You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

108 lines
3.1 KiB

var utils = require('./../public/src/utils.js'),
RDB = require('./redis.js'),
async = require('async'),
path = require('path'),
fs = require('fs');
(function(Meta) {
Meta.config = {
get: function(callback) {
RDB.hgetall('config', function(err, config) {
if (!err) {
config.status = 'ok';
} else {
status: 'error'
set: function(field, value, callback) {
RDB.hset('config', field, value, function(err, res) {
remove: function(field) {
RDB.hdel('config', field);
Meta.themes = {
get: function(callback) {
var themePath = path.join(__dirname, '../', 'public/themes');
fs.readdir(themePath, function(err, files) {
var themeArr = [];
async.each(files, function(file, next) {
fs.lstat(path.join(themePath, file), function(err, stats) {
if(stats.isDirectory()) {
var themeDir = file,
themeConfPath = path.join(themePath, themeDir, 'theme.json');
fs.exists(themeConfPath, function(exists) {
if (exists) {
fs.readFile(themeConfPath, function(err, conf) {
conf = JSON.parse(conf);
conf.src = global.nconf.get('url') + 'themes/' + themeDir + '/' + conf.src;
if (conf.screenshot) conf.screenshot = global.nconf.get('url') + 'themes/' + themeDir + '/' + conf.screenshot;
else conf.screenshot = global.nconf.get('url') + 'images/themes/default.png';
} else next();
} else next();
}, function(err) {
callback(err, themeArr);
Meta.title = {
build: function(urlFragment, current_user, callback) {
var self = this,
user = require('./user');
title: function(next) {
self.parseFragment(urlFragment, next);
notifCount: function(next) {
user.notifications.getUnreadCount(current_user, next);
}, function(err, values) {
var title;
if (err) title = global.config.title || 'NodeBB';
else title = (values.notifCount > 0 ? '(' + values.notifCount + ') ' : '') + (values.title ? values.title + ' | ' : '') + global.config.title || 'NodeBB';
callback(null, title);
parseFragment: function(urlFragment, callback) {
if (urlFragment === '') {
callback(null, 'Index');
} else if (urlFragment === 'recent') {
callback(null, 'Recent Topics');
} else if (urlFragment === 'unread') {
callback(null, 'Unread Topics');
} else if (urlFragment === 'users') {
callback(null, 'Registered Users');
} else if (/^category\/\d+\/?/.test(urlFragment)) {
var cid = urlFragment.match(/category\/(\d+)/)[1];
require('./categories').getCategoryField(cid, 'name', function(err, name) {
callback(null, name);
} else if (/^topic\/\d+\/?/.test(urlFragment)) {
var tid = urlFragment.match(/topic\/(\d+)/)[1];
require('./topics').getTopicField(tid, 'title', function(err, title) {
callback(null, title);
} else callback(null);