"alerts.validate-force-password-reset-success":"User(s) passwords have been reset and their existing sessions have been revoked.",
"alerts.password-reset-confirm":"Do you want to send password reset email(s) to these user(s)?",
"alerts.confirm-delete":"<b>Warning!</b><br/>Do you really want to delete user(s)?<br/> This action is not reversable! Only the user account will be deleted, their posts and topics will remain.",
"sendmail-rate-delta":"... every <em>X</em> milliseconds",
"sendmail-rate-help":"Instructs the NodeBB mailer to limit the number of messages sent at once in order to not overwhelm email receiving services. These options do not apply if SMTP Transport is enabled (below).",
"smtp-transport":"SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled":"Use an external email server to send emails",
"send-validation-email":"Изпращане на е-писмо за потвърждение",
"password-reset-email":"Изпращане на е-писмо за възстановяване на паролата",
"force-password-reset":"Принудително подновяване на паролата и отписване на потребителя",
"ban":"Блокиране на потребителя/ите",
"temp-ban":"Блокиране на потребителя/ите временно",
"unban":"Деблокиране на потребителя/ите",
@ -81,7 +82,9 @@
"alerts.confirm-remove-moderator":"Наистина ли искате да премахнете този модератор?",
"alerts.remove-moderator-success":"Потребителят вече няма да бъде модератор.",
"alerts.confirm-validate-email":"Искате ли да проверите е-пощата/ите на този/тези потребител(и)?",
"alerts.confirm-force-password-reset":"Наистина ли искате принудително да подновите паролата и да отпишете потребителя или потребителите?",
"alerts.validate-email-success":"Е-пощите са проверени",
"alerts.validate-force-password-reset-success":"Паролата на потребителя (или паролите на потребителите) беше подновена и сесията му беше прекратена.",
"alerts.password-reset-confirm":"Искате ли да изпратите е-писмо/а за възстановяване на паролата на този/тези потребител(и)?",
"alerts.confirm-delete":"<b>ВНИМАНИЕ!</b><br/>Наистина ли искате да изтриете потребителя/ите?<br/> Това действие е необратимо! Ще бъде изтрит само профилът на потребителя/ите, неговите/техните публикациите и теми ще останат.",
"address-help":"Следният адрес на е-поща е този, който получателят ще види в полетата „От“ и “Отговор до“.",
"from":"Име за полето „От“",
"from-help":"Името на изпращача, което да бъде показано в е-писмото.",
"sendmail-rate-limit":"Изпращане на <em>X</em> е-писма…",
"sendmail-rate-delta":"…на всеки <em>X</em> милисекунди",
"sendmail-rate-help":"Задава на програмата за изпращане на е-писма на NodeBB да ограничи броя едновременно изпращани съобщения, за да не се претоварват пощенските сървъри. Тези настройки не се вземат предвид, ако е включена настройката „Транспорт чрез SMTP“ (по-долу).",
"smtp-transport":"Транспорт чрез SMTP",
"smtp-transport.enabled":"Използване на външен сървър за е-поща за изпращане на е-писма",
"alerts.validate-force-password-reset-success":"User(s) passwords have been reset and their existing sessions have been revoked.",
"alerts.password-reset-confirm":"Do you want to send password reset email(s) to these user(s)?",
"alerts.confirm-delete":"<b>Warning!</b><br/>Do you really want to delete user(s)?<br/> This action is not reversable! Only the user account will be deleted, their posts and topics will remain.",
"sendmail-rate-delta":"... every <em>X</em> milliseconds",
"sendmail-rate-help":"Instructs the NodeBB mailer to limit the number of messages sent at once in order to not overwhelm email receiving services. These options do not apply if SMTP Transport is enabled (below).",
"smtp-transport":"SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled":"Use an external email server to send emails",
"mongo.unauthorized":"NodeBB was unable to query the MongoDB database for relevant statistics. Please ensure that the user in use by NodeBB contains the "clusterMonitor" role for the "admin" database.",
"mongo.unauthorized":"NodeBB se nepodařilo odeslat dotaz na databázi MongoDB pro relevantní statistiky. Ujistěte se, že uživatel používající NodeBB obsahuje roly \"clusterMonitor\" pro „admin“ databáze.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for portions of the site in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.description":"V této části můžete konfigurovat oprávnění pro řízení přístupu pro části webu. Oprávnění lze udělit na základě uživatele nebo skupiny. Z vysouvacího seznamu níže si vyberte doménu.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Poznámka:</strong> nastavení oprávnění má okamžitý vliv. Není tedy nutné uložit kategorii pro upravení těchto nastavení",
"alerts.confirm-delete":"<b>Upozornění</b><br/>Opravdu chcete odstranit uživatele?<br/>Tento úkon se nedá vrátit. Budou odstraněni jen uživatelé jako takový, jejich příspěvky a témata zůstanou.",
"alerts.delete-success":"Uživatel byl odstraněn.",
"sendmail-rate-delta":"... every <em>X</em> milliseconds",
"sendmail-rate-help":"Instructs the NodeBB mailer to limit the number of messages sent at once in order to not overwhelm email receiving services. These options do not apply if SMTP Transport is enabled (below).",
"smtp-transport":"Přenos SMTP",
"smtp-transport.enabled":"Pro odesílání e-mailů použít externí e-mailový server",
"alerts.validate-force-password-reset-success":"User(s) passwords have been reset and their existing sessions have been revoked.",
"alerts.password-reset-confirm":"Do you want to send password reset email(s) to these user(s)?",
"alerts.confirm-delete":"<b>Warning!</b><br/>Do you really want to delete user(s)?<br/> This action is not reversable! Only the user account will be deleted, their posts and topics will remain.",
"sendmail-rate-delta":"... every <em>X</em> milliseconds",
"sendmail-rate-help":"Instructs the NodeBB mailer to limit the number of messages sent at once in order to not overwhelm email receiving services. These options do not apply if SMTP Transport is enabled (below).",
"smtp-transport":"SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled":"Use an external email server to send emails",
"alerts.validate-force-password-reset-success":"User(s) passwords have been reset and their existing sessions have been revoked.",
"alerts.password-reset-confirm":"Möchtest Du wirklich (eine) Passwort-Reset-Email(s) an diese(n) Benutzer schicken?",
"alerts.confirm-delete":"<b>Warnung!</b><br>Möchtest Du wirklich diese(n) Benutzer löschen?<br> Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden! Nur das Konto wird dabei gelöscht. Deren Themen und Beiträge bleiben dabei erhalten.",
"sendmail-rate-delta":"... every <em>X</em> milliseconds",
"sendmail-rate-help":"Instructs the NodeBB mailer to limit the number of messages sent at once in order to not overwhelm email receiving services. These options do not apply if SMTP Transport is enabled (below).",
"smtp-transport":"SMTP Konfiguration",
"smtp-transport.enabled":"Benutze einen externen Email-Server",
"alerts.validate-force-password-reset-success":"User(s) passwords have been reset and their existing sessions have been revoked.",
"alerts.password-reset-confirm":"Do you want to send password reset email(s) to these user(s)?",
"alerts.confirm-delete":"<b>Warning!</b><br/>Do you really want to delete user(s)?<br/> This action is not reversable! Only the user account will be deleted, their posts and topics will remain.",
"sendmail-rate-delta":"... every <em>X</em> milliseconds",
"sendmail-rate-help":"Instructs the NodeBB mailer to limit the number of messages sent at once in order to not overwhelm email receiving services. These options do not apply if SMTP Transport is enabled (below).",
"smtp-transport":"SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled":"Use an external email server to send emails",
"alerts.validate-force-password-reset-success":"User(s) passwords have been reset and their existing sessions have been revoked.",
"alerts.password-reset-confirm":"Do you want to send password reset email(s) to these user(s)?",
"alerts.confirm-delete":"<b>Warning!</b><br/>Do you really want to delete user(s)?<br/> This action is not reversable! Only the user account will be deleted, their posts and topics will remain.",
"sendmail-rate-delta":"... every <em>X</em> milliseconds",
"sendmail-rate-help":"Instructs the NodeBB mailer to limit the number of messages sent at once in order to not overwhelm email receiving services. These options do not apply if SMTP Transport is enabled (below).",
"smtp-transport":"SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled":"Use an external email server to send emails",
"alerts.validate-force-password-reset-success":"User(s) passwords have been reset and their existing sessions have been revoked.",
"alerts.password-reset-confirm":"Do you want to send password reset email(s) to these user(s)?",
"alerts.confirm-delete":"<b>Warning!</b><br/>Do you really want to delete user(s)?<br/> This action is not reversable! Only the user account will be deleted, their posts and topics will remain.",
"sendmail-rate-delta":"... every <em>X</em> milliseconds",
"sendmail-rate-help":"Instructs the NodeBB mailer to limit the number of messages sent at once in order to not overwhelm email receiving services. These options do not apply if SMTP Transport is enabled (below).",
"smtp-transport":"SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled":"Use an external email server to send emails",
"alerts.validate-force-password-reset-success":"User(s) passwords have been reset and their existing sessions have been revoked.",
"alerts.password-reset-confirm":"¿Quiere restablecer la contraseña del/los email(s) de este/estos usuario(s)?",
"alerts.confirm-delete":"<b>¡Atención!</b><br/>¿Quiere realmente eliminar este/estos usuario(s)?<br/>¡Esta acción es irreversible! Solo se eliminará la cuenta del usuario, sus posts y comentarios permanecerán.",
"sendmail-rate-delta":"... every <em>X</em> milliseconds",
"sendmail-rate-help":"Instructs the NodeBB mailer to limit the number of messages sent at once in order to not overwhelm email receiving services. These options do not apply if SMTP Transport is enabled (below).",
"smtp-transport":"SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled":"Use an external email server to send emails",
"alerts.validate-force-password-reset-success":"User(s) passwords have been reset and their existing sessions have been revoked.",
"alerts.password-reset-confirm":"Kas te tahate saata parooli taastamise emaili(d) antud kasutaja(te)le?",
"alerts.confirm-delete":"<b>Hoiatus!</b><br/>Kas te tõesti tahate antud kasutaja(d) kustutada?<br/> Seda ei saa enam tagasi võtta. Ainult kasutaja kustutatakse, ülejäänud kasutaja tehtud teemad ja postitused jäävad alles.",
"sendmail-rate-delta":"... every <em>X</em> milliseconds",
"sendmail-rate-help":"Instructs the NodeBB mailer to limit the number of messages sent at once in order to not overwhelm email receiving services. These options do not apply if SMTP Transport is enabled (below).",
"smtp-transport":"SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled":"Use an external email server to send emails",
"alerts.validate-force-password-reset-success":"User(s) passwords have been reset and their existing sessions have been revoked.",
"alerts.password-reset-confirm":"Do you want to send password reset email(s) to these user(s)?",
"alerts.confirm-delete":"<b>Warning!</b><br/>Do you really want to delete user(s)?<br/> This action is not reversable! Only the user account will be deleted, their posts and topics will remain.",
"sendmail-rate-delta":"... every <em>X</em> milliseconds",
"sendmail-rate-help":"Instructs the NodeBB mailer to limit the number of messages sent at once in order to not overwhelm email receiving services. These options do not apply if SMTP Transport is enabled (below).",
"smtp-transport":"SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled":"Use an external email server to send emails",
"alerts.validate-force-password-reset-success":"User(s) passwords have been reset and their existing sessions have been revoked.",
"alerts.password-reset-confirm":"Do you want to send password reset email(s) to these user(s)?",
"alerts.confirm-delete":"<b>Warning!</b><br/>Do you really want to delete user(s)?<br/> This action is not reversable! Only the user account will be deleted, their posts and topics will remain.",
"sendmail-rate-delta":"... every <em>X</em> milliseconds",
"sendmail-rate-help":"Instructs the NodeBB mailer to limit the number of messages sent at once in order to not overwhelm email receiving services. These options do not apply if SMTP Transport is enabled (below).",
"smtp-transport":"SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled":"Use an external email server to send emails",
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff
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