var RDB = require('./redis.js'),
posts = require('./posts.js'),
utils = require('./utils.js'),
user = require('./user.js'),
async = require('async');
(function(Categories) {
// An admin-only function. Seeing how we have no control panel yet ima leave this right here. sit pretty, you
Categories.create = function(data, callback) {
RDB.incr('global:next_category_id', function(err, cid) {
var slug = cid + '/' + utils.slugify(data.name);
RDB.rpush('categories:cid', cid);
// Topic Info
RDB.set('cid:' + cid + ':name', data.name);
RDB.set('cid:' + cid + ':description', data.description);
RDB.set('cid:' + cid + ':icon', data.icon);
RDB.set('cid:' + cid + ':blockclass', data.blockclass);
RDB.set('cid:' + cid + ':slug', slug);
RDB.set('category:slug:' + slug + ':cid', cid);
if (callback) callback({'status': 1});
Categories.privileges = function(cid, uid, callback) {
// function(next) {
// user.getUserField(uid, 'reputation', function(reputation) {
// next(null, reputation >= config.privilege_thresholds.manage_category);
// });
// },
function(next) {
user.isModerator(uid, cid, function(isMod) {
next(null, isMod);
}, function(next) {
user.isAdministrator(uid, function(isAdmin) {
next(null, isAdmin);
], function(err, results) {
editable: results.indexOf(true) !== -1 ? true : false,
view_deleted: results.indexOf(true) !== -1 ? true : false
Categories.edit = function(data, callback) {
// just a reminder to self that name + slugs are stored into topics data as well.
Categories.get = function(callback, current_user) {
RDB.lrange('categories:cid', 0, -1, function(err, cids) {
Categories.get_category(cids, callback, current_user);
Categories.getModerators = function(cid, callback) {
RDB.smembers('cid:' + cid + ':moderators', function(err, mods) {
if (mods.length === 0) return callback([]);
user.getMultipleUserFields(mods, ['username'], function(details) {
var moderators = [];
for(u in details) {
if (details.hasOwnProperty(u)) {
moderators.push({ username: details[u].username });
Categories.hasReadCategories = function(cids, uid, callback) {
var batch = RDB.multi();
for (var i=0, ii=cids.length; i<ii; i++) {
batch.sismember('cid:' + cids[i] + ':read_by_uid', uid);
batch.exec(function(err, hasRead) {
Categories.get_category = function(cids, callback, current_user) {
var name = [],
description = [],
icon = [],
blockclass = [],
slug = [],
topic_count = [],
has_read = {};
for (var i=0, ii=cids.length; i<ii; i++) {
name.push('cid:' + cids[i] + ':name');
description.push('cid:' + cids[i] + ':description');
icon.push('cid:' + cids[i] + ':icon');
blockclass.push('cid:' + cids[i] + ':blockclass');
slug.push('cid:' + cids[i] + ':slug');
topic_count.push('cid:' + cids[i] + ':topiccount');
if (cids.length > 0) {
.exec(function(err, replies) {
name = replies[0];
description = replies[1];
icon = replies[2];
blockclass = replies[3];
slug = replies[4];
topic_count = replies[5];
function generateCategories() {
var categories = [];
for (var i=0, ii=cids.length; i<ii; i++) {
'name' : name[i],
'cid' : cids[i],
'slug' : slug[i],
'description' : description[i],
'blockclass' : blockclass[i],
'icon' : icon[i],
'badgeclass' : (!topic_count[i] || (has_read[i] && current_user !=0)) ? '' : 'badge-important',
'topic_count' : topic_count[i] || 0
callback({'categories': categories});
Categories.hasReadCategories(cids, current_user, function(read_data) {
has_read = read_data;
} else callback({'categories' : []});