"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled":"Позволяване на имената за гостите",
"handles.enabled":"Позволяване на имената за гостите",
"handles.enabled-help":"Тази възможност предоставя ново поле, което позволява на гостите да си изберат име, което да се използва за всяка публикация, която правят. Ако е изключено, всички те просто ще имат името „Гост“.",
"handles.enabled-help":"Тази възможност предоставя ново поле, което позволява на гостите да си изберат име, което да се използва за всяка публикация, която правят. Ако е изключено, всички те просто ще имат името „Гост“.",
"topic-views.enabled":"Гостите да допринасят за броя на преглеждания на темите",
"topic-views.enabled":"Гостите да допринасят за броя на преглеждания на темите",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled":"Povolit upravení zacházení s hosty",
"handles.enabled":"Povolit upravení zacházení s hosty",
"handles.enabled-help":"Tato možnost odkryje nové pole, které umožňuje hostům vybrat jméno, které se připojí ke každému příspěvku, který vytvoří. Bude-li zakázáno, budou jednoduše nazýváni „Host”",
"handles.enabled-help":"Tato možnost odkryje nové pole, které umožňuje hostům vybrat jméno, které se připojí ke každému příspěvku, který vytvoří. Bude-li zakázáno, budou jednoduše nazýváni „Host”",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"Diese Option zeigt ein neues Feld an, in dem Gäste einen Namen auswählen können, der jedem von ihnen erstellten Beitrag zugeordnet werden soll. Wenn sie deaktiviert sind, werden sie einfach „Gast“ genannt.",
"handles.enabled-help":"Diese Option zeigt ein neues Feld an, in dem Gäste einen Namen auswählen können, der jedem von ihnen erstellten Beitrag zugeordnet werden soll. Wenn sie deaktiviert sind, werden sie einfach „Gast“ genannt.",
"topic-views.enabled":"Gästen erlauben, die gezählte Anzahl der Themenaufrufe zu erhöhen",
"topic-views.enabled":"Gästen erlauben, die gezählte Anzahl der Themenaufrufe zu erhöhen",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled":"Permitir manejo de visitantes",
"handles.enabled":"Permitir manejo de visitantes",
"handles.enabled-help":"Esta opción expone un nuevo campo que permite a los invitados escoger un nombre para asociarse con cada entrada/respuesta que hagan. Si está desactivado, se les llamará simplemente \"Invitado\".",
"handles.enabled-help":"Esta opción expone un nuevo campo que permite a los invitados escoger un nombre para asociarse con cada entrada/respuesta que hagan. Si está desactivado, se les llamará simplemente \"Invitado\".",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled":"Autoriser les invités à poster",
"handles.enabled":"Autoriser les invités à poster",
"handles.enabled-help":"Cette option affiche un nouveau champ qui permet aux invités de choisir un nom qui sera associé à chaque message qu'ils rédigent. Si désactivé, il seront simplement nommés \"Invité\".",
"handles.enabled-help":"Cette option affiche un nouveau champ qui permet aux invités de choisir un nom qui sera associé à chaque message qu'ils rédigent. Si désactivé, il seront simplement nommés \"Invité\".",
"topic-views.enabled":"Autoriser les invités à augmenter le nombre de consultations de sujets",
"topic-views.enabled":"Autoriser les invités à augmenter le nombre de consultations de sujets",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled":"Vendég név beállítás engedélyezése",
"handles.enabled":"Vendég név beállítás engedélyezése",
"handles.enabled-help":"Ez a beállítás engedélyez egy új mezőt, amivel a vendégek minden hozzászólásnál választhatnak egy nevet ami megjelenik ott. Ha nincs engedélyezve, egyszerűen \"Vendég\"-ként jelennek meg.",
"handles.enabled-help":"Ez a beállítás engedélyez egy új mezőt, amivel a vendégek minden hozzászólásnál választhatnak egy nevet ami megjelenik ott. Ha nincs engedélyezve, egyszerűen \"Vendég\"-ként jelennek meg.",
"handles.enabled-help":"Այս ընտրանքը բացահայտում է նոր դաշտ, որը թույլ է տալիս հյուրերին ընտրել անուն՝ իրենց կատարած յուրաքանչյուր գրառման հետ կապելու համար: Եթե անջատված են, նրանք պարզապես կանվանվեն «Հյուր»",
"handles.enabled-help":"Այս ընտրանքը բացահայտում է նոր դաշտ, որը թույլ է տալիս հյուրերին ընտրել անուն՝ իրենց կատարած յուրաքանչյուր գրառման հետ կապելու համար: Եթե անջատված են, նրանք պարզապես կանվանվեն «Հյուր»",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"Questa opzione mostra un nuovo campo che permette agli ospiti di scegliere un nome da associare ad ogni post che fanno. Se disabilitata, saranno semplicemente chiamati \"Ospite\".",
"handles.enabled-help":"Questa opzione mostra un nuovo campo che permette agli ospiti di scegliere un nome da associare ad ogni post che fanno. Se disabilitata, saranno semplicemente chiamati \"Ospite\".",
"topic-views.enabled":"Consentire agli ospiti di aumentare il numero di visualizzazioni della discussione",
"topic-views.enabled":"Consentire agli ospiti di aumentare il numero di visualizzazioni della discussione",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"Parādīt lauku, kas viesiem ļaus izvēlēties savu iesauku, kas saistīts ar katru viņu publicēto rakstu. Ja ir atspējots, viņus vienkārši sauks par \"Viesiem\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"Parādīt lauku, kas viesiem ļaus izvēlēties savu iesauku, kas saistīts ar katru viņu publicēto rakstu. Ja ir atspējots, viņus vienkārši sauks par \"Viesiem\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"Dette alternativet viser et nytt felt som lar gjestene velge et navn som kan knyttes til hvert innlegg de lager. Hvis de er deaktivert, vil de bare bli kalt \"Gjest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"Dette alternativet viser et nytt felt som lar gjestene velge et navn som kan knyttes til hvert innlegg de lager. Hvis de er deaktivert, vil de bare bli kalt \"Gjest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"La gjestene øke antall visninger av emner",
"topic-views.enabled":"La gjestene øke antall visninger av emner",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled":"Zezwalaj gościom na podpisywanie się",
"handles.enabled":"Zezwalaj gościom na podpisywanie się",
"handles.enabled-help":"Opcja ta udostępnia gościom nowe pole, w którym mogą wybrać nazwę, pod jaką będą publikować posty. Jeśli opcja jest wyłączona, stosowana będzie po prostu nazwa „Gość”",
"handles.enabled-help":"Opcja ta udostępnia gościom nowe pole, w którym mogą wybrać nazwę, pod jaką będą publikować posty. Jeśli opcja jest wyłączona, stosowana będzie po prostu nazwa „Gość”",
"topic-views.enabled":"Zezwalaj gościom na zwiększenie liczbę wyświetleń tematu",
"topic-views.enabled":"Zezwalaj gościom na zwiększenie liczbę wyświetleń tematu",
"handles.enabled":"Permitir que visitantes escolham um nome",
"handles.enabled":"Permitir que visitantes escolham um nome",
"handles.enabled-help":"Esta opção mostra um novo campo que permite visitantes de escolher um nome para associar a cada post que eles fizerem. Se desabilitado, eles serão simplesmente chamados de \"Visitante\".",
"handles.enabled-help":"Esta opção mostra um novo campo que permite visitantes de escolher um nome para associar a cada post que eles fizerem. Se desabilitado, eles serão simplesmente chamados de \"Visitante\".",
"topic-views.enabled":"Permitir que visitantes aumentem a contagem de visualizações do tópico",
"topic-views.enabled":"Permitir que visitantes aumentem a contagem de visualizações do tópico",
"handles.enabled":"Permitir nomes para visitantes",
"handles.enabled":"Permitir nomes para visitantes",
"handles.enabled-help":"Esta opção expôe um novo campo que permite a visitantes escolher um nome para associar a cada publicação que eles criem. Se desabilitada, eles simplesmente se chamarão \"Visitante\" ",
"handles.enabled-help":"Esta opção expôe um novo campo que permite a visitantes escolher um nome para associar a cada publicação que eles criem. Se desabilitada, eles simplesmente se chamarão \"Visitante\" ",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"Эта настройка добавляет поле, в котором гость сможет указать имя, под которым он хочет оставить сообщение. Когда она выключена, вместо имени будет написано просто «Гость».",
"handles.enabled-help":"Эта настройка добавляет поле, в котором гость сможет указать имя, под которым он хочет оставить сообщение. Когда она выключена, вместо имени будет написано просто «Гость».",
"topic-views.enabled":"Разрешить гостям увеличивать количество просмотров тем",
"topic-views.enabled":"Разрешить гостям увеличивать количество просмотров тем",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled":"Povoliť upravovanie zaobchádzania s hosťami",
"handles.enabled":"Povoliť upravovanie zaobchádzania s hosťami",
"handles.enabled-help":"Táto možnosť odkryje nové pole, ktoré umožňuje hosťom vybrať meno, ktoré sa pripojí ku každému príspevku, ktorý vytvorí. Ak bude zakázané, budú jednoducho nazývaní 'Hosť'",
"handles.enabled-help":"Táto možnosť odkryje nové pole, ktoré umožňuje hosťom vybrať meno, ktoré sa pripojí ku každému príspevku, ktorý vytvorí. Ak bude zakázané, budú jednoducho nazývaní 'Hosť'",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"Bu seçenek, misafirlerin yaptıkları her gönderiyle ilişkilendirebilecekleri bir isim alanı sunar. Devre dışı bırakılırsa, gönderenin ismi basitçe \"Misafir\" olarak adlandırılacaktır.",
"handles.enabled-help":"Bu seçenek, misafirlerin yaptıkları her gönderiyle ilişkilendirebilecekleri bir isim alanı sunar. Devre dışı bırakılırsa, gönderenin ismi basitçe \"Misafir\" olarak adlandırılacaktır.",
"topic-views.enabled":"Ziyaretçilerin konu bakış sayısını arttırmasına izin ver",
"topic-views.enabled":"Ziyaretçilerin konu bakış sayısını arttırmasına izin ver",
"handles.enabled-help":"Ця опція надає додаткове поле, що дозволяє гостям обрати собі ім'я для кожного посту. Якщо вимкнено, вони будуть просто зватися \"Гість\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"Ця опція надає додаткове поле, що дозволяє гостям обрати собі ім'я для кожного посту. Якщо вимкнено, вони будуть просто зватися \"Гість\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"topic-views.enabled":"Allow guests to increase topic view counts",
"handles.enabled-help":"Tùy chọn này hiển thị một trường mới cho phép khách chọn tên để liên kết với mỗi bài đăng mà họ thực hiện. Nếu bị tắt, họ sẽ chỉ được gọi là \"Khách\"",
"handles.enabled-help":"Tùy chọn này hiển thị một trường mới cho phép khách chọn tên để liên kết với mỗi bài đăng mà họ thực hiện. Nếu bị tắt, họ sẽ chỉ được gọi là \"Khách\"",
"topic-views.enabled":"Cho phép khách tăng lượt xem chủ đề",
"topic-views.enabled":"Cho phép khách tăng lượt xem chủ đề",