"invitations.description":"Zemāk skatīt visu izsūtīto ielūgumu sarakstu. Izmantot ctrl-f, lai meklētu e-pasta adresi vai lietotājvārdu sarakstā. <br><br>Lietotājvārds tiks parādīts pa labi no e-pasta adresēm tiem lietotājiem, kas ir atbildējuši uz saviem ielūgumiem.",
"invitations.description":"Zemāk skatīt visu nosūtīto ielūgumu sarakstu. Izmantot ctrl-f, lai meklētu e-pasta adresi vai lietotājvārdu sarakstā. <br><br>Lietotājvārds tiks parādīts pa labi no e-pasta adresēm tiem lietotājiem, kas ir atbildējuši uz saviem ielūgumiem.",
"invitations.inviter-username":"Lietotājs, kurš uzaicināja",
"invitations.inviter-username":"Lietotājs, kurš uzaicināja",
"invitations.invitee-email":"Uzaicinātā lietotāja e-pasta adrese",
"invitations.invitee-email":"Uzaicinātā lietotāja e-pasta adrese",
"invitations.invitee-username":"Uzaicinātais lietotājvārds (ja ir jau reģistrējies(-jusies))",
"invitations.invitee-username":"Uzaicinātais lietotājvārds (ja ir jau reģistrējies(-jusies))",
"subscriptions.hour-help":"Please enter a number representing the hour to send scheduled email digests (e.g. <code>0</code> for midnight, <code>17</code> for 5:00pm). Keep in mind that this is the hour according to the server itself, and may not exactly match your system clock.<br /> The approximate server time is: <span id=\"serverTime\"></span><br /> The next daily digest is scheduled to be sent <span id=\"nextDigestTime\"></span>"
"subscriptions.hour-help":"Please enter a number representing the hour to send scheduled email digests (e.g. <code>0</code> for midnight, <code>17</code> for 5:00pm). Keep in mind that this is the hour according to the server itself, and may not exactly match your system clock.<br /> The approximate server time is: <span id=\"serverTime\"></span><br /> The next daily digest is scheduled to be sent <span id=\"nextDigestTime\"></span>"
"gdpr_enabled_help":"When enabled, all new registrants will be required to explicitly give consent for data collection and usage under the <a href=\"https://eugdpr.org/the-regulation/gdpr-faqs/\">General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)</a>. <strong>Note</strong>: Enabling GDPR does not force pre-existing users to provide consent. To do so, you will need to install the GDPR plugin.",
"gdpr_enabled_help":"When enabled, all new registrants will be required to explicitly give consent for data collection and usage under the <a href=\"https://eugdpr.org/the-regulation/gdpr-faqs/\">General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)</a>. <strong>Note</strong>: Enabling GDPR does not force pre-existing users to provide consent. To do so, you will need to install the GDPR plugin.",
"lockout-duration":"Konta bloķēšanas ilgums (minūtes)",
"lockout-duration":"Konta bloķēšanas ilgums (minūtes)",
"login-days":"Cik dienas, lai atcerētos lietotāju aktīvās sesijas",
"login-days":"Cik dienas, lai atcerētos lietotāju aktīvās sesijas",
"password-expiry-days":"Piespiest paroles atiestatīšanu pēc noteiktā dienu skaita",
"password-expiry-days":"Piespiest paroles atiestatīšanu pēc noteiktā dienu skaita",
"session-time":"Session Time",
"session-time":"Sesijas laiks",
"session-time-help":"These values are used to govern how long a user stays logged in when they check "Remember Me" on login. Note that only one of these values will be used. If there is no <i>seconds</i> value we fall back to <i>days</i>. If there is no <i>days</i> value we default to <i>14 days</i>.",
"session-time-help":"These values are used to govern how long a user stays logged in when they check "Remember Me" on login. Note that only one of these values will be used. If there is no <i>seconds</i> value we fall back to <i>days</i>. If there is no <i>days</i> value we default to <i>14 days</i>.",
"online-cutoff":"Minutes after user is considered inactive",
"online-cutoff":"Minūtes, pēc kura lietotājs tiek uzskatīts par neaktīvu",
"online-cutoff-help":"If user performs no actions for this duration, they are considered inactive and they do not receive realtime updates.",
"online-cutoff-help":"Ja lietotājs šajā laikā neveic nekādas darbības, tas tiek uzskatīts par neaktīvu un nesaņem reāllaika atjauninājumus.",
"topic_search_help":"If enabled, in-topic searching will override the browser's default page search behaviour and allow you to search through the entire topic, instead of what is only shown on screen",
"topic_search_help":"Ja ir iespējots, meklēšana tematos ignorē pārlūka noklusējuma lapu meklēšanas uzvedību un meklē visā tematā, ne tikai tā temata daļā, kas tiek rādīta ekrānā",
"delay_image_loading":"Pakavēt bilžu ielādi",
"delay_image_loading":"Pakavēt bilžu ielādi",
"image_load_delay_help":"If enabled, images in topics will not load until they are scrolled into view",
"image_load_delay_help":"Ja ir iespējots, bildes tematos netiks ielādētas, kamēr tās neieslīd skatā",
"scroll_to_my_post":"Rādīt jauno rakstu pēc publicēšanas",
"scroll_to_my_post":"Rādīt jauno rakstu pēc publicēšanas",
"follow_topics_you_reply_to":"Novērot tematus, kuros esi rakstījis(-jusi)",
"follow_topics_you_reply_to":"Novērot tematus, kuros esi rakstījis(-jusi)",
"follow_topics_you_create":"Novērot tematus, kurus esi izveidojis(-jusi)",
"follow_topics_you_create":"Novērot tematus, kurus esi izveidojis(-jusi)",
@ -153,16 +153,16 @@
"info.moderation-note.add":"Pievienot piezīmi",
"info.moderation-note.add":"Pievienot piezīmi",
"sessions.description":"Skatīt jebkuras aktīvās sesijas šajā forumā un vajadzības gadījumā kādu atsaukt. Atcelt šo pašu sesiju, izlogojoties no sava konta.",
"sessions.description":"Skatīt jebkuras aktīvās sesijas šajā forumā un vajadzības gadījumā kādu atsaukt. Atcelt šo pašu sesiju, izlogojoties no sava konta.",
"consent.title":"Tiesības & piekrišana",
"consent.title":"Tiesības & piekrišana",
"consent.lead":"This community forum collects and processes your personal information.",
"consent.lead":"Šis forums apkopo un apstrādā Tavu personisko informāciju.",
"consent.intro":"We use this information strictly to personalise your experience in this community, as well as to associate the posts you make to your user account. During the registration step you were asked to provide a username and email address, you can also optionally provide additional information to complete your user profile on this website.<br /><br />We retain this information for the life of your user account, and you are able to withdraw consent at any time by deleting your account. At any time you may request a copy of your contribution to this website, via your Rights & Consent page.<br /><br />If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to reach out to this forum's administrative team.",
"consent.intro":"We use this information strictly to personalise your experience in this community, as well as to associate the posts you make to your user account. During the registration step you were asked to provide a username and email address, you can also optionally provide additional information to complete your user profile on this website.<br /><br />We retain this information for the life of your user account, and you are able to withdraw consent at any time by deleting your account. At any time you may request a copy of your contribution to this website, via your Rights & Consent page.<br /><br />If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to reach out to this forum's administrative team.",
"consent.email_intro":"Occasionally, we may send emails to your registered email address in order to provide updates and/or to notify you of new activity that is pertinent to you. You can customise the frequency of the community digest (including disabling it outright), as well as select which types of notifications to receive via email, via your user settings page.",
"consent.email_intro":"Occasionally, we may send emails to your registered email address in order to provide updates and/or to notify you of new activity that is pertinent to you. You can customise the frequency of the community digest (including disabling it outright), as well as select which types of notifications to receive via email, via your user settings page.",
"consent.digest_frequency":"Unless explicitly changed in your user settings, this community delivers email digests every %1.",
"consent.digest_frequency":"Ja vien Tavos lietotāja iestatījumos tas nav īpaši iestatīts, šī kopiena Tev nosūtīs e-pasta ziņojumus katru %1.",
"consent.digest_off":"Unless explicitly changed in your user settings, this community does not send out email digests",
"consent.digest_off":"Ja vien Tavos lietotāja iestatījumos tas nav īpaši iestatīts, šī kopiena Tev nesūtīs nekādus e-pasta ziņojumus.",
"consent.received":"You have provided consent for this website to collect and process your information. No additional action is required.",
"consent.received":"Tu esi sniedzis šim forumam piekrišanu, lai savāktu un apstrādātu Tavu personisko informāciju. Papildu darbība nav nepieciešama.",
"consent.not_received":"You have not provided consent for data collection and processing. At any time this website's administration may elect to delete your account in order to become compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation.",
"consent.not_received":"You have not provided consent for data collection and processing. At any time this website's administration may elect to delete your account in order to become compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation.",
"consent.right_of_access":"Tev ir tiesības piekļūt saviem datiem",
"consent.right_of_access":"Tev ir tiesības piekļūt saviem datiem",
"consent.right_of_access_description":"You have the right to access any data collected by this website upon request. You can retrieve a copy of this data by clicking the appropriate button below.",
"consent.right_of_access_description":"Tev ir tiesības pieprasīt visus datus, kas savākti šajā vietnē. Tu vari izgūt šo datu kopiju, zemāk atbilstoši noklikšķinot.",
"consent.right_to_rectification":"Tev ir tiesības labot savus datus",
"consent.right_to_rectification":"Tev ir tiesības labot savus datus",
"consent.right_to_rectification_description":"You have the right to change or update any inaccurate data provided to us. Your profile can be updated by editing your profile, and post content can always be edited. If this is not the case, please contact this site's administrative team.",
"consent.right_to_rectification_description":"You have the right to change or update any inaccurate data provided to us. Your profile can be updated by editing your profile, and post content can always be edited. If this is not the case, please contact this site's administrative team.",
"consent.right_to_erasure":"Tev ir tiesības izdzēst savus datus",
"consent.right_to_erasure":"Tev ir tiesības izdzēst savus datus",