@ -218,10 +218,16 @@ marked.setOptions({
Topics.markAsRead = function(tid, uid) {
Topics.markAsRead = function(tid, uid) {
// there is an issue with this fn. if you read a topic that is previously read you will mark the category as read anyways - there is no check
RDB.sadd(schema.topics(tid).read_by_uid, uid);
RDB.sadd(schema.topics(tid).read_by_uid, uid);
Topics.get_cid_by_tid(tid, function(cid) {
Topics.get_cid_by_tid(tid, function(cid) {
RDB.sadd('cid:' + cid + ':read_by_uid', uid);
categories.isTopicsRead(cid, uid, function(read) {
if(read) {
categories.markAsRead(cid, uid);
@ -368,11 +374,11 @@ marked.setOptions({
io.sockets.in('category_' + category_id).emit('event:new_topic', topicData);
io.sockets.in('category_' + category_id).emit('event:new_topic', topicData);
io.sockets.in('recent_posts').emit('event:new_topic', topicData);
io.sockets.in('recent_posts').emit('event:new_topic', topicData);
Topics.markAsRead(tid, uid);
// User Details - move this out later
// User Details - move this out later
RDB.lpush('uid:' + uid + ':topics', tid);
RDB.lpush('uid:' + uid + ':topics', tid);
@ -384,7 +390,10 @@ marked.setOptions({
// let everyone know that there is an unread topic in this category
// let everyone know that there is an unread topic in this category
RDB.del('cid:' + category_id + ':read_by_uid');
RDB.del('cid:' + category_id + ':read_by_uid', function(err, data) {
Topics.markAsRead(tid, uid);
RDB.zadd(schema.topics().recent, Date.now(), tid);
RDB.zadd(schema.topics().recent, Date.now(), tid);
//RDB.zadd('topics:active', tid);
//RDB.zadd('topics:active', tid);
@ -398,10 +407,12 @@ marked.setOptions({
RDB.incr('cid:' + category_id + ':topiccount');
RDB.incr('cid:' + category_id + ':topiccount');