"hsts.preload":"Atļaut iepriekš ielādēt HSTS iezīmi",
"hsts.help":"If enabled, an HSTS header will be set for this site. You can elect to include subdomains and preloading flags in your header. If in doubt, you can leave these unchecked. <a href=\"%1\">More information <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"traffic-management":"Satiksmes pārvaldīšana",
"traffic.help":"NodeBB deploys equipped with a module that automatically denies requests in high-traffic situations. You can tune these settings here, although the defaults are a good starting point.",
"traffic.help":"NodeBB ir aprīkots ar moduli, kas automātiski liedz pieprasījumus lielas slodzes situācijās. Šeit var iestatīt šo moduli, lai gan noklusējuma iestatījumi ir labs sākumpunkts.",
"traffic.enable":"Iespējot satiksmes pārvaldīšanu",
"traffic.event-lag-help":"Lowering this value decreases wait times for page loads, but will also show the \"excessive load\" message to more users. (Restart required)",
"traffic.event-lag-help":"Samazinot šo vērtību, tiek samazināti lapas ielādes gaidīšanas laiki, bet arī vairāk lietotājiem parādīsies ziņojums \"pārmērīga slodze\". (Nepieciešams restartēt)",
"traffic.lag-check-interval-help":"Lowering this value causes NodeBB to become more sensitive to spikes in load, but may also cause the check to become too sensitive. (Restart required)"
"traffic.lag-check-interval-help":"Samazinot šo vērtību, NodeBB kļūst jutīgāks pret slodzes smailēm, taču tā var arī izraisīt pārāk jutīgu pārbaudi. (Nepieciešams restartēt)"
"smtp-transport.service-help":"Select a service name above in order to use the known information about it. Alternatively, select 'Custom Service' and enter the details below.",
"smtp-transport.service-help":"Izvēlēties pakalpojuma nosaukumu, lai to izmantotu. Citādi izvēlēties 'Pielāgotais serviss' un ievadīt informāciju zemāk.",
"smtp-transport.gmail-warning1":"There have been reports of the Gmail service not working on accounts with heightened security. In those scenarios, you will have to <a href=\"https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps\">configure your GMail account to allow less secure apps</a>.",
"smtp-transport.gmail-warning2":"For more information about this workaround, <a href=\"https://nodemailer.com/usage/using-gmail/\">please consult this NodeMailer article on the issue.</a> An alternative would be to utilise a third-party emailer plugin such as SendGrid, Mailgun, etc. <a href=\"../extend/plugins\">Browse available plugins here</a>.",
"ban_account_confirm":"Vai tiešām vēlies bloķēt šo lietotāju?",
"unban_account":"Atbloķēt kontu",
"delete_account":"Izdzēst kontu",
"delete_account_confirm":"Are you sure you want to delete your account? <br /><strong>This action is irreversible and you will not be able to recover any of your data</strong><br /><br />Enter your password to confirm that you wish to destroy this account.",
"delete_this_account_confirm":"Are you sure you want to delete this account? <br /><strong>This action is irreversible and you will not be able to recover any data</strong><br /><br />",
"delete_account_confirm":"Vai tiešām vēlies izdzēst savu kontu? <br /><strong>Šī darbība ir neatgriezeniska un Tu nevarēsi atgūt savus datus.</strong><br /><br />Ievadi savu paroli, lai apstiprinātu, ka vēlies izdzēst šo kontu.",
"delete_this_account_confirm":"Vai tiešām vēlies izdzēst savu kontu? <br /><strong>Šī darbība ir neatgriezeniska un jūs nevarēsit atgūt kādu no saviem datiem.</strong><br /><br />",