admin: true
}, link.visibility);
// Iterate through states and permit if every test passes (or is not defined)
var permit = Object.keys(states).some(function (state) {
return states[state] === link.visibility[state];
links[index].public = permit;
return permit;