"alert.saved":"Privilege changes saved and applied",
"alert.confirm-discard":"Are you sure you wish to discard your privilege changes?",
"alert.discarded":"Privilege changes discarded",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo":"<em>This action cannot be undone.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges"
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-title":"Select a category to copy from",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-warning":"This will copy <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category.",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFromGroup-warning":"This will copy this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category."
"local-login-disabled":"Local login system has been disabled for non-privileged accounts.",
"csrf-invalid":"لم تتمكن من تسجيل الدخول. هنالك أحتمال ان جلستك انتهت. رجاءًا حاول مرة اخرى.",
"invalid-path":"Invalid path",
"folder-exists":"Folder exists",
"invalid-pagination-value":"رقم الصفحة غير صحيح ، يجب أن يكون بين %1 و %2 .",
"username-taken":"اسم المستخدم مأخوذ",
"email-taken":"البريد الالكتروني مأخوذ",
"email-nochange":"The email entered is the same as the email already on file.",
"email-invited":"Email was already invited",
"email-not-confirmed":"You are unable to post until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed":"Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"لا يمكنك الدردشة حتى تقوم بتأكيد بريدك الإلكتروني، الرجاء إضغط هنا لتأكيد بريدك اﻹلكتروني.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You won't be able to post or chat until your email is confirmed.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery. Please click here to enter an email.",
"alert.saved":"Промените по правомощията са запазени и приложени",
"alert.confirm-discard":"Наистина ли искате да отхвърлите промените по правомощията?",
"alert.discarded":"Промените по правомощията са отхвърлени",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Наистина ли искате да приложите този набор от правомощия към <strong>всички категории</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Наистина ли искате да приложите набора от правомощия на таи група към <strong>всички категории</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Наистина ли искате да приложите този набор от правомощия към <strong>всички по-долни (дъщерни) категории</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Наистина ли искате да приложите набора от правомощия на таи група към <strong>всички по-долни (дъщерни) категории</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Наистина ли искате да приложите този набор от <strong>%1</strong> към <strong>всички категории</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Наистина ли искате да приложите набора от <strong>%1</strong> на тази група към <strong>всички категории</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Наистина ли искате да приложите този набор от <strong>%1</strong> към <strong>всички по-долни (дъщерни) категории</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Наистина ли искате да приложите набора от <strong>%1</strong> на тази група към <strong>всички по-долни (дъщерни) категории</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo":"<em>Това действие е необратимо.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning":"Администраторите имат всички правомощия по подразбиране"
"alert.admin-warning":"Администраторите имат всички правомощия по подразбиране",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-title":"Изберете категория, от която да се копира",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-warning":"Това ще копира <strong>%1</strong> от избраната категория.",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFromGroup-warning":"Това ще копира набора от <strong>%1</strong> на тези група от избраната категория."
"local-login-disabled":"Системата за местно вписване е изключена за непривилегированите акаунти.",
"csrf-invalid":"Не успяхме да Ви впишем, най-вероятно защото сесията Ви е изтекла. Моля, опитайте отново",
"invalid-path":"Грешен път",
"folder-exists":"Вече има папка с това име",
"invalid-pagination-value":"Грешен номер на странициране, трябва да бъде между %1 и %2",
"username-taken":"Потребителското име е заето",
"email-taken":"Е-пощата е заета",
"email-nochange":"Въведената е-поща е същата като съществуващата.",
"email-invited":"На тази е-поща вече е била изпратена покана",
"email-not-confirmed":"Няма да можете да публикувате съобщения, докато е-пощата Ви не бъде потвърдена. Моля, натиснете тук, за да потвърдите е-пощата си.",
"email-not-confirmed":"Публикуването в някои категории и теми ще бъде възможно едва след като е-пощата Ви бъде потвърдена. Щръкнете тук, за да Ви изпратим е-писмо за потвърждение.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"Няма да можете да пишете в разговори, докато е-пощата Ви не бъде потвърдена. Моля, натиснете тук, за да потвърдите е-пощата си.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"Вашата е-поща все още не е потвърдена. Моля, проверете входящата си кутия за писмото за потвърждение. Няма да можете да публикувате съобщения или да пишете в разговори, докато е-пощата Ви не бъде потвърдена.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Нямате зададена е-поща. Тя е необходима за възстановяването на акаунта в случай на проблем. Натиснете тук, за да въведете е-поща.",
"alert.saved":"Privilege changes saved and applied",
"alert.confirm-discard":"Are you sure you wish to discard your privilege changes?",
"alert.discarded":"Privilege changes discarded",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo":"<em>This action cannot be undone.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges"
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-title":"Select a category to copy from",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-warning":"This will copy <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category.",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFromGroup-warning":"This will copy this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category."
"local-login-disabled":"Local login system has been disabled for non-privileged accounts.",
"csrf-invalid":"We were unable to log you in, likely due to an expired session. Please try again",
"invalid-path":"Invalid path",
"folder-exists":"Folder exists",
"invalid-pagination-value":"Invalid pagination value, must be at least %1 and at most %2",
"username-taken":"ইউজারনেম আগেই ব্যবহৃত",
"email-taken":"ইমেইল আগেই ব্যবহৃত",
"email-nochange":"The email entered is the same as the email already on file.",
"email-invited":"Email was already invited",
"email-not-confirmed":"You are unable to post until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed":"Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You won't be able to post or chat until your email is confirmed.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery. Please click here to enter an email.",
"alert.saved":"Privilege changes saved and applied",
"alert.confirm-discard":"Are you sure you wish to discard your privilege changes?",
"alert.discarded":"Privilege changes discarded",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo":"<em>This action cannot be undone.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges"
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-title":"Select a category to copy from",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-warning":"This will copy <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category.",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFromGroup-warning":"This will copy this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category."
"local-login-disabled":"Systém přihlášení pro místní účty byl zakázán pro neoprávněné účty.",
"csrf-invalid":"Není možné vás přihlásit, díky vypršení relace. Zkuste to prosím znovu.",
"invalid-path":"Invalid path",
"folder-exists":"Folder exists",
"invalid-pagination-value":"Neplatná hodnota stránkování, musí být alespoň %1 a nejvýše %2",
"username-taken":"Uživatelské jméno je již použito",
"email-taken":"Tento e-mail je již použit",
"email-nochange":"The email entered is the same as the email already on file.",
"email-invited":"Email was already invited",
"email-not-confirmed":"You are unable to post until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed":"Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"Nebude schopen konverzovat, dokud nebude váš e-mail potvrzen. Pro jeho potvrzení klikněte zde.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You won't be able to post or chat until your email is confirmed.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery. Please click here to enter an email.",
"alert.saved":"Privilege changes saved and applied",
"alert.confirm-discard":"Are you sure you wish to discard your privilege changes?",
"alert.discarded":"Privilege changes discarded",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo":"<em>This action cannot be undone.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges"
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-title":"Select a category to copy from",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-warning":"This will copy <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category.",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFromGroup-warning":"This will copy this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category."
"local-login-disabled":"Local login system has been disabled for non-privileged accounts.",
"csrf-invalid":"We were unable to log you in, likely due to an expired session. Please try again",
"invalid-path":"Invalid path",
"folder-exists":"Folder exists",
"invalid-pagination-value":"Ugyldig side værdi, skal mindst være %1 og maks. %2",
"username-taken":"Brugernavn optaget",
"email-taken":"Emailadresse allerede i brug",
"email-nochange":"The email entered is the same as the email already on file.",
"email-invited":"Email was already invited",
"email-not-confirmed":"You are unable to post until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed":"Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"Du kan ikke chatte før din email er bekræftet, klik her for at bekræfte din email.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You won't be able to post or chat until your email is confirmed.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery. Please click here to enter an email.",
"alert.saved":"Änderungen an Rechten gespeichert und angewendet",
"alert.confirm-discard":"Bist du sicher, dass du die Änderungen an den Rechten verwerfen möchtest?",
"alert.discarded":"Änderungen an Rechten verworfen",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Bist Du sicher, dass Du diese Rechte auf <strong>alle Kategorien</strong> anwenden möchtest?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Bist Du sicher, dass Du die Rechte dieser Gruppe auf <strong>alle Kategorien</strong> anwenden möchtest?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Bist Du sicher, dass Du diese Rechte auf <strong>alle Unterkategorien</strong> anwenden möchtest?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Bist Du sicher, dass Du die Rechte dieser Gruppe auf <strong>alle Unterkategorien</strong> anwenden möchtest?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo":"<em>Dieser Vorgang kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning":"Administratoren erhalten implizit alle Berechtigungen"
"alert.admin-warning":"Administratoren erhalten implizit alle Berechtigungen",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-title":"Select a category to copy from",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-warning":"This will copy <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category.",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFromGroup-warning":"This will copy this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category."
"local-login-disabled":"Lokales Login System wurde für nicht-priviligierte Konten deaktiviert.",
"csrf-invalid":"Dein Login war nicht erfolgreich da wahrscheinlich deine Sitzung abgelaufen ist. Bitte versuche es noch einmal",
"invalid-path":"Invalid path",
"folder-exists":"Folder exists",
"invalid-pagination-value":"Ungültige Seitennummerierung, muss mindestens %1 und maximal %2 sein",
"username-taken":"Der Benutzername ist bereits vergeben",
"email-taken":"Die E-Mail-Adresse ist bereits vergeben",
"email-nochange":"The email entered is the same as the email already on file.",
"email-invited":"Email was already invited",
"email-not-confirmed":"Du kannst keine Beiträge erstellen, solange deine Email-Adresse nicht bestätigt wurde. Bitte klicke hier um deine Email-Adresse zu bestätigen.",
"email-not-confirmed":"Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"Du kannst den Chat erst nutzen wenn deine E-Mail bestätigt wurde, bitte klicke hier, um deine E-Mail zu bestätigen.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"Deine Email-Adresse wurde noch nicht bestätigt, bitte kontrolliere dein Postfach nach einer Bestätigungsmail. Du kannst keine Beiträge erstellen oder chatten bis deine Email-Adresse bestätigt wurde.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery. Please click here to enter an email.",
"alert.saved":"Privilege changes saved and applied",
"alert.confirm-discard":"Are you sure you wish to discard your privilege changes?",
"alert.discarded":"Privilege changes discarded",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo":"<em>This action cannot be undone.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges"
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-title":"Select a category to copy from",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-warning":"This will copy <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category.",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFromGroup-warning":"This will copy this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category."
"local-login-disabled":"Local login system has been disabled for non-privileged accounts.",
"csrf-invalid":"We were unable to log you in, likely due to an expired session. Please try again",
"invalid-path":"Invalid path",
"folder-exists":"Folder exists",
"invalid-pagination-value":"Invalid pagination value, must be at least %1 and at most %2",
"username-taken":"Το όνομα χρήστη είναι πιασμένο",
"email-taken":"Το email είναι πιασμένο",
"email-nochange":"The email entered is the same as the email already on file.",
"email-invited":"Email was already invited",
"email-not-confirmed":"You are unable to post until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed":"Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You won't be able to post or chat until your email is confirmed.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery. Please click here to enter an email.",
"alert.saved":"Privilege changes saved and applied",
"alert.confirm-discard":"Are you sure you wish to discard your privilege changes?",
"alert.discarded":"Privilege changes discarded",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo":"<em>This action cannot be undone.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges"
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-title":"Select a category to copy from",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-warning":"This will copy <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category.",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFromGroup-warning":"This will copy this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category."
"local-login-disabled":"Local login system has been disabled for non-privileged accounts.",
"csrf-invalid":"We were unable to log you in, likely due to an expired session. Please try again",
"invalid-path":"Invalid path",
"folder-exists":"Folder exists",
"invalid-pagination-value":"Invalid pagination value, must be at least %1 and at most %2",
@ -35,7 +37,7 @@
"email-taken":"Email taken",
"email-nochange":"The email entered is the same as the email already on file.",
"email-invited":"Email was already invited",
"email-not-confirmed":"You are unable to post until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed":"Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You won't be able to post or chat until your email is confirmed.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery. Please click here to enter an email.",
"alert.saved":"Privilege changes saved and applied",
"alert.confirm-discard":"Are you sure you wish to discard your privilege changes?",
"alert.discarded":"Privilege changes discarded",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo":"<em>This action cannot be undone.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges"
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-title":"Select a category to copy from",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-warning":"This will copy <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category.",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFromGroup-warning":"This will copy this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category."
"local-login-disabled":"Local login system has been disabled for non-privileged accounts.",
"csrf-invalid":"We were unable to log you in, likely due to an expired session. Please try again",
"invalid-path":"Invalid path",
"folder-exists":"Folder exists",
"invalid-pagination-value":"Invalid pagination value, must be at least %1 and at most %2",
"username-taken":"Username taken",
"email-taken":"Email taken",
"email-nochange":"The email entered is the same as the email already on file.",
"email-invited":"Email was already invited",
"email-not-confirmed":"You are unable to post until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed":"Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You won't be able to post or chat until your email is confirmed.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery. Please click here to enter an email.",
"alert.saved":"Privilege changes saved and applied",
"alert.confirm-discard":"Are you sure you wish to discard your privilege changes?",
"alert.discarded":"Privilege changes discarded",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo":"<em>This action cannot be undone.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges"
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-title":"Select a category to copy from",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-warning":"This will copy <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category.",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFromGroup-warning":"This will copy this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category."
"local-login-disabled":"Local login system has been disabled for non-privileged accounts.",
"csrf-invalid":"We were unable to log you in, likely due to an expired session. Please try again",
"invalid-path":"Invalid path",
"folder-exists":"Folder exists",
"invalid-pagination-value":"Invalid pagination value, must be at least %1 and at most %2",
"username-taken":"Username taken",
"email-taken":"Email taken",
"email-nochange":"The email entered is the same as the email already on file.",
"email-invited":"Email was already invited",
"email-not-confirmed":"You are unable to post until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed":"Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You won't be able to post or chat until your email is confirmed.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery. Please click here to enter an email.",
"alert.saved":"Privilege changes saved and applied",
"alert.confirm-discard":"Are you sure you wish to discard your privilege changes?",
"alert.discarded":"Privilege changes discarded",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo":"<em>This action cannot be undone.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges"
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-title":"Select a category to copy from",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-warning":"This will copy <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category.",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFromGroup-warning":"This will copy this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category."
"local-login-disabled":"El sistema de acceso local ha sido desactivado para usuarios con cuentas no privilegiadas.",
"csrf-invalid":"El acceso ha fallado porque tu sesión ha expirado. Por favor prueba otra vez.",
"invalid-path":"Invalid path",
"folder-exists":"Folder exists",
"invalid-pagination-value":"Número de página inválido, debe estar entre %1 y %2",
"username-taken":"Nombre de usuario ocupado",
"email-taken":"Correo electrónico ocupado",
"email-nochange":"The email entered is the same as the email already on file.",
"email-invited":"Email was already invited",
"email-not-confirmed":"You are unable to post until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed":"Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"No puedes usar el chat hasta que confirmes tu dirección de correo electrónico, por favor haz click aquí para confirmar tu correo.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You won't be able to post or chat until your email is confirmed.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery. Please click here to enter an email.",
"alert.saved":"Privilege changes saved and applied",
"alert.confirm-discard":"Are you sure you wish to discard your privilege changes?",
"alert.discarded":"Privilege changes discarded",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo":"<em>This action cannot be undone.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges"
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-title":"Select a category to copy from",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-warning":"This will copy <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category.",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFromGroup-warning":"This will copy this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category."
"local-login-disabled":"Local login system has been disabled for non-privileged accounts.",
"csrf-invalid":"Me ei saanud Sind sisse logida, võimalik, et tänu aegunud sessioonile, palun proovi uuesti",
"invalid-path":"Invalid path",
"folder-exists":"Folder exists",
"invalid-pagination-value":"Väär lehekülje numeratsioon, peab olema vähemalt %1 ja kõige rohkem %2",
"username-taken":"Kasutajanimi on juba võetud",
"email-taken":"Email on võetud",
"email-nochange":"The email entered is the same as the email already on file.",
"email-invited":"Email was already invited",
"email-not-confirmed":"You are unable to post until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed":"Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"Sõnumeid ei ole võimalik enne saata kui sinu email on kinnitatud. Kinnitamiseks vajuta siia.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You won't be able to post or chat until your email is confirmed.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery. Please click here to enter an email.",
"alert.saved":"Privilege changes saved and applied",
"alert.confirm-discard":"Are you sure you wish to discard your privilege changes?",
"alert.discarded":"Privilege changes discarded",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo":"<em>This action cannot be undone.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges"
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-title":"Select a category to copy from",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-warning":"This will copy <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category.",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFromGroup-warning":"This will copy this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category."
"local-login-disabled":"Local login system has been disabled for non-privileged accounts.",
"csrf-invalid":"اجازه ورود شما تمام شده است، لطفا دوباره وارد شوید.",
"invalid-path":"Invalid path",
"folder-exists":"Folder exists",
"invalid-pagination-value":"ارزش گذاری صفحه نامعتبر است، کمترین مقدار <strong>%1</strong> و بیشترین مقدار <strong>%2</strong> باید باشد",
"username-taken":"این نام کاربری گرفته شده است.",
"email-taken":"این ایمیل گرفته شده است.",
"email-nochange":"The email entered is the same as the email already on file.",
"email-invited":"Email was already invited",
"email-not-confirmed":"You are unable to post until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed":"Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"شما تا قبل از تایید ایمیل قادر به چت نیستید، لطفا برای تایید ایمیل خود اینجا کلیک کنید",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You won't be able to post or chat until your email is confirmed.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery. Please click here to enter an email.",
"alert.saved":"Privilege changes saved and applied",
"alert.confirm-discard":"Are you sure you wish to discard your privilege changes?",
"alert.discarded":"Privilege changes discarded",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo":"<em>This action cannot be undone.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges"
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-title":"Select a category to copy from",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-warning":"This will copy <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category.",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFromGroup-warning":"This will copy this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category."
"local-login-disabled":"Local login system has been disabled for non-privileged accounts.",
"csrf-invalid":"We were unable to log you in, likely due to an expired session. Please try again",
"invalid-path":"Invalid path",
"folder-exists":"Folder exists",
"invalid-pagination-value":"Invalid pagination value, must be at least %1 and at most %2",
"username-taken":"Käyttäjänimi varattu",
"email-taken":"Sähköpostiosoite varattu",
"email-nochange":"The email entered is the same as the email already on file.",
"email-invited":"Email was already invited",
"email-not-confirmed":"You are unable to post until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed":"Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"Et voi keskustella ennen kuin sähköpostiosoitteesi on vahvistettu, ole hyvä ja paina tästä vahvistaaksesi sen.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You won't be able to post or chat until your email is confirmed.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery. Please click here to enter an email.",
"alert.saved":"Changements de privilèges enregistrés et appliqués",
"alert.confirm-discard":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir annuler vos modifications de privilèges ?",
"alert.discarded":"Modifications de privilèges annulés",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Voulez-vous vraiment appliquer ce jeu de privilèges à <strong>toutes les catégories</strong> ?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Voulez-vous vraiment appliquer le jeu de privilèges de ce groupe à <strong>toutes les catégories</strong> ?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Voulez-vous vraiment appliquer ces privilèges à <strong>toutes les catégories incluses (enfants)</strong> ?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Voulez-vous vraiment appliquer le jeu de privilèges de ce groupe à <strong>toutes les catégories incluses (enfants)</strong> ?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo":"<em>Cette action ne peut pas être annulée.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning":"Les administrateurs obtiennent implicitement tous les privilèges"
"alert.admin-warning":"Les administrateurs obtiennent implicitement tous les privilèges",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-title":"Select a category to copy from",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-warning":"This will copy <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category.",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFromGroup-warning":"This will copy this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category."
"local-login-disabled":"Le système de connexion local a été désactivé pour les comptes sans privilèges.",
"csrf-invalid":"Nous ne pouvons pas vous connectez, probablement car votre session a expiré. Merci de réessayer.",
"invalid-path":"Invalid path",
"folder-exists":"Folder exists",
"invalid-pagination-value":"Valeur de pagination invalide. Celle-ci doit être comprise entre %1 et %2.",
"username-taken":"Nom d’utilisateur déjà utilisé",
"email-taken":"Email déjà utilisé",
"email-nochange":"Le mail saisi est déjà enregistré.",
"email-invited":"Cet utilisateur a déjà été invité.",
"email-not-confirmed":"Vous ne pouvez pas publier de message tant que votre adresse e-mail n'est pas confirmée. Veuillez cliquer ici pour confirmer votre adresse e-mail.",
"email-not-confirmed":"Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"Il ne vous est pas possible d'utiliser le chat tant que votre adresse email n'a pas été vérifiée. Veuillez cliquer ici pour confirmer votre adresse email.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"Votre email n'a pas encore été confirmé, veuillez vérifier votre boîte mail. Vous ne pourrez pas poster ou discuter avant que votre email ne soit confirmé.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Votre compte n'a pas d'adresse mail définie. Un mail est nécessaire pour la récupération du compte. Veuillez cliquer ici pour entrer un courriel.",
"alert.saved":"Privilege changes saved and applied",
"alert.confirm-discard":"Are you sure you wish to discard your privilege changes?",
"alert.discarded":"Privilege changes discarded",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo":"<em>This action cannot be undone.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges"
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-title":"Select a category to copy from",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-warning":"This will copy <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category.",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFromGroup-warning":"This will copy this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category."
"local-login-disabled":"Local login system has been disabled for non-privileged accounts.",
"csrf-invalid":"Non fomos capaces de entrar, probablemente porque a que a sesión expirou. Por favor, téntao de novo",
"invalid-path":"Invalid path",
"folder-exists":"Folder exists",
"invalid-pagination-value":"Valor de paxinación incorreto, ten que estar entre %1 e %2",
"username-taken":"Nome de usuario en uso",
"email-taken":"Enderezo electrónico en uso",
"email-nochange":"The email entered is the same as the email already on file.",
"email-invited":"Email was already invited",
"email-not-confirmed":"You are unable to post until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed":"Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"Non podes charlar ata que confirmes o teu correo, por favor pica aquí para confirmalo.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You won't be able to post or chat until your email is confirmed.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery. Please click here to enter an email.",
"alert.confirm-discard":"האם אתה בטוח שברצונך לבטל את שינויי ההרשאות שלך?",
"alert.discarded":"שינויי ההרשאות נמחקו",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"האם אתה בטוח שברצונך להחיל את הגדרות הרשאות זו <strong>לכל הקטגוריות (זהירות!)</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"זהירות!! האם אתה בטוח שברצונך להחיל את הרשאות קבוצה זו <strong>לכל הקטגוריות</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"האם אתה בטוח שברצונך להחיל את קבוצת הרשאות זו <strong>לכל קטגוריות הצאצאים (ילדים)</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"האם אתה בטוח שברצונך להחיל את הרשאות קבוצה זו <strong>לכל קטגוריות הצאצאים (ילדים)</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo":"<em>לא ניתן לבטל פעולה זו.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning":"מנהלים מקבלים את כל ההרשאות"
"alert.admin-warning":"מנהלים מקבלים את כל ההרשאות",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-title":"Select a category to copy from",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-warning":"This will copy <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category.",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFromGroup-warning":"This will copy this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category."
"local-login-disabled":"מערכת הכניסה המקומית הושבתה עבור חשבונות שאינם מורשים.",
"csrf-invalid":"אין באפשרותנו לחבר אותך למערכת, מכיוון שעבר זמן רב מידי. אנא נסה שנית.",
"invalid-path":"Invalid path",
"folder-exists":"Folder exists",
"invalid-pagination-value":"ערך דף לא חוקי, חייב להיות לפחות %1 ולא מעל %2",
"username-taken":"שם משתמש תפוס",
"email-taken":"כתובת אימייל תפוסה",
"email-nochange":"כתובת אימייל שהוזן זהה לאימייל שנמצא כבר",
"email-invited":"כבר נשלחה הזמנה למייל זה",
"email-not-confirmed":"אין באפשרותך לפרסם עד אישור הודעת הדוא\"ל שלך, לחץ כאן כדי לאשר את הדוא\"ל שלך.",
"email-not-confirmed":"Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"אין באפשרותך לשוחח עד שהדוא\"ל שלך יאושר, אנא לחץ כאן כדי לאשר את הדוא\"ל שלך.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"האימייל שלך עדין לא אושר. אנא בדוק בתיבת הדואר בנוגע לאישור האימייל שנשלח לך על ידנו. לא תוכל לכתוב פוסטים ולהשתמש בצ'אט לפני אימות המייל שלך.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"בחשבונך לא הוגדר אימייל. כתובת אימייל נחוץ לשחזור חשבון. אנא לחץ כאן כדי להכניס דוא\"ל.",
"alert.saved":"Privilege changes saved and applied",
"alert.confirm-discard":"Are you sure you wish to discard your privilege changes?",
"alert.discarded":"Privilege changes discarded",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo":"<em>This action cannot be undone.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges"
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-title":"Select a category to copy from",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-warning":"This will copy <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category.",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFromGroup-warning":"This will copy this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category."
"local-login-disabled":"Local login system has been disabled for non-privileged accounts.",
"csrf-invalid":"Nismo Vas uspjeli prijaviti, najvjerovatnije zbog istekle sesije. Molimo pokušajte ponovno",
"invalid-path":"Invalid path",
"folder-exists":"Folder exists",
"invalid-pagination-value":"Netočno numeriranje stranica, mora biti %1 ili %2",
"username-taken":"Korisničko ime je zauzeto",
"email-taken":"Email je zauzet",
"email-nochange":"The email entered is the same as the email already on file.",
"email-invited":"Email was already invited",
"email-not-confirmed":"You are unable to post until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed":"Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"Ne možete razgovarati dok Vaš email nije potvrđen. Kliknite ovdje da biste potvrdili svoj email.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You won't be able to post or chat until your email is confirmed.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery. Please click here to enter an email.",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Biztosan elmented ezt a jogosultsági beállítást <strong>minden kategóriának</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Biztosan elmented ennek a csoportnak a jogosultsági beállításait <strong>minden kategóriának</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Biztosan elmented ezt a jogosultsági beállítást <strong>minden leszármazott kategóriának</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Biztosan elmented ennek a csoportnak a jogosultsági beállításait <strong>minden leszármazott kategóriának</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo":"<em>Ez a művelet nem vonható vissza.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning":"Az adminisztrátorok automatikusan megkapnak minden jogosultságot"
"alert.admin-warning":"Az adminisztrátorok automatikusan megkapnak minden jogosultságot",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-title":"Select a category to copy from",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-warning":"This will copy <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category.",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFromGroup-warning":"This will copy this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category."
"local-login-disabled":"A helyi bejelentkezés letiltva fel nem hatalmazott felhasználóknál.",
"csrf-invalid":"Sikertelen bejelentkezés, feltételezhetően lejárt a munkamenet. Próbálkozz újra!",
"invalid-path":"Invalid path",
"folder-exists":"Folder exists",
"invalid-pagination-value":"Érvénytelen lapozási érték, legalább %1 kell lennie és legfeljebb %2 -nak/nek",
"username-taken":"Foglalt felhasználónév",
"email-taken":"Foglalt e-mail",
"email-nochange":"The email entered is the same as the email already on file.",
"email-invited":"Ez az email cím már meg lett hívva",
"email-not-confirmed":"Nem tehetsz közzé bejegyzést amíg nem erősíted meg az emailcímed, kattints ide az emailcím megerősítéséhez!",
"email-not-confirmed":"Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"Nem küldhetsz üzenetet amíg nem erősíted meg az email címed, kattints ide az email cím megerősítéséhez!",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"Az email címed még nem lett megerősítve, kérlek ellenőrizd az email fiókodba érkező leveleket. Amíg nincs az email címed megerősítve addig nem tudsz üzeneteket küldeni valamint bejegyzést közzé tenni.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery. Please click here to enter an email.",
"alert.saved":"Privilege changes saved and applied",
"alert.confirm-discard":"Are you sure you wish to discard your privilege changes?",
"alert.discarded":"Privilege changes discarded",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren":"Are you sure you wish to apply this set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup":"Are you sure you wish to apply this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo":"<em>This action cannot be undone.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges"
"alert.admin-warning":"Administrators implicitly get all privileges",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-title":"Select a category to copy from",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFrom-warning":"This will copy <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category.",
"alert.copyPrivilegesFromGroup-warning":"This will copy this group's set of <strong>%1</strong> from the selected category."
"local-login-disabled":"Local login system has been disabled for non-privileged accounts.",
"csrf-invalid":"We were unable to log you in, likely due to an expired session. Please try again",
"invalid-path":"Invalid path",
"folder-exists":"Folder exists",
"invalid-pagination-value":"Nomor pagination tidak valid, minimal %1 dan maksimal %2",
"username-taken":"Username sudah terdaftar",
"email-taken":"Email sudah terdaftar",
"email-nochange":"The email entered is the same as the email already on file.",
"email-invited":"Email was already invited",
"email-not-confirmed":"You are unable to post until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed":"Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent":"Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You won't be able to post or chat until your email is confirmed.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery. Please click here to enter an email.",
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff
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