@ -53,15 +53,44 @@ pkgInstall.supportedPackageManager = [
] ;
] ;
pkgInstall . getPackageManager = ( ) => {
pkgInstall . getPackageManager = ( ) => {
// Use this method if you can't reliably require('nconf') directly
try {
try {
// Quick & dirty nconf setup
fs . accessSync ( path . join ( paths . nodeModules , 'nconf/package.json' ) , fs . constants . R _OK ) ;
fs . accessSync ( path . join ( paths . nodeModules , 'nconf/package.json' ) , fs . constants . R _OK ) ;
const nconf = require ( 'nconf' ) ;
const nconf = require ( 'nconf' ) ;
const configFile = path . resolve ( _ _dirname , '../../' , nconf . any ( [ 'config' , 'CONFIG' ] ) || 'config.json' ) ;
if ( ! Object . keys ( nconf . stores ) . length ) {
nconf . env ( ) . file ( { // not sure why adding .argv() causes the process to terminate
// Quick & dirty nconf setup for when you cannot rely on nconf having been required already
file : configFile ,
const configFile = path . resolve ( _ _dirname , '../../' , nconf . any ( [ 'config' , 'CONFIG' ] ) || 'config.json' ) ;
} ) ;
nconf . env ( ) . file ( { // not sure why adding .argv() causes the process to terminate
file : configFile ,
} ) ;
if ( nconf . get ( 'package_manager' ) && ! pkgInstall . supportedPackageManager . includes ( nconf . get ( 'package_manager' ) ) ) {
nconf . clear ( 'package_manager' ) ;
if ( ! nconf . get ( 'package_manager' ) ) {
// Best guess based on lockfile detection
try {
// use npm if lockfile present
fs . accessSync ( path . resolve ( _ _dirname , '../../package-lock.json' ) , fs . constants . R _OK ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
nconf . set ( 'package_manager' , [
// no cnpm detection as it uses same lockfile as npm
'yarn.lock' , 'pnpm-lock.yaml' ,
] . reduce ( ( result , cur ) => {
if ( result ) {
return result ;
try {
fs . accessSync ( path . resolve ( _ _dirname , ` ../../ ${ cur } ` ) , fs . constants . R _OK ) ;
return cur . slice ( 0 , 4 ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
return result ;
} , undefined ) ) ;
return nconf . get ( 'package_manager' ) || 'npm' ;
return nconf . get ( 'package_manager' ) || 'npm' ;
} catch ( e ) {
} catch ( e ) {