Latest translations and fallbacks

Misty (Bot) 7 years ago
parent 7f52e3a8f9
commit 448542d4ef

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
"headers.acac": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
"headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
"hsts": "Strict Transport Security",
"hsts.subdomains": "Include subdomains in HSTS header",
"hsts.preload": "Allow preloading of HSTS header",
"": "An HSTS header is already pre-configured for this site. You can elect to include subdomains and preloading flags in your header. If in doubt, you can leave these unchecked. <a href=\"%1\">More information <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"traffic-management": "Traffic Management",
"": "NodeBB deploys equipped with a module that automatically denies requests in high-traffic situations. You can tune these settings here, although the defaults are a good starting point.",
"traffic.enable": "Enable Traffic Management",

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"posts": "المشاركات",
"allow-files": "السماح للأعضاء بتحميل الملفات الإعتيادية",
"private": "جعل الملفات التي تم رفعها خاصة",
"private-extensions": "File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help": "Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width": "تغيير حجم الصور إلى عرض محدد (بالبكسل)",
"max-image-width-help": "(بالبكسل، الافتراضي: 760 بكسل، ضع إلى 0 لتعطيل الخاصية)",
"resize-image-quality": "Quality to use when resizing images",

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
"invite": "دعوة من %1",
"greeting_no_name": "مرحبًا",
"greeting_with_name": "مرحبًا بك يا %1",
"email.verify-your-email.subject": "Please verify your email",
"email.verify.text1": "Your email address has changed!",
"welcome.text1": "شكرًا على تسجيلك في %1!",
"welcome.text2": "لتفعيل حسابك، نحتاج إلى التأكد من صحة عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الذي سجلت به.",
"welcome.text3": "تم قبول نتسجيلك ، يمكنك الدخول باتسخدام اسم المستخدم و كلمة المرور.",

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"details.grant": "منح/سحب المِلكية",
"details.kick": "طرد",
"details.kick_confirm": "Are you sure you want to remove this member from the group?",
"details.add-member": "Add Member",
"details.owner_options": "إدارة المجموعة",
"details.group_name": "اسم المجموعة",
"details.member_count": "عدد اﻷعضاء",

@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
"popular-month": "المواضيع الشائعة هذا الشهر",
"popular-alltime": "المواضيع الشائعة منذ القدم",
"recent": "المواضيع الحديثة",
"top": "Top Voted Topics",
"top-day": "Top voted topics today",
"top-week": "Top voted topics this week",
"top-month": "Top voted topics this month",
"top-alltime": "Top Voted Topics",
"moderator-tools": "Moderator Tools",
"flagged-content": "Flagged Content",
"ip-blacklist": "IP Blacklist",

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
"following": "يتابع",
"blocks": "Blocks",
"block_toggle": "Toggle Block",
"block_user": "Block User",
"unblock_user": "Unblock User",
"aboutme": "معلومة عنك او السيرة الذاتية",
"signature": "توقيع",
"birthday": "عيد ميلاد",
@ -107,7 +109,9 @@
"no-sound": "بدون صوت",
"upvote-notif-freq": "معدل تكرار تنبيهات التصويت للأعلى",
"upvote-notif-freq.all": "كل التصويتات للأعلى",
"upvote-notif-freq.first": "First Per Post",
"upvote-notif-freq.everyTen": "كل عشر تصويتات للأعلى",
"upvote-notif-freq.threshold": "On 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200...",
"upvote-notif-freq.logarithmic": "On 10, 100, 1000...",
"upvote-notif-freq.disabled": "معطل",
"browsing": "خيارات التصفح",

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
"headers.acac": "Удостоверителни данни за разрешаване на управлението на достъпа",
"headers.acam": "Методи за разрешаване на управлението на достъпа",
"headers.acah": "Заглавки за разрешаване на управлението на достъпа",
"hsts": "Strict Transport Security",
"hsts.subdomains": "Include subdomains in HSTS header",
"hsts.preload": "Allow preloading of HSTS header",
"": "An HSTS header is already pre-configured for this site. You can elect to include subdomains and preloading flags in your header. If in doubt, you can leave these unchecked. <a href=\"%1\">More information <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"traffic-management": "Управление на трафика",
"": "NodeBB има вграден модул, който автоматично отказва заявките в натоварените моменти. Можете да настроите поведението тук, въпреки че стойностите по подразбиране са добра отправна точка.",
"traffic.enable": "Включване на управлението на трафика",

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"posts": "Публикации",
"allow-files": "Позволяване на потребителите да качват обикновени файлове",
"private": "Качените файлове да бъдат частни",
"private-extensions": "File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help": "Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width": "Намаляване на размера на изображенията до определена ширина (в пиксели)",
"max-image-width-help": "(в пиксели; по подразбиране: 760 пиксела. 0 = изключено)",
"resize-image-quality": "Качество при преоразмеряване на изображенията",

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
"invite": "Покана от %1",
"greeting_no_name": "Здравейте",
"greeting_with_name": "Здравейте, %1",
"email.verify-your-email.subject": "Please verify your email",
"email.verify.text1": "Your email address has changed!",
"welcome.text1": "Благодарим Ви, че се регистрирахте в %1",
"welcome.text2": "За да активирате напълно акаунта си, трябва да потвърдите е-пощата, с която сте се регистрирали.",
"welcome.text3": "Вашата заявка за регистрация беше приета от администратор. Вече можете да се впишете със своето потребителско име и парола.",

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"details.grant": "Даване/отнемане на собственост",
"details.kick": "Изгонване",
"details.kick_confirm": "Наистина ли искате да премахнете този член на групата?",
"details.add-member": "Add Member",
"details.owner_options": "Администрация на групата",
"details.group_name": "Име на групата",
"details.member_count": "Брой на членовете",

@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
"popular-month": "Популярните теми този месец",
"popular-alltime": "Популярните теми за всички времена",
"recent": "Скорошни теми",
"top": "Теми с най-много гласове",
"top-day": "Top voted topics today",
"top-week": "Top voted topics this week",
"top-month": "Top voted topics this month",
"top-alltime": "Top Voted Topics",
"moderator-tools": "Модераторски инструменти",
"flagged-content": "Докладвано съдържание",
"ip-blacklist": "Черен списък за IP адреси",

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
"following": "Следва",
"blocks": "Блокира",
"block_toggle": "Превключване на блокирането",
"block_user": "Block User",
"unblock_user": "Unblock User",
"aboutme": "За мен",
"signature": "Подпис",
"birthday": "Рождена дата",
@ -107,7 +109,9 @@
"no-sound": "Без звук",
"upvote-notif-freq": "Честота на известията за положителни гласове",
"upvote-notif-freq.all": "Всички положителни гласове",
"upvote-notif-freq.first": "First Per Post",
"upvote-notif-freq.everyTen": "На всеки десет положителни гласа",
"upvote-notif-freq.threshold": "On 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200...",
"upvote-notif-freq.logarithmic": "На 10, 100, 1000…",
"upvote-notif-freq.disabled": "Изключено",
"browsing": "Настройки за страниците",

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
"headers.acac": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
"headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
"hsts": "Strict Transport Security",
"hsts.subdomains": "Include subdomains in HSTS header",
"hsts.preload": "Allow preloading of HSTS header",
"": "An HSTS header is already pre-configured for this site. You can elect to include subdomains and preloading flags in your header. If in doubt, you can leave these unchecked. <a href=\"%1\">More information <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"traffic-management": "Traffic Management",
"": "NodeBB deploys equipped with a module that automatically denies requests in high-traffic situations. You can tune these settings here, although the defaults are a good starting point.",
"traffic.enable": "Enable Traffic Management",

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"posts": "Posts",
"allow-files": "Allow users to upload regular files",
"private": "Make uploaded files private",
"private-extensions": "File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help": "Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width": "Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help": "(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality": "Quality to use when resizing images",

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
"invite": "%1 থেকে আমন্ত্রণ",
"greeting_no_name": "স্বাগতম",
"greeting_with_name": "স্বাগতম %1",
"email.verify-your-email.subject": "Please verify your email",
"email.verify.text1": "Your email address has changed!",
"welcome.text1": "%1 এ নিবন্ধন করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ!",
"welcome.text2": "আপনার একাউন্ট এ্যাক্টিভেট করার জন্য, আপনি যে ইমেইল এড্রেস ব্যাবহার করে নিবন্ধন করেছেন তা যাচাই করতে হবে",
"welcome.text3": "An administrator has accepted your registration application. You can login with your username/password now.",

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"details.grant": "Grant/Rescind Ownership",
"details.kick": "Kick",
"details.kick_confirm": "Are you sure you want to remove this member from the group?",
"details.add-member": "Add Member",
"details.owner_options": "Group Administration",
"details.group_name": "Group Name",
"details.member_count": "Member Count",

@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
"popular-month": "Popular topics this month",
"popular-alltime": "All time popular topics",
"recent": "সাম্প্রতিক টপিক",
"top": "Top Voted Topics",
"top-day": "Top voted topics today",
"top-week": "Top voted topics this week",
"top-month": "Top voted topics this month",
"top-alltime": "Top Voted Topics",
"moderator-tools": "Moderator Tools",
"flagged-content": "Flagged Content",
"ip-blacklist": "IP Blacklist",

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
"following": "যারা আপনাকে অনুসরণ করছে",
"blocks": "Blocks",
"block_toggle": "Toggle Block",
"block_user": "Block User",
"unblock_user": "Unblock User",
"aboutme": "আমার সম্পর্কে: ",
"signature": "স্বাক্ষর",
"birthday": "জন্মদিন",
@ -107,7 +109,9 @@
"no-sound": "No sound",
"upvote-notif-freq": "Upvote Notification Frequency",
"upvote-notif-freq.all": "All Upvotes",
"upvote-notif-freq.first": "First Per Post",
"upvote-notif-freq.everyTen": "Every Ten Upvotes",
"upvote-notif-freq.threshold": "On 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200...",
"upvote-notif-freq.logarithmic": "On 10, 100, 1000...",
"upvote-notif-freq.disabled": "Disabled",
"browsing": "Browsing সেটিংস",

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
"headers.acac": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
"headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
"hsts": "Strict Transport Security",
"hsts.subdomains": "Include subdomains in HSTS header",
"hsts.preload": "Allow preloading of HSTS header",
"": "An HSTS header is already pre-configured for this site. You can elect to include subdomains and preloading flags in your header. If in doubt, you can leave these unchecked. <a href=\"%1\">More information <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"traffic-management": "Správa provozu",
"": "NodeBB obsahuje modul, který automaticky zamítá požadavky při vysokém vytížení. Toto nastavení můžete zde upravit, ačkoliv výchozí hodnoty jsou zaručením úspěchu.",
"traffic.enable": "Povolit správu provozu",

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"posts": "Příspěvky",
"allow-files": "Povolit uživatelům nahrávat normální soubory",
"private": "Nahrané soubory jsou sokromé",
"private-extensions": "File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help": "Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width": "Zmenšit velikost obrázků na potřebné rozlišení (v pixelech)",
"max-image-width-help": "(v pixelech, výchozí: 760 pixelů, pro zákaz nastavte 0)",
"resize-image-quality": "Kvalita při změně velikosti obrázků",

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
"invite": "Pozvánka od %1",
"greeting_no_name": "Dobrý den",
"greeting_with_name": "Dobrý den %1",
"email.verify-your-email.subject": "Please verify your email",
"email.verify.text1": "Your email address has changed!",
"welcome.text1": "Děkujeme vám za registraci na %1!",
"welcome.text2": "Pro úplnou aktivaci vašeho účtu potřebujeme ověřit vaši e-mailovou adresu.",
"welcome.text3": "Administrátor právě potvrdil vaší registraci. Nyní se můžete přihlásit jménem a heslem.",

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"details.grant": "Přidat/Zrušit vlastnictví",
"details.kick": "Vyhodit",
"details.kick_confirm": "Jste si jist/a, že chcete vyjmout tohoto uživatele ze skupiny?",
"details.add-member": "Add Member",
"details.owner_options": "Správa skupiny",
"details.group_name": "Název skupiny",
"details.member_count": "Počet členů",

@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
"popular-month": "Oblíbená témata pro tento měsíc",
"popular-alltime": "Oblíbená témata za celou dobu",
"recent": "Aktuální témata",
"top": "Témata s nejvíce hlasy",
"top-day": "Top voted topics today",
"top-week": "Top voted topics this week",
"top-month": "Top voted topics this month",
"top-alltime": "Top Voted Topics",
"moderator-tools": "Nástroje moderátora",
"flagged-content": "Nahlášený obsah",
"ip-blacklist": "Černá listina IP adres",

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
"following": "Sleduje",
"blocks": "Zablokováni",
"block_toggle": "Přepnout zablokování",
"block_user": "Block User",
"unblock_user": "Unblock User",
"aboutme": "O mně",
"signature": "Podpis",
"birthday": "Datum narození",
@ -107,7 +109,9 @@
"no-sound": "Bez zvuku",
"upvote-notif-freq": "Frekvence upozornění na souhlasy",
"upvote-notif-freq.all": "Všechny souhlasy",
"upvote-notif-freq.first": "First Per Post",
"upvote-notif-freq.everyTen": "Každý desátý souhlas",
"upvote-notif-freq.threshold": "On 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200...",
"upvote-notif-freq.logarithmic": "Dle 10, 100, 1000...",
"upvote-notif-freq.disabled": "Zakázáno",
"browsing": "Nastavení prohlížení",

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
"headers.acac": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
"headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
"hsts": "Strict Transport Security",
"hsts.subdomains": "Include subdomains in HSTS header",
"hsts.preload": "Allow preloading of HSTS header",
"": "An HSTS header is already pre-configured for this site. You can elect to include subdomains and preloading flags in your header. If in doubt, you can leave these unchecked. <a href=\"%1\">More information <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"traffic-management": "Traffic Management",
"": "NodeBB deploys equipped with a module that automatically denies requests in high-traffic situations. You can tune these settings here, although the defaults are a good starting point.",
"traffic.enable": "Enable Traffic Management",

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"posts": "Posts",
"allow-files": "Allow users to upload regular files",
"private": "Make uploaded files private",
"private-extensions": "File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help": "Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width": "Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help": "(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality": "Quality to use when resizing images",

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
"invite": "Invitation fra %1",
"greeting_no_name": "Hej",
"greeting_with_name": "Hej %1",
"email.verify-your-email.subject": "Please verify your email",
"email.verify.text1": "Your email address has changed!",
"welcome.text1": "Tak for at du registrerede dig hos %1!",
"welcome.text2": "For at færdiggøre din konto, har vi brug for at verificere at du ejer den email adresse du registerede med.",
"welcome.text3": "En administrator har accepteret din registreringsansøgning. Du kan logge ind med dit brugernavn og adgangskode nu.",

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"details.grant": "Giv/ophæv ejerskab",
"details.kick": "Spark",
"details.kick_confirm": "Are you sure you want to remove this member from the group?",
"details.add-member": "Add Member",
"details.owner_options": "Gruppe administration",
"details.group_name": "Gruppe navn",
"details.member_count": "Medlemsantal",

@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
"popular-month": "Populære tråde denne måned",
"popular-alltime": "Top populære tråde",
"recent": "Seneste tråde",
"top": "Top Voted Topics",
"top-day": "Top voted topics today",
"top-week": "Top voted topics this week",
"top-month": "Top voted topics this month",
"top-alltime": "Top Voted Topics",
"moderator-tools": "Moderator Tools",
"flagged-content": "Flagged Content",
"ip-blacklist": "IP Blacklist",

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
"following": "Følger",
"blocks": "Blocks",
"block_toggle": "Toggle Block",
"block_user": "Block User",
"unblock_user": "Unblock User",
"aboutme": "Om mig",
"signature": "Signatur",
"birthday": "Fødselsdag",
@ -107,7 +109,9 @@
"no-sound": "Ingen lyd",
"upvote-notif-freq": "Upvote Notification Frequency",
"upvote-notif-freq.all": "All Upvotes",
"upvote-notif-freq.first": "First Per Post",
"upvote-notif-freq.everyTen": "Every Ten Upvotes",
"upvote-notif-freq.threshold": "On 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200...",
"upvote-notif-freq.logarithmic": "On 10, 100, 1000...",
"upvote-notif-freq.disabled": "Disabled",
"browsing": "Gennemsenings indstillinger",

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
"headers.acac": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
"headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
"hsts": "Strict Transport Security",
"hsts.subdomains": "Include subdomains in HSTS header",
"hsts.preload": "Allow preloading of HSTS header",
"": "An HSTS header is already pre-configured for this site. You can elect to include subdomains and preloading flags in your header. If in doubt, you can leave these unchecked. <a href=\"%1\">More information <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"traffic-management": "Traffic Management",
"": "NodeBB wird mit einem Modul geliefert, welches automatisch anfragen in High-Traffic Situationen blockiert. Du kannst diese Einstellungen hier ändern, auch wenn die Standardeinstellungen einen guten Anfang darstellen sollten",
"traffic.enable": "Traffic Management aktivieren",

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"posts": "Beiträge",
"allow-files": "Nutzern erlauben normale Dateien hochzuladen",
"private": "Hochgeladene Dateien privatisieren",
"private-extensions": "File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help": "Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width": "Bilder zu einer bestimmten Breite runterskalieren",
"max-image-width-help": "(in Pixeln, standard 760 pixel, auf 0 setzen um zu deaktivieren)",
"resize-image-quality": "Zu benutzende Qualität beim verändern von Bildauflösungen",

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
"invite": "Einladung von %1",
"greeting_no_name": "Hallo",
"greeting_with_name": "Hallo %1",
"email.verify-your-email.subject": "Please verify your email",
"email.verify.text1": "Your email address has changed!",
"welcome.text1": "Vielen Dank für die Registrierung bei %1!",
"welcome.text2": "Um dein Konto vollständig zu aktivieren, müssen wir überprüfen, ob du Besitzer der E-Mail-Adresse bist, mit der du dich registriert hast.",
"welcome.text3": "Ein Administrator hat deine Registrierung aktzeptiert. Du kannst dich jetzt mit deinem Benutzernamen/Passwort einloggen.",

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"details.grant": "Gewähre/widerrufe Besitz",
"details.kick": "Kick",
"details.kick_confirm": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Mitglied aus der Gruppe entfernen möchten?",
"details.add-member": "Add Member",
"details.owner_options": "Gruppenadministration",
"details.group_name": "Gruppenname",
"details.member_count": "Mitgliederanzahl",

@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
"popular-month": "Beliebte Themen dieses Monats",
"popular-alltime": "Beliebteste Themen",
"recent": "Neueste Themen",
"top": "Bestbewertetste Themen",
"top-day": "Top voted topics today",
"top-week": "Top voted topics this week",
"top-month": "Top voted topics this month",
"top-alltime": "Top Voted Topics",
"moderator-tools": "Moderator-Werkzeuge",
"flagged-content": "Gemeldeter Inhalt",
"ip-blacklist": "IP Blacklist",

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
"following": "Folge ich",
"blocks": "Blockiert",
"block_toggle": "Ent-/Blocken",
"block_user": "Block User",
"unblock_user": "Unblock User",
"aboutme": "Über mich",
"signature": "Signatur",
"birthday": "Geburtstag",
@ -107,7 +109,9 @@
"no-sound": "Kein Ton",
"upvote-notif-freq": "Benachrichtigungshäufigkeit für positive Bewertungen",
"upvote-notif-freq.all": "Alle positiven Bewertungen",
"upvote-notif-freq.first": "First Per Post",
"upvote-notif-freq.everyTen": "Alle 10 positiven Bewertungen",
"upvote-notif-freq.threshold": "On 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200...",
"upvote-notif-freq.logarithmic": "Bei 10, 100, 1000...",
"upvote-notif-freq.disabled": "Deaktiviert",
"browsing": "Browsing",

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
"headers.acac": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
"headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
"hsts": "Strict Transport Security",
"hsts.subdomains": "Include subdomains in HSTS header",
"hsts.preload": "Allow preloading of HSTS header",
"": "An HSTS header is already pre-configured for this site. You can elect to include subdomains and preloading flags in your header. If in doubt, you can leave these unchecked. <a href=\"%1\">More information <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"traffic-management": "Traffic Management",
"": "NodeBB deploys equipped with a module that automatically denies requests in high-traffic situations. You can tune these settings here, although the defaults are a good starting point.",
"traffic.enable": "Enable Traffic Management",

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"posts": "Posts",
"allow-files": "Allow users to upload regular files",
"private": "Make uploaded files private",
"private-extensions": "File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help": "Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width": "Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help": "(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality": "Quality to use when resizing images",

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
"invite": "Invitation from %1",
"greeting_no_name": "Γειά σου",
"greeting_with_name": "Γειά σου %1",
"email.verify-your-email.subject": "Please verify your email",
"email.verify.text1": "Your email address has changed!",
"welcome.text1": "Ευχαριστούμε που γράφτηκες στο %1!",
"welcome.text2": "Για να ενεργοποιήσεις πλήρως τον λογαριασμό σου, πρέπει να επιβεβαιώσουμε πως η διεύθυνση email με την οποια γράφτηκες σου ανήκει.",
"welcome.text3": "An administrator has accepted your registration application. You can login with your username/password now.",

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"details.grant": "Grant/Rescind Ownership",
"details.kick": "Kick",
"details.kick_confirm": "Are you sure you want to remove this member from the group?",
"details.add-member": "Add Member",
"details.owner_options": "Group Administration",
"details.group_name": "Group Name",
"details.member_count": "Member Count",

@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
"popular-month": "Popular topics this month",
"popular-alltime": "All time popular topics",
"recent": "Πρόσφατα Θέματα",
"top": "Top Voted Topics",
"top-day": "Top voted topics today",
"top-week": "Top voted topics this week",
"top-month": "Top voted topics this month",
"top-alltime": "Top Voted Topics",
"moderator-tools": "Moderator Tools",
"flagged-content": "Flagged Content",
"ip-blacklist": "IP Blacklist",

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
"following": "Ακολουθά",
"blocks": "Blocks",
"block_toggle": "Toggle Block",
"block_user": "Block User",
"unblock_user": "Unblock User",
"aboutme": "About me",
"signature": "Υπογραφή",
"birthday": "Γενέθλια",
@ -107,7 +109,9 @@
"no-sound": "No sound",
"upvote-notif-freq": "Upvote Notification Frequency",
"upvote-notif-freq.all": "All Upvotes",
"upvote-notif-freq.first": "First Per Post",
"upvote-notif-freq.everyTen": "Every Ten Upvotes",
"upvote-notif-freq.threshold": "On 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200...",
"upvote-notif-freq.logarithmic": "On 10, 100, 1000...",
"upvote-notif-freq.disabled": "Disabled",
"browsing": "Επιλογές Περιήγησης",

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
"headers.acac": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
"headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
"hsts": "Strict Transport Security",
"hsts.subdomains": "Include subdomains in HSTS header",
"hsts.preload": "Allow preloading of HSTS header",
"": "An HSTS header is already pre-configured for this site. You can elect to include subdomains and preloading flags in your header. If in doubt, you can leave these unchecked. <a href=\"%1\">More information <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"traffic-management": "Traffic Management",
"": "NodeBB deploys equipped with a module that automatically denies requests in high-traffic situations. You can tune these settings here, although the defaults are a good starting point.",
"traffic.enable": "Enable Traffic Management",

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"posts": "Posts",
"allow-files": "Allow users to upload regular files",
"private": "Make uploaded files private",
"private-extensions": "File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help": "Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width": "Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help": "(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality": "Quality to use when resizing images",

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
"invite": "Invitation from %1",
"greeting_no_name": "Hello",
"greeting_with_name": "Hello %1",
"email.verify-your-email.subject": "Please verify your email",
"email.verify.text1": "Your email address has changed!",
"welcome.text1": "Thank you for registering with %1!",
"welcome.text2": "To fully activate your account, we need to verify that you own the email address you registered with.",
"welcome.text3": "An administrator has accepted your registration application. You can login with your username/password now.",

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"details.grant": "Grant/Rescind Ownership",
"details.kick": "Kick",
"details.kick_confirm": "Are you sure you want to remove this member from the group?",
"details.add-member": "Add Member",
"details.owner_options": "Group Administration",
"details.group_name": "Group Name",
"details.member_count": "Member Count",

@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
"popular-month": "Popular topics this month",
"popular-alltime": "All time popular topics",
"recent": "Recent Topics",
"top": "Top Voted Topics",
"top-day": "Top voted topics today",
"top-week": "Top voted topics this week",
"top-month": "Top voted topics this month",
"top-alltime": "Top Voted Topics",
"moderator-tools": "Moderator Tools",
"flagged-content": "Flagged Content",
"ip-blacklist": "IP Blacklist",

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
"following": "Following",
"blocks": "Blocks",
"block_toggle": "Toggle Block",
"block_user": "Block User",
"unblock_user": "Unblock User",
"aboutme": "About me",
"signature": "Signature",
"birthday": "Birthday",
@ -107,7 +109,9 @@
"no-sound": "No sound",
"upvote-notif-freq": "Upvote Notification Frequency",
"upvote-notif-freq.all": "All Upvotes",
"upvote-notif-freq.first": "First Per Post",
"upvote-notif-freq.everyTen": "Every Ten Upvotes",
"upvote-notif-freq.threshold": "On 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200...",
"upvote-notif-freq.logarithmic": "On 10, 100, 1000...",
"upvote-notif-freq.disabled": "Disabled",
"browsing": "Browsing Settings",

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
"headers.acac": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
"headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
"hsts": "Strict Transport Security",
"hsts.subdomains": "Include subdomains in HSTS header",
"hsts.preload": "Allow preloading of HSTS header",
"": "An HSTS header is already pre-configured for this site. You can elect to include subdomains and preloading flags in your header. If in doubt, you can leave these unchecked. <a href=\"%1\">More information <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"traffic-management": "Traffic Management",
"": "NodeBB deploys equipped with a module that automatically denies requests in high-traffic situations. You can tune these settings here, although the defaults are a good starting point.",
"traffic.enable": "Enable Traffic Management",

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"posts": "Posts",
"allow-files": "Allow users to upload regular files",
"private": "Make uploaded files private",
"private-extensions": "File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help": "Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width": "Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help": "(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality": "Quality to use when resizing images",

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
"invite": "Ye be invited by %1",
"greeting_no_name": "Hello",
"greeting_with_name": "Hello %1",
"email.verify-your-email.subject": "Please verify your email",
"email.verify.text1": "Your email address has changed!",
"welcome.text1": "Thank you for registering with %1!",
"welcome.text2": "To fully activate your account, we need to verify that you own the email address you registered with.",
"welcome.text3": "An administrator has accepted your registration application. You can login with your username/password now.",

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"details.grant": "Grant/Rescind Ownership",
"details.kick": "Kick",
"details.kick_confirm": "Are you sure you want to remove this member from the group?",
"details.add-member": "Add Member",
"details.owner_options": "Group Administration",
"details.group_name": "Group Name",
"details.member_count": "Member Count",

@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
"popular-month": "Popular topics this month",
"popular-alltime": "All time popular topics",
"recent": "Recent Topics",
"top": "Top Voted Topics",
"top-day": "Top voted topics today",
"top-week": "Top voted topics this week",
"top-month": "Top voted topics this month",
"top-alltime": "Top Voted Topics",
"moderator-tools": "Moderator Tools",
"flagged-content": "Flagged Content",
"ip-blacklist": "IP Blacklist",

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
"following": "Following",
"blocks": "Blocks",
"block_toggle": "Toggle Block",
"block_user": "Block User",
"unblock_user": "Unblock User",
"aboutme": "About me",
"signature": "Signature",
"birthday": "Birthday",
@ -107,7 +109,9 @@
"no-sound": "No sound",
"upvote-notif-freq": "Upvote Notification Frequency",
"upvote-notif-freq.all": "All Upvotes",
"upvote-notif-freq.first": "First Per Post",
"upvote-notif-freq.everyTen": "Every Ten Upvotes",
"upvote-notif-freq.threshold": "On 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200...",
"upvote-notif-freq.logarithmic": "On 10, 100, 1000...",
"upvote-notif-freq.disabled": "Disabled",
"browsing": "Browsing Settings",

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
"headers.acac": "Credenciales-Control-Permitir-Acceso",
"headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
"hsts": "Strict Transport Security",
"hsts.subdomains": "Include subdomains in HSTS header",
"hsts.preload": "Allow preloading of HSTS header",
"": "An HSTS header is already pre-configured for this site. You can elect to include subdomains and preloading flags in your header. If in doubt, you can leave these unchecked. <a href=\"%1\">More information <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"traffic-management": "Administración de Tráfico",
"": "NodeBB se despliega equipado con un módulo que deniega automáticamente requests de HTTP en situaciones de tráfico alto. Puedes ajustar esta configuración aquí, aunque los valores por defecto son un punto de partida aceptable.",
"traffic.enable": "Habilitar Administración de Tráfico",

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"posts": "Mensajes",
"allow-files": "Permitir a los usuarios subir archivos habituales",
"private": "Hacer las subidas de archivos privadas",
"private-extensions": "File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help": "Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width": "Redimensionar las imágenes a la anchura especificada (en píxeles)",
"max-image-width-help": "(en píxeles, por defecto: 760 píxeles, poner a 0 para desactivar)",
"resize-image-quality": "Calidad a utlizar cuando se redimensionen imágenes",

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
"invite": "Invitación de %1",
"greeting_no_name": "Hola",
"greeting_with_name": "Hola %1",
"email.verify-your-email.subject": "Please verify your email",
"email.verify.text1": "Your email address has changed!",
"welcome.text1": "Gracias por registrarte con %1!",
"welcome.text2": "Para activar completamente tu cuenta, necesitamos verificar que la dirección email con la que te registraste te pertenece.",
"welcome.text3": "El administrador ha aceptado tu registro. Puedes acceder con tu usuario/contraseña ahora.",

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"details.grant": "Conceder/Rescindir Propiedad",
"details.kick": "Expulsar",
"details.kick_confirm": "¿ Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar a este miembro del grupo ?",
"details.add-member": "Add Member",
"details.owner_options": "Administración De Grupo",
"details.group_name": "Nombre de Grupo",
"details.member_count": "Numero de Miembros",

@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
"popular-month": "Temas populares del mes",
"popular-alltime": "Temas populares de siempre",
"recent": "Temas recientes",
"top": "Temas Más Votados",
"top-day": "Top voted topics today",
"top-week": "Top voted topics this week",
"top-month": "Top voted topics this month",
"top-alltime": "Top Voted Topics",
"moderator-tools": "Herramientas de Moderadores",
"flagged-content": "Contenido reportado",
"ip-blacklist": "Lista negra de IPS",

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
"following": "Siguiendo",
"blocks": "Bloqueos",
"block_toggle": "Cambiar Bloqueo",
"block_user": "Block User",
"unblock_user": "Unblock User",
"aboutme": "Sobre mí",
"signature": "Firma",
"birthday": "Cumpleaños",
@ -107,7 +109,9 @@
"no-sound": "Sin sonido",
"upvote-notif-freq": "Frecuencia de notificación de votos positivos",
"upvote-notif-freq.all": "Todos los Votos Positivos",
"upvote-notif-freq.first": "First Per Post",
"upvote-notif-freq.everyTen": "Cada Diez Votos Positivos",
"upvote-notif-freq.threshold": "On 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200...",
"upvote-notif-freq.logarithmic": "A los 10, 100, 1000...",
"upvote-notif-freq.disabled": "Desactivado",
"browsing": "Preferencias de navegación.",

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
"headers.acac": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
"headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
"hsts": "Strict Transport Security",
"hsts.subdomains": "Include subdomains in HSTS header",
"hsts.preload": "Allow preloading of HSTS header",
"": "An HSTS header is already pre-configured for this site. You can elect to include subdomains and preloading flags in your header. If in doubt, you can leave these unchecked. <a href=\"%1\">More information <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"traffic-management": "Traffic Management",
"": "NodeBB deploys equipped with a module that automatically denies requests in high-traffic situations. You can tune these settings here, although the defaults are a good starting point.",
"traffic.enable": "Enable Traffic Management",

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"posts": "Posts",
"allow-files": "Allow users to upload regular files",
"private": "Make uploaded files private",
"private-extensions": "File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help": "Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width": "Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help": "(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality": "Quality to use when resizing images",

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
"invite": "Kutse %1-lt",
"greeting_no_name": "Tere",
"greeting_with_name": "Tere %1",
"email.verify-your-email.subject": "Please verify your email",
"email.verify.text1": "Your email address has changed!",
"welcome.text1": "Täname et oled registreerinud %1 foorumisse!",
"welcome.text2": "Konto täielikuks aktiveerimiseks peame me kinnitama, et registreerimisel kasutatud e-mail kuulub teile.",
"welcome.text3": "Administraator aktsepteeris teie registreerimise. Te saate nüüd sisse logida oma kasutajanime/parooliga.",

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"details.grant": "Anna/võta omanikuõigused",
"details.kick": "Viska välja",
"details.kick_confirm": "Are you sure you want to remove this member from the group?",
"details.add-member": "Add Member",
"details.owner_options": "Grupi haldamine",
"details.group_name": "Grupi nimi",
"details.member_count": "Liikmete arv",

@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
"popular-month": "Populaarsed teemad sel kuul",
"popular-alltime": "Populaarseimad teemad üldse",
"recent": "Hiljutised teemad",
"top": "Top Voted Topics",
"top-day": "Top voted topics today",
"top-week": "Top voted topics this week",
"top-month": "Top voted topics this month",
"top-alltime": "Top Voted Topics",
"moderator-tools": "Moderator Tools",
"flagged-content": "Flagged Content",
"ip-blacklist": "IP Blacklist",

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
"following": "Jälgimised",
"blocks": "Blocks",
"block_toggle": "Toggle Block",
"block_user": "Block User",
"unblock_user": "Unblock User",
"aboutme": "Minust",
"signature": "Allkiri",
"birthday": "Sünnipäev",
@ -107,7 +109,9 @@
"no-sound": "No sound",
"upvote-notif-freq": "Upvote Notification Frequency",
"upvote-notif-freq.all": "All Upvotes",
"upvote-notif-freq.first": "First Per Post",
"upvote-notif-freq.everyTen": "Every Ten Upvotes",
"upvote-notif-freq.threshold": "On 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200...",
"upvote-notif-freq.logarithmic": "On 10, 100, 1000...",
"upvote-notif-freq.disabled": "Disabled",
"browsing": "Sirvimis sätted",

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
"headers.acac": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
"headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
"hsts": "Strict Transport Security",
"hsts.subdomains": "Include subdomains in HSTS header",
"hsts.preload": "Allow preloading of HSTS header",
"": "An HSTS header is already pre-configured for this site. You can elect to include subdomains and preloading flags in your header. If in doubt, you can leave these unchecked. <a href=\"%1\">More information <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"traffic-management": "Traffic Management",
"": "NodeBB deploys equipped with a module that automatically denies requests in high-traffic situations. You can tune these settings here, although the defaults are a good starting point.",
"traffic.enable": "Enable Traffic Management",

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"posts": "پست‌ها",
"allow-files": "Allow users to upload regular files",
"private": "Make uploaded files private",
"private-extensions": "File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help": "Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width": "Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help": "(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality": "Quality to use when resizing images",

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
"invite": "دعوتنامه از %1",
"greeting_no_name": "سلام",
"greeting_with_name": "سلام %1",
"email.verify-your-email.subject": "Please verify your email",
"email.verify.text1": "Your email address has changed!",
"welcome.text1": "متشکریم بابت ثبت نام در %1!",
"welcome.text2": "برای فعال کردن کامل اکانت شما، ما نیاز داریم تا اطمینان حاصل کنیم که شما مالک ایمیلی که با ان ثبت نام کردید هستید.",
"welcome.text3": "ِک مدیر درخواست ثبت نام شما را قبول کرده. اکنون میتوانید با نام کاربری/رمز عبور خود وارد شوید",

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"details.grant": "اعطاء/خلع مالکیت",
"details.kick": "بیرون انداختن",
"details.kick_confirm": "آیا شما مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این عضو از گروه را حذف کنید؟",
"details.add-member": "Add Member",
"details.owner_options": "مدیر گروه",
"details.group_name": "نام گروه",
"details.member_count": "تعداد اعضا",

@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
"popular-month": "موضوعات پربازدید این ماه",
"popular-alltime": "پربازدیدترین موضوعات",
"recent": "موضوع‌های تازه",
"top": "موضوعات دارای بیشترین رای",
"top-day": "Top voted topics today",
"top-week": "Top voted topics this week",
"top-month": "Top voted topics this month",
"top-alltime": "Top Voted Topics",
"moderator-tools": "ابزار مدیران",
"flagged-content": "محتوای گزارش شده",
"ip-blacklist": "لیست سیاه آی‌پی",

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
"following": "دنبال‌شونده‌ها",
"blocks": "Blocks",
"block_toggle": "Toggle Block",
"block_user": "Block User",
"unblock_user": "Unblock User",
"aboutme": "درباره ی من",
"signature": "امضا",
"birthday": "روز تولد",
@ -107,7 +109,9 @@
"no-sound": "بدون صدا",
"upvote-notif-freq": "تنظیمات اعلان امتیاز مثبت",
"upvote-notif-freq.all": "همه امتیاز های مثبت",
"upvote-notif-freq.first": "First Per Post",
"upvote-notif-freq.everyTen": "هر ده امتیاز مثبت",
"upvote-notif-freq.threshold": "On 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200...",
"upvote-notif-freq.logarithmic": "هر 10، 10، 1000 ...",
"upvote-notif-freq.disabled": "Disabled",
"browsing": "تنظیمات مرور",

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
"headers.acac": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
"headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
"hsts": "Strict Transport Security",
"hsts.subdomains": "Include subdomains in HSTS header",
"hsts.preload": "Allow preloading of HSTS header",
"": "An HSTS header is already pre-configured for this site. You can elect to include subdomains and preloading flags in your header. If in doubt, you can leave these unchecked. <a href=\"%1\">More information <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"traffic-management": "Traffic Management",
"": "NodeBB deploys equipped with a module that automatically denies requests in high-traffic situations. You can tune these settings here, although the defaults are a good starting point.",
"traffic.enable": "Enable Traffic Management",

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"posts": "Posts",
"allow-files": "Allow users to upload regular files",
"private": "Make uploaded files private",
"private-extensions": "File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help": "Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width": "Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help": "(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality": "Quality to use when resizing images",

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
"invite": "Kutsu henkilöltä %1",
"greeting_no_name": "Hei",
"greeting_with_name": "Hei %1",
"email.verify-your-email.subject": "Please verify your email",
"email.verify.text1": "Your email address has changed!",
"welcome.text1": "Kiitos rekisteröitymisestäsi sivustolle %1!",
"welcome.text2": "Meidän täytyy varmistaa, että omistat sen sähköpostiosoitteen, jolla rekisteröidyit, ennen kuin tilisi voidaan aktivoida kokonaan.",
"welcome.text3": "Ylläpitäjä hyväksyi rekisteröintipyyntösi. Voit nyt kirjautua käyttäjänimelläsi ja salasanallasi.",

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"details.grant": "Grant/Rescind Ownership",
"details.kick": "Potkaise",
"details.kick_confirm": "Are you sure you want to remove this member from the group?",
"details.add-member": "Add Member",
"details.owner_options": "Group Administration",
"details.group_name": "Group Name",
"details.member_count": "Member Count",

@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
"popular-month": "Suositut aiheet tässä kuussa",
"popular-alltime": "Suositut aiheet koko ajalta",
"recent": "Viimeisimmät aiheet",
"top": "Top Voted Topics",
"top-day": "Top voted topics today",
"top-week": "Top voted topics this week",
"top-month": "Top voted topics this month",
"top-alltime": "Top Voted Topics",
"moderator-tools": "Moderator Tools",
"flagged-content": "Flagged Content",
"ip-blacklist": "IP Blacklist",

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
"following": "Seuratut",
"blocks": "Blocks",
"block_toggle": "Toggle Block",
"block_user": "Block User",
"unblock_user": "Unblock User",
"aboutme": "About me",
"signature": "Allekirjoitus",
"birthday": "Syntymäpäivä",
@ -107,7 +109,9 @@
"no-sound": "No sound",
"upvote-notif-freq": "Upvote Notification Frequency",
"upvote-notif-freq.all": "All Upvotes",
"upvote-notif-freq.first": "First Per Post",
"upvote-notif-freq.everyTen": "Every Ten Upvotes",
"upvote-notif-freq.threshold": "On 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200...",
"upvote-notif-freq.logarithmic": "On 10, 100, 1000...",
"upvote-notif-freq.disabled": "Disabled",
"browsing": "Selataan asetuksia",

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
"headers.acac": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
"headers.acam": "\nAccess-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "\nAccess-Control-Allow-Headers",
"hsts": "Strict Transport Security",
"hsts.subdomains": "Inclure les sous-domaines dans l'en-tête HSTS",
"hsts.preload": "Autoriser le préchargement de l'en-tête HSTS",
"": "Un en-tête HSTS est déjà pré-configuré pour ce site. Vous pouvez choisir d'inclure des sous-domaines et des indicateurs de préchargement dans votre en-tête. En cas de doute, vous pouvez les laisser non cochés. <a href=\"%1\">Plus d'informations<i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"traffic-management": "Gestion du trafic",
"": "NodeBB est déployé équipé d'un module qui refuse les requêtes en cas de situation de haut traffic. Vous pouvez changer les paramètres ici, bien que les paramètres par défaut sont un bon commencement.",
"traffic.enable": "Activé la gestion du trafic",

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"posts": "Sujets",
"allow-files": "Autoriser les utilisateurs à télécharger des fichiers standards",
"private": "Rendre privés les fichiers téléchargés",
"private-extensions": "Rendre privé des extensions de fichier.",
"private-uploads-extensions-help": "Renseignez ici une liste d'extensions de fichiers séparées par des virgules pour les rendre privées (par exemple : <code>pdf, xls, doc</code>). Une liste vide signifie que tous les fichiers sont privés.",
"max-image-width": "Redimensionner les images à une largeur spécifique (en pixels)",
"max-image-width-help": "(En pixels, par défaut : 760 pixels, définir à 0 si désactivé)",
"resize-image-quality": "Qualité utilisée des images redimensionnées",

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
"invite": "Invitation de %1",
"greeting_no_name": "Bonjour",
"greeting_with_name": "Bonjour %1",
"email.verify-your-email.subject": "Veuillez vérifier votre Email",
"email.verify.text1": "Votre adresse mail a changée !",
"welcome.text1": "Merci de vous être inscrit sur %1!",
"welcome.text2": "Pour activer totalement votre compte, nous devons vérifier que vous êtes bien propriétaire de l'adresse email que vous avez utilisé pour vous inscrire.",
"welcome.text3": "Un administrateur a accepté votre demande d'inscription. Vous pouvez maintenant vous connecter avec vos identifiants/mots de passe.",

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"details.grant": "Promouvoir/rétrograder comme propriétaire",
"details.kick": "Exclure",
"details.kick_confirm": "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce membre du groupe ?",
"details.add-member": "Ajouter un membre",
"details.owner_options": "Administration du groupe",
"details.group_name": "Nom du groupe",
"details.member_count": "Nombre de membres",

@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
"popular-month": "Sujets populaires ce mois-ci",
"popular-alltime": "Sujets populaires depuis toujours",
"recent": "Sujets récents",
"top": "Top des sujets votés",
"top-day": "Meilleurs votes du jour",
"top-week": "Meilleurs votes de la semaine",
"top-month": "Meilleurs votes du mois",
"top-alltime": "Sujets les mieux notés",
"moderator-tools": "Outils de modération",
"flagged-content": "Contenu signalé",
"ip-blacklist": "Liste noire d'adresses IP",

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
"following": "Abonnements",
"blocks": "Bloqués",
"block_toggle": "Débloquer",
"block_user": "Bloquer un utilisateur",
"unblock_user": "Débloquer un utilisateur",
"aboutme": "À propos de moi",
"signature": "Signature",
"birthday": "Anniversaire",
@ -107,7 +109,9 @@
"no-sound": "Pas de son",
"upvote-notif-freq": "Fréquence de notification des votes positif",
"upvote-notif-freq.all": "Tout les votes positif",
"upvote-notif-freq.first": "En premier",
"upvote-notif-freq.everyTen": "Le top 10 des votes positif",
"upvote-notif-freq.threshold": "Sur 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200 ...",
"upvote-notif-freq.logarithmic": "Les 10, 100, 1000...",
"upvote-notif-freq.disabled": "Désactivé",
"browsing": "Paramètres de navigation",

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
"headers.acac": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
"headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
"hsts": "Strict Transport Security",
"hsts.subdomains": "Include subdomains in HSTS header",
"hsts.preload": "Allow preloading of HSTS header",
"": "An HSTS header is already pre-configured for this site. You can elect to include subdomains and preloading flags in your header. If in doubt, you can leave these unchecked. <a href=\"%1\">More information <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"traffic-management": "Traffic Management",
"": "NodeBB deploys equipped with a module that automatically denies requests in high-traffic situations. You can tune these settings here, although the defaults are a good starting point.",
"traffic.enable": "Enable Traffic Management",

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"posts": "Posts",
"allow-files": "Allow users to upload regular files",
"private": "Make uploaded files private",
"private-extensions": "File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help": "Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width": "Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help": "(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality": "Quality to use when resizing images",

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
"invite": "Invitación de %1",
"greeting_no_name": "Ola",
"greeting_with_name": "Ola %1",
"email.verify-your-email.subject": "Please verify your email",
"email.verify.text1": "Your email address has changed!",
"welcome.text1": "Grazas por rexistrarte %1!",
"welcome.text2": "Para activar a túa conta, precisamos que a verifiques co enderezo de correo electrónico co que te rexistraches. ",
"welcome.text3": "Un administrador aceptou a túa solicitude de rexistro. Agora pódeste conectar co teu nome de usuario e contrasinal. ",

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"details.grant": "Outorgar/Rescindir propiedade",
"details.kick": "Expulsar",
"details.kick_confirm": "Are you sure you want to remove this member from the group?",
"details.add-member": "Add Member",
"details.owner_options": "Administración do Grupo",
"details.group_name": "Nome do Grupo",
"details.member_count": "Conta de Membros",

@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
"popular-month": "Temas populares do mes",
"popular-alltime": "Temas populares de tódolos tempos",
"recent": "Temas recentes",
"top": "Top Voted Topics",
"top-day": "Top voted topics today",
"top-week": "Top voted topics this week",
"top-month": "Top voted topics this month",
"top-alltime": "Top Voted Topics",
"moderator-tools": "Moderator Tools",
"flagged-content": "Flagged Content",
"ip-blacklist": "Lista negra de IPs",

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
"following": "Seguindo",
"blocks": "Blocks",
"block_toggle": "Toggle Block",
"block_user": "Block User",
"unblock_user": "Unblock User",
"aboutme": "Sobre min",
"signature": "Firma",
"birthday": "Aniversario",
@ -107,7 +109,9 @@
"no-sound": "Sen son",
"upvote-notif-freq": "Upvote Notification Frequency",
"upvote-notif-freq.all": "All Upvotes",
"upvote-notif-freq.first": "First Per Post",
"upvote-notif-freq.everyTen": "Every Ten Upvotes",
"upvote-notif-freq.threshold": "On 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200...",
"upvote-notif-freq.logarithmic": "On 10, 100, 1000...",
"upvote-notif-freq.disabled": "Disabled",
"browsing": "Opcións de busca",

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
"headers.acac": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
"headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
"hsts": "Strict Transport Security",
"hsts.subdomains": "Include subdomains in HSTS header",
"hsts.preload": "Allow preloading of HSTS header",
"": "An HSTS header is already pre-configured for this site. You can elect to include subdomains and preloading flags in your header. If in doubt, you can leave these unchecked. <a href=\"%1\">More information <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"traffic-management": "Traffic Management",
"": "NodeBB deploys equipped with a module that automatically denies requests in high-traffic situations. You can tune these settings here, although the defaults are a good starting point.",
"traffic.enable": "Enable Traffic Management",

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"posts": "Posts",
"allow-files": "Allow users to upload regular files",
"private": "Make uploaded files private",
"private-extensions": "File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help": "Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width": "Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help": "(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality": "Quality to use when resizing images",

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
"invite": "הזמנה מ%1",
"greeting_no_name": "שלום",
"greeting_with_name": "שלום %1",
"email.verify-your-email.subject": "Please verify your email",
"email.verify.text1": "Your email address has changed!",
"welcome.text1": "תודה שנרשמת ל%1!",
"welcome.text2": "על מנת להפעיל את החשבון שלך, אנו צריכים לוודא שאתה בעל חשבון המייל שנרשמת איתו.",
"welcome.text3": "מנהל אישר את ההרשמה שלך.\nאתה יכול להתחבר עם השם משתמש והסיסמא שלך מעכשיו.",

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"details.grant": "הענק/בטל בעלות",
"details.kick": "גרש",
"details.kick_confirm": "האם אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה להסיר משתמש זה מהקבוצה?",
"details.add-member": "Add Member",
"details.owner_options": "ניהול הקבוצה",
"details.group_name": "שם הקבוצה",
"details.member_count": "כמות משתמשים",

@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
"popular-month": "נושאים חמים החודש",
"popular-alltime": "הנושאים החמים בכל הזמנים",
"recent": "נושאים אחרונים",
"top": "הנושאים הנבחרים ביותר",
"top-day": "Top voted topics today",
"top-week": "Top voted topics this week",
"top-month": "Top voted topics this month",
"top-alltime": "Top Voted Topics",
"moderator-tools": "כלי מודרטור",
"flagged-content": "תוכן מדווח",
"ip-blacklist": "רשימת IP שחורה",

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
"following": "עוקב אחרי",
"blocks": "Blocks",
"block_toggle": "Toggle Block",
"block_user": "Block User",
"unblock_user": "Unblock User",
"aboutme": "אודותי",
"signature": "חתימה",
"birthday": "יום הולדת",
@ -107,7 +109,9 @@
"no-sound": "ללא צליל",
"upvote-notif-freq": "תדירות התראת הצבעה חיובית",
"upvote-notif-freq.all": "כל ההצבעות החיוביות",
"upvote-notif-freq.first": "First Per Post",
"upvote-notif-freq.everyTen": "כל 10 הצבעות חיוביות",
"upvote-notif-freq.threshold": "On 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200...",
"upvote-notif-freq.logarithmic": "ב10, 100, 1000...",
"upvote-notif-freq.disabled": "מבוטל",
"browsing": "הגדרות צפייה",

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
"headers.acac": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
"headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
"hsts": "Strict Transport Security",
"hsts.subdomains": "Include subdomains in HSTS header",
"hsts.preload": "Allow preloading of HSTS header",
"": "An HSTS header is already pre-configured for this site. You can elect to include subdomains and preloading flags in your header. If in doubt, you can leave these unchecked. <a href=\"%1\">More information <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"traffic-management": "Upravljanje prometom",
"": "NodeBB koristi modul koji automatski odbija zahtjeve u situacijama visokog prometa.Možete ove postavke izmjeniti ovdje,iako su već zadane postavke dobra početna točka.",
"traffic.enable": "Omogući upravljanje prometom",

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"posts": "Objave",
"allow-files": "Dozvoli korisnicima učitavanje regularnih datoteka",
"private": "Učini datoteke privatnim",
"private-extensions": "File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help": "Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width": "Promjeni veličinu slike na zadanu širinu (u pikselima)",
"max-image-width-help": "(u pixelima,zadano:760 pixela,upiši 0 za onemogućiti opciju)",
"resize-image-quality": "Quality to use when resizing images",

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
"invite": "Poziv s %1",
"greeting_no_name": "Zdravo",
"greeting_with_name": "Zdravo %1",
"email.verify-your-email.subject": "Please verify your email",
"email.verify.text1": "Your email address has changed!",
"welcome.text1": "Zahvaljujemo na registraciji na %1!",
"welcome.text2": "Da bi u potpunosti aktivirali Vaš račun, moramo provjeriti da li ste Vi pravi vlasnik email adrese sa kojom ste se registrirali.",
"welcome.text3": "Administrator je prihvatio vaš zahtjev za registraciju. Možete se prijaviti koristeći svoje korisničko ime i lozinku.",

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"details.grant": "Dozvoli/Ukini vlasništvo",
"details.kick": "Izbaci",
"details.kick_confirm": "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbaciti ovog člana iz grupe?",
"details.add-member": "Add Member",
"details.owner_options": "\"Administracija grupe",
"details.group_name": "Ime grupe",
"details.member_count": "Broj članova",

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
