"default-help":"<em>System default</em> means the user has not explicitly overridden the global forum setting for digests, which is currently: "<strong>%1</strong>"",
"default-help":"<em>Privzeta nastavitev sistema</em> pomeni, uporabnik ni izrecno preglasil globalne nastavitve foruma za povzetke, ki je trenutno: "<strong>%1</strong>"",
"resend":"Resend Digest",
"resend":"Ponovno pošlji povzetek",
"resend-all-confirm":"Are you sure you wish to manually execute this digest run?",
"resend-all-confirm":"Are you sure you wish to manually execute this digest run?",
"resent-single":"Manual digest resend completed",
"resent-single":"Manual digest resend completed",
"resent-day":"Daily digest resent",
"resent-day":"Dnevni povzetek je ponovno poslan",
"resent-week":"Weekly digest resent",
"resent-week":"Tedenski povzetek je ponovno poslan",
"resent-biweek":"Bi-Weekly digest resent",
"resent-biweek":"Dvotedenski povzetek je ponovno poslan",
"resent-month":"Monthly digest resent",
"resent-month":"Mesečni povzetek je ponovno poslan",
"gdpr_enabled_help":"When enabled, all new registrants will be required to explicitly give consent for data collection and usage under the <a href=\"https://ec.europa.eu/info/priorities/justice-and-fundamental-rights/data-protection/2018-reform-eu-data-protection-rules/eu-data-protection-rules_en\">General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)</a>. <strong>Note</strong>: Enabling GDPR does not force pre-existing users to provide consent. To do so, you will need to install the GDPR plugin.",
"gdpr_enabled_help":"When enabled, all new registrants will be required to explicitly give consent for data collection and usage under the <a href=\"https://ec.europa.eu/info/priorities/justice-and-fundamental-rights/data-protection/2018-reform-eu-data-protection-rules/eu-data-protection-rules_en\">General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)</a>. <strong>Note</strong>: Enabling GDPR does not force pre-existing users to provide consent. To do so, you will need to install the GDPR plugin.",