"wrong-login-type-email":"الرجاء استعمال بريدك اﻹلكتروني للدخول",
"wrong-login-type-email":"الرجاء استعمال بريدك اﻹلكتروني للدخول",
"wrong-login-type-username":"الرجاء استعمال اسم المستخدم الخاص بك للدخول",
"wrong-login-type-username":"الرجاء استعمال اسم المستخدم الخاص بك للدخول",
"sso-registration-disabled":"Registration has been disabled for %1 accounts, please register with an email address first",
"sso-registration-disabled":"Registration has been disabled for %1 accounts, please register with an email address first",
"sso-multiple-association":"You cannot associate multiple accounts from this service to your NodeBB account. Please dissociate your existing account and try again.",
"invite-maximum-met":"لقد قمت بدعوة الحد الأقصى من الأشخاص (%1 من %2)",
"invite-maximum-met":"لقد قمت بدعوة الحد الأقصى من الأشخاص (%1 من %2)",
"bookmark_instructions":"اضغط هنا للعودة لأخر مشاركة مقروءة في الموضوع",
"bookmark_instructions":"اضغط هنا للعودة لأخر مشاركة مقروءة في الموضوع",
"flag_title":"إشعار بمشاركة مخلة.",
"flag_title":"إشعار بمشاركة مخلة.",
"merged_message":"This topic has been merged into <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a>",
"deleted_message":"هذه المشاركة محذوفة. فقط من لهم صلاحية الإشراف على ا لمشاركات يمكنهم معاينتها.",
"deleted_message":"هذه المشاركة محذوفة. فقط من لهم صلاحية الإشراف على ا لمشاركات يمكنهم معاينتها.",
"following_topic.message":"ستستلم تنبيها عند كل مشاركة جديدة في هذا الموضوع.",
"following_topic.message":"ستستلم تنبيها عند كل مشاركة جديدة في هذا الموضوع.",
"not_following_topic.message":"You will see this topic in the unread topics list, but you will not receive notifications when somebody posts to this topic.",
"not_following_topic.message":"You will see this topic in the unread topics list, but you will not receive notifications when somebody posts to this topic.",
"search-plugin-tooltip":"Инсталирайте добавка за търсене от страницата с добавките, за да включите функционалността за търсене",
"search-plugin-tooltip":"Инсталирайте добавка за търсене от страницата с добавките, за да включите функционалността за търсене",
"control-panel":"Системен контрол",
"control-panel":"Системен контрол",
"restart":"Повторно изграждане и рестартиране",
"restart-warning":"Презареждането и рестартирането на NodeBB ще прекъсне всички връзки за няколко секунди.",
"restart-warning":"Повторното изграждане и рестартирането на NodeBB ще прекъснат всички връзки за няколко секунди.",
"restart-disabled":"Възможностите за повторно изграждане и рестартиране на NodeBB са изключени, тъй като изглежда, че NodeBB не се изпълнява чрез подходящия демон.",
"maintenance-mode":"Режим на профилактика",
"maintenance-mode":"Режим на профилактика",
"maintenance-mode-title":"Щракнете тук, за да зададете режим на профилактика на NodeBB",
"maintenance-mode-title":"Щракнете тук, за да зададете режим на профилактика на NodeBB",
"realtime-chart-updates":"Актуализации на таблиците в реално време",
"realtime-chart-updates":"Актуализации на таблиците в реално време",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Моля, използвайте е-пощата си, за да се впишете",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Моля, използвайте е-пощата си, за да се впишете",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Моля, използвайте потребителското си име, за да се впишете",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Моля, използвайте потребителското си име, за да се впишете",
"sso-registration-disabled":"Регистрацията за акаунти от %1 беше забранена, моля, регистрирайте се първо се-поща",
"sso-registration-disabled":"Регистрацията за акаунти от %1 беше забранена, моля, регистрирайте се първо се-поща",
"sso-multiple-association":"Не можете да свържете повече от един акаунт от тази услуга с акаунта си в NodeBB. Моля, премахнете връзката със съществуващия акаунт и опитайте отново.",
"invite-maximum-met":"Вие сте поканили максимално позволения брой хора (%1 от %2).",
"invite-maximum-met":"Вие сте поканили максимално позволения брой хора (%1 от %2).",
"no-session-found":"Няма намерена сесия на вписване!",
"no-session-found":"Няма намерена сесия на вписване!",
"bookmark_instructions":"Щракнете тук, за да се върнете към последно прочетената публикация в тази тема.",
"bookmark_instructions":"Щракнете тук, за да се върнете към последно прочетената публикация в тази тема.",
"flag_title":"Докладване на тази публикация до модератор",
"flag_title":"Докладване на тази публикация до модератор",
"merged_message":"Тази тема беше слята в <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a>",
"deleted_message":"Темата е изтрита. Само потребители с права за управление на темите могат да я видят.",
"deleted_message":"Темата е изтрита. Само потребители с права за управление на темите могат да я видят.",
"following_topic.message":"Вече ще получавате известия когато някой публикува коментар в тази тема.",
"following_topic.message":"Вече ще получавате известия когато някой публикува коментар в тази тема.",
"not_following_topic.message":"Ще виждате тази тема в списъка с непрочетени теми, но няма да получавате известия, когато хората публикуват нещо в нея.",
"not_following_topic.message":"Ще виждате тази тема в списъка с непрочетени теми, но няма да получавате известия, когато хората публикуват нещо в нея.",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login",
"sso-registration-disabled":"Registration has been disabled for %1 accounts, please register with an email address first",
"sso-registration-disabled":"Registration has been disabled for %1 accounts, please register with an email address first",
"sso-multiple-association":"You cannot associate multiple accounts from this service to your NodeBB account. Please dissociate your existing account and try again.",
"invite-maximum-met":"You have invited the maximum amount of people (%1 out of %2).",
"invite-maximum-met":"You have invited the maximum amount of people (%1 out of %2).",
"bookmark_instructions":"Click here to return to the last read post in this thread.",
"bookmark_instructions":"Click here to return to the last read post in this thread.",
"flag_title":"মডারেশনের জন্য এই পোস্টটি ফ্ল্যাগ করুন",
"flag_title":"মডারেশনের জন্য এই পোস্টটি ফ্ল্যাগ করুন",
"merged_message":"This topic has been merged into <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a>",
"deleted_message":"এই টপিকটি মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে। শুধুমাত্র টপিক ব্যবস্থাপনার ক্ষমতাপ্রাপ্ত সদস্যগণ এটি দেখতে পারবেন।",
"deleted_message":"এই টপিকটি মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে। শুধুমাত্র টপিক ব্যবস্থাপনার ক্ষমতাপ্রাপ্ত সদস্যগণ এটি দেখতে পারবেন।",
"following_topic.message":"এখন থেকে এই টপিকে অন্যকেউ পোস্ট করলে আপনি নোটিফিকেশন পাবেন।",
"following_topic.message":"এখন থেকে এই টপিকে অন্যকেউ পোস্ট করলে আপনি নোটিফিকেশন পাবেন।",
"not_following_topic.message":"You will see this topic in the unread topics list, but you will not receive notifications when somebody posts to this topic.",
"not_following_topic.message":"You will see this topic in the unread topics list, but you will not receive notifications when somebody posts to this topic.",
"sso-registration-disabled":"Registrace byla zakázána pro účty - %1. Nejprve si zaregistrujte e-mailovou adresu",
"sso-registration-disabled":"Registrace byla zakázána pro účty - %1. Nejprve si zaregistrujte e-mailovou adresu",
"sso-multiple-association":"You cannot associate multiple accounts from this service to your NodeBB account. Please dissociate your existing account and try again.",
"invite-maximum-met":"Již jste pozval/a maximálně možný počet lidí (%1 z %2).",
"invite-maximum-met":"Již jste pozval/a maximálně možný počet lidí (%1 z %2).",
"no-session-found":"Nebyla nalezena relace s přihlášením.",
"no-session-found":"Nebyla nalezena relace s přihlášením.",
"not-in-room":"Uživatel není přítomen v místnosti",
"not-in-room":"Uživatel není přítomen v místnosti",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Brug venligt din email til login",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Brug venligt din email til login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Brug venligt dit brugernavn til login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Brug venligt dit brugernavn til login",
"sso-registration-disabled":"Registration has been disabled for %1 accounts, please register with an email address first",
"sso-registration-disabled":"Registration has been disabled for %1 accounts, please register with an email address first",
"sso-multiple-association":"You cannot associate multiple accounts from this service to your NodeBB account. Please dissociate your existing account and try again.",
"invite-maximum-met":"Du har inviteret det maksimale antal personer (%1 ud af %2)",
"invite-maximum-met":"Du har inviteret det maksimale antal personer (%1 ud af %2)",
"no-session-found":"Ingen login session kan findes!",
"no-session-found":"Ingen login session kan findes!",
"bookmark_instructions":"Klik her for at vende tilbage til den sidst læste indlæg i denne tråd.",
"bookmark_instructions":"Klik her for at vende tilbage til den sidst læste indlæg i denne tråd.",
"flag_title":"Meld dette indlæg til moderation",
"flag_title":"Meld dette indlæg til moderation",
"merged_message":"This topic has been merged into <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a>",
"deleted_message":"Denne tråd er blevet slettet. Kun brugere med emne behandlings privilegier kan se den.",
"deleted_message":"Denne tråd er blevet slettet. Kun brugere med emne behandlings privilegier kan se den.",
"following_topic.message":"Du vil nu modtage notifikationer når nogle skriver et indlæg i dette emne.",
"following_topic.message":"Du vil nu modtage notifikationer når nogle skriver et indlæg i dette emne.",
"not_following_topic.message":"You will see this topic in the unread topics list, but you will not receive notifications when somebody posts to this topic.",
"not_following_topic.message":"You will see this topic in the unread topics list, but you will not receive notifications when somebody posts to this topic.",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Bitte nutze deine E-Mail-Adresse zum einloggen",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Bitte nutze deine E-Mail-Adresse zum einloggen",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Bitte nutze deinen Benutzernamen zum einloggen",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Bitte nutze deinen Benutzernamen zum einloggen",
"sso-registration-disabled":"Das Registrieren mit %1-Accounts wurde deaktiviert, bitte registriere dich zuerst mit einer Email-Adresse",
"sso-registration-disabled":"Das Registrieren mit %1-Accounts wurde deaktiviert, bitte registriere dich zuerst mit einer Email-Adresse",
"sso-multiple-association":"You cannot associate multiple accounts from this service to your NodeBB account. Please dissociate your existing account and try again.",
"invite-maximum-met":"Du hast bereits die maximale Anzahl an Personen eingeladen (%1 von %2).",
"invite-maximum-met":"Du hast bereits die maximale Anzahl an Personen eingeladen (%1 von %2).",
"bookmark_instructions":"Klicke hier, um zum letzten gelesenen Beitrag des Themas zurückzukehren.",
"bookmark_instructions":"Klicke hier, um zum letzten gelesenen Beitrag des Themas zurückzukehren.",
"flag_title":"Diesen Beitrag zur Moderation markieren",
"flag_title":"Diesen Beitrag zur Moderation markieren",
"merged_message":"This topic has been merged into <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a>",
"deleted_message":"Dieses Thema wurde gelöscht. Nur Nutzer mit entsprechenden Rechten können es sehen.",
"deleted_message":"Dieses Thema wurde gelöscht. Nur Nutzer mit entsprechenden Rechten können es sehen.",
"following_topic.message":"Du erhältst nun eine Benachrichtigung, wenn jemand einen Beitrag zu diesem Thema verfasst.",
"following_topic.message":"Du erhältst nun eine Benachrichtigung, wenn jemand einen Beitrag zu diesem Thema verfasst.",
"not_following_topic.message":"Ungelesene Beiträge in diesem Thema werden angezeigt, aber du erhältst keine Benachrichtigung wenn jemand einen Beitrag zu diesem Thema verfasst.",
"not_following_topic.message":"Ungelesene Beiträge in diesem Thema werden angezeigt, aber du erhältst keine Benachrichtigung wenn jemand einen Beitrag zu diesem Thema verfasst.",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login",
"sso-registration-disabled":"Registration has been disabled for %1 accounts, please register with an email address first",
"sso-registration-disabled":"Registration has been disabled for %1 accounts, please register with an email address first",
"sso-multiple-association":"You cannot associate multiple accounts from this service to your NodeBB account. Please dissociate your existing account and try again.",
"invite-maximum-met":"You have invited the maximum amount of people (%1 out of %2).",
"invite-maximum-met":"You have invited the maximum amount of people (%1 out of %2).",
"bookmark_instructions":"Click here to return to the last read post in this thread.",
"bookmark_instructions":"Click here to return to the last read post in this thread.",
"flag_title":"Επισήμανση αυτής της δημοσίευσης για συντονισμό",
"flag_title":"Επισήμανση αυτής της δημοσίευσης για συντονισμό",
"merged_message":"This topic has been merged into <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a>",
"deleted_message":"Το θέμα αυτό έχει διαγραφεί. Μόνο οι χρήστες με δικαιώματα διαχειριστή θεμάτων μπορούν να το δουν.",
"deleted_message":"Το θέμα αυτό έχει διαγραφεί. Μόνο οι χρήστες με δικαιώματα διαχειριστή θεμάτων μπορούν να το δουν.",
"following_topic.message":"Θα λαμβάνεις ειδοποιήσεις όποτε κάποιος δημοσιεύει κάτι σε αυτό το θέμα.",
"following_topic.message":"Θα λαμβάνεις ειδοποιήσεις όποτε κάποιος δημοσιεύει κάτι σε αυτό το θέμα.",
"not_following_topic.message":"You will see this topic in the unread topics list, but you will not receive notifications when somebody posts to this topic.",
"not_following_topic.message":"You will see this topic in the unread topics list, but you will not receive notifications when somebody posts to this topic.",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login",
"sso-registration-disabled":"Registration has been disabled for %1 accounts, please register with an email address first",
"sso-registration-disabled":"Registration has been disabled for %1 accounts, please register with an email address first",
"sso-multiple-association":"You cannot associate multiple accounts from this service to your NodeBB account. Please dissociate your existing account and try again.",
"invite-maximum-met":"You have invited the maximum amount of people (%1 out of %2).",
"invite-maximum-met":"You have invited the maximum amount of people (%1 out of %2).",
"bookmark_instructions":"Click here to return to the last read post in this thread.",
"bookmark_instructions":"Click here to return to the last read post in this thread.",
"flag_title":"Flag this post for moderation",
"flag_title":"Flag this post for moderation",
"merged_message":"This topic has been merged into <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a>",
"deleted_message":"This topic has been deleted. Only users with topic management privileges can see it.",
"deleted_message":"This topic has been deleted. Only users with topic management privileges can see it.",
"following_topic.message":"You will now be receiving notifications when somebody posts to this topic.",
"following_topic.message":"You will now be receiving notifications when somebody posts to this topic.",
"not_following_topic.message":"You will see this topic in the unread topics list, but you will not receive notifications when somebody posts to this topic.",
"not_following_topic.message":"You will see this topic in the unread topics list, but you will not receive notifications when somebody posts to this topic.",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Please use your username to login",
"sso-registration-disabled":"Registration has been disabled for %1 accounts, please register with an email address first",
"sso-registration-disabled":"Registration has been disabled for %1 accounts, please register with an email address first",
"sso-multiple-association":"You cannot associate multiple accounts from this service to your NodeBB account. Please dissociate your existing account and try again.",
"invite-maximum-met":"You have invited the maximum amount of people (%1 out of %2).",
"invite-maximum-met":"You have invited the maximum amount of people (%1 out of %2).",
"bookmark_instructions":"Click here to return to the last read post in this thread.",
"bookmark_instructions":"Click here to return to the last read post in this thread.",
"flag_title":"Flag this post for moderation",
"flag_title":"Flag this post for moderation",
"merged_message":"This topic has been merged into <a href=\"/topic/%1\">%2</a>",
"deleted_message":"This topic has been deleted. Only users with topic management privileges can see it.",
"deleted_message":"This topic has been deleted. Only users with topic management privileges can see it.",
"following_topic.message":"You will now be receiving notifications when somebody posts to this topic.",
"following_topic.message":"You will now be receiving notifications when somebody posts to this topic.",
"not_following_topic.message":"You will see this topic in the unread topics list, but you will not receive notifications when somebody posts to this topic.",
"not_following_topic.message":"You will see this topic in the unread topics list, but you will not receive notifications when somebody posts to this topic.",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Por favor emplea tu email para acceder",
"wrong-login-type-email":"Por favor emplea tu email para acceder",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Por favor introduce tu nombre de usuario para acceder",
"wrong-login-type-username":"Por favor introduce tu nombre de usuario para acceder",
"sso-registration-disabled":"Registration has been disabled for %1 accounts, please register with an email address first",
"sso-registration-disabled":"Registration has been disabled for %1 accounts, please register with an email address first",
"sso-multiple-association":"You cannot associate multiple accounts from this service to your NodeBB account. Please dissociate your existing account and try again.",
"invite-maximum-met":"Has alcanzado el número máximo de personas invitadas (%1 de %2).",
"invite-maximum-met":"Has alcanzado el número máximo de personas invitadas (%1 de %2).",
"no-session-found":"¡No se ha encontrado ningún inicio de sesión!",
"no-session-found":"¡No se ha encontrado ningún inicio de sesión!",