latest translations

Julian Lam 10 years ago
parent 957a0840b1
commit 268981f6db

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"details.latest_posts": "Aktuelle Beiträge",
"details.private": "Private Gruppe",
"details.public": "Öffentliche Gruppe",
"details.grant": "Grant/Rescind Ownership",
"details.grant": "Gewähre/Widerrufe Besitz",
"details.kick": "Kick",
"details.owner_options": "Gruppenadministration",
"event.updated": "Gruppendetails wurden aktualisiert",

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
"details.latest_posts": "Derniers messages",
"details.private": "Groupe Privé",
"details.public": "Groupe Public",
"details.grant": "Grant/Rescind Ownership",
"details.kick": "Kick",
"details.grant": "Accorder/Résilier Propriétaire",
"details.kick": "Retirer",
"details.owner_options": "Administration du Groupe",
"event.updated": "Les détails du groupe ont été mis à jour",
"event.deleted": "Le groupe é%1\" a été supprimé"

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"user.followers": "Tagok akik követik %1 -t",
"user.posts": "Hozzászólások által %1",
"user.topics": "%1 által létrehozott témák",
"user.groups": "%1's Groups",
"user.groups": "%1's csoport",
"user.favourites": "%1 Kedvenc Hozzászólásai",
"user.settings": "Felhasználói Beállítások",
"maintenance.text": "%1 jelenleg karbantartás alatt van. Kérlek nézz vissza késöbb!",

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
"banned": "Kitíltva",
"offline": "Nem elérhető",
"username": "Felhasználónév",
"joindate": "Join Date",
"postcount": "Post Count",
"joindate": "Regisztráció dátum",
"postcount": "Bejegyzés megtekintés",
"email": "E-mail",
"confirm_email": "E-mail megerősítése",
"delete_account": "Fiók törlése",
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"profile_views": "Megtekintések",
"reputation": "Hírnév",
"favourites": "Kedvencek",
"watched": "Watched",
"watched": "Megtekintve",
"followers": "Követők",
"following": "Követve",
"signature": "Aláírás",

@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
"reset.text1": "Otrzymaliśmy żądanie przywrócenia Twojego hasła. Jeśli nie żądałeś przywrócenia hasła, zignoruj ten e-mail.",
"reset.text2": "Aby przywrócić swoje hasło, skorzystaj z poniższego linku:",
"reset.cta": "Kliknij tu, by przywrócić swoje hasło",
"reset.notify.subject": "Password successfully changed",
"reset.notify.text1": "We are notifying you that on %1, your password was changed successfully.",
"reset.notify.text2": "If you did not authorise this, please notify an administrator immediately.",
"reset.notify.subject": "Hasło pomyślnie zmienione",
"reset.notify.text1": "Informujemy, że %1, twoje hasło zostało pomyślnie zmienione.",
"reset.notify.text2": "Jeśli nie wyraziłeś na to zgody, proszę niezwłocznie poinformuj administratora.",
"digest.notifications": "Masz nowe powiadomienia od %1:",
"digest.latest_topics": "Ostatnie tematy z %1",
"digest.cta": "Kliknij, by odwiedzić %1",
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
"": "Nowa wiadomość czatu od %1",
"": "Kliknij tutaj, by kontynuować konwersację",
"": "To powiadomienie o czacie zostało Ci wysłane zgodnie z ustawieniami Twojego konta.",
"": "Click here to read the full topic",
"": "This post notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"": "Kliknij tutaj, aby przeczytać cały wątek.",
"": "To powiadomienie o poście zostało Ci wysłane zgodnie z ustawieniami Twojego konta.",
"test.text1": "To jest e-mail testowy, aby sprawdzić, czy poprawnie skonfigurowałeś e-mailer w swoim NodeBB.",
"unsub.cta": "Kliknij tutaj, by zmienić te ustawienia",
"closing": "Dziękujemy!"

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"username-taken": "Login zajęty.",
"email-taken": "E-mail zajęty.",
"email-not-confirmed": "Twój email nie został jeszcze potwierdzony. Proszę kliknąć tutaj by go potwierdzić.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "Nie możesz rozmawiać do czasu, gdy twój email zostanie potwierdzony.",
"username-too-short": "Nazwa użytkownika za krótka.",
"username-too-long": "Zbyt długa nazwa użytkownika",
"user-banned": "Użytkownik zbanowany",
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"topic-locked": "Temat zamknięty",
"still-uploading": "Poczekaj na pełne załadowanie",
"content-too-short": "Proszę wpisać dłuższy post. Posty powinny zawierać co najmniej %1 znaków.",
"content-too-long": "Please enter a shorter post. Posts can't be longer than %1 characters.",
"content-too-long": "Proszę wpisać krótszy post. Posty nie mogą zawierać więcej niż %1 znaków.",
"title-too-short": "Proszę podać dłuższy tytuł. Tytuły powinny zawierać co najmniej %1 znaków.",
"title-too-long": "Wpisz krótszy tytuł, nie może być dłuższy niż %1 znaków.",
"too-many-posts": "Możesz wysyłać posty co %1 sekund - proszę poczekać",
@ -45,13 +45,13 @@
"already-favourited": "Już polubiłeś ten post",
"already-unfavourited": "Już przestałeś lubić ten post",
"cant-ban-other-admins": "Nie możesz zbanować innych adminów!",
"invalid-image-type": "Invalid image type. Allowed types are: %1",
"invalid-image-extension": "Invalid image extension",
"invalid-image-type": "Błędny typ pliku. Dozwolone typy to: %1",
"invalid-image-extension": "Błędne rozszerzenie pliku",
"group-name-too-short": "Nazwa grupy za krótka",
"group-already-exists": "Grupa już istnieje",
"group-name-change-not-allowed": "Nie można zmieniać nazwy tej grupy.",
"group-already-member": "You are already part of this group",
"group-needs-owner": "This group requires at least one owner",
"group-already-member": "Już należysz do tej grupy",
"group-needs-owner": "Ta grupa musi mieć przynajmniej jednego właściciela",
"post-already-deleted": "Ten post został już skasowany",
"post-already-restored": "Ten post został już przywrócony",
"topic-already-deleted": "Ten temat został już skasowany",
@ -63,12 +63,12 @@
"signature-too-long": "Przepraszamy, ale podpis nie może być dłuższy niż %1 znaków.",
"cant-chat-with-yourself": "Nie możesz rozmawiać ze sobą",
"chat-restricted": "Ten użytkownik ograniczył swoje czaty. Musi Cię śledzić, zanim będziesz mógł z nim czatować.",
"too-many-messages": "You have sent too many messages, please wait awhile.",
"too-many-messages": "Wysłałeś zbyt wiele wiadomości, proszę poczekaj chwilę.",
"reputation-system-disabled": "System reputacji został wyłączony",
"downvoting-disabled": "Ocena postów jest wyłączona",
"not-enough-reputation-to-downvote": "Masz za mało reputacji by ocenić ten post.",
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag": "Nie masz dość reputacji, by flagować ten post",
"reload-failed": "NodeBB napotkał problem w czasie ładowania \"%1\". Forum będzie nadal dostarczać zasoby dostępne w kliencie, jednak powinieneś cofnąć ostatnią akcję.",
"registration-error": "Błąd rejestracji",
"parse-error": "Something went wrong while parsing server response"
"parse-error": "Coś poszło nie tak podczas parsingu odpowiedzi serwera"

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
"search": "Szukaj",
"buttons.close": "Zamknij",
"403.title": "Dostęp zabroniony",
"403.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to.",
"403.login": "Perhaps you should <a href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"403.message": "Wygląda na to, że trafiłeś na stronę, do której nie masz dostępu.",
"403.login": "Może powinieneś się <a href='%1/login'>zalogować</a>?",
"404.title": "Nie znaleziono",
"404.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"404.message": "Wygląda na to, że trafiłeś na stronę, która nie istnieje. Wróć do <a href='%1/'>strony głównej</a>.",
"500.title": "Błąd wewnętrzny",
"500.message": "Ups! Coś poszło nie tak.",
"register": "Zarejestruj się",
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"header.tags": "Tagi",
"header.popular": "Popularne",
"header.users": "Użytkownicy",
"header.groups": "Groups",
"header.groups": "Grupy",
"header.chats": "Rozmowy",
"header.notifications": "Powiadomienia",
"": "Szukaj",
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
"updated.title": "Forum zaktualizowane",
"updated.message": "To forum zostało zaktualizowane do najnowszej wersji. Kliknij tutaj by odświeżyć stronę",
"privacy": "Prywatność",
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow",
"follow": "Obserwuj",
"unfollow": "Przestań śledzić",
"delete_all": "Usuń wszystko"

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
"groups": "Grupy",
"view_group": "Obejrzyj grupę",
"owner": "Group Owner",
"new_group": "Create New Group",
"no_groups_found": "There are no groups to see",
"cover-instructions": "Drag and Drop a photo, drag to position, and hit <strong>Save</strong>",
"cover-change": "Change",
"cover-save": "Save",
"cover-saving": "Saving",
"owner": "Właściciel grupy",
"new_group": "Stwórz nową grupę",
"no_groups_found": "Brak grup do wyświetlenia",
"cover-instructions": "Przeciągnij i upuść zdjęcie, ustaw w odpowiedniej pozycji i kliknij <strong>Zapisz</strong>",
"cover-change": "Zmień",
"cover-save": "Zapisz",
"cover-saving": "Zapisuję",
"details.title": "Szczegóły grupy",
"details.members": "Lista członków",
"details.pending": "Pending Members",
"details.pending": "Członkowie oczekujący",
"details.has_no_posts": "Członkowie tej grupy nie napisali żadnych postów.",
"details.latest_posts": "Ostatnie posty",
"details.private": "Private Group",
"details.public": "Public Group",
"details.grant": "Grant/Rescind Ownership",
"details.kick": "Kick",
"details.owner_options": "Group Administration",
"event.updated": "Group details have been updated",
"event.deleted": "The group \"%1\" has been deleted"
"details.private": "Grupa prywatna",
"details.public": "Grupa publiczna",
"details.grant": "Nadaj/Cofnij prawa Właściciela",
"details.kick": "Wykop",
"details.owner_options": "Administracja grupy",
"event.updated": "Dane grupy zostały zaktualizowane",
"event.deleted": "Grupa \"%1\" została skasowana"

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"user.followers": "Obserwujący %1",
"user.posts": "Posty napisane przez %1",
"user.topics": "Wątki stworzone przez %1",
"user.groups": "%1's Groups",
"user.groups": "Grupy %1",
"user.favourites": "Ulubione posty %1",
"user.settings": "Ustawienia użytkownika",
"maintenance.text": "Obecnie trwają prace konserwacyjne nad %1. Proszę wrócić później.",

@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
"year": "Rok",
"alltime": "Od początku",
"no_recent_topics": "Brak ostatnich wątków.",
"there-is-a-new-topic": "There is a new topic.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-a-new-post": "There is a new topic and a new post.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-new-posts": "There is a new topic and %1 new posts.",
"there-are-new-topics": "There are %1 new topics.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-a-new-post": "There are %1 new topics and a new post.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-new-posts": "There are %1 new topics and %2 new posts.",
"there-is-a-new-post": "There is a new post.",
"there-are-new-posts": "There are %1 new posts.",
"click-here-to-reload": "Click here to reload."
"there-is-a-new-topic": "Masz nowy wątek.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-a-new-post": "Masz nowy wątek i nowy post.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-new-posts": "Masz nowy wątek i %1 nowych postów.",
"there-are-new-topics": "Masz %1 nowych wątków.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-a-new-post": "Masz %1 nowych wątków i nowy post.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-new-posts": "Masz %1 nowych wątków i %2 nowych postów.",
"there-is-a-new-post": "Masz nowy post.",
"there-are-new-posts": "Masz %1 nowych postów.",
"click-here-to-reload": "Kliknij tutaj, aby przeładować."

@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
"enter_email_address": "Wpisz swój adres e-mail",
"password_reset_sent": "Instrukcje zostały wysłane",
"invalid_email": "Niepoprawny adres e-mail.",
"password_too_short": "The password entered is too short, please pick a different password.",
"passwords_do_not_match": "The two passwords you've entered do not match."
"password_too_short": "Wprowadzone hasło jest zbyt krótkie, proszę wybierz inne hasło.",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Wprowadzone hasła nie pasują do siebie"

@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
"results_matching": "%1 wyników pasujących do \"%2\", (%3 sekund)",
"no-matches": "No matches found",
"in": "In",
"by": "By",
"titles": "Titles",
"titles-posts": "Titles and Posts",
"posted-by": "Posted by",
"in-categories": "In Categories",
"search-child-categories": "Search child categories",
"reply-count": "Reply Count",
"at-least": "At least",
"at-most": "At most",
"post-time": "Post time",
"newer-than": "Newer than",
"older-than": "Older than",
"any-date": "Any date",
"yesterday": "Yesterday",
"one-week": "One week",
"two-weeks": "Two weeks",
"one-month": "One month",
"three-months": "Three months",
"six-months": "Six months",
"one-year": "One year",
"sort-by": "Sort by",
"last-reply-time": "Last reply time",
"topic-title": "Topic title",
"number-of-replies": "Number of replies",
"number-of-views": "Number of views",
"topic-start-date": "Topic start date",
"username": "Username",
"category": "Category",
"descending": "In descending order",
"ascending": "In ascending order"
"no-matches": "Nie znaleziono pasujących wyników",
"in": "W",
"by": "Przez",
"titles": "Tytuły",
"titles-posts": "Tytuły i posty",
"posted-by": "Napisane przez",
"in-categories": "W kategoriach",
"search-child-categories": "Przeszukaj podkategorie",
"reply-count": "Ilość odpowiedzi",
"at-least": "Przynajmniej",
"at-most": "Co najwyżej",
"post-time": "Napisano",
"newer-than": "Nowsze niż",
"older-than": "Starsze niż",
"any-date": "Kiedykolwiek",
"yesterday": "Wczoraj",
"one-week": "Jeden tydzień",
"two-weeks": "Dwa tygodnie",
"one-month": "Jeden miesiąc",
"three-months": "Trzy miesiące",
"six-months": "Sześć miesięcy",
"one-year": "Jeden rok",
"sort-by": "Sortuj po",
"last-reply-time": "Odpowiedziano ostatnio",
"topic-title": "Tytuł wątku",
"number-of-replies": "Ilość odpowiedzi",
"number-of-views": "Ilość wyświetleń",
"topic-start-date": "Data utworzenia wątku",
"username": "Nazwa użytkownika",
"category": "Kategoria",
"descending": "W kolejności malejącej",
"ascending": "W kolejności rosnącej"

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
"fork_no_pids": "Nie zaznaczyłeś żadnych postów!",
"fork_success": "Udało się skopiować wątek. Kliknij tutaj, aby do niego przejść.",
"composer.title_placeholder": "Wpisz tytuł wątku tutaj",
"composer.handle_placeholder": "Name",
"composer.handle_placeholder": "Nazwa",
"composer.discard": "Odrzuć",
"composer.submit": "Wyślij",
"composer.replying_to": "Odpowiadanie na %1",
@ -94,5 +94,5 @@
"oldest_to_newest": "Najpierw najstarsze",
"newest_to_oldest": "Najpierw najnowsze",
"most_votes": "Najwięcej głosów",
"most_posts": "Most posts"
"most_posts": "Najwięcej postów"

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
"banned": "Zbanowany",
"offline": "Offline",
"username": "Nazwa użytkownika",
"joindate": "Join Date",
"postcount": "Post Count",
"joindate": "Data rejestracji",
"postcount": "Liczba postów",
"email": "Adres e-mail",
"confirm_email": "Potwierdź e-mail",
"delete_account": "Skasuj konto",
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"profile_views": "wyświetleń",
"reputation": "reputacji",
"favourites": "Ulubione",
"watched": "Watched",
"watched": "Obserwowane",
"followers": "Obserwujących",
"following": "Obserwowanych",
"signature": "Sygnatura",
@ -59,12 +59,12 @@
"digest_weekly": "Co tydzień",
"digest_monthly": "Co miesiąc",
"send_chat_notifications": "Wyślij e-maila, jeśli dostanę nową wiadomość, a nie jestem on-line",
"send_post_notifications": "Send an email when replies are made to topics I am subscribed to",
"send_post_notifications": "Wyślij e-maila, kiedy wątki, które subskrybuję otrzymają odpowiedź",
"has_no_follower": "Ten użytkownik nie ma jeszcze żadnych obserwujących",
"follows_no_one": "Użytkownik jeszcze nikogo nie obsweruje.",
"has_no_posts": "Użytkownik nie napisał jeszcze żadnych postów.",
"has_no_topics": "Ten użytkownik nie napisał jeszcze żadnego wątku.",
"has_no_watched_topics": "This user didn't watch any topics yet.",
"has_no_watched_topics": "Ten użytkownik nie obserwował jeszcze żadnego wątku.",
"email_hidden": "Adres e-mail ukryty",
"hidden": "ukryty",
"paginate_description": "Użyj klasycznego trybu paginacji zamiast nieskończonego przewijania.",

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
"search": "Szukaj",
"enter_username": "Wpisz nazwę użytkownika",
"load_more": "Więcej",
"users-found-search-took": "%1 user(s) found! Search took %2 seconds.",
"filter-by": "Filter By",
"online-only": "Online only",
"picture-only": "Picture only"
"users-found-search-took": "Znaleziono %1 użytkownik(ów). Szukanie zajęło %2 sek.",
"filter-by": "Filtruj",
"online-only": "Tylko dostępny",
"picture-only": "Tylko ze zdjęciem"

@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
"reset.text1": "Nós recebemos um pedido para reconfigurar sua senha, possivelmente porque você a esqueceu. Se este não é o caso, por favor ignore este email.",
"reset.text2": "Para continuar com a reconfiguração de senha, por favor clique no seguinte link:",
"reset.cta": "Clique aqui para reconfigurar sua senha",
"reset.notify.subject": "Password successfully changed",
"reset.notify.text1": "We are notifying you that on %1, your password was changed successfully.",
"reset.notify.text2": "If you did not authorise this, please notify an administrator immediately.",
"reset.notify.subject": "Senha alterada com sucesso",
"reset.notify.text1": "Nós estamos notificando você que em %1, sua senha foi alterada com sucesso.",
"reset.notify.text2": "Se você não autorizou isso, por favor notifique um administrador imediatamente.",
"digest.notifications": "Você tem notificações não lidas de %1:",
"digest.latest_topics": "Últimos tópicos de %1",
"digest.cta": "Clique aqui para visitar %1",

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"topic-locked": "Tópico Trancado",
"still-uploading": "Aguarde a conclusão dos uploads.",
"content-too-short": "Por favor digite um post mais longo. Posts devem conter no mínimo %1 caracteres.",
"content-too-long": "Please enter a shorter post. Posts can't be longer than %1 characters.",
"content-too-long": "Por favor entre com um post mais curto. Posts não podem ser maiores do que %1 caracteres.",
"title-too-short": "Por favor digite um título mais longo. Títulos devem conter no mínimo %1 caracteres.",
"title-too-long": "Por favor entre com um título mais curto; Títulos não podem ser maiores que %1 caracteres.",
"too-many-posts": "Você pode postar apenas uma vez a cada %1 segundos - por favor aguarde antes de postar novamente",

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
"details.latest_posts": "Últimos Posts",
"details.private": "Grupo Privado",
"details.public": "Grupo Público.",
"details.grant": "Grant/Rescind Ownership",
"details.kick": "Kick",
"details.grant": "Conceder/Retomar a Posse",
"details.kick": "Chutar",
"details.owner_options": "Administração do Grupo",
"event.updated": "Os detalhes do grupo foram atualizados",
"event.deleted": "O grupo \"%1\" foi deletado"

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"user.followers": "Pessoas que Seguem %1",
"user.posts": "Posts feitos por %1",
"user.topics": "Tópicos criados por %1",
"user.groups": "%1's Groups",
"user.groups": "%1's Grupos",
"user.favourites": "Posts Favoritos de %1",
"user.settings": "Configurações de Usuário",
"maintenance.text": "%1 está atualmente sob manutenção. Por favor retorne em outro momento.",

@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
"enter_email_address": "Digite seu Email",
"password_reset_sent": "Reconfiguração de Senha Enviada",
"invalid_email": "Email Inválido / Email não existe!",
"password_too_short": "The password entered is too short, please pick a different password.",
"passwords_do_not_match": "The two passwords you've entered do not match."
"password_too_short": "A senha entrada é muito curta, por favor escolha uma senha diferente.",
"passwords_do_not_match": "As duas senhas que você digitou não combinam."

@ -3,33 +3,33 @@
"no-matches": "Nenhum resultado encontrado",
"in": "Em",
"by": "Por",
"titles": "Titles",
"titles-posts": "Titles and Posts",
"titles": "Títulos",
"titles-posts": "Títulos e Posts",
"posted-by": "Postado por",
"in-categories": "In Categories",
"search-child-categories": "Search child categories",
"reply-count": "Reply Count",
"at-least": "At least",
"at-most": "At most",
"post-time": "Post time",
"newer-than": "Newer than",
"older-than": "Older than",
"any-date": "Any date",
"yesterday": "Yesterday",
"one-week": "One week",
"two-weeks": "Two weeks",
"one-month": "One month",
"three-months": "Three months",
"six-months": "Six months",
"one-year": "One year",
"sort-by": "Sort by",
"last-reply-time": "Last reply time",
"topic-title": "Topic title",
"number-of-replies": "Number of replies",
"number-of-views": "Number of views",
"topic-start-date": "Topic start date",
"username": "Username",
"category": "Category",
"descending": "In descending order",
"ascending": "In ascending order"
"in-categories": "Nas Categorias",
"search-child-categories": "Buscar categorias filhas",
"reply-count": "Contagem de Respostas",
"at-least": "No mínimo",
"at-most": "No máximo",
"post-time": "Hora da Postagem",
"newer-than": "Mais novo que",
"older-than": "Mais velho que",
"any-date": "Qualquer data",
"yesterday": "Ontem",
"one-week": "Uma semana",
"two-weeks": "Duas semanas",
"one-month": "Um mês",
"three-months": "Três meses",
"six-months": "Seis meses",
"one-year": "Um ano",
"sort-by": "Ordenar por",
"last-reply-time": "Tempo da última resposta",
"topic-title": "Título do tópico",
"number-of-replies": "Número de respostas",
"number-of-views": "Número de visualizações",
"topic-start-date": "Data do início do tópico",
"username": "Nome de usuário",
"category": "Categoria",
"descending": "Em ordem descendente",
"ascending": "Em ordem ascendente"

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"search": "Procurar",
"enter_username": "Digite um nome de usuário para procurar",
"load_more": "Carregar Mais",
"users-found-search-took": "%1 user(s) found! Search took %2 seconds.",
"users-found-search-took": "%1 usuário(s) encontrado(s)! A busca levou %2 segundos.",
"filter-by": "Filtrar Por",
"online-only": "Apenas Online",
"picture-only": "Apenas foto"

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"groups": "Группы",
"view_group": "Просмотр группы",
"owner": "Владелец группы",
"owner": "Администратор группы",
"new_group": "Создать группу",
"no_groups_found": "There are no groups to see",
"cover-instructions": "Перетяните сюда изображение, переместите на нужную позицию и нажмите <strong>Сохранить</strong>",
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
"details.latest_posts": "Последние записи",
"details.private": "Приватная группа",
"details.public": "Открытая группа",
"details.grant": "Grant/Rescind Ownership",
"details.kick": "Kick",
"details.grant": "Выдать/забрать администратора",
"details.kick": "Исключить",
"details.owner_options": "Настройки группы",
"event.updated": "Настройки группы обновлены",
"event.deleted": "Группа \"%1\" удалена"

@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
"reset.text1": "我们收到了重置您帐户密码的申请,可能是因为您遗忘了密码。如果不是,请忽略这封邮件。",
"reset.text2": "如需继续重置密码,请点击下面的链接:",
"reset.cta": "点击这里重置您的密码",
"reset.notify.subject": "Password successfully changed",
"reset.notify.text1": "We are notifying you that on %1, your password was changed successfully.",
"reset.notify.text2": "If you did not authorise this, please notify an administrator immediately.",
"reset.notify.subject": "更改密码成功",
"reset.notify.text1": "我们注意到你在 %1 上,成功修改了你的密码。",
"reset.notify.text2": "如果你没有授权此操作,请立即联系管理员。",
"digest.notifications": "您有来自 %1 的未读通知:",
"digest.latest_topics": "来自 %1 的最新主题",
"digest.cta": "点击这里访问 %1",
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
"": "收到来自 %1 的新聊天消息",
"": "点击这里恢复会话",
"": "根据您的订阅设置,为您发送此聊天提醒。",
"": "Click here to read the full topic",
"": "This post notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"": "点击这里阅读全主题。",
"": "根据您的订阅设置,为您发送此回帖提醒。",
"test.text1": "这是一封测试邮件,用来验证 NodeBB 的邮件配置是否设置正确。",
"unsub.cta": "点击这里修改这些设置",
"closing": "谢谢!"

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"username-taken": "用户名已被占用",
"email-taken": "电子邮箱已被占用",
"email-not-confirmed": "您的电子邮箱尚未确认,请点击这里确认您的电子邮箱。",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "在确认您的邮箱之前,您不能使用聊天功能",
"username-too-short": "用户名太短",
"username-too-long": "用户名太长",
"user-banned": "用户已禁止",
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"topic-locked": "主题已锁定",
"still-uploading": "请等待上传完成",
"content-too-short": "请再输入一些内容,帖子至少要有 %1 个字符。",
"content-too-long": "Please enter a shorter post. Posts can't be longer than %1 characters.",
"content-too-long": "请输入更短的发帖。发帖字数不能超过 %1 个字符。",
"title-too-short": "请再输入一些内容,标题至少要有 %1 个字符。",
"title-too-long": "请输入更短的标题。不超过 %1 字。",
"too-many-posts": "发帖间隔至少要 %1 秒 - 请稍候再发帖",
@ -45,13 +45,13 @@
"already-favourited": "您已收藏该帖",
"already-unfavourited": "您已取消收藏此帖",
"cant-ban-other-admins": "您不能禁止其他管理员!",
"invalid-image-type": "Invalid image type. Allowed types are: %1",
"invalid-image-extension": "Invalid image extension",
"invalid-image-type": "无效的图像类型。允许的类型有:%1",
"invalid-image-extension": "无效的图像扩展",
"group-name-too-short": "用户组名称太短",
"group-already-exists": "用户组已存在",
"group-name-change-not-allowed": "不允许更改用户组名称",
"group-already-member": "You are already part of this group",
"group-needs-owner": "This group requires at least one owner",
"group-already-member": "您已是此小组成员",
"group-needs-owner": "此小组需要至少一名组长",
"post-already-deleted": "此帖子已被删除",
"post-already-restored": "此帖已经恢复",
"topic-already-deleted": "此主题已被删除",
@ -63,12 +63,12 @@
"signature-too-long": "抱歉,您的签名不能超过 %1 个字符。",
"cant-chat-with-yourself": "您不能和自己聊天!",
"chat-restricted": "此用户限制了他的聊天消息。必须他先关注您,您才能和他聊天。",
"too-many-messages": "You have sent too many messages, please wait awhile.",
"too-many-messages": "您发送了太多消息,请稍等片刻。",
"reputation-system-disabled": "威望系统已禁用。",
"downvoting-disabled": "反对功能已禁用",
"not-enough-reputation-to-downvote": "您还没有足够的威望为此帖扣分",
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag": "您没有足够的威望标记此帖",
"reload-failed": "NodeBB 重新加载时遇到问题: \"%1\"。NodeBB 会继续给已存在的客户端组件服务,虽然您应该撤销在重新加载前执行的操作。",
"registration-error": "注册错误",
"parse-error": "Something went wrong while parsing server response"
"parse-error": "解析服务器响应时出错"

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
"search": "搜索",
"buttons.close": "关闭",
"403.title": "禁止访问",
"403.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to.",
"403.login": "Perhaps you should <a href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"403.message": "您遇到了没有权限访问的页面。",
"403.login": "或许您应该 <a href='%1/login'>试试登入</a>?",
"404.title": "未找到",
"404.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"404.message": "您遇到了不存在的页面。返回<a href='%1/'>首页</a>。",
"500.title": "内部错误。",
"500.message": "哎呀!看来是哪里出错了!",
"register": "注册",
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"header.tags": "话题",
"header.popular": "热门",
"header.users": "会员",
"header.groups": "Groups",
"header.groups": "小组",
"header.chats": "聊天",
"header.notifications": "通知",
"": "搜索",
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
"updated.title": "论坛已更新",
"updated.message": "论坛已更新到最新版本。点这里刷新页面。",
"privacy": "隐私",
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow",
"follow": "关注",
"unfollow": "取消关注",
"delete_all": "全部删除"

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
"groups": "用户组",
"view_group": "查看用户组",
"owner": "Group Owner",
"new_group": "Create New Group",
"no_groups_found": "There are no groups to see",
"cover-instructions": "Drag and Drop a photo, drag to position, and hit <strong>Save</strong>",
"cover-change": "Change",
"cover-save": "Save",
"cover-saving": "Saving",
"owner": "用户组组长",
"new_group": "创建新用户组",
"no_groups_found": "还没有用户组",
"cover-instructions": "拖放照片,拖动位置,然后点击 <strong>保存</strong>",
"cover-change": "变更",
"cover-save": "保存",
"cover-saving": "正在保存",
"details.title": "用户组详情",
"details.members": "会员列表",
"details.pending": "Pending Members",
"details.pending": "预备成员",
"details.has_no_posts": "此用户组的会员尚未发表任何帖子。",
"details.latest_posts": "最新帖子",
"details.private": "Private Group",
"details.public": "Public Group",
"details.grant": "Grant/Rescind Ownership",
"details.kick": "Kick",
"details.owner_options": "Group Administration",
"event.updated": "Group details have been updated",
"event.deleted": "The group \"%1\" has been deleted"
"details.private": "私有组",
"details.public": "公共组",
"details.grant": "授予/取消所有权",
"details.kick": "",
"details.owner_options": "用户组管理",
"event.updated": "用户组信息已更新",
"event.deleted": "用户组 \"%1\" 已被删除"

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"user.followers": "关注 %1 的人",
"user.posts": "%1 发布的帖子",
"user.topics": "%1 创建的主题",
"user.groups": "%1's Groups",
"user.groups": "%1 的用户组",
"user.favourites": "%1 收藏的帖子",
"user.settings": "用户设置",
"maintenance.text": "%1 正在进行维护。请稍后再来。",

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"year": "年度热帖榜",
"alltime": "总热帖榜",
"no_recent_topics": "暂无主题。",
"there-is-a-new-topic": "There is a new topic.",
"there-is-a-new-topic": "这是个新主题。",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-a-new-post": "There is a new topic and a new post.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-new-posts": "There is a new topic and %1 new posts.",
"there-are-new-topics": "There are %1 new topics.",
@ -14,5 +14,5 @@
"there-are-new-topics-and-new-posts": "There are %1 new topics and %2 new posts.",
"there-is-a-new-post": "There is a new post.",
"there-are-new-posts": "There are %1 new posts.",
"click-here-to-reload": "Click here to reload."
"click-here-to-reload": "点击这里重新加载"

@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
"enter_email_address": "输入邮箱地址",
"password_reset_sent": "密码重置邮件已发送。",
"invalid_email": "无效的电子邮箱/电子邮箱不存在!",
"password_too_short": "The password entered is too short, please pick a different password.",
"passwords_do_not_match": "The two passwords you've entered do not match."
"password_too_short": "密码太短,请选择其他密码。",
"passwords_do_not_match": "您输入两个密码不一致。"

@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
"results_matching": "共 %1 条结果匹配 \"%2\"(耗时 %3 秒)",
"no-matches": "No matches found",
"in": "In",
"by": "By",
"titles": "Titles",
"titles-posts": "Titles and Posts",
"posted-by": "Posted by",
"in-categories": "In Categories",
"search-child-categories": "Search child categories",
"reply-count": "Reply Count",
"at-least": "At least",
"at-most": "At most",
"post-time": "Post time",
"newer-than": "Newer than",
"older-than": "Older than",
"any-date": "Any date",
"yesterday": "Yesterday",
"one-week": "One week",
"two-weeks": "Two weeks",
"one-month": "One month",
"three-months": "Three months",
"six-months": "Six months",
"one-year": "One year",
"sort-by": "Sort by",
"last-reply-time": "Last reply time",
"topic-title": "Topic title",
"number-of-replies": "Number of replies",
"number-of-views": "Number of views",
"topic-start-date": "Topic start date",
"username": "Username",
"category": "Category",
"descending": "In descending order",
"ascending": "In ascending order"
"no-matches": "无匹配结果",
"in": "",
"by": "-",
"titles": "标题",
"titles-posts": "标题和回帖",
"posted-by": "发表",
"in-categories": "在版面",
"search-child-categories": "搜索子版面",
"reply-count": "回复数",
"at-least": "至少",
"at-most": "至多",
"post-time": "发帖时间",
"newer-than": "晚于",
"older-than": "早于",
"any-date": "任何日期",
"yesterday": "昨天",
"one-week": "一周",
"two-weeks": "两周",
"one-month": "一个月",
"three-months": "三个月",
"six-months": "六个月",
"one-year": "一年",
"sort-by": "排序",
"last-reply-time": "最后回复时间",
"topic-title": "主题标题",
"number-of-replies": "回帖数",
"number-of-views": "查看数",
"topic-start-date": "主题开始日期",
"username": "用户名",
"category": "版面",
"descending": "逆序",
"ascending": "顺序"

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
"fork_no_pids": "未选中帖子!",
"fork_success": "成功分割主题! 点这里跳转到分割后的主题。",
"composer.title_placeholder": "在此输入您主题的标题...",
"composer.handle_placeholder": "Name",
"composer.handle_placeholder": "姓名",
"composer.discard": "撤销",
"composer.submit": "提交",
"composer.replying_to": "正在回复 %1",
@ -94,5 +94,5 @@
"oldest_to_newest": "从旧到新",
"newest_to_oldest": "从新到旧",
"most_votes": "最多投票",
"most_posts": "Most posts"
"most_posts": "最多发表"

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
"banned": "禁止",
"offline": "离线",
"username": "用户名",
"joindate": "Join Date",
"postcount": "Post Count",
"joindate": "注册日期",
"postcount": "发帖数",
"email": "电子邮件",
"confirm_email": "确认电子邮箱",
"delete_account": "删除帐号",
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"profile_views": "资料浏览",
"reputation": "威望",
"favourites": "收藏的帖子",
"watched": "Watched",
"watched": "已订阅",
"followers": "粉丝",
"following": "关注",
"signature": "签名档",
@ -59,12 +59,12 @@
"digest_weekly": "每周",
"digest_monthly": "每月",
"send_chat_notifications": "当我不在线,并受到新的聊天消息时给我发邮件",
"send_post_notifications": "Send an email when replies are made to topics I am subscribed to",
"send_post_notifications": "我订阅的主题有回复时发送邮件",
"has_no_follower": "此用户还没有粉丝 :(",
"follows_no_one": "此用户尚未关注任何人 :(",
"has_no_posts": "此用户尚未发布任何帖子。",
"has_no_topics": "此用户还未发布任何主题。",
"has_no_watched_topics": "This user didn't watch any topics yet.",
"has_no_watched_topics": "此用户还未订阅任何主题",
"email_hidden": "电子邮箱已隐藏",
"hidden": "隐藏",
"paginate_description": "分页展示主题和帖子,替代滚动展示。",

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
"search": "搜索",
"enter_username": "输入用户名搜索",
"load_more": "加载更多",
"users-found-search-took": "%1 user(s) found! Search took %2 seconds.",
"filter-by": "Filter By",
"online-only": "Online only",
"picture-only": "Picture only"
"users-found-search-took": "找到 %1 位用户!搜索耗时 %2 毫秒。",
"filter-by": "过滤选项",
"online-only": "只看在线",
"picture-only": "只看图片"