@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ var async = require('async'),
isolated, differentiator, modifyIndex;
isolated, differentiators, differentiator, modifyIndex, set;
notifications = mergeIds.reduce(function(notifications, mergeId) {
isolated = notifications.filter(function(notifObj) {
@ -355,9 +355,24 @@ var async = require('async'),
return notifications; // Nothing to merge
differentiator = isolated[0].mergeId.split('|')[1];
// Each isolated mergeId may have multiple differentiators, so process each separately
differentiators = isolated.reduce(function(cur, next) {
differentiator = next.mergeId.split('|')[1];
if (cur.indexOf(differentiator) === -1) {
return cur;
}, []);
modifyIndex = notifications.indexOf(isolated[0]);
differentiators.forEach(function(differentiator) {
set = isolated.filter(function(notifObj) {
return notifObj.mergeId === (mergeId + '|' + differentiator);
modifyIndex = notifications.indexOf(set[0]);
if (modifyIndex === -1) {
return notifications;
switch(mergeId) {
case 'notifications:favourited_your_post_in': // intentional fall-through
@ -365,24 +380,29 @@ var async = require('async'),
case 'notifications:user_started_following_you':
case 'notifications:user_posted_to':
case 'notifications:user_flagged_post_in':
var usernames = isolated.map(function(notifObj) {
var usernames = set.map(function(notifObj) {
return notifObj.user.username;
var numUsers = usernames.length;
// Update bodyShort
if (numUsers === 2) {
isolated[0].bodyShort = '[[' + mergeId + '_dual, ' + usernames.join(', ') + ', ' + isolated[0].topicTitle + ']]'
notifications[modifyIndex].bodyShort = '[[' + mergeId + '_dual, ' + usernames.join(', ') + ', ' + notifications[modifyIndex].topicTitle + ']]'
} else {
isolated[0].bodyShort = '[[' + mergeId + '_multiple, ' + usernames[0] + ', ' + (numUsers-1) + ', ' + isolated[0].topicTitle + ']]'
notifications[modifyIndex].bodyShort = '[[' + mergeId + '_multiple, ' + usernames[0] + ', ' + (numUsers-1) + ', ' + notifications[modifyIndex].topicTitle + ']]'
// Filter out duplicates
return notifications.filter(function(notifObj, idx) {
return notifObj.mergeId !== mergeId + '|' + differentiator || idx === modifyIndex;
notifications = notifications.filter(function(notifObj, idx) {
if (notifObj.mergeId === (mergeId + '|' + differentiator) && idx !== modifyIndex) {
return !(notifObj.mergeId === (mergeId + '|' + differentiator) && idx !== modifyIndex);
return notifications;
}, notifications);
plugins.fireHook('filter:notifications.merge', {