@ -23,40 +23,40 @@
"users/search": "Meklēt lietotājus",
"notifications": "Paziņojumi",
"tags": "Birkas",
"tag": "Topics tagged under "%1"",
"register": "Register an account",
"tag": "Temati, kas atzīmēti ar "%1"",
"register": "Reģistrēt kontu",
"registration-complete": "Reģistrācija ir pabeigta",
"login": "Login to your account",
"reset": "Reset your account password",
"categories": "Categories",
"groups": "Groups",
"group": "%1 group",
"login": "Ielogoties savā kontā",
"reset": "Atiestatīt sava konta paroli",
"categories": "Kategorijas",
"groups": "Grupas",
"group": "Grupa %1",
"chats": "Sarunas",
"chat": "Sarunājās ar %1",
"flags": "Atzīmes",
"flag-details": "Atzīmes %1 informācija",
"account/edit": "Editing \"%1\"",
"account/edit/password": "Editing password of \"%1\"",
"account/edit/username": "Editing username of \"%1\"",
"account/edit/email": "Editing email of \"%1\"",
"account/info": "Account Info",
"account/edit": "Rediģē \"%1\"",
"account/edit/password": "Rediģē \"%1\" paroli",
"account/edit/username": "Rediģē \"%1\" lietotājvārdu",
"account/edit/email": "Rediģē \"%1\" e-pasta adresi",
"account/info": "Konta info",
"account/following": "Tie, kuri %1 seko",
"account/followers": "Tie, kuri seko %1",
"account/posts": "Posts made by %1",
"account/topics": "Topics created by %1",
"account/groups": "%1's Groups",
"account/bookmarks": "%1 ziņas atzīmētas ar grāmatzīmi",
"account/settings": "User Settings",
"account/watched": "Topics watched by %1",
"account/ignored": "Topics ignored by %1",
"account/posts": "%1 ziņas",
"account/topics": "%1 temati",
"account/groups": "%1 grupas",
"account/bookmarks": "%1 atzīmētas ziņas",
"account/settings": "Lietotāja iestatījumi",
"account/watched": "Temati, kurus %1 novēro",
"account/ignored": "Temati, kurus %1 nenovēro",
"account/upvoted": "Ziņas, kurām %1 balsoja par",
"account/downvoted": "Ziņas, kurām %1 balsoja pret",
"account/best": "Best posts made by %1",
"account/blocks": "Blocked users for %1",
"account/uploads": "Uploads by %1",
"account/sessions": "Login Sessions",
"confirm": "Email Confirmed",
"maintenance.text": "%1 is currently undergoing maintenance. Please come back another time.",
"maintenance.messageIntro": "Additionally, the administrator has left this message:",
"throttled.text": "%1 is currently unavailable due to excessive load. Please come back another time."
"account/best": "%1 labākās ziņas",
"account/blocks": "%1 bloķētie lietotāji",
"account/uploads": "%1 augšupielādētie",
"account/sessions": "Tiešsaistes sesijas",
"confirm": "E-pasta adrese apstiprināta",
"maintenance.text": "%1 šobrīd notiek apkope. Lūdzu, atgriezies vēlāk.",
"maintenance.messageIntro": "Turklāt administrators ir atstājis šo ziņojumu:",
"throttled.text": "%1 šobrīd nav pieejams pārmērīgas slodzes dēļ. Lūdzu, atgriezies vēlāk."