
109 lines
5.7 KiB

"type-to-search": "Type to search",
"results_matching": "%1 збіг(ів) по запиту \"%2\" (%3 секунд)",
"no-matches": "Збіги не знайдено",
"advanced-search": "Розширений пошук",
"in": "В",
"in-titles": "In titles",
"in-titles-posts": "In titles and posts",
"in-posts": "In posts",
"in-categories": "In categories",
"in-users": "In users",
"in-tags": "In tags",
"categories": "Categories",
"all-categories": "All categories",
"categories-x": "Categories: %1",
"categories-watched-categories": "Categories: Watched categories",
"type-a-category": "Type a category",
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"tags-x": "Tags: %1",
"type-a-tag": "Type a tag",
"match-words": "Які містять слова",
"match-all-words": "Match all words",
"match-any-word": "Match any word",
"all": "Всі",
"any": "Будь-які",
"posted-by": "Запощено",
"posted-by-usernames": "Posted by: %1",
"type-a-username": "Type a username",
"search-child-categories": "Шукати в дочірніх категоріях",
"has-tags": "Містить теги",
"reply-count": "Лічильник Відповідей",
"replies": "Replies",
"replies-atleast-count": "Replies: At least %1",
"replies-atmost-count": "Replies: At most %1",
"at-least": "Щонайменше",
"at-most": "Щонайбільше",
"relevance": "Релевантність",
"time": "Time",
"post-time": "Час посту",
"votes": "Голоси",
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"older-than": "Старіші за",
"any-date": "Будь-яка дата",
"yesterday": "Вчора",
"one-week": "Один тиждень",
"two-weeks": "Два тижні",
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"time-older-than-86400": "Time: Older than yesterday",
"time-newer-than-604800": "Time: Newer than one week",
"time-older-than-604800": "Time: Older than one week",
"time-newer-than-1209600": "Time: Newer than two weeks",
"time-older-than-1209600": "Time: Older than two weeks",
"time-newer-than-2592000": "Time: Newer than one month",
"time-older-than-2592000": "Time: Older than one month",
"time-newer-than-7776000": "Time: Newer than three months",
"time-older-than-7776000": "Time: Older than three months",
"time-newer-than-15552000": "Time: Newer than six months",
"time-older-than-15552000": "Time: Older than six months",
"time-newer-than-31104000": "Time: Newer than one year",
"time-older-than-31104000": "Time: Older than one year",
"sort-by": "Сортувати за",
"sort": "Sort",
"last-reply-time": "Час останньої відповіді",
"topic-title": "Заголовок теми",
"topic-votes": "Голоси за тему",
"number-of-replies": "Кількість відповідей",
"number-of-views": "Кількість переглядів",
"topic-start-date": "Час початку теми",
"username": "Ім'я користувача",
"category": "Категорія",
"descending": "У порядку спадання",
"ascending": "У порядку зростання",
"sort-by-relevance-desc": "Sort by: Relevance in descending order",
"sort-by-relevance-asc": "Sort by: Relevance in ascending order",
"sort-by-timestamp-desc": "Sort by: Post time in descending order",
"sort-by-timestamp-asc": "Sort by: Post time in ascending order",
"sort-by-votes-desc": "Sort by: Votes in descending order",
"sort-by-votes-asc": "Sort by: Votes in ascending order",
"sort-by-topic.lastposttime-desc": "Sort by: Last reply time in descending order",
"sort-by-topic.lastposttime-asc": "Sort by: Last reply time in ascending order",
"sort-by-topic.title-desc": "Sort by: Topic title in descending order",
"sort-by-topic.title-asc": "Sort by: Topic title in ascending order",
"sort-by-topic.postcount-desc": "Sort by: Number of replies in descending order",
"sort-by-topic.postcount-asc": "Sort by: Number of replies in ascending order",
"sort-by-topic.viewcount-desc": "Sort by: Number of views in descending order",
"sort-by-topic.viewcount-asc": "Sort by: Number of views in ascending order",
"sort-by-topic.votes-desc": "Sort by: Topic votes in descending order",
"sort-by-topic.votes-asc": "Sort by: Topic votes in ascending order",
"sort-by-topic.timestamp-desc": "Sort by: Topic start date in descending order",
"sort-by-topic.timestamp-asc": "Sort by: Topic start date in ascending order",
"sort-by-user.username-desc": "Sort by: Username in descending order",
"sort-by-user.username-asc": "Sort by: Username in ascending order",
"": "Sort by: Category in descending order",
"": "Sort by: Category in ascending order",
"save": "Save",
"save-preferences": "Зберегти налаштування",
"clear-preferences": "Очистити налаштування",
"search-preferences-saved": "Налаштування пошуку збережено",
"search-preferences-cleared": "Налаштування пошуку очищені",
"show-results-as": "Показати результати як",
"show-results-as-topics": "Show results as topics",
"show-results-as-posts": "Show results as posts",
"see-more-results": "Дивитись більше результатів (%1)",
"search-in-category": "Search in \"%1\""