Merge pull request #1484 from frissdiegurke/master

Settings Framework docs + slight changes
psychobunny 11 years ago
commit be16f0dae7

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ Plugin System
Widgets System

@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
Settings Framework
If you want to make your plugin customizable you may use the Settings Framework NodeBB offers.
Server-Side Access
First you need some default settings, just create a new object for this:
.. code:: javascript
var defaultSettings = {
booleans: {
someBool: true,
moreBools: [false, false, true]
strings: {
someString: 'hello world',
multiLineString: 'some\nlong\ntext',
arrayOfStrings: ['some\nlong\ntexts', 'and another one']
numbers: {
multiArrayDimensions: [[42,42],[21,21]],
multiArrayDimensions2: [[42,42],[]],
justSomeNumbers: [],
oneNumber: 3,
anotherNumber: 2
someKeys: ['C+S+#13'] // Ctrl+Shift+Enter
Now you can use the server-side settings-module to access the saved settings like this:
.. code:: javascript
var Settings = module.parent.require('./settings');
var mySettings = new Settings('myPlugin', '0.1', defaultSettings, function() {
// the settings are ready and can accessed.
console.log(mySettings === this); // true
console.log(this.get('someString') === mySettings.get().someString); // true
The second parameter should change at least every time the structure of default settings changes. Because of this it's
recommended to use your plugins version.
To use the settings client-side you need to create a WebSocket that delivers the result of ``mySettings.get()``.
The mySettings-object will cache the settings, so be sure to use methods like ``mySettings.sync(callback)`` when the
settings got changed from somewhere else and ``mySettings.persist(callback)`` when you finished
``mySettings.set(key, value)`` calls.
You need to create a socket-listener like following to allow the admin to initiate a synchronization with the settings
stored within database:
.. code:: javascript
var SocketAdmin = module.parent.require('./');
SocketAdmin.settings.syncMyPlugin = function() {
If you want to add a reset-functionality you need to create another socket-listener:
.. code:: javascript
SocketAdmin.settings.getMyPluginDefaults = function (socket, data, callback) {
callback(null, mySettings.createDefaultWrapper());
The methods of the ``mySettings`` object you probably want to use:
+ ``constructor()``
+ ``sync([callback])``
Reloads the settings from database, overrides local changes.
+ ``persist([callback])``
Saves the local changes within database.
+ ``get([key])``
Returns the setting(s) identified by given key. If no key is provided the whole settings-object gets returned. If no
such setting is saved the default value gets returned.
+ ``set([key, ]value)``
Sets the setting of given key to given value. Remember that it's just a local change, you need to call ``persist``
in order to save the changes.
+ ``reset([callback])``
Persists the default settings.
+ ``getWrapper()``
Returns the local object as it would get saved within database.
+ ``createWrapper(version, settings)``
Creates an object like it would get saved within database containing given information and settings.
+ ``createDefaultWrapper()``
Creates an object like it would get saved within database containing the default settings.
Client-Side Access
The next step is making the settings available to the admin.
You need to use the :doc:`hooks <hooks>` ```` (to display a link to your page within ACP) and
``action:app.load`` (to create the needed route).
Within your page you can access the client-side Settings API via
.. code:: javascript
require(['settings'], function (settings) {
var wrapper = $('#my_form_id');
// [1]
settings.sync('myPlugin', wrapper);
// [2]
To make a button with the id ``save`` actually save the settings you can add the following at ``[2]``:
.. code:: javascript
$('#save').click(function(event) {
settings.persist('myPlugin', wrapper, function(){
As said before the server-side settings-object caches the settings, so we emit a WebSocket to notify the server to
synchronize the settings after they got persisted.
To use a reset-button you can add the following at ``[2]``:
.. code:: javascript
$('#reset').click(function(event) {
socket.emit('admin.settings.getMyPluginDefaults', null, function (err, data) {
settings.set('myPlugin', data, wrapper, function(){
There you go, the basic structure is done.
Now you need to add the form-fields.
Each field needs an attribute ``data-key`` to reference its position within the settings.
The Framework does support any fields whose jQuery-object provides the value via the ``val()`` method.
The plugin to use for a field gets determined by its ``data-type``, ``type`` or tag-name in this order.
Additionally the following plugins are registered by default:
* array (types: div, array)
An Array of any other fields.
Uses the object within ``data-attributes`` to define the array-elements.
Uses ``data-new`` to define the value of new created elements.
* key (types: key)
A field to input keyboard-combinations.
* checkbox, select, textarea
Handle appropriate fields.
A full list of all attributes that may influence the behavior of the default Framework:
* data-key: the key to save/load the value within configuration-object
* data-type: highest priority type-definition to determine what kind of element it is or which plugin to associate
* type: normal priority type-definition
* data-empty: if ``false`` or ``0`` then values that are assumed as empty turn into null. data-empty of arrays affect their child-elements
* data-trim: if not ``false`` or ``0`` then values will get trimmed as defined by the elements type
* data-split: if set and the element doesn't belong to any plugin, it's value will get split and joined by its value into the field
* array-elements:
+ data-split: separator (HTML allowed) between the elements, defaults to ``', '``
+ data-new: value to insert into new created elements
+ data-attributes: an object to set the attributes of the child HTML-elements. tagName as special key will set the tag-name of the child HTML-elements
* key-fields:
+ data-trim: if ``false`` or ``0`` then the value will get saved as string else as object providing following properties: ``ctrl``, ``alt``, ``shift``, ``meta``, ``code``, ``char``
+ data-split: separator between different modifiers and the key-code of the value that gets saved (only takes effect if trimming)
+ data-short: if not ``false`` or ``0`` then modifier-keys get saved as first uppercase character (only takes effect if trimming)
* select:
+ data-options: an array of objects containing ``text`` and ``value`` attributes.
The methods of the ``settings`` module:
+ ``registerPlugin(plugin[, types])``
Registers the given plugin and associates it to the given types if any, otherwise the plugins default types will get
+ ``get()``
Returns the saved object.
+ ``set(hash, settings[, wrapper[, callback[, notify]]])``
Refills the fields with given settings and persists them.
``hash`` Identifies your plugins settings.
``settings`` The object to save in database (settings-wrapper if you use server-side Settings Framework).
``wrapper`` (default: 'form') The DOM-Element that contains all fields to fill.
``callback`` (default: null) Gets called when done.
``notify`` (default: true) Whether to display saved- and fail-notifications.
+ ``sync(hash[, wrapper[, callback]])``
Resets the settings to saved ones and refills the fields.
+ ``persist(hash[, wrapper[, callback[, notify]]])``
Reads the settings from given wrapper (default: 'form') and saves them within database.
For Settings 2.0 support the methods ``load`` and ``save`` are still available but not recommended.
Client-Side Example Template
An example template-file to use the same settings we already used server-side:
.. code:: html
<h1>My Plugin</h1>
<hr />
<form id="my_form_id">
<div class="row">
A boolean: <input type="checkbox" data-key="booleans.someBool"></input><br>
An array of checkboxes that are selected by default:
<div data-key="booleans.moreBools" data-attributes='{"data-type":"checkbox"}' data-new='true'></div><br>
A simple input-field of any common type: <input type="password" data-key="strings.someString"></input><br>
A simple textarea: <textarea data-key="strings.multiLineString"></textarea><br>
Array of textareas:
<div data-key="strings.arrayOfStrings" data-attributes='{"data-type":"textarea"}' data-new='Hello Kitty, ahem... World!'></div><br>
2D-Array of numbers that persist even when empty (but not empty rows):
<div data-key="numbers.multiArrayDimensions" data-split="<br>"
data-attributes='{"data-type":"array","data-attributes":{"type":"number"}}' data-new='[42,21]'></div><br>
Same with persisting empty rows, but not empty numbers, if no row is given null will get saved:
<div data-key="numbers.multiArrayDimensions2" data-split="<br>" data-empty="false"
data-attributes='{"data-type":"array","data-empty":true,"data-attributes":{"type":"number","data-empty":false}}' data-new='[42,21]'></div><br>
Array of numbers (new: 42, step: 21):
<div data-key="numbers.justSomeNumbers" data-attributes='{"data-type":"number","step":21}' data-new='42'></div><br>
Select with dynamic options:
<select data-key="numbers.oneNumber" data-options='[{"value":"2","text":"2"},{"value":"3","text":"3"}]'></select><br>
Select that loads faster:
<select data-key="numbers.anotherNumber"><br>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
Array of Key-shortcuts (new: Ctrl+Shift+7):
<div data-key="someKeys" data-attributes='{"data-type":"key"}' data-new='Ctrl+Shift+#55'></div><br>
<button class="btn btn-lg btn-warning" id="reset">Reset</button>
<button class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" id="save">Save</button>
require(['settings'], function (settings) {
var wrapper = $('#my_form_id');
// [1]
settings.sync('myPlugin', wrapper);
$('#save').click(function(event) {
settings.persist('myPlugin', wrapper, function(){
$('#reset').click(function(event) {
socket.emit('admin.settings.getMyPluginDefaults', null, function (err, data) {
settings.set('myPlugin', data, wrapper, function(){
Custom Settings-Elements
If you want do define your own element-structure you can create a **plugin** for the Settings Framework.
This allows you to use a whole object like a single field which - besides comfort in using multiple similar objects -
allows you to use them within arrays.
A plugin is basically an object that contains at least an attribute ``types`` that contains an array of strings that
associate DOM-elements with your plugin.
You can add a plugin at ``[1]`` using the method ``settings.registerPlugin``.
To customize the way the associated fields get interpreted you may add the following methods to your plugin-object:
All given elements are instances of JQuery.
All methods get called within Settings-scope.
+ ``use()``
Gets called when the plugin gets registered.
+ ``[HTML-Element|JQuery] create(type, tagName, data)``
Gets called when a new element should get created (eg. by expansion of an array).
+ ``destruct(element)``
Gets called when the given element got removed from DOM (eg. by array-splice).
+ ``init(element)``
Gets called when an element should get initialized (eg. after creation).
+ ``[value] get(element, trim, empty)``
Gets called whenever the value of the given element is requested.
``trim`` Whether the result should get trimmed.
``empty`` Whether considered as empty values should get saved too.
+ ``set(element, value, trim)``
Gets called whenever the value of the given element should be set to given one.
``trim`` Whether the value is assumed as trimmed.
For further impression take a look at the
`default plugins <>`_.
You should also take a look at the helper-functions within
`Settings <>`_ in order to create
your own plugins. There are a few methods that take response to call the methods of other plugins when fittingly.

@ -13,79 +13,6 @@ define(function () {
waitingJobs = 0,
* Attributes of HTML-tags that get used by default plugins:
* + data-key: the key to save/load the value within configuration-object
* + data-type: highest priority type-definition to determine what kind of element it is or which plugin to hook
* + type: normal priority type-definition
* + data-empty: if 'false' or '0' then values that are assumed as empty turn into null. data-empty of arrays affect
* their child-elements
* + data-trim: if not 'false' or '0' then values will get trimmed as defined by the elements type
* + data-split: if set and the element doesn't belong to any plugin, it's value will get split and joined by its
* value into the input-field
* array-elements:
* + data-split: separator (HTML allowed) between the elements, defaults to ', '
* + data-new: value to insert into new created elements
* + data-attributes: an object to set the attributes of the child HTML-elements. tagName as special key will set
* the tag-name of the child HTML-elements
* key-fields:
* + data-trim: if 'false' or '0' then the value will get saved as string else as object providing following
* properties: ctrl, alt, shift, meta, code, char
* + data-split: separator between different modifiers and the key-code of the value that gets saved
* (only takes effect if trimming)
* + data-short: if not 'false' or '0' then modifier-keys get saved as first uppercase character
* (only takes effect if trimming)
* select:
* + data-options: an array of {"text":"Displayed Text","value":"some_value"}-like objects
* The name of the HTML-tag is lowest priority type-definition
* Examples-HTML:
<input type="checkbox" data-key="cfg1"></input><br>
<input type="checkbox" data-key="cfg2"></input><br>
An array of checkboxes that are selected by default:
<div data-key="cfg3" data-attributes='{"data-type":"checkbox"}' data-new='true'></div><br>
A simple input-field of any common type:
<input type="password" data-key="cfg4"></input><br>
A simple textarea:
<textarea data-key="cfg5"></textarea><br>
Array of textareas:
<div data-key="cfg6" data-attributes='{"data-type":"textarea"}' data-new='Hello Kitty, ahem... World!'></div><br>
2D-Array of numbers that persist even when empty (but not empty rows):
<div data-key="cfg7" data-split="<br>" data-attributes='{"data-type":"array","data-attributes":{"type":"number"}}' data-new='[42,21]'></div><br>
Same with persisting empty rows, but not empty numbers, if no row is given null will get saved:
<div data-key="cfg8" data-split="<br>" data-empty="false" data-attributes='{"data-type":"array","data-empty":true,"data-attributes":{"type":"number","data-empty":false}}' data-new='[42,21]'></div><br>
Array of Key-shortcuts (new: Ctrl+Shift+7):
<div data-key="cfg9" data-attributes='{"data-type":"key"}' data-new='Ctrl+Shift+#55'></div><br>
Array of numbers (new: 42, step: 21):
<div data-key="cfg10" data-attributes='{"data-type":"number","step":21}' data-new='42'></div><br>
Select with dynamic options:
<select data-key="cfg11" data-options='[{"value":"2","text":"2"},{"value":"3","text":"3"}]'></select><br>
Select that loads faster:
<select data-key="cfg12"><br>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
* Matching configuration:
cfg1: false,
cfg2: true,
cfg3: [false, false, true],
cfg4: 'hello world',
cfg5: 'some\nlong\ntext',
cfg6: ['some\nlong\ntexts', 'and another one'],
cfg7: [[]],
cfg8: [[]],
cfg9: [],
cfg10: [],
cfg11: 3,
cfg12: 2
Returns the hook of given name that matches the given type or element.
@param type The type of the element to get the matching hook for, or the element itself.
@ -344,9 +271,9 @@ define(function () {
@param callback The callback to call when done.
persistSettings: function (hash, settings, notify, callback) {
if (settings != null && settings._settings != null && typeof settings._settings !== 'string') {
if (settings != null && settings._ != null && typeof settings._ !== 'string') {
settings = helper.deepClone(settings);
settings._settings = JSON.stringify(settings._settings);
settings._ = JSON.stringify(settings._);
socket.emit('admin.settings.set', {
hash: hash,
@ -380,7 +307,7 @@ define(function () {
use: function (settings) {
try {
settings._settings = JSON.parse(settings._settings);
settings._ = JSON.parse(settings._);
} catch (_error) {}
Settings.cfg = settings;
@ -397,33 +324,13 @@ define(function () {
@returns Object The settings.
get: function () {
if (Settings.cfg != null && Settings.cfg._settings !== void 0) {
return Settings.cfg._settings;
if (Settings.cfg != null && Settings.cfg._ !== void 0) {
return Settings.cfg._;
return Settings.cfg;
Registers a new plugin and calls its use-hook.
A plugin is an object containing a types-property to define its default bindings.
A plugin may also provide the following properties of type function with [return-value] (parameters):
use [void] - gets called when the Settings initializes the plugin.
init [void] (element) - gets called on page-load and every time after the create-hook.
; element: The element to initialize.
create [JQuery-Object] (type, tagName, data) - gets called when a new HTML-instance needs to get created.
; type: A string that identifies the plugin itself within this Settings-instance if set as data-type.
; tagName: The tag-name that gets requested.
; data: Additional data, plugin-dependent meaning.
destruct [void] (element) - gets called after a HTML-instance got removed from DOM
; element: The element that got removed.
set [void] (element, value, trim) - gets called when the value of the element should be set to the given value.
; element: The element to set its value.
; value: The value to set.
; trim: Whether the value is considered as trimmed.
get [value] (element, trim, empty) - gets called when the value of the given instance is needed.
; element: The element to get its value.
; trim: Whether the result should be trimmed.
; empty: Whether considered as empty values should get saved too.
All passed elements are JQuery-Objects.
@param service The plugin to register.
@param types The types to bind the plugin to.

@ -26,16 +26,16 @@ function trim(obj1, obj2) {
function mergeSettings(cfg, defCfg) {
if (typeof cfg._settings !== typeof defCfg || typeof defCfg !== 'object') {
return cfg._settings = defCfg;
if (typeof cfg._ !== typeof defCfg || typeof defCfg !== 'object') {
cfg._ = defCfg;
} else {
expandObjBy(cfg._settings, defCfg);
trim(cfg._settings, defCfg);
expandObjBy(cfg._, defCfg);
trim(cfg._, defCfg);
A class to manage Objects saved in {@link meta.settings} within property "_settings".
A class to manage Objects saved in {@link meta.settings} within property "_".
Constructor, synchronizes the settings and repairs them if version differs.
@param hash The hash to use for {@link meta.settings}.
@param version The version of the settings, used to determine whether the saved settings may be corrupt.
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ Settings.prototype.sync = function (callback) {
var _this = this;
meta.settings.get(this.hash, function (err, settings) {
try {
if (settings._settings) {
settings._settings = JSON.parse(settings._settings);
if (settings._) {
settings._ = JSON.parse(settings._);
} catch (_error) {}
_this.cfg = settings;
@ -87,15 +87,12 @@ Settings.prototype.sync = function (callback) {
@param callback Gets called when done.
Settings.prototype.persist = function (callback) {
var conf = this.cfg._settings,
var conf = this.cfg._,
_this = this;
if (typeof conf === 'object') {
conf = JSON.stringify(conf);
meta.settings.set(this.hash, {
_settings: conf,
version: this.cfg.version
}, function () {
meta.settings.set(this.hash, this.createWrapper(this.cfg.v, conf), function () {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
callback.apply(_this, arguments || []);
@ -103,22 +100,6 @@ Settings.prototype.persist = function (callback) {
return this;
Persists the settings if no settings are saved.
@param callback Gets called when done.
Settings.prototype.persistOnEmpty = function (callback) {
var _this = this;
meta.settings.get(this.hash, function (err, settings) {
if (!settings._settings) {
} else if (typeof callback === 'function') {;
return this;
Returns the setting of given key or default value if not set.
@param key The key of the setting to return.
@ -126,7 +107,7 @@ Settings.prototype.persistOnEmpty = function (callback) {
@returns Object The setting to be used.
Settings.prototype.get = function (key, def) {
var obj = this.cfg._settings,
var obj = this.cfg._,
parts = (key || '').split('.'),
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
@ -164,8 +145,8 @@ Settings.prototype.getWrapper = function () {
Settings.prototype.createWrapper = function (version, settings) {
return {
version: version,
_settings: settings
v: version,
_: settings
@ -184,11 +165,11 @@ Settings.prototype.createDefaultWrapper = function () {
Settings.prototype.set = function (key, val) {
var part, obj, parts;
this.cfg.version = this.version;
this.cfg.v = this.version;
if (val == null || !key) {
this.cfg._settings = val || key;
this.cfg._ = val || key;
} else {
obj = this.cfg._settings;
obj = this.cfg._;
parts = key.split('.');
for (var i = 0, _len = parts.length - 1; i < _len; i++) {
if (part = parts[i]) {
@ -218,13 +199,13 @@ Settings.prototype.reset = function (callback) {
@param force Whether to update and persist the settings even if the versions ara equal.
Settings.prototype.checkStructure = function (callback, force) {
if (!force && this.cfg.version === this.version) {
if (!force && this.cfg.v === this.version) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
} else {
mergeSettings(this.cfg, this.defCfg);
this.cfg.version = this.version;
this.cfg.v = this.version;
return this;
