"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.description":"В тази секция можете да настроите правомощията за достъп до тази категория. Правомощията могат да бъдат давани на отделни потребители или на цели групи. Можете да добавите нов потребител в тази таблица като го потърсите чрез формуляра по-долу.",
"privileges.description":"В тази секция можете да настроите правомощията за достъп до тази категория. Правомощията могат да бъдат давани на отделни потребители или на цели групи. Изберете обхвата на приложение от падащото меню по-долу.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Настройване на правомощията за ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Забележка</strong>: Настройките за правомощията влизат в сила моментално. Нее нужно да запазвате категорията след като промените тези настройки.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Забележка</strong>: Настройките за правомощията влизат в сила моментално. Нее нужно да запазвате категорията след като промените тези настройки.",
"privileges.section-viewing":"Правомощия за преглед",
"privileges.section-viewing":"Правомощия за преглед",
"privileges.section-posting":"Правомощия за публикуване",
"privileges.section-posting":"Правомощия за публикуване",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.description":"Můžete nastavit oprávnění ovládání přístupu ke kategorii v této sekci. Oprávnění mohou být přidělena na uživatele nebo na celou skupinu. Uživatele můžete přidat jeho vyhledáním ze spodního formuláře.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Poznámka:</strong> nastavení oprávnění má okamžitý vliv. Není tedy nutné uložit kategorii pro upravení těchto nastavení",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Poznámka:</strong> nastavení oprávnění má okamžitý vliv. Není tedy nutné uložit kategorii pro upravení těchto nastavení",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"set-parent-category":"Übergeordnete Kategorie festlegen",
"set-parent-category":"Übergeordnete Kategorie festlegen",
"privileges.description":"In diesem Bereich können die Zugriffsberechtigungen für diese Kategorie konfiguriert werden. Berechtigungen können pro Benutzer oder pro Gruppe gewährt werden. Du kannst einen neuen Benutzer zu dieser Tabelle hinzufügen, indem du sie in dem folgenden Formular suchst.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Hinweis</strong>: Die Zugriffsberechtigungen werden sofort wirksam. Es ist nicht notwendig, die Kategorie zu speichern, nachdem du die Einstellungen angepasst hast.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Hinweis</strong>: Die Zugriffsberechtigungen werden sofort wirksam. Es ist nicht notwendig, die Kategorie zu speichern, nachdem du die Einstellungen angepasst hast.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.description":"Puedes configurar los privilegios de control de acceso para esta categoría en esta sección. Los privilegios pueden ser otorgados \"por usuario\" o \"por grupo\". Puedes añadir un usuario nuevo a esta table buscándolo en el formulario a continuación.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"Nota: La configuracion de los privilegios toma efecto inmediataente. No es necesario guardar la categoría despué de ajustar estas configuraciones.",
"privileges.warning":"Nota: La configuracion de los privilegios toma efecto inmediataente. No es necesario guardar la categoría despué de ajustar estas configuraciones.",
"privileges.section-viewing":"Privilegios de Visionado",
"privileges.section-viewing":"Privilegios de Visionado",
"privileges.section-posting":"Privilegios de Respuesta",
"privileges.section-posting":"Privilegios de Respuesta",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"set-parent-category":"Définissez une catégorie parente",
"set-parent-category":"Définissez une catégorie parente",
"privileges.description":"Vous pouvez configurer les contrôles d'accès et de privilège pour cette catégorie dans cette section. Les privilège peuvent être donnés par rapport à un utilisateur ou par rapport à un groupe. Vous pouvez ajouter un nouvel utilisateur à cette table en cherchant dans le formulaire ci-dessous.",
"privileges.description":"Vous pouvez configurer les privilèges de contrôle d'accès pour cette catégorie dans cette section. Les privilèges peuvent être accordés par utilisateur ou par groupe. Sélectionnez le domaine d’effet dans le menu déroulant ci-dessous.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuration des privilèges pour",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Les paramètres de privilège prennent effet instantanément . Il n'est pas nécessaire de sauvegarder la catégorie après avoir ajusté ces paramètres.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Les paramètres de privilège prennent effet instantanément . Il n'est pas nécessaire de sauvegarder la catégorie après avoir ajusté ces paramètres.",
"privileges.section-viewing":"Afficher les Privilèges",
"privileges.section-viewing":"Afficher les Privilèges",
"privileges.section-posting":"Privilège de posting",
"privileges.section-posting":"Privilège de posting",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.description":"Možete konfigurirati pristup kontrolnim privilegijama u ovoj kategoriji unutar ove sekcije.Privilegije mogu biti dane bazirane na korisnicima ili grupama.Možete dodati nove korisnike u ovu tabelu pretragom u polju ispod.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"target-purged":"The content this flag referred to has been purged and is no longer available.",
"target-purged":"Il contenuto a cui si riferisce questa flag è stato eliminato e non è più disponibile.",
"quick-filters":"Filtri rapidi",
"quick-filters":"Filtri rapidi",
"filter-active":"Ci sono uno o più filtri attivi in questa lista di flag",
"filter-active":"Ci sono uno o più filtri attivi in questa lista di flag",
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"filter-type-all":"Tutto il contenuto",
"filter-type-all":"Tutto il contenuto",
"filter-state":"Specifica il motivo per cui contrassegnare% 1% 2 per la revisione. In alternativa, utilizza uno dei pulsanti di rapporto rapido, se applicabile.",
"filter-assignee":"Assignee UID",
"filter-assignee":"Assignee UID",
"filter-quick-mine":"Assegnato a me",
"filter-quick-mine":"Assegnato a me",
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
"note-added":"Nota aggiunta",
"note-added":"Nota aggiunta",
"modal-title":"Segnala Contenuto Inappropriato",
"modal-title":"Segnala Contenuto Inappropriato",
"modal-body":"Please specify your reason for flagging %1 %2 for review. Alternatively, use one of the quick report buttons if applicable.",
"modal-body":"Specifica il motivo per cui contrassegnare% 1% 2 per la revisione. In alternativa, utilizza uno dei pulsanti di rapporto rapido, se applicabile.",
"modal-reason-other":"Altro (Specificare di seguito)",
"modal-reason-other":"Altro (Specificare di seguito)",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.description":"이 섹션에서 게시판에 대한 접근 권한을 설정할 수 있습니다. 권한은 사용자 별 또는 그룹 별로 부여할 수 있습니다. 아래 양식으로 검색하여 새로운 사용자를 테이블에 추가할 수 있습니다.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>참고</strong>: 권한 설정은 즉시 적용됩니다. 설정을 변경한 후 게시판을 따로 저장할 필요가 없습니다.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>참고</strong>: 권한 설정은 즉시 적용됩니다. 설정을 변경한 후 게시판을 따로 저장할 필요가 없습니다.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.description":"Šajā sadaļā var konfigurēt šīs kategorijas piekļuves kontroles privilēģijas. Privilēģijas var piešķirt katram lietotājam vai katrai grupai. Šajā tabulā var pievienot jaunu lietotāju, klikšķinojot uz \"Pievienot lietotāju\".",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Piezīme</strong>: Privilēģiju maiņas stājas spēkā uzreiz. Pēc maiņām nav nepieciešams saglabāt kategoriju.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Piezīme</strong>: Privilēģiju maiņas stājas spēkā uzreiz. Pēc maiņām nav nepieciešams saglabāt kategoriju.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.description":"W tej sekcji możesz skonfigurować uprawnienia dostępu dla tej kategorii. Uprawnienia mogą być przyznawane konkretnym użytkownikom lub poszczególnym grupom. Możesz dodać nowego użytkownika do tej tabeli, wyszukując go w formularzu poniżej.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Uwaga</strong>: Uprawnienia zapisują się natychmiastowo. Nie ma potrzeby zapisywania kategorii po zmianie ustawień.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Uwaga</strong>: Uprawnienia zapisują się natychmiastowo. Nie ma potrzeby zapisywania kategorii po zmianie ustawień.",
"privileges.description":"Você pode configurar os privilégios de controle de acesso para esta categoria nesta seção. Privilégios podem ser concedidos em uma base por-usuário ou por-grupo. Você pode adicionar um novo usuário à esta tabela ao pesquisar por ele na form abaixo.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Nota</strong>: Configurações de privilégio entram em efeito imediatamente. Não é necessário salvar a categoria após ajustar estas configurações.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Nota</strong>: Configurações de privilégio entram em efeito imediatamente. Não é necessário salvar a categoria após ajustar estas configurações.",
"privileges.section-viewing":"Privilégios de Visualização",
"privileges.section-viewing":"Privilégios de Visualização",
"privileges.section-posting":"Privilégios de Postagem",
"privileges.section-posting":"Privilégios de Postagem",
"is-section":"Tratar esta categoria como uma secção",
"upload-image":"Enviar Imagem",
"upload-image":"Enviar Imagem",
"category-image":"Imagem da Categoria",
"category-image":"Imagem da Categoria",
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"copy-settings":"Copiar Definições de ",
"copy-settings":"Copiar Definições de ",
"optional-clone-settings":"(Opcional) Clonar Definições da Categoria",
"optional-clone-settings":"(Opcional) Clonar Definições da Categoria",
"clone-children":"Clone Children Categories And Settings",
"clone-children":"Copiar as categorias-filho e definições",
"purge":"Eliminar Categoria",
"purge":"Eliminar Categoria",
@ -29,15 +29,16 @@
"select-category":"Selecionar Categoria",
"select-category":"Selecionar Categoria",
"set-parent-category":"Definir uma Categoria Pai",
"set-parent-category":"Definir uma Categoria Pai",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.description":"Podes configurar os privilégios de controlo de acesso para esta categoria nesta secção. Os privilégios podem ser concedidos por utilizador ou por grupo. Seleciona o domínio de efeito na lista suspensa abaixo.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.section-viewing":"Privilégios de Visualização",
"privileges.section-viewing":"Privilégios de Visualização",
"privileges.section-posting":"Privilégios de Publicação",
"privileges.section-posting":"Privilégios de Publicação",
"privileges.section-moderation":"Privilégios de Moderação",
"privileges.section-moderation":"Privilégios de Moderação",
"privileges.search-user":"Adicionar Utilizador",
"privileges.search-user":"Adicionar Utilizador",
"privileges.no-users":"No user-specific privileges in this category.",
"privileges.no-users":"Não existem privilégios específicos para utilizadores nesta categoria.",
"privileges.group-private":"Este grupo é privado",
"privileges.group-private":"Este grupo é privado",
"privileges.search-group":"Adicionar Grupo",
"privileges.search-group":"Adicionar Grupo",
"privileges.copy-to-children":"Copiar para Filho",
"privileges.copy-to-children":"Copiar para Filho",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.description":"В этой секции вы можете настроить права на управление доступом. Права могут быть предоставлены как на пользователя, так и на группу. Вы можете добавлять новых пользователей в эту таблицу с помощью формы поиска ниже.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector":"Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Замечание</strong>: Настройки прав применяются немедленно. Нет необходимости сохранять категорию после изменения настроек.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Замечание</strong>: Настройки прав применяются немедленно. Нет необходимости сохранять категорию после изменения настроек.",
"privileges.section-viewing":"Права на просмотр",
"privileges.section-viewing":"Права на просмотр",
"privileges.section-posting":"Права на создание поста",
"privileges.section-posting":"Права на создание поста",