"page-views-custom-help":"Enter a date range of page views you would like to view. If no date picker is available, the accepted format is <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code>",
"page-views-custom-help":"Enter a date range of page views you would like to view. If no date picker is available, the accepted format is <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code>",
"page-views-custom-error":"Please enter a valid date range in the format <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code>",
"page-views-custom-error":"Lütfen tarih aralığını geçerli formatta girin <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code>",
@ -36,9 +36,9 @@
"search-plugin-tooltip":"Install a search plugin from the plugin page in order to activate search functionality",
"search-plugin-tooltip":"Install a search plugin from the plugin page in order to activate search functionality",
"control-panel":"Sistem Kontrol",
"control-panel":"Sistem Kontrol",
"reload":"Tekrar Yükle",
"restart":"Yeniden Başlat",
"restart-warning":"Reloading or Restarting your NodeBB will drop all existing connections for a few seconds.",
"restart-warning":"NodeBB yeniden yüklemek veya yeniden başlatmak için mevcut tüm bağlantıları birkaç saniye düşürür.",
"maintenance-mode":"Bakım Modu",
"maintenance-mode":"Bakım Modu",
"maintenance-mode-title":"NodeBB için bakım modunu ayarlamak için buraya tıklayın",
"maintenance-mode-title":"NodeBB için bakım modunu ayarlamak için buraya tıklayın",
"realtime-chart-updates":"Gerçek Zamanlı Grafik Güncellemeleri",
"realtime-chart-updates":"Gerçek Zamanlı Grafik Güncellemeleri",
"allowed-file-extensions":"İzin Verilen Dosya Uzantıları",
"allowed-file-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all extensions are allowed.",
"allowed-file-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all extensions are allowed.",
"profile-avatars":"Profile Avatars",
"profile-avatars":"Profil Avatarları",
"allow-profile-image-uploads":"Allow users to upload profile images",
"allow-profile-image-uploads":"Allow users to upload profile images",
"convert-profile-image-png":"Convert profile image uploads to PNG",
"convert-profile-image-png":"Convert profile image uploads to PNG",