@ -84,32 +84,28 @@ Flags.init = async function () {
Flags.get = async function (flagId) {
const [base, history, notes] = await Promise.all([
const [base, history, notes, reports] = await Promise.all([
db.getObject('flag:' + flagId),
if (!base) {
const [userObj, targetObj] = await Promise.all([
user.getUserFields(base.uid, ['username', 'userslug', 'picture', 'reputation']),
Flags.getTarget(base.type, base.targetId, 0),
const flagObj = {
state: 'open',
assignee: null,
description: validator.escape(base.description),
datetimeISO: utils.toISOString(base.datetime),
target_readable: base.type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + base.type.slice(1) + ' ' + base.targetId,
target: targetObj,
target: await Flags.getTarget(base.type, base.targetId, 0),
history: history,
notes: notes,
reporter: userObj,
reports: reports,
const data = await plugins.fireHook('filter:flags.get', {
flag: flagObj,
@ -160,24 +156,19 @@ Flags.list = async function (filters, uid) {
const pageCount = Math.ceil(flagIds.length / flagsPerPage);
flagIds = flagIds.slice((filters.page - 1) * flagsPerPage, filters.page * flagsPerPage);
const flags = await Promise.all(flagIds.map(async (flagId) => {
const reportCounts = await db.sortedSetsCard(flagIds.map(flagId => `flag:${flagId}:reports`));
const flags = await Promise.all(flagIds.map(async (flagId, idx) => {
let flagObj = await db.getObject('flag:' + flagId);
const userObj = await user.getUserFields(flagObj.uid, ['username', 'picture']);
flagObj = {
state: 'open',
assignee: null,
heat: reportCounts[idx],
reporter: {
username: userObj.username,
picture: userObj.picture,
'icon:bgColor': userObj['icon:bgColor'],
'icon:text': userObj['icon:text'],
flagObj.labelClass = Flags._constants.state_class[flagObj.state];
return Object.assign(flagObj, {
description: validator.escape(String(flagObj.description)),
target_readable: flagObj.type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + flagObj.type.slice(1) + ' ' + flagObj.targetId,
datetimeISO: utils.toISOString(flagObj.datetime),
@ -242,6 +233,24 @@ Flags.getNote = async function (flagId, datetime) {
return notes[0];
Flags.getFlagIdByTarget = async function (type, id) {
let method;
switch (type) {
case 'post':
method = posts.getPostField;
case 'user':
method = user.getUserField;
throw new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]');
return await method(id, 'flagId');
async function modifyNotes(notes) {
const uids = [];
notes = notes.map(function (note) {
@ -277,11 +286,13 @@ Flags.create = async function (type, id, uid, reason, timestamp) {
timestamp = Date.now();
doHistoryAppend = true;
const [flagExists, targetExists,, targetUid, targetCid] = await Promise.all([
const [flagExists, targetExists,, targetFlagged, targetUid, targetCid] = await Promise.all([
// Sanity checks
Flags.exists(type, id, uid),
Flags.targetExists(type, id),
Flags.canFlag(type, id, uid),
Flags.targetFlagged(type, id),
// Extra data for zset insertion
Flags.getTargetUid(type, id),
Flags.getTargetCid(type, id),
@ -292,45 +303,91 @@ Flags.create = async function (type, id, uid, reason, timestamp) {
throw new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]');
// If the flag already exists, just add the report
if (targetFlagged) {
const flagId = await Flags.getFlagIdByTarget(type, id);
await Promise.all([
Flags.addReport(flagId, uid, reason, timestamp),
Flags.update(flagId, uid, { state: 'open' }),
return await Flags.get(flagId);
const flagId = await db.incrObjectField('global', 'nextFlagId');
const batched = [];
await db.setObject('flag:' + flagId, {
db.setObject.bind(db, 'flag:' + flagId, {
flagId: flagId,
type: type,
targetId: id,
description: reason,
uid: uid,
datetime: timestamp,
await db.sortedSetAdd('flags:datetime', timestamp, flagId); // by time, the default
await db.sortedSetAdd('flags:byReporter:' + uid, timestamp, flagId); // by reporter
await db.sortedSetAdd('flags:byType:' + type, timestamp, flagId); // by flag type
await db.sortedSetAdd('flags:hash', flagId, [type, id, uid].join(':')); // save zset for duplicate checking
await db.sortedSetIncrBy('flags:byTarget', 1, [type, id].join(':')); // by flag target (score is count)
await analytics.increment('flags'); // some fancy analytics
Flags.addReport.bind(Flags, flagId, uid, reason, timestamp),
db.sortedSetAdd.bind(db, 'flags:datetime', timestamp, flagId), // by time, the default
db.sortedSetAdd.bind(db, 'flags:byType:' + type, timestamp, flagId), // by flag type
db.sortedSetAdd.bind(db, 'flags:hash', flagId, [type, id, uid].join(':')), // save zset for duplicate checking
db.sortedSetIncrBy.bind(db, 'flags:byTarget', 1, [type, id].join(':')), // by flag target (score is count)
analytics.increment.bind(analytics, 'flags') // some fancy analytics
if (targetUid) {
await db.sortedSetAdd('flags:byTargetUid:' + targetUid, timestamp, flagId); // by target uid
batched.push(db.sortedSetAdd.bind(db, 'flags:byTargetUid:' + targetUid, timestamp, flagId)); // by target uid
if (targetCid) {
await db.sortedSetAdd('flags:byCid:' + targetCid, timestamp, flagId); // by target cid
batched.push(db.sortedSetAdd.bind(db, 'flags:byCid:' + targetCid, timestamp, flagId)); // by target cid
if (type === 'post') {
await db.sortedSetAdd('flags:byPid:' + id, timestamp, flagId); // by target pid
db.sortedSetAdd.bind(db, 'flags:byPid:' + id, timestamp, flagId), // by target pid
posts.setPostField.bind(posts, id, 'flagId', flagId)
if (targetUid) {
await user.incrementUserFlagsBy(targetUid, 1);
batched.push(user.incrementUserFlagsBy.bind(user, targetUid, 1));
} else if (type === 'user') {
batched.push(user.setUserField.bind(user, id, 'flagId', flagId));
// Run all the database calls in one single batched call...
await Promise.all(batched.map(async method => await method()));
if (doHistoryAppend) {
await Flags.update(flagId, uid, { state: 'open' });
Flags.update(flagId, uid, { state: 'open' });
return await Flags.get(flagId);
Flags.getReports = async function (flagId) {
const [reports, reporterUids] = await Promise.all([
db.getSortedSetRevRangeWithScores(`flag:${flagId}:reports`, 0, -1),
db.getSortedSetRevRange(`flag:${flagId}:reporters`, 0, -1),
await Promise.all(reports.map(async (report, idx) => {
report.timestamp = report.score;
report.timestampISO = new Date(report.score).toISOString();
delete report.score;
report.reporter = await user.getUserFields(reporterUids[idx], ['username', 'userslug', 'picture', 'reputation']);
return reports;
Flags.addReport = async function (flagId, uid, reason, timestamp) {
// adds to reporters/report zsets
await Promise.all([
db.sortedSetAdd(`flags:byReporter:${uid}`, timestamp, flagId),
db.sortedSetAdd(`flag:${flagId}:reports`, timestamp, reason),
db.sortedSetAdd(`flag:${flagId}:reporters`, timestamp, uid),
Flags.exists = async function (type, id, uid) {
return await db.isSortedSetMember('flags:hash', [type, id, uid].join(':'));
@ -386,6 +443,10 @@ Flags.targetExists = async function (type, id) {
throw new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]');
Flags.targetFlagged = async function (type, id) {
return await db.sortedSetScore('flags:byTarget', [type, id].join(':')) >= 1;
Flags.getTargetUid = async function (type, id) {
if (type === 'post') {
return await posts.getPostField(id, 'uid');
@ -443,7 +504,7 @@ Flags.update = async function (flagId, uid, changeset) {
tasks.push(db.sortedSetAdd('flags:byState:' + changeset[prop], now, flagId));
tasks.push(db.sortedSetRemove('flags:byState:' + current[prop], flagId));
if (changeset[prop] === 'resolved' || changeset[prop] === 'rejected') {
tasks.push(notifications.rescind('flag:' + current.type + ':' + current.targetId + ':uid:' + current.uid));
tasks.push(notifications.rescind('flag:' + current.type + ':' + current.targetId));
} else if (prop === 'assignee') {
@ -545,11 +606,11 @@ Flags.notify = async function (flagObj, uid) {
notifObj = await notifications.create({
type: 'new-post-flag',
bodyShort: '[[notifications:user_flagged_post_in, ' + flagObj.reporter.username + ', ' + titleEscaped + ']]',
bodyShort: '[[notifications:user_flagged_post_in, ' + flagObj.reports[flagObj.reports.length - 1].reporter.username + ', ' + titleEscaped + ']]',
bodyLong: flagObj.description,
pid: flagObj.targetId,
path: '/flags/' + flagObj.flagId,
nid: 'flag:post:' + flagObj.targetId + ':uid:' + uid,
nid: 'flag:post:' + flagObj.targetId,
from: uid,
mergeId: 'notifications:user_flagged_post_in|' + flagObj.targetId,
topicTitle: title,
@ -558,10 +619,10 @@ Flags.notify = async function (flagObj, uid) {
} else if (flagObj.type === 'user') {
notifObj = await notifications.create({
type: 'new-user-flag',
bodyShort: '[[notifications:user_flagged_user, ' + flagObj.reporter.username + ', ' + flagObj.target.username + ']]',
bodyShort: '[[notifications:user_flagged_user, ' + flagObj.reports[flagObj.reports.length - 1].reporter.username + ', ' + flagObj.target.username + ']]',
bodyLong: flagObj.description,
path: '/flags/' + flagObj.flagId,
nid: 'flag:user:' + flagObj.targetId + ':uid:' + uid,
nid: 'flag:user:' + flagObj.targetId,
from: uid,
mergeId: 'notifications:user_flagged_user|' + flagObj.targetId,