refactor: async/await flags

Barış Soner Uşaklı 6 years ago
parent 625b0815bb
commit 9ee1a882ec

@ -1,37 +1,35 @@
'use strict';
var async = require('async');
var _ = require('lodash');
var winston = require('winston');
var validator = require('validator');
var db = require('./database');
var user = require('./user');
var groups = require('./groups');
var meta = require('./meta');
var notifications = require('./notifications');
var analytics = require('./analytics');
var topics = require('./topics');
var posts = require('./posts');
var privileges = require('./privileges');
var plugins = require('./plugins');
var utils = require('../public/src/utils');
var Flags = module.exports;
Flags.init = function (callback) {
const async = require('async');
const _ = require('lodash');
const winston = require('winston');
const validator = require('validator');
const db = require('./database');
const user = require('./user');
const groups = require('./groups');
const meta = require('./meta');
const notifications = require('./notifications');
const analytics = require('./analytics');
const topics = require('./topics');
const posts = require('./posts');
const privileges = require('./privileges');
const plugins = require('./plugins');
const utils = require('../public/src/utils');
const Flags = module.exports;
Flags.init = async function () {
// Query plugins for custom filter strategies and merge into core filter strategies
var prepareSets = function (sets, orSets, prefix, value) {
function prepareSets(sets, orSets, prefix, value) {
if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
sets.push(prefix + value);
} else if (value.length) {
value.forEach(function (x) {
orSets.push(prefix + x);
value.forEach(x => orSets.push(prefix + x));
plugins.fireHook('filter:flags.getFilters', {
const hookData = {
filters: {
type: function (sets, orSets, key) {
prepareSets(sets, orSets, 'flags:byType:', key);
@ -64,54 +62,47 @@ Flags.init = function (callback) {
helpers: {
prepareSets: prepareSets,
}, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
winston.error('[flags/init] Could not retrieve filters', err);
data.filters = {};
try {
const data = await plugins.fireHook('filter:flags.getFilters', hookData);
Flags._filters = data.filters;
} catch (err) {
winston.error('[flags/init] Could not retrieve filters', err);
Flags._filters = {};
Flags.get = function (flagId, callback) {
// First stage
async.apply(async.parallel, {
base: async.apply(db.getObject.bind(db), 'flag:' + flagId),
history: async.apply(Flags.getHistory, flagId),
notes: async.apply(Flags.getNotes, flagId),
function (data, next) {
if (!data.base) {
return callback();
// Second stage
userObj: async.apply(user.getUserFields, data.base.uid, ['username', 'userslug', 'picture', 'reputation']),
targetObj: async.apply(Flags.getTarget, data.base.type, data.base.targetId, 0),
}, function (err, payload) {
// Final object return construction
next(err, { state: 'open',,
description: validator.escape(data.base.description),
datetimeISO: utils.toISOString(data.base.datetime),
target_readable: data.base.type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + data.base.type.slice(1) + ' ' + data.base.targetId,
target: payload.targetObj,
history: data.history,
notes: data.notes,
reporter: payload.userObj });
function (flagObj, next) {
plugins.fireHook('filter:flags.get', {
Flags.get = async function (flagId) {
const [base, history, notes] = await Promise.all([
db.getObject('flag:' + flagId),
if (!base) {
const [userObj, targetObj] = await Promise.all([
user.getUserFields(base.uid, ['username', 'userslug', 'picture', 'reputation']),
Flags.getTarget(base.type, base.targetId, 0),
const flagObj = {
state: 'open',
description: validator.escape(base.description),
datetimeISO: utils.toISOString(base.datetime),
target_readable: base.type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + base.type.slice(1) + ' ' + base.targetId,
target: targetObj,
history: history,
notes: notes,
reporter: userObj,
const data = await plugins.fireHook('filter:flags.get', {
flag: flagObj,
}, function (err, data) {
next(err, data.flag);
], callback);
return data.flag;
Flags.list = function (filters, uid, callback) {
@ -388,7 +379,8 @@ Flags.create = function (type, id, uid, reason, timestamp, callback) {
if (targetUid) {
tasks.push(async.apply(db.sortedSetAdd.bind(db), 'flags:byTargetUid:' + targetUid, timestamp, flagId)); // by target uid
console.log('type/id', type, id);
console.log('targetUid/cid', targetUid, targetCid);
if (targetCid) {
tasks.push(async.apply(db.sortedSetAdd.bind(db), 'flags:byCid:' + targetCid, timestamp, flagId)); // by target cid
@ -413,88 +405,48 @@ Flags.create = function (type, id, uid, reason, timestamp, callback) {
], callback);
Flags.exists = function (type, id, uid, callback) {
db.isSortedSetMember('flags:hash', [type, id, uid].join(':'), callback);
Flags.exists = async function (type, id, uid) {
return await db.isSortedSetMember('flags:hash', [type, id, uid].join(':'));
Flags.getTarget = function (type, id, uid, callback) {
async.apply(Flags.targetExists, type, id),
function (exists, next) {
if (exists) {
switch (type) {
case 'post':
async.apply(posts.getPostsData, [id]),
function (postData, next) {, posts.parsePost, next);
function (postData, next) {
postData = postData.filter(Boolean);
topics.addPostData(postData, uid, next);
function (postData, next) {
next(null, postData[0]);
], callback);
case 'user':
user.getUsersData([id], function (err, users) {
next(err, users ? users[0] : undefined);
next(new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]'));
Flags.getTarget = async function (type, id, uid) {
if (type === 'user') {
const userData = await user.getUserData(id);
return userData && userData.uid ? userData : {};
} else {
// Target used to exist (otherwise flag creation'd fail), but no longer
next(null, {});
if (type === 'post') {
let postData = await posts.getPostData(id);
if (!postData) {
return {};
], callback);
postData = await posts.parsePost(postData);
postData = await topics.addPostData([postData], uid);
return postData[0];
throw new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]');
Flags.targetExists = function (type, id, callback) {
switch (type) {
case 'post':
posts.exists(id, callback);
case 'user':
user.exists(id, callback);
callback(new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]'));
Flags.targetExists = async function (type, id) {
if (type === 'post') {
return await posts.exists(id);
} else if (type === 'user') {
return await user.exists(id);
throw new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]');
Flags.getTargetUid = function (type, id, callback) {
switch (type) {
case 'post':
posts.getPostField(id, 'uid', callback);
setImmediate(callback, null, id);
Flags.getTargetUid = async function (type, id) {
if (type === 'post') {
return await posts.getPostField(id, 'uid');
return id;
Flags.getTargetCid = function (type, id, callback) {
switch (type) {
case 'post':
posts.getCidByPid(id, callback);
setImmediate(callback, null, id);
Flags.getTargetCid = async function (type, id) {
if (type === 'post') {
return await posts.getCidByPid(id);
return id;
Flags.update = function (flagId, uid, changeset, callback) {
