"mongo.unauthorized":"NodeBB was unable to query the MongoDB database for relevant statistics. Please ensure that the user in use by NodeBB contains the "clusterMonitor" role for the "admin" database.",
"redis.version":"Redis verzija",
"redis.avg-ttl":"Average TTL",
"redis.avg-ttl":"Prosječni TTL",
"redis.connected-clients":"Spojeni klijenti",
"redis.connected-slaves":"Povezani robovi",
"redis.blocked-clients":"Blokirani klijenti",
@ -39,14 +39,14 @@
"redis.iops":"Instante operacije po sekundi",
"redis.iinput":"Instantaneous Input Per Second",
"redis.ioutput":"Instantaneous Output Per Second",
"set-order-help":"Setting the order of the category will move this category to that order and update the order of other categories as necessary. Minimum order is 1 which puts the category at the top.",