@ -1,58 +1,25 @@
'use strict';
'use strict';
// override commander help formatting functions
// override commander functions
// to include color styling in the output
// to include color styling in the output
// so the CLI looks nice
// so the CLI looks nice
const { Command } = require('commander');
const { Command, Help } = require('commander');
const commandColor = 'yellow';
const colors = [
const optionColor = 'cyan';
// depth = 0, top-level command
const argColor = 'magenta';
const subCommandColor = 'green';
command: 'yellow',
const subOptionColor = 'blue';
option: 'cyan',
const subArgColor = 'red';
arg: 'magenta',
Command.prototype.helpInformation = function () {
// depth = 1, second-level commands
let desc = [];
if (this._description) {
command: 'green',
desc = [
option: 'blue',
` ${this._description}`,
arg: 'red',
let cmdName = this._name;
if (this._alias) {
cmdName = `${cmdName} | ${this._alias}`;
const usage = [
` Usage: ${cmdName[commandColor]}${' '.reset}${this.usage()}`,
let cmds = [];
const commandHelp = this.commandHelp();
if (commandHelp) {
cmds = [commandHelp];
const options = [
' Options:',
`${this.optionHelp().replace(/^/gm, ' ')}`,
return usage
function humanReadableArgName(arg) {
function humanReadableArgName(arg) {
const nameOutput = arg.name + (arg.variadic === true ? '...' : '');
const nameOutput = arg.name + (arg.variadic === true ? '...' : '');
@ -60,58 +27,119 @@ function humanReadableArgName(arg) {
return arg.required ? `<${nameOutput}>` : `[${nameOutput}]`;
return arg.required ? `<${nameOutput}>` : `[${nameOutput}]`;
Command.prototype.usage = function () {
// get depth of command
const args = this._args.map(arg => humanReadableArgName(arg));
// 0 = top, 1 = subcommand of top, etc
Command.prototype.depth = function () {
const usage = '[options]'[optionColor] +
if (this._depth === undefined) {
(this.commands.length ? ' [command]' : '')[subCommandColor] +
let depth = 0;
(this._args.length ? ` ${args.join(' ')}` : '')[argColor];
let { parent } = this;
while (parent) { depth += 1; parent = parent.parent; }
return usage;
this._depth = depth;
return this._depth;
function pad(str, width) {
module.exports = {
const len = Math.max(0, width - str.length);
commandUsage(cmd) {
return str + Array(len + 1).join(' ');
const depth = cmd.depth();
Command.prototype.commandHelp = function () {
// Usage
if (!this.commands.length) {
let cmdName = cmd._name;
return '';
if (cmd._aliases[0]) {
cmdName = `${cmdName}|${cmd._aliases[0]}`;
let parentCmdNames = '';
let parentCmd = cmd.parent;
let parentDepth = depth - 1;
while (parentCmd) {
parentCmdNames = `${parentCmd.name()[colors[parentDepth].command]} ${parentCmdNames}`;
parentCmd = parentCmd.parent;
parentDepth -= 1;
const commands = this.commands.filter(cmd => !cmd._noHelp).map((cmd) => {
// from Command.prototype.usage()
const args = cmd._args.map(arg => humanReadableArgName(arg)[colors[depth].arg]);
const cmdUsage = [].concat(
(cmd.options.length || cmd._hasHelpOption ? '[options]'[colors[depth].option] : []),
(cmd.commands.length ? '[command]'[colors[depth + 1].command] : []),
(cmd._args.length ? args : [])
).join(' ');
return `${parentCmdNames}${cmdName[colors[depth].command]} ${cmdUsage}`;
subcommandTerm(cmd) {
const depth = cmd.depth();
// Legacy. Ignores custom usage string, and nested commands.
const args = cmd._args.map(arg => humanReadableArgName(arg)).join(' ');
const args = cmd._args.map(arg => humanReadableArgName(arg)).join(' ');
return (cmd._name + (
cmd._aliases[0] ? `|${cmd._aliases[0]}` : ''
))[colors[depth].command] +
(cmd.options.length ? ' [options]' : '')[colors[depth].option] + // simplistic check for non-help option
(args ? ` ${args}` : '')[colors[depth].arg];
longestOptionTermLength(cmd, helper) {
return Help.prototype.longestOptionTermLength.call(this, cmd, helper) + ''.red.length;
longestArgumentTermLength(cmd, helper) {
return Help.prototype.longestArgumentTermLength.call(this, cmd, helper) + ''.red.length;
formatHelp(cmd, helper) {
const depth = cmd.depth();
const termWidth = helper.padWidth(cmd, helper);
const helpWidth = helper.helpWidth || 80;
const itemIndentWidth = 2;
const itemSeparatorWidth = 2; // between term and description
function formatItem(term, description) {
if (description) {
const fullText = `${term.padEnd(termWidth + itemSeparatorWidth)}${description}`;
return helper.wrap(fullText, helpWidth - itemIndentWidth, termWidth + itemSeparatorWidth);
return term;
function formatList(textArray) {
return textArray.join('\n').replace(/^/gm, ' '.repeat(itemIndentWidth));
return [
// Usage
`${cmd._name[subCommandColor] +
let output = [`Usage: ${helper.commandUsage(cmd)}`, ''];
(cmd._alias ? ` | ${cmd._alias}` : '')[subCommandColor] +
(cmd.options.length ? ' [options]' : '')[subOptionColor]
// Description
} ${args[subArgColor]}`,
const commandDescription = helper.commandDescription(cmd);
if (commandDescription.length > 0) {
output = output.concat([commandDescription, '']);
const width = commands.reduce((max, command) => Math.max(max, command[0].length), 0);
// Arguments
const argumentList = helper.visibleArguments(cmd).map(argument => formatItem(
return [
' Commands:',
if (argumentList.length > 0) {
commands.map((cmd) => {
output = output.concat(['Arguments:', formatList(argumentList), '']);
const desc = cmd[1] ? ` ${cmd[1]}` : '';
return pad(cmd[0], width) + desc;
}).join('\n').replace(/^/gm, ' '),
Command.prototype.optionHelp = function () {
// Options
const width = this.largestOptionLength();
const optionList = helper.visibleOptions(cmd).map(option => formatItem(
if (optionList.length > 0) {
output = output.concat(['Options:', formatList(optionList), '']);
// Commands
const commandList = helper.visibleCommands(cmd).map(cmd => formatItem(
if (commandList.length > 0) {
output = output.concat(['Commands:', formatList(commandList), '']);
// Append the help information
return output.join('\n');
return this.options
.map(option => `${pad(option.flags, width)[optionColor]} ${option.description}`)
.concat([`${pad('-h, --help', width)[optionColor]} output usage information`])