@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ var RDB = require('./redis.js'),
(function(Categories) {
(function(Categories) {
// START Move into possibly admin/categories.js
// An admin-only function. Seeing how we have no control panel yet ima leave this right here. sit pretty, you
// An admin-only function. Seeing how we have no control panel yet ima leave this right here. sit pretty, you
Categories.create = function(data, callback) {
Categories.create = function(data, callback) {
RDB.incr('global:next_category_id', function(err, cid) {
RDB.incr('global:next_category_id', function(err, cid) {
@ -29,23 +30,27 @@ var RDB = require('./redis.js'),
Categories.edit = function(data, callback) {
// just a reminder to self that name + slugs are stored into topics data as well.
// END Move into possibly admin/categories.js
Categories.privileges = function(cid, uid, callback) {
Categories.privileges = function(cid, uid, callback) {
function isModerator(next) {
// function(next) {
// user.getUserField(uid, 'reputation', function(reputation) {
// next(null, reputation >= config.privilege_thresholds.manage_category);
// });
// },
function(next) {
user.isModerator(uid, cid, function(isMod) {
user.isModerator(uid, cid, function(isMod) {
next(null, isMod);
next(null, isMod);
}, function(next) {
function isAdministrator(next) {
user.isAdministrator(uid, function(isAdmin) {
user.isAdministrator(uid, function(isAdmin) {
next(null, isAdmin);
next(null, isAdmin);
], function(err, results) {
async.parallel([isModerator, isAdministrator], function(err, results) {
editable: results.indexOf(true) !== -1 ? true : false,
editable: results.indexOf(true) !== -1 ? true : false,
view_deleted: results.indexOf(true) !== -1 ? true : false
view_deleted: results.indexOf(true) !== -1 ? true : false
@ -53,14 +58,8 @@ var RDB = require('./redis.js'),
Categories.edit = function(data, callback) {
// just a reminder to self that name + slugs are stored into topics data as well.
Categories.get = function(callback, category_id, current_user, start, end) {
if (start == null) start = 0;
if (end == null) end = start + 10;
Categories.get = function(callback, category_id, current_user) {
var range_var = (category_id) ? 'categories:' + category_id + ':tid' : 'topics:tid';
var range_var = (category_id) ? 'categories:' + category_id + ':tid' : 'topics:tid';
RDB.smembers(range_var, function(err, tids) {
RDB.smembers(range_var, function(err, tids) {