Latest translations and fallbacks

Misty (Bot) 7 years ago
parent 95501e8fee
commit a125b4b497

@ -18,13 +18,13 @@
"mongo.resident-memory": "Resident Memory", "mongo.resident-memory": "Resident Memory",
"mongo.virtual-memory": "Virtual Memory", "mongo.virtual-memory": "Virtual Memory",
"mongo.mapped-memory": "Mapped Memory", "mongo.mapped-memory": "Mapped Memory",
"mongo.raw-info": "MongoDB Raw Info", "mongo.raw-info": "MongoDB neapstrādāta info",
"redis": "Redis", "redis": "Redis",
"redis.version": "Redis Version", "redis.version": "Redis Version",
"redis.connected-clients": "Connected Clients", "redis.connected-clients": "Connected Clients",
"redis.connected-slaves": "Connected Slaves", "redis.connected-slaves": "Connected Slaves",
"redis.blocked-clients": "Blocked Clients", "redis.blocked-clients": "Bloķētie klienti",
"redis.used-memory": "Used Memory", "redis.used-memory": "Used Memory",
"redis.memory-frag-ratio": "Memory Fragmentation Ratio", "redis.memory-frag-ratio": "Memory Fragmentation Ratio",
"": "Total Connections Received", "": "Total Connections Received",
@ -32,9 +32,9 @@
"redis.iops": "Instantaneous Ops. Per Second", "redis.iops": "Instantaneous Ops. Per Second",
"redis.keyspace-hits": "Keyspace Hits", "redis.keyspace-hits": "Keyspace Hits",
"redis.keyspace-misses": "Keyspace Misses", "redis.keyspace-misses": "Keyspace Misses",
"redis.raw-info": "Redis Raw Info", "redis.raw-info": "Redis neapstrādāta info",
"postgres": "Postgres", "postgres": "PostgreSQL",
"postgres.version": "PostgreSQL Version", "postgres.version": "PostgreSQL versija",
"postgres.raw-info": "Postgres Raw Info" "postgres.raw-info": "PostgreSQL neapstrādāta info"
} }

@ -47,9 +47,9 @@
"analytics.back": "Back to Categories List", "analytics.back": "Back to Categories List",
"analytics.title": "Analytics for \"%1\" category", "analytics.title": "Analytics for \"%1\" category",
"analytics.pageviews-hourly": "<strong>Figure 1</strong> &ndash; Hourly page views for this category</small>", "analytics.pageviews-hourly": "<strong>Figure 1</strong> &ndash; Hourly page views for this category</small>",
"analytics.pageviews-daily": "<strong>Figure 2</strong> &ndash; Daily page views for this category</small>", "analytics.pageviews-daily": "<strong>Attēls 2</strong> &ndash; Kategorijas lapas skatījumi dienā</small>",
"analytics.topics-daily": "<strong>Figure 3</strong> &ndash; Daily topics created in this category</small>", "analytics.topics-daily": "<strong>Attēls 3</strong> &ndash; Kategorijas jauni temati dienā</small>",
"analytics.posts-daily": "<strong>Figure 4</strong> &ndash; Daily posts made in this category</small>", "analytics.posts-daily": "<strong>Attēls 4</strong> &ndash; Kategorijas publicētās ziņas dienā</small>",
"alert.created": "Created", "alert.created": "Created",
"alert.create-success": "Category successfully created!", "alert.create-success": "Category successfully created!",

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"name": "Tag Name", "name": "Tag Name",
"alerts.editing-multiple": "Rediģē vairākas birkas", "alerts.editing-multiple": "Rediģē vairākas birkas",
"alerts.editing-x": "Editing \"%1\" tag", "alerts.editing-x": "Rediģē \"%1\" birku",
"alerts.confirm-delete": "Vai vēlies izdzēst šīs birkas?", "alerts.confirm-delete": "Vai vēlies izdzēst šīs birkas?",
"alerts.update-success": "Tag Updated!" "alerts.update-success": "Tag Updated!"
} }

@ -56,11 +56,11 @@
"topic-search": "Enable In-Topic Searching", "topic-search": "Enable In-Topic Searching",
"digest-freq": "Subscribe to Digest", "digest-freq": "Subscribe to Digest",
"": "Off", "": "Off",
"digest-freq.daily": "Daily", "digest-freq.daily": "Dienā",
"digest-freq.weekly": "Weekly", "digest-freq.weekly": "Weekly",
"digest-freq.monthly": "Monthly", "digest-freq.monthly": "Monthly",
"email-chat-notifs": "Sūtīt e-pastu, ja ierodas jauna saruna un es neesmu tiešsaistē", "email-chat-notifs": "Sūtīt e-pastu, ja ierodas jauna saruna un es neesmu tiešsaistē",
"email-post-notif": "Send an email when replies are made to topics I am subscribed to", "email-post-notif": "Sūtīt e-pastu, kad kāds atbild uz tēmatiem, kurus esmu abonējis",
"follow-created-topics": "Sekot tēmatiem, kurus Tu izveido", "follow-created-topics": "Sekot tēmatiem, kurus Tu izveido",
"follow-replied-topics": "Sekot tēmatiem, uz kuriem Tu atbildi", "follow-replied-topics": "Sekot tēmatiem, uz kuriem Tu atbildi",
"default-notification-settings": "Default notification settings" "default-notification-settings": "Default notification settings"

@ -23,40 +23,40 @@
"users/search": "Meklēt lietotājus", "users/search": "Meklēt lietotājus",
"notifications": "Paziņojumi", "notifications": "Paziņojumi",
"tags": "Birkas", "tags": "Birkas",
"tag": "Topics tagged under &quot;%1&quot;", "tag": "Temati, kas atzīmēti ar &quot;%1&quot;",
"register": "Register an account", "register": "Reģistrēt kontu",
"registration-complete": "Reģistrācija ir pabeigta", "registration-complete": "Reģistrācija ir pabeigta",
"login": "Login to your account", "login": "Ielogoties savā kontā",
"reset": "Reset your account password", "reset": "Atiestatīt sava konta paroli",
"categories": "Categories", "categories": "Kategorijas",
"groups": "Groups", "groups": "Grupas",
"group": "%1 group", "group": "Grupa %1",
"chats": "Sarunas", "chats": "Sarunas",
"chat": "Sarunājās ar %1", "chat": "Sarunājās ar %1",
"flags": "Atzīmes", "flags": "Atzīmes",
"flag-details": "Atzīmes %1 informācija", "flag-details": "Atzīmes %1 informācija",
"account/edit": "Editing \"%1\"", "account/edit": "Rediģē \"%1\"",
"account/edit/password": "Editing password of \"%1\"", "account/edit/password": "Rediģē \"%1\" paroli",
"account/edit/username": "Editing username of \"%1\"", "account/edit/username": "Rediģē \"%1\" lietotājvārdu",
"account/edit/email": "Editing email of \"%1\"", "account/edit/email": "Rediģē \"%1\" e-pasta adresi",
"account/info": "Account Info", "account/info": "Konta info",
"account/following": "Tie, kuri %1 seko", "account/following": "Tie, kuri %1 seko",
"account/followers": "Tie, kuri seko %1", "account/followers": "Tie, kuri seko %1",
"account/posts": "Posts made by %1", "account/posts": "%1 ziņas",
"account/topics": "Topics created by %1", "account/topics": "%1 temati",
"account/groups": "%1's Groups", "account/groups": "%1 grupas",
"account/bookmarks": "%1 ziņas atzīmētas ar grāmatzīmi", "account/bookmarks": "%1 atzīmētas ziņas",
"account/settings": "User Settings", "account/settings": "Lietotāja iestatījumi",
"account/watched": "Topics watched by %1", "account/watched": "Temati, kurus %1 novēro",
"account/ignored": "Topics ignored by %1", "account/ignored": "Temati, kurus %1 nenovēro",
"account/upvoted": "Ziņas, kurām %1 balsoja par", "account/upvoted": "Ziņas, kurām %1 balsoja par",
"account/downvoted": "Ziņas, kurām %1 balsoja pret", "account/downvoted": "Ziņas, kurām %1 balsoja pret",
"account/best": "Best posts made by %1", "account/best": "%1 labākās ziņas",
"account/blocks": "Blocked users for %1", "account/blocks": "%1 bloķētie lietotāji",
"account/uploads": "Uploads by %1", "account/uploads": "%1 augšupielādētie",
"account/sessions": "Login Sessions", "account/sessions": "Tiešsaistes sesijas",
"confirm": "Email Confirmed", "confirm": "E-pasta adrese apstiprināta",
"maintenance.text": "%1 is currently undergoing maintenance. Please come back another time.", "maintenance.text": "%1 šobrīd notiek apkope. Lūdzu, atgriezies vēlāk.",
"maintenance.messageIntro": "Additionally, the administrator has left this message:", "maintenance.messageIntro": "Turklāt administrators ir atstājis šo ziņojumu:",
"throttled.text": "%1 is currently unavailable due to excessive load. Please come back another time." "throttled.text": "%1 šobrīd nav pieejams pārmērīgas slodzes dēļ. Lūdzu, atgriezies vēlāk."
} }

@ -44,13 +44,13 @@
"markAsUnreadForAll.success": "Temats visiem atzīmēts kā nelasīts", "markAsUnreadForAll.success": "Temats visiem atzīmēts kā nelasīts",
"mark_unread": "Atzīmēt kā nelasītu", "mark_unread": "Atzīmēt kā nelasītu",
"mark_unread.success": "Temats atzīmēts kā nelasīts", "mark_unread.success": "Temats atzīmēts kā nelasīts",
"watch": "Watch", "watch": "Novērot",
"unwatch": "Unwatch", "unwatch": "Pārtraukt novērošanu",
"watch.title": "Tiec informēts par jaunām atbildēm šajā tematā", "watch.title": "Tiec informēts par jaunām atbildēm šajā tematā",
"unwatch.title": "Stop watching this topic", "unwatch.title": "Pārtraukt temata novērošanu",
"share_this_post": "Share this Post", "share_this_post": "Share this Post",
"watching": "Watching", "watching": "Novēro",
"not-watching": "Not Watching", "not-watching": "Nenovēro",
"ignoring": "Ignoring", "ignoring": "Ignoring",
"watching.description": "Notify me of new replies.<br/>Show topic in unread.", "watching.description": "Notify me of new replies.<br/>Show topic in unread.",
"not-watching.description": "Do not notify me of new replies.<br/>Show topic in unread if category is not ignored.", "not-watching.description": "Do not notify me of new replies.<br/>Show topic in unread if category is not ignored.",

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"topics_marked_as_read.success": "Temati atzīmēti kā lasīti!", "topics_marked_as_read.success": "Temati atzīmēti kā lasīti!",
"all-topics": "All Topics", "all-topics": "All Topics",
"new-topics": "Jauni temati", "new-topics": "Jauni temati",
"watched-topics": "Watched Topics", "watched-topics": "Novērotie temati",
"unreplied-topics": "Unreplied Topics", "unreplied-topics": "Unreplied Topics",
"multiple-categories-selected": "Multiple Selected" "multiple-categories-selected": "Multiple Selected"
} }

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"postcount": "Post Count", "postcount": "Post Count",
"email": "Email", "email": "Email",
"confirm_email": "Confirm Email", "confirm_email": "Confirm Email",
"account_info": "Account Info", "account_info": "Konta info",
"ban_account": "Bloķēt kontu", "ban_account": "Bloķēt kontu",
"ban_account_confirm": "Vai tiešām vēlies bloķēt šo lietotāju?", "ban_account_confirm": "Vai tiešām vēlies bloķēt šo lietotāju?",
"unban_account": "Atbloķēt kontu", "unban_account": "Atbloķēt kontu",
@ -25,14 +25,14 @@
"profile_views": "Profile views", "profile_views": "Profile views",
"reputation": "Ranga punkti", "reputation": "Ranga punkti",
"bookmarks": "Bookmarks", "bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"watched": "Watched", "watched": "Novērotie",
"ignored": "Ignored", "ignored": "Ignored",
"followers": "Tie, kuri mani seko", "followers": "Tie, kuri mani seko",
"following": "Tie, kuri es sekoju", "following": "Tie, kuri es sekoju",
"blocks": "Blocks", "blocks": "Bloķētie",
"block_toggle": "Toggle Block", "block_toggle": "Pārslēgt bloķēto",
"block_user": "Block User", "block_user": "Bloķēt lietotāju",
"unblock_user": "Unblock User", "unblock_user": "Atbloķēt lietotāju",
"aboutme": "About me", "aboutme": "About me",
"signature": "Signature", "signature": "Signature",
"birthday": "Birthday", "birthday": "Birthday",
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
"digest_label": "Subscribe to Digest", "digest_label": "Subscribe to Digest",
"digest_description": "Subscribe to email updates for this forum (new notifications and topics) according to a set schedule", "digest_description": "Subscribe to email updates for this forum (new notifications and topics) according to a set schedule",
"digest_off": "Off", "digest_off": "Off",
"digest_daily": "Daily", "digest_daily": "Dienā",
"digest_weekly": "Weekly", "digest_weekly": "Weekly",
"digest_monthly": "Monthly", "digest_monthly": "Monthly",
"settings-require-reload": "Some setting changes require a reload. Click here to reload the page.", "settings-require-reload": "Some setting changes require a reload. Click here to reload the page.",
@ -88,12 +88,12 @@
"follows_no_one": "Šis lietotājs neseko nevienam :(", "follows_no_one": "Šis lietotājs neseko nevienam :(",
"has_no_posts": "This user hasn't posted anything yet.", "has_no_posts": "This user hasn't posted anything yet.",
"has_no_topics": "This user hasn't posted any topics yet.", "has_no_topics": "This user hasn't posted any topics yet.",
"has_no_watched_topics": "This user hasn't watched any topics yet.", "has_no_watched_topics": "Lietotājs vēl nenovēro nevienu tematu.",
"has_no_ignored_topics": "This user hasn't ignored any topics yet.", "has_no_ignored_topics": "This user hasn't ignored any topics yet.",
"has_no_upvoted_posts": "Šis lietotājs vēl nav balsojis par nevienu ziņu.", "has_no_upvoted_posts": "Šis lietotājs vēl nav balsojis par nevienu ziņu.",
"has_no_downvoted_posts": "This user hasn't downvoted any posts yet.", "has_no_downvoted_posts": "This user hasn't downvoted any posts yet.",
"has_no_voted_posts": "This user has no voted posts", "has_no_voted_posts": "This user has no voted posts",
"has_no_blocks": "You have blocked no users.", "has_no_blocks": "Tu neesi bloķējis nevienu lietotāju.",
"email_hidden": "E-pasta adrese paslēpta", "email_hidden": "E-pasta adrese paslēpta",
"hidden": "paslēpts", "hidden": "paslēpts",
"paginate_description": "Paginate topics and posts instead of using infinite scroll", "paginate_description": "Paginate topics and posts instead of using infinite scroll",
@ -121,8 +121,8 @@
"delay_image_loading": "Delay Image Loading", "delay_image_loading": "Delay Image Loading",
"image_load_delay_help": "If enabled, images in topics will not load until they are scrolled into view", "image_load_delay_help": "If enabled, images in topics will not load until they are scrolled into view",
"scroll_to_my_post": "After posting a reply, show the new post", "scroll_to_my_post": "After posting a reply, show the new post",
"follow_topics_you_reply_to": "Watch topics that you reply to", "follow_topics_you_reply_to": "Novēro tematus, kuriem esi atbildējis",
"follow_topics_you_create": "Watch topics you create", "follow_topics_you_create": "Novēro tematus, kurus esi izveidojis",
"grouptitle": "Group Title", "grouptitle": "Group Title",
"no-group-title": "No group title", "no-group-title": "No group title",
"select-skin": "Select a Skin", "select-skin": "Select a Skin",
