@ -17,83 +17,84 @@ The nodebb command after the git url will create a file called nodebb so you hav
rhc cartridge add mongodb-2.4 -a nodebb
rhc cartridge add mongodb-2.4 -a nodebb
**Step 2:** SSH to the application
**Step 3:** SSH to the application
..code:: bash
..code:: bash
rhc app ssh -a nodebb
rhc app ssh -a nodebb
**Step 8:** Find out your instance’s ip address NodeJS and MongoDB so NodeBB can bind to it correctly. This is one of Openshift’s demands and seems to be the only way it will work. You can’t use $IP in your config.json either (which means you can’t enter $IP in the node app –setup). First line : NodeJS and second line : MongoDB
**Step 4:** Find out your instance’s ip address NodeJS and MongoDB so NodeBB can bind to it correctly. This is one of Openshift’s demands and seems to be the only way it will work. You can’t use $IP in your config.json either (which means you can’t enter $IP in the node app –setup). First line : NodeJS and second line : MongoDB
**Step 8:** In other terminal, stop the application
..code:: bash
..code:: bash
cd nodejs/configuration && nano node.env
rhc app stop -a nodebb
**Step 7:** Replace server.js by app.js and exit the editor
**Step 9:** Edit the environnement NodeJS on the terminal with the SSH
..code:: bash
..code:: bash
ctrl + x
cd ~/nodejs/configuration && nano node.env
**Step 9:** Start the setup of NodeBB
**Step 10:** Replace server.js by app.js and exit the editor
..code:: bash
..code:: bash
cd ~/app-root/repo && node app --setup
ctrl + x
URL of this installation should be set to 'http://nodebb-username.rhcloud.com', replacing username with your username.
**Step 11:** In other terminal, start the application
Port number : 8080
..code:: bash
Host IP or address of your Redis instance: localhost (the output of the $IP Command is also acceptable)
rhc app start -a nodebb
IP or Hostname to bind to: Enter what your $IP value holds here found in step 4. It should look something like: 123.4.567.8
**Step 12:** Start the setup of NodeBB on the terminal with the SSH
Host port of your Redis instance: 16379
..code:: bash
Redis Password: Unless you have set one manually, Redis will be configured without a password. Leave this blank and press enter
cd ~/app-root/repo && node app --setup
First-time set-up will also require an Admin name, email address and password to be set.
URL of this installation should be set to 'http://nodebb-username.rhcloud.com', replacing username with your username.
And you're good to go! Don't use the Run button at the top if the IDE, it has been a little buggy for me. Besides, you're better off using the command line anyway. Run:
Port number : 8080
..code:: bash
IP or Hostname to bind to: Enter what your $OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_IP value holds here found in step 4.
node app
Host IP or address of your MongoDB instance: Enter what your $OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_HOST value holds here found in step 4.
And then open http://workspace_name-c9-username.c9.io in your browser.
Host port of your MongoDB instance: 27017
MongoDB Admin Password: When you have added the cartridge MongoDB, the terminal give you a password, use it. If you are lost him, you will find it on the [Openshift Panel](https://openshift.redhat.com/app/console).
A common problem is that the database hasn't been started. Make sure you have set Redis up correctly and ran
**Step 13:** And the last one, in other terminal, restart the application
..code:: bash
..code:: bash
redis-server --port 16379 --bind $IP
rhc app restart -a nodebb
And then open http://nodebb-username.rhcloud.com in your browser.