Barış Soner Uşaklı 5 years ago
commit c33dc90562

@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
#### v1.15.0-beta.28 (2020-09-29)
##### Chores
* incrementing version number - v1.15.0-beta.28 (57f83162)
* update changelog for v1.15.0-beta.27 (70673824)
##### New Features
* analytics:maxCache setting in ACP (14ba1a6d)
#### v1.15.0-beta.27 (2020-09-29)
##### Chores

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "nodebb",
"license": "GPL-3.0",
"description": "NodeBB Forum",
"version": "1.15.0-beta.27",
"version": "1.15.0-beta.28",
"homepage": "http://www.nodebb.org",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
"nodebb-plugin-spam-be-gone": "0.7.2",
"nodebb-rewards-essentials": "0.1.3",
"nodebb-theme-lavender": "5.0.13",
"nodebb-theme-persona": "10.2.41",
"nodebb-theme-persona": "10.2.42",
"nodebb-theme-slick": "1.2.34",
"nodebb-theme-vanilla": "11.2.18",
"nodebb-widget-essentials": "4.1.2",

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "منصبة",
"active": "مفعلة",
"inactive": "معطلة",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Maximum length of chat messages",
"max-room-size": "Maximum number of users in chat rooms",
"delay": "Time between chat messages in milliseconds",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain editable. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain deletable. (0 disabled)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternative text for accessibility",
"favicon": "صورة المفضله",
"favicon.upload": "رفع",
"touch-icon": "Homescreen/Touch Icon",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "رفع",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 192x192, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Outgoing Links",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Use Outgoing Links Warning Page",
"search-default-sort-by": "الترتيب الافتراضي للبحث",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "لون الثيم",
"background-color": "لون الخلفية",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Популярни",
"installed": "Инсталирани",
"active": "Включени",
"inactive": "Изключени",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "Настройки за WebSocket",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Максимален брой опити за повторно свързване",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "По подразбиране: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Забавяне при повторно свързване"
"sockets.delay": "Забавяне при повторно свързване",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
"disable-editing-help": "Това ограничение не засяга администраторите и глобалните модератори",
"max-length": "Максимална дължина на съобщенията в разговорите",
"max-room-size": "Максимален брой потребители в стая за разговор",
"delay": "Време между съобщеният в разговорите (в милисекунди)",
"delay": "Време между съобщенията в разговорите (в милисекунди)",
"notification-delay": "Забавяне преди известяване за съобщения в разговорите. (0 без забавяне)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Брой секунди, през които съобщенията в разговор могат да бъдат редактирани. (0 = изключено)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Брой секунди, през които съобщенията в разговор могат да бъдат изтривани. (0 = изключено)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Алтернативен текст за достъпност",
"favicon": "Иконка на уеб сайта",
"favicon.upload": "Качване",
"touch-icon": "Иконка за начален екран (мобилно устройство)",
"pwa": "Прогресивно уеб-приложение",
"touch-icon": "Иконка за сензорен екран",
"touch-icon.upload": "Качване",
"touch-icon.help": "Препоръчителен размер и формат: 192x192, само във формат „PNG“. Ако не е посочена иконка за начален екран на мобилно устройство, NodeBB ще използва иконката на уеб сайта.",
"touch-icon.help": "Препоръчителен размер и формат: 512x512, само във формат „PNG“. Ако не е посочена иконка за сензорен екран, NodeBB ще използва иконката на уеб сайта.",
"maskable-icon": "Маскируема иконка (за начален екран)",
"maskable-icon.help": "Препоръчителен размер и формат: 512x512, само във формат „PNG“. Ако не е посочена маскируема иконка, NodeBB ще използва иконката за сензорен екран.",
"outgoing-links": "Изходящи връзки",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Показване на предупредителна страница при щракване върху външни връзки",
"search-default-sort-by": "Подредба по подразбиране при търсене",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Цвят на темата",
"background-color": "Фонов цвят",
"background-color-help": "Цвят, който да се използва като фон за началния екран, когато уеб сайтът е инсталиран като приложение"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "Installed",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Maximum length of chat messages",
"max-room-size": "Maximum number of users in chat rooms",
"delay": "Time between chat messages in milliseconds",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain editable. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain deletable. (0 disabled)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternative text for accessibility",
"favicon": "Favicon",
"favicon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon": "Homescreen/Touch Icon",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 192x192, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Outgoing Links",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Use Outgoing Links Warning Page",
"search-default-sort-by": "Search default sort by",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Theme Color",
"background-color": "Background Color",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "Nainstalováno",
"active": "Aktivní",
"inactive": "Neaktivní",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Maximální délka konverzační zprávy",
"max-room-size": "Maximální počet uživatelů v konverzační místnosti",
"delay": "Čas mezi konverzačními zprávami v milisekundách",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Počet sekund, kdy může být ještě konverzační zpráva upravena (pro zakázání - 0)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Počet sekund, kdy může být ještě konverzační zpráva odstraněna (pro zakázání - 0)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternativní text pro přístupnost",
"favicon": "Ikonka (favicon)",
"favicon.upload": "Nahrát",
"touch-icon": "Ikonka domovské obrazovky/dotyková",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "Nahrát",
"touch-icon.help": "Doporučená velikost a formát je: jen v *.png 192x192. Nebude-li určena dotyková ikona, NodeBB nepoužije žádnou z ikon (favicon).",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Odchozí odkazy",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Použít stránku s upozorněním při odchozích odkazech",
"search-default-sort-by": "Výchozí třídění při hledání",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Theme Color",
"background-color": "Background Color",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "Installed",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Maximum length of chat messages",
"max-room-size": "Maximum number of users in chat rooms",
"delay": "Time between chat messages in milliseconds",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain editable. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain deletable. (0 disabled)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternative text for accessibility",
"favicon": "Favicon",
"favicon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon": "Homescreen/Touch Icon",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 192x192, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Outgoing Links",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Use Outgoing Links Warning Page",
"search-default-sort-by": "Search default sort by",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Theme Color",
"background-color": "Background Color",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "Installiert",
"active": "Aktiv",
"inactive": "Inaktiv",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Maximale Chatnachrichtenlänge",
"max-room-size": "Maximale Anzahl an Nutzern pro Chat-Room",
"delay": "Zeit zwischen Chatnachrichten in Millisekunden",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Dauer in Sekunden, die eine Chat-Nachricht editiert werden kann. (0 deaktiviert)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Dauer in Sekunden, die eine Chat-Nachricht gelöscht werden kann. (0 deaktiviert)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternativer Text, falls das Bild nicht angezeigt werden kann",
"favicon": "Favicon",
"favicon.upload": "Hochladen",
"touch-icon": "Homescreen/Touch Icon",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "Hochladen",
"touch-icon.help": "Empfohlene Größe und Format: 192x192, ausschließlich PNG Format. Wenn kein Icon angegeben wird, wird NodeBB das Favicon verwenden.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Ausgehende Links",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Warnseite für ausgehende links verwenden",
"search-default-sort-by": "Standardmäßige Such-Sortierung",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Theme Color",
"background-color": "Background Color",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "Installed",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Maximum length of chat messages",
"max-room-size": "Maximum number of users in chat rooms",
"delay": "Time between chat messages in milliseconds",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain editable. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain deletable. (0 disabled)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternative text for accessibility",
"favicon": "Favicon",
"favicon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon": "Homescreen/Touch Icon",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 192x192, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Outgoing Links",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Use Outgoing Links Warning Page",
"search-default-sort-by": "Search default sort by",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Theme Color",
"background-color": "Background Color",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "Installed",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Maximum length of chat messages",
"max-room-size": "Maximum number of users in chat rooms",
"delay": "Time between chat messages in milliseconds",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain editable. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain deletable. (0 disabled)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternative text for accessibility",
"favicon": "Favicon",
"favicon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon": "Homescreen/Touch Icon",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 192x192, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Outgoing Links",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Use Outgoing Links Warning Page",
"search-default-sort-by": "Search default sort by",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Theme Color",
"background-color": "Background Color",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "Installed",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Maximum length of chat messages",
"max-room-size": "Maximum number of users in chat rooms",
"delay": "Time between chat messages in milliseconds",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain editable. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain deletable. (0 disabled)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternative text for accessibility",
"favicon": "Favicon",
"favicon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon": "Homescreen/Touch Icon",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 192x192, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Outgoing Links",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Use Outgoing Links Warning Page",
"search-default-sort-by": "Search default sort by",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Theme Color",
"background-color": "Background Color",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "Instalado",
"active": "Activo",
"inactive": "Inactivo ",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Maxima longitud de mensajes de chat",
"max-room-size": "Máximo numero de usuarios en las salas de chat",
"delay": "Tiempo entre envío de mensajes de chat en milisegundos",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain editable. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain deletable. (0 disabled)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Texto alternativo para accesibilidad",
"favicon": "Favicon",
"favicon.upload": "Subir",
"touch-icon": "Icono para pantallas de inicio e Icono para móviles",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "Subir",
"touch-icon.help": "Formato y tamaño recomendados: 192x192, solo formato PNG. Si no se especifica ningún icono, NodeBB usará el favicon que se use en el foro.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Enlaces a sitios externos",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Usar Página de Advertencia para Enlaces a Sitios Externos",
"search-default-sort-by": "Orden por defecto de la búsqueda",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Theme Color",
"background-color": "Background Color",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "Installed",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Maximum length of chat messages",
"max-room-size": "Maximum number of users in chat rooms",
"delay": "Time between chat messages in milliseconds",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain editable. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain deletable. (0 disabled)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternative text for accessibility",
"favicon": "Favicon",
"favicon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon": "Homescreen/Touch Icon",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 192x192, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Outgoing Links",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Use Outgoing Links Warning Page",
"search-default-sort-by": "Search default sort by",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Theme Color",
"background-color": "Background Color",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "Installed",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Maximum length of chat messages",
"max-room-size": "Maximum number of users in chat rooms",
"delay": "Time between chat messages in milliseconds",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain editable. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain deletable. (0 disabled)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternative text for accessibility",
"favicon": "Favicon",
"favicon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon": "Homescreen/Touch Icon",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 192x192, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Outgoing Links",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Use Outgoing Links Warning Page",
"search-default-sort-by": "Search default sort by",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Theme Color",
"background-color": "Background Color",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "Installed",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Maximum length of chat messages",
"max-room-size": "Maximum number of users in chat rooms",
"delay": "Time between chat messages in milliseconds",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain editable. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain deletable. (0 disabled)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternative text for accessibility",
"favicon": "Favicon",
"favicon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon": "Homescreen/Touch Icon",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 192x192, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Outgoing Links",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Use Outgoing Links Warning Page",
"search-default-sort-by": "Search default sort by",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Theme Color",
"background-color": "Background Color",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "Installé",
"active": "Actif",
"inactive": "Inactif",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "Configuration WebSocket",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Nombre maximum de tentatives de reconnexion",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Défaut : %1",
"sockets.delay": "Délai de reconnexion"
"sockets.delay": "Délai de reconnexion",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Longueur maximales des messages de discussion",
"max-room-size": "Nombre maximum d'utilisateurs dans une même discussion",
"delay": "Temps entre chaque message de discussion (en millisecondes)",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Nombre de secondes pendant lesquelles un message de discussion reste modifiable. (0 désactivé)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Nombre de secondes pendant lesquelles un message de discussion reste supprimable. (0 désactivé)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Texte alternatif pour l'accessibilité",
"favicon": "Favicon",
"favicon.upload": "Télécharger",
"touch-icon": "Icône touch et d'écran d'accueil",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "Télécharger",
"touch-icon.help": "Taille et format recommandés : 192x192, format PNG uniquement. Si aucune icône n'est spécifiée, NodeBB utilisera le favicon.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Liens sortants",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Utiliser la page d'avertissement pour liens sortants",
"search-default-sort-by": "Tri par défaut de la recherche",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Couleur du thème",
"background-color": "Couleur de l'arrière plan",
"background-color-help": "Couleur utilisée pour l'arrière-plan de l'écran de démarrage lorsque le site Web est installé en tant que PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "Installed",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Maximum length of chat messages",
"max-room-size": "Maximum number of users in chat rooms",
"delay": "Time between chat messages in milliseconds",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain editable. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain deletable. (0 disabled)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternative text for accessibility",
"favicon": "Favicon",
"favicon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon": "Homescreen/Touch Icon",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 192x192, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Outgoing Links",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Use Outgoing Links Warning Page",
"search-default-sort-by": "Search default sort by",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Theme Color",
"background-color": "Background Color",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "הותקן",
"active": "פעיל",
"inactive": "לא-פעיל",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Maximum length of chat messages",
"max-room-size": "Maximum number of users in chat rooms",
"delay": "Time between chat messages in milliseconds",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain editable. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain deletable. (0 disabled)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternative text for accessibility",
"favicon": "Favicon",
"favicon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon": "Homescreen/Touch Icon",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 192x192, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Outgoing Links",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Use Outgoing Links Warning Page",
"search-default-sort-by": "Search default sort by",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Theme Color",
"background-color": "Background Color",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "Instalirano",
"active": "Aktivno",
"inactive": "Neaktivan",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Maksimalna dužina poruka u razgovoru",
"max-room-size": "Maksimalan broj korisnika u sobama za razgovor",
"delay": "Vrijeme između poruka razgovora u milisekundama",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain editable. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain deletable. (0 disabled)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternativni tekst za dostupnost",
"favicon": "Favicon",
"favicon.upload": "Učitaj",
"touch-icon": "Naslovnica/Touch ikona",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "Učitaj",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 192x192, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Odlazne poveznice",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Koristi upozorenje za odlazne poveznice",
"search-default-sort-by": "Pretraži zadani poredak",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Theme Color",
"background-color": "Background Color",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "Telepített",
"active": "Aktív",
"inactive": "Inaktív",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Chat üzenetek maximális hossza",
"max-room-size": "A chat szobákban lévő felhasználók maximális száma",
"delay": "Chat üzenetek közötti idő ezredmásodpercben",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain editable. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain deletable. (0 disabled)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternative text for accessibility",
"favicon": "Favicon",
"favicon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon": "Homescreen/Touch Icon",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 192x192, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Outgoing Links",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Use Outgoing Links Warning Page",
"search-default-sort-by": "Search default sort by",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Theme Color",
"background-color": "Background Color",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "Installed",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Maximum length of chat messages",
"max-room-size": "Maximum number of users in chat rooms",
"delay": "Time between chat messages in milliseconds",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain editable. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain deletable. (0 disabled)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternative text for accessibility",
"favicon": "Favicon",
"favicon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon": "Homescreen/Touch Icon",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 192x192, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Outgoing Links",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Use Outgoing Links Warning Page",
"search-default-sort-by": "Search default sort by",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Theme Color",
"background-color": "Background Color",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "Installato",
"active": "Attivo",
"inactive": "Inattivo",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "Impostazioni WebSocket",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Tentativi massimi di riconnessione ",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Predefinito: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Ritardo di riconnessione"
"sockets.delay": "Ritardo di riconnessione",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Lunghezza massima dei messaggi della chat",
"max-room-size": "Numero massimo di utenti nelle stanza chat",
"delay": "Tempo tra i messaggi della chat in millisecondi",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Numero di secondi in cui un messaggio di chat rimane modificabile. (0 disabilitato)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Numero di secondi in cui un messaggio di chat rimane cancellabile. (0 disabilitato)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Testo alternativo per l'accessibilità",
"favicon": "Favicon",
"favicon.upload": "Carica",
"touch-icon": "Schermata Iniziale/Icona Touch",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "Carica",
"touch-icon.help": "Dimensioni e formato consigliati: 192x192, solo formato PNG. Se nessuna icona touch è specificata, NodeBB tornerà a usare la favicon.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Collegamenti in uscita",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Usa pagina di avviso collegamenti in uscita",
"search-default-sort-by": "Ricerca predefinita ordinata per",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Colore del Tema",
"background-color": "Colore di sfondo",
"background-color-help": "Colore utilizzato per lo sfondo della schermata iniziale quando il sito Web è installato come PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "インストール済み",
"active": "アクティブ",
"inactive": "非アクティブ",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "チャットメッセージの最大の長さ",
"max-room-size": "チャットルームの最大ユーザー数",
"delay": "ミリ秒単位のチャットメッセージ間の時間",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain editable. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain deletable. (0 disabled)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "アクセシビリティのための代替テキスト",
"favicon": "お気に入りアイコン",
"favicon.upload": "アップロード",
"touch-icon": "多い",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "アップロード",
"touch-icon.help": "推奨サイズとフォーマット192x192、PNG形式のみ。タッチアイコンが指定されていない場合、NodeBBはファビコンを使用します。",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "外部サイトへのリンク",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "送信リンクの警告ページを使用",
"search-default-sort-by": "デフォルトのソートを検索",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Theme Color",
"background-color": "Background Color",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "설치됨",
"active": "사용 중",
"inactive": "사용하지 않는 중",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "채팅 메세지의 최대 길이",
"max-room-size": "채팅방의 최대 인원 수",
"delay": "채팅 메세지 간 시간 간격(단위: 1/1000초)",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain editable. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain deletable. (0 disabled)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "대체할 글",
"favicon": "Favicon(브라우저 탭에 표기되는 이미지)",
"favicon.upload": "업로드",
"touch-icon": "홈스크린 아이콘",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "업로드",
"touch-icon.help": "추천 사이즈: 192 x 192(픽셀), PNG 확장자만 가능. 설정되지 않은 경우, favicon을 사용합니다.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "외부 링크",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "외부 링크 경고페이지 사용",
"search-default-sort-by": "검색결과 정열기준 기본값",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Theme Color",
"background-color": "Background Color",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "Installed",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Maximum length of chat messages",
"max-room-size": "Maximum number of users in chat rooms",
"delay": "Time between chat messages in milliseconds",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain editable. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain deletable. (0 disabled)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternative text for accessibility",
"favicon": "Favicon",
"favicon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon": "Homescreen/Touch Icon",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "Upload",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 192x192, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Outgoing Links",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Use Outgoing Links Warning Page",
"search-default-sort-by": "Search default sort by",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Theme Color",
"background-color": "Background Color",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "Instalētie",
"active": "Aktīvie",
"inactive": "Neaktīvie",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"max-length": "Sarunu lielākais garums",
"max-room-size": "Maksimālais lietotāju skaits tērzētavā",
"delay": "Laiks starp sarunām milisekundēs",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain editable. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds a chat message will remain deletable. (0 disabled)"

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternatīvais teksts pieejamībai",
"favicon": "Favorīta ikona",
"favicon.upload": "Augšupielādēt",
"touch-icon": "Sākumlapas/pieskāriena ikona",
"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
"touch-icon.upload": "Augšupielādēt",
"touch-icon.help": "Ieteicamais izmērs un formāts: 192x192, tikai PNG formātā. Ja nav norādīta neviena pieskāriena ikona, NodeBB izmantos favorīta ikonu.",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
"outgoing-links": "Izejošās saites",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Lietot izejošo saišu brīdinājuma lapu",
"search-default-sort-by": "Noklusējuma kārtošana",
@ -38,4 +41,4 @@
"theme-color": "Theme Color",
"background-color": "Background Color",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"trending": "Trending",
"installed": "Installed",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",

@ -32,5 +32,9 @@
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay"
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)"

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
