Reverted the last update to web installer, and updated it so environment variables always take precedence over form input, and form is hidden if database value is passed in
<option value="redis"<!-- IF dbBool.redis --> selected<!-- ENDIF dbBool.redis-->>Redis</option>
<option value="redis">Redis</option>
<option value="mongo"<!-- IF dbBool.mongo --> selected<!-- ENDIF dbBool.mongo-->>MongoDB</option>
<option value="mongo">MongoDB</option>
<div class="col-sm-5 help-text" data-help="Leave the fields blank to use the default settings."><!-- IF error -->There was an error connecting to your database. Please try again.<!-- ENDIF error --></div>
<div class="col-sm-5 help-text" data-help="Leave the fields blank to use the default settings."><!-- IF error -->There was an error connecting to your database. Please try again.<!-- ENDIF error --></div>