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16 lines
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"reset_password": "重設密碼",
"update_password": "更改密碼",
"password_changed.title": "密碼已更改",
"password_changed.message": "<p>密碼重設成功,請重新<a href=\"/login\">登錄</a>。",
"wrong_reset_code.title": "驗証碼不正確",
"wrong_reset_code.message": "您輸入的驗証碼有誤,請重新輸入,或<a href=\"/reset\">申請新的驗証碼</a>。",
"new_password": "輸入新的密碼",
"repeat_password": "再次確認新密碼",
"enter_email": "請輸入您的<strong>Email地址</strong>,我們會發送郵件告訴您如何重設密碼。",
11 years ago
"enter_email_address": "輸入郵箱地址",
"password_reset_sent": "密碼重設郵件已發送。",
"invalid_email": "非法的郵箱地址/郵箱不存在!",
"password_too_short": "The password entered is too short, please pick a different password.",
"passwords_do_not_match": "The two passwords you've entered do not match."